Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim - Life - Health  24th January 2024

Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim - Life - Health 24th January 2024

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Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families- 

The human gut and soil contain billions of the same active microorganisms. Chronic diseases can manifest from the bad gut bacteria we build up over time. These include conditions such as cancer, obesity, and inflammatory bowel disease, amongst others. Food is how we inoculate and maintain the microbes in our bodies. Yes, there are bad microbes, but the good microbes are the ones that have been deeply ignored. Bad microbes and good microbes start in the soil where our food is grown.   Fresh produce is essential to any healthy human diet, leading to overall human health. But the reality is that fresh produce needs to be grown in an environment that has equally as many health benefits to humans as plants. It’s, therefore, important to understand the relationship between microbes found in soil and those found in the human gut. This starts with understanding soil health and what makes up a healthy soil microbiome. If the soil used to grow fresh produce contains undesirable microbes or toxins, these will inevitably carry through to the final product people consume. 

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition driven by the immune system. Specifically, the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the lining of nerves, called the myelin sheath. Over time, as more and more myelin is removed, nerves can no longer transmit their signals, leading to mental and physical symptoms. These symptoms include vision problems, a loss of sensation, and muscle weakness. As the disease progresses, disability becomes steadily more pronounced. Worryingly, although MS is most common in Northern Europe, its prevalence is increasing globally. Today, it affects an estimated 2.8 million people . Scientists still do not know why people develop MS, and currently, there is no cure. However, a fascinating recent study sheds some light on the evolution of the genetic underpinnings of the condition and may, in the future, help move toward better treatments.

The cells in the body are often referred to as the ‘’building blocks of life.’’ There over 200 different types of cells that make up the different areas of the body including the muscles, bones, and organs. The cells are responsible for converting nutrients into energy and keeping the body healthy and thriving. First and foremost, we cannot live without an abundance of healthy cells versus malfunctioning cells in the body. The cell membrane is the cell's outermost line of defense against viruses. Cell membranes are just a few nanometres thick but are essential for life. They serve as a barrier between the cell's interior and its surrounding environment and host many activities necessary for cell function.  If the cell membranes are more resistant to viral entry it would slow down the progress of viral infection and reduce its harmful effects. For a virus to spread, it must first find a way into a cell. Therefore, it is important to do all that we can do to ensure the optimal health of our cells, especially the integrity of the cell walls, and protect them from damage by the production of free radicals from oxidative stress caused by lifestyle factors, a poor diet, toxin exposure and chronic stress. Good cell health is essential for the body to function properly. If you do not, then internal processes will become sluggish and lead to illness or poor health.

Because liver problems often show up in your feet, I explain the signs and symptoms to look for. For a full diagnosis of liver disease, please see your doctor. Red and brown dots, which can also be shiny, can appear on the lower leg. This indicates poor circulation. It could also be diabetes, but you see this a lot in people with liver problems. You may also see spider veins (spider nevus). This can be an indication of too much estrogen in the liver. If your heels are cracked, this is usually a vitamin B3 deficiency or an omega 3 fatty acid deficiency. One function of the liver is to make bile to help your body absorb fatty acids including vitamin A and vitamin E. Itching on the bottom of your foot indicates a backup of fluids into the liver. For example, if bile backs up and your liver is congested, you could be getting a build up of histamines. Pain or inflammation in the bottom of the foot often mimics plantar fasciitis, but can be a liver problem. You can also have hot feet, and bad odor when your liver can’t detoxify correctly so toxins are leaking out through your skin. Usually if someone’s liver is bad, it means their diet is bad, and their body is full of toxins. Chances are, if your liver is bad so too are your kidneys and colon. If you have pitting edema is also a common liver symptom. You may also have toenail fungus. People with liver problems often have more fungus in and on their body, due to an imbalance of their gut microflora. You may also experience dandruff and psoriasis. Your nail beds turn white. Common causes of liver problems include medications, sugar (especially high fructose corn syrup), cooked foods, too few vegetables, excessive alcohol, and excessive protein. A healthy ketogenic diet combined with intermittent fasting is best for a healthy liver. Now you know how to spot liver problems, understand their causes, and how to get your liver healthy again.
If you eat healthy- drink healthy - live healthy - and more- you need to look healthy. - you not healthy if you use prescribed drugs to control your symptoms. If you want to move to alternative healing you need to make a real mindshift. This means that you no longer treat the symptoms but the real coarse of the problem. This also means that you need to visit a real professional Health care practitioner with years of experience to do a full health scan with the correct devices and to implement the results with care and according to a plan. You need to know what is wrong inside your body- Don't use any health product unless you know what is wrong inside your body- Social media is full of information regarding health products- you not a robot- you not programmed- you are unique- that means that what work for another person will not necessary work for you. You do more harm to your body when you pop a so called healthy pill unless you really know - your body is your vehicle on earth- make sure you treat it with care. When you order online you like read al the comments- that's good- but that's not u. You will have side effects on certain products. Make sure you know what is inside the pill-the ingredients- the label must not mislead you. Stop spending all your hard working money on promises from people who is telling you what you like to hear regarding your health- Mr google is very clever- but google don't know who you are. Protect your body- do the right thing and make sure that you live a healthy live until you get old- THINK before you drink any PILL - STOP buying all these Health products form stores unless you really know what is wrong inside your body.
The body needs CO2 for oxygen to be absorbed into the cells. You can even put your body in a hypoxic state (low oxygen state) by depriving your tissues of CO2. Carbonated spas or baths are used in some places for people with circulatory problems or diabetic wounds. It’s also used as a therapy for people after a stroke and to decrease the rate of amputation. While I wasn’t able to find research on the health benefits of carbonated water, I did find some parallel research on CO2. CO2 is a potent anti-tumor, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory gas. One study found a significant increase in the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system by increasing CO2. The parasympathetic nervous system counters fight or flight mode and supports healing, digestion, and sleep. CO2 is a key factor we can’t ignore. You can increase your CO2 by breathing through your nose, especially while you sleep or exercise. Hot springs also have a significant amount of CO2. It’s even used in certain skin creams.
When avoiding sugar, you also need to avoid refined starches, which can be even worse than sugar! Refined starches go through a refining process known as hydrolysis, which breaks the starches down. This process causes a more significant effect on your blood sugar than sugar itself. For example, maltodextrin has a glycemic index between 110 and 136, while sugar and glucose have a glycemic index of 65 and 100, respectively. Maltodextrin is found in countless food products, including certain health food products. If maltodextrin is added to a food product at less than .5 grams per serving size, manufacturers can claim that the product does not contain carbohydrates. If the manufacturer uses a hydrolyzation process, they can also claim that the product contains zero grams of sugar! This means that many people are unknowingly consuming hidden sugars. While dietary sugar consumption is going down, the percentage of ultra-processed food consumption is on the rise. The good news is that there are healthy alternatives that are tasty too! Just be sure to look closely at the labels on the products you buy to avoid consuming excess sugar.

