I have been Diagnosed with the possibility of cancer….

I have been Diagnosed with the possibility of cancer….

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For the last couple of months I have been living in fear… the fear of what decision I am suppose to make for my future self as a woman.

I was diagnosed with the possibility of cancer. Breast Cancer particularly but also Ovarian cancer.

This diagnosis came from a history of cancer patients within my family, most recently my mother and my sister. Both of them was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer and had to undergo aggressive treatments to illuminate and kill this unwelcome formation in their bodies.

To be honest I have never really heard in detail about this BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes before. I was just aware that in some families Cancer is more common than in others.

Before I continue giving my own analysis about this Gene, let me explain what it is and why it has all of a sudden became apart of my daily vocabulary.

What is the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 gene?

 The BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 Genes is an abbreviation for Breast Cancer gene. It is two different genes that have been found to impact a person’s chances of developing breast cancer.

Every human, yes, every human both male and female has both the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes. Despite what their names might suggest, BRCA genes do not cause breast cancer The help repair DNA breaks that can lead to Cancer and the uncontrolled growth of tumors. And because of this the BRCA genes are known as tumor suppressor genes.

However- in some people these tumor suppression genes do not work properly. When as gene becomes altered or broken, it doesn’t function correctly.

This is called a gene mutation.

After having a little mind explosion, let me tell you what this BRCA Mutation is… now a BRCA mutation occurs when the DNA that makes up the gene becomes damaged in some way.

So in short everyone has a BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 gene, but for some of us we have a BRCA mutation that breaks or damages the DNA of the BRCA genes. Which means that we are more likely to develop breast cancer and also develop it at a younger age. This mutated gene can be passed down off-springs.

What does this have to do with me?

This is were my diagnosis comes in.  With both, my mother and my sister diagnosed with Triple Negative breast cancer within a period of 5 years it is understandable that alarms were raised and detailed research was done within our family history of cancer… dating back to my great great great Grandma and Grandpa on both sides of my family. 

After blood tests on my mothers side and interviews with DNA specialists in this field, the summary was made that we have BRCA mutants within our DNA. By we I am  talking about myself, my brother , my sister, my nieces and nephews, and even my cousins. The information was shared among the whole family and everyone is left with making their own decision about what they want to do with the information and what pre-cautions they will take.

I saw my mother going throw the process of fighting Breast Cancer, the physical and emotional impact it had on her and still have on her even though she has been in remission for the last couple of years.  I personally witnessed my sister going through the same fight with the same cancer- only difference is she had to sacrifice one breast.  As a bystander it is not a pleasant experience to witness. There are times when you do not know what to do to make your sister feel better. And you feel like you are actually making things worse.  It’s a constant battle of Googling what food is good and what food is bad.  What herbs will help for nausea.

I spend hours brewing some sort of concoction to try and help my sister feel better. But in the end it is a process that each and every cancer patient has to go through to fight their way to survival.

And I for one do not wish this fight on anyone.

 The very brutal reality is that when you have this BRCA mutant  gene and you had cancer already, there still is a higher than average chance of developing a second cancer.

In most cases to prevent this from happening it is advised to remove all the parts in your body that make you a functional moody hormonal woman.

  Chapter 1 – What is Cancer?

What to do when you find out you have the possibility of the BRCA mutant?

Having find out that this gene is within my family, I have a significant chance of also getting Breast Cancer. Statistically 45-50 % more chance than someone that does not have this gene.

All of a sudden the words preventative double Mastectomy , removing ovaries and fallopian tubes became part of my weekly conversations. And I don’t even like the word Fallopian tube.

Angelina Jolie drew so much public attention when she had a preventative double Mastectomy , and later she chose to also have her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed, a procedure known as a preventative Salpingo-Oophorectomy… I cant even say that without having my tongue twisted.

All of this has become a major part in my life. I consider myself as 34 years young, independent, single and adventurous. I do not have a family of the plan of having a family soon. In fact I have made a decision that I would rather adopt when the time comes and to not have children. But I am still left with the decision of what steps I am going to take to prevent myself form getting Triple negative Breast Cancer.

I did not do the blood tests, because if I know I have the BRCA mutant gene, will I just have to life and wait for cancer to one day show up, because I know its coming.

Many people will say ‘just remove your breasts and get new ones’, that’s easier said than done. I don’t want new breasts, I am fairly happy with my B-cups thank you very much.

I don’t want to have a Salpingo- Oophorectomy , even though I don’t want children. And I don’t think freezing my eggs is also a step that I would take.

So what am I suppose to do? I personally feel like the world has so much fears already and that each and every person battles with their own fear.

Whether it is the fear of finances, the fear of losing a loved one, the fear of Covid 19, the fear of oblivion… each and every person are fighting battles. And not all can undergo a preventative surgery to remove their fears. But all of us can try to live our life and take necessary precaution to prevent our fears from becoming realities.

Open up your savings account and start saving for your future, tell and show your loved ones everyday what they mean to you and share kindness so you have no regrets in the end, wear your mask and wash your hands to prevent the spread of Covid 19 and leave your footprint in this world so you won’t ever become Oblivious.

 And for me to prevent my fear, well I am going to commit myself to regular breast augmentations, Check - ups, Ultra -sounds and eventually Mamograms. So if for some reason this Cancer do decide to invade my beautiful unique body I will be able to pick it up early and destroy it quickly.  The choice for everyone will be different, but it is a reality we have to face everyday.

 Fear is a unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger… real or imagined.

My final word will be: Do not live in fear, live in spite of your fears and make the right decisions to turn your fears around. Only you have the power to do that.

Cornel Pretorius  - Pretoria - South Africa-