Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim - Life - Health

Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim - Life - Health

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Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families- 

Engineers design plants using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to improve taste, nutritional content, and resilience. However, people have concerns over their safety, and there is much debate about the pros and cons of using GMOs. Scientists create GMO foods by introducing genetic material, or DNA, from a different organism through genetic engineering. Most of the currently available GMO foods are plants, such as fruit and vegetables. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source regulates all foods from genetically engineered plants. They must meet the same safety requirements as non-GMO foods. GMO foods are likely to become a crucial tool in feeding the world’s growing population, especially in areas with harsh climates. However, there have been concerns about possible risks.

As jou kinders gereeld elke oggend voor skool daarvan hou om 'n "Cereal" te neem met melk en suiker- of nie- dan is dit dalk moontlik dat die skool se juffrou jou gaan meedeel dat jou kind "aandag afleibaar" is. En dan - soos meeste van die ouers doen nader hulle so gou as moontlik vir PHARMA om die baie bekende "Ritalin " in die hande te kry. Dit is absoluut die laaste gesonde keuse.
Voor jy die stappe doen - lees eers wat staan op die "Cereal " se boks- "FORTIFIED met Vitamins" Excellent as jy dit lees- maar dit word op die "Cereal" gespei om dit sogenaamd te verryk met vitamines waarvan Folate een is. Dit doen baie meer skade. 45% van die wereld bevolking kan nie FOLATE Metaleer nie- ( Methylation )- By Quanlim Life doen ons hierdie toetse - ons klieente weet presies wat in hulle liggame verkeerd is en ons behandel die oorsaak en nie simptoom nie. Dis al hoe ons weet wat is die Gene wat die kind dalk nie het nie- en daarvoor is daar 'n oplossing. Daar is baie dinge wat in liggaam verkeerd loop as die Gene nie bestaan nie. Dit gaan ook nie help om sommer net enige Methylated Folate te geen nie- moet nooit iets drink as jy nie weet wat fout is jou liggaam nie. "Ritalin" se newe effekte is enorm oor die lang duur- 

Candidiasis, also called thrush or moniliasis, is a yeast infection. Candida albicans is an organism that normally makes a quiet home for itself on your skin and doesn't bother anyone. We all carry this organism on our skin, in our mouth, in our gastrointestinal tract (gut), and, in the case of women, in the vagina. Occasionally the yeast multiplies uncontrollably, causing pain and inflammation. Candidiasis may affect the skin. This includes the external surface skin and the skin of the vagina, the penis, and the mouth. Candidiasis may also infect the blood stream or internal organs such as the liver or spleen. By far the most common problems are skin, mouth and vaginal infections. It also is a common cause of diaper rash. These can be bothersome infections, but are not life threatening. Candidiasis can kill if it reaches the bloodstream or vital organs such as the heart, but this is rare even in people with damaged immune systems and is almost unheard of in healthy people. Nevertheless, candidiasis is a constant nuisance, and sometimes a serious threat to people with AIDS and some cancer patients who lack the immune resources to fight it.

Obesity Trusted Source is an increasingly prevalent and chronic disease, currently the fifth leading cause of death globally. It is strongly associated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Research from 2000 suggests that the winter holiday season, beginning from the last week of November to the first or second week of January, can be a time of significant weight gain. The gastroenterologist added that people might have up to 80% higher levels of melatonin Trusted Source during the summer holidays. This hormone is associated with the sleep-wake cycle and increased appetite.  Moreover, individuals with obesity gained more weight than those with normal weight, and they had greater difficulty losing the extra pounds after the holiday season. The researchers concluded that obesity is a “multifaceted condition” that requires continual, multidisciplinary assistance for weight management.

Voor jy duisende rande begin spandeer om van jou vakansie gewig ontslae te raak en deel te neem aan een of ander gewigsverlies program of gimnasium- vra jouself af- wat is verkeerd in jou liggaam wat nie reg werk nie - en sal aanhou om jou te laat gewig optel totdat jy dit herstel het. Die antwoord kan wees dat jy te veel sogenaamde verkeerde goed ge-eet het- te veel wyn of roomys ge-eet het- ens. As jy dit wat verkeerd is in jou liggaam nie gaan herstel nie gaan jy weer gewig optel en hoe ouer jy word- gaan dit moeiliker raak. Geen aanlyn vraelys - of allerhande "Quick fixes"- drankies - pille en shakes gaan vir jou help nie...kry eers die probleem reg - dan kan jy dalk die korrekte shake- drankie of pil gebruik. Jy is nie robot nie- en ook nie programmeerbaar nie. 

When a person stops smoking, their body begins to heal almost instantly. Quitting smoking can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of lung and heart cancer.  The timeline for seeing the benefits of quitting smoking is faster than most people realize. Health benefits begin in as little as an hour after the last cigarette and continue to improve.  Cigarettes contain more than 7,000 chemicals Trusted Source, 250 of which are known to be harmful. These include carbon monoxide, a gas present in cigarette smoke. This gas can be harmful or fatal in high doses and prevents oxygen from entering the lungs and blood. When inhaled in large doses in a short time, suffocation can occur from lack of oxygen. After just 12 hours without a cigarette, the body cleanses itself of the excess carbon monoxide from the cigarettes. The carbon monoxide level returns to normal, increasing the body’s oxygen levels.