Dark spots on the face can occur if the skin overproduces melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color. This is known as hyperpigmentation.

Potential causes of hyperpigmentation include:

  • aging
  • hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy or menopause
  • sun exposure

Skin damage can also cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). People may develop PIH due to:

  • acne
  • bites, cuts, and burns
  • excessive or incorrect hair removal techniques
  • ingrown hairs
  • harsh skin care products
  • scarring from psoriasis or other skin conditions

Hyperpigmentation is not the only cause of dark spots on the face. People should speak with a healthcare professional if they notice any changes to existing moles or dark spots — particularly changes in texture, color, and size.


Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disease that occurs in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide, but only about 30% are properly diagnosed.  In a 1999 study, Ventura, et al. found that for people with celiac disease, the later the age of diagnosis, the greater the chance of developing another autoimmune disorder. Celiac disease can be difficult to diagnose because it affects people differently. There are more than 200 known celiac disease symptoms which may occur in the digestive system or other parts of the body. Some people develop celiac disease as a child, others as an adult. The reason for this is still unknown. Some people with celiac disease have no symptoms at all, but still test positive on the celiac disease blood test. Others may have a negative blood test, but have a positive intestinal biopsy. However, all people with celiac disease are at risk for long-term complications, whether or not they display any symptoms. READ MORE 


For the last couple of months I have been living in fear… the fear of what decision I am suppose to make for my future self as a woman. I was diagnosed with the possibility of cancer. Breast Cancer particularly but also Ovarian cancer. This diagnosis came from a history of cancer patients within my family, most recently my mother and my sister. Both of them was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer and had to undergo aggressive treatments to illuminate and kill this unwelcome formation in their bodies. To be honest I have never really heard in detail about this BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes before. I was just aware that in some families Cancer is more common than in others. Before I continue giving my own analysis about this Gene, let me explain what it is and why it has all of a sudden became apart of my daily vocabulary. READ MORE 


Never put vitamins in your mouth unless you know what your body needed and what your Methylations status are. Synthetic products is not healthy. You need to know what is really wrong in your body,before you use anything. Only a real professional health practitioner with the right equipment will be able to find the real coarse and not reacting on the symptoms.

The Health product market is flooded by all kinds of products- please take note- that only a few is worth using- Stop using these products if you don't see any results. 

Don't jump on the wagon and start drinking Methylation products- this will also be bad- You need to use the full combination to finally get all the Vitamines, Amino Acids and Minerals you needed.
Quanlim Life do a FULL SCAN - of your whole body. 
25 years of Real Health - Quanlim.com

Saamgestel en geskryf deur Johann Pretorius - Professionele Gesondheidspraktisyn Pretoria


Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life.

Here is 'n video from Dr Berg  - Methylation-  We do all these tests at Qanlim Life- 

We started testing and scanning our clients a few weeks ago with our new device for Methylation. We already see the results. Its amazing to see how we can fix these methylation and Gene problems.
Most of the people still believe that Pharma can fix them. Wake up. These prescribed drugs is bad for your health. Its just controlling your symptoms. Get you Methylation done and start enjoying a better life. Stop drinking all these health products,unless you know what is wrong you wasting your money and your body take the harm. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following

We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.

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