Alternatiewe gesondheid beteken dat jy jouself moet ken- jou liggaam - jou emosie en jou gevoel- Dis wanneer jy in beheer is van jou liggaam, jou denke en jou gees. Jy neem beheer oor wat jy drink en eet- en wat jy in jou mond sit-  Jy gaan nie weer toelaat dat iemand anders beheer neem oor jou gesondheid nie-  Jy maak seker dat jy 'n professionele Gesondheids praktisyn ken- met jare lange ondervinding en kennis. 'n Ware Praktisyn sal vir jou 'n duidelike beeld gee wat fout is- hoe dit herstel kan word en hoe lank dit gaan neem en wat jy moet verander in jou lewe.  Die kos wat ons eet en dit water wat ons drink is nie meer wat dit was jare terug nie-  "REVERSE WATER" lyk dalk skoon- maar dis nie gesond nie- As jy kyk hoe lyk Suid Afrika kan jy verstaan hoe vuil die water is- water is lewe- en mense word daagliks siek van vuil verarmde water.  Jy het vars drinkwater nodig met die aardse minerale.  Die hoeveelheid sintetiese minerale wat teruggesit word in die water is ongesond en baie min-   LEES MEER

The link between artificial sweeteners and cancer. This particular piece of research found that a chemical in a commonly used artificial sweetener may cause DNA damage. The chemical in question was sucralose-6-acetate, a metabolite of the sweetener sucralose. The study findings showed that sucralose harms gut health and may lead to oxidative stress, inflammation, and DNA damage, and hence increase the risk of cancer. Dr. Hilary Guite, our presenter, pointed out the most common food items that contain this sweetener: “It’s in chewing gum, salad dressings, barbecue sauces, sugar-free jams…” One important nuance here was that this study was done on human blood cells. To see the same DNA-damaging effect in humans, an average human weighing 70 kilograms would have to consume 18 liters of sucralose-sweetened beverages daily.

What is a metabolic block?A nonfunctional reaction in a metabolic pathway, as a consequence of a defective (mutant) enzyme whose normal counterpart catalyzes the reaction.The consequences of metabolic imbalance may be severe; intellectual disability, seizures, decreased muscle tone, organ failure, blindness, and deafness may occur, depending on which enzyme is dysfunctional. You may be able to improve your metabolism with habits including getting regular exercise and quality sleep. Eating more protein and making other dietary changes may also help.
What are the blocks of nutrition?- Macronutrients are the primary building blocks of nutrition consisting of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Macronutrients are eaten in large amounts and include the primary building blocks of your diet — protein, carbohydrates, and fat — which provide your body with energy.
What is Somatic block ?- There are three types of nerve blocks: local, neurolytic, and surgical. While all three can be used for conditions that cause chronic pain, only neurolytic and surgical nerve blocks are permanent. These options are only used for severe pain that has not gotten better using other treatments.
What is cortisol block ? Cortisol blockers can help decrease cortisol levels in people with high cortisol-level disorders who may not be able to have surgery. This may include Cushing syndrome, which causes cortisol levels to be higher than the standard range. Too little cortisol may be due to a problem in the pituitary gland or the adrenal gland (Addison's disease). The onset of symptoms is often very gradual. Symptoms may include fatigue, dizziness (especially upon standing), weight loss, muscle weakness, mood changes and the darkening of regions of the skin.

Dis 'n nuwe jaar- dis jou jaar- wat jy hiermee gaan doen is jou keuse. Jou verantwoordelikheid begin by jou gedagtes- jou gesondheid en jou geloof. Ondersteun jou huisgesin- jou ouers, jou kinders en die mense vir wie jy lief is. Stel belang in jou geliefdes - besoek hulle gereeld. Moenie agterna spyt wees nie- Jy is nie skaap om die oorgrote meerderheid van mense te volg nie- Behou jou waardigheid- Moenie afdaal na 'n vlak wat nie deel van jou opvoeding was nie- Jy weet waar jy vandaan kom en moenie die waardes verloor nie. Moenie jou ouers verwaarloos nie. Dis 'n voorreg om nog 'n gesonde Pa en Ma asook 'n Oupa en Ouma se he- daar is baie om te leer by hulle. Kinders se opvoeding word by die huis gedoen- nie in die skool nie. Jy is nie jou kind se "pel : nie- kinders moet jou kan vertrou en jou respekteer. Die wereld is gulsig en sal enige iets aan jou verkoop of dit nou waar is of nie- Hou jou opinie vir jouself as jy nie daaroor gevra word nie.
Moenie jou gesondheid vervaarloos nie- hou dit instant- jy wil nie in die hande van die mediese wereld beland nie- om nie eens te praat van 'n hospitaal nie. Wees maar versigtig met die "drugs" wat jou gevoer word om jou simptome te beheer die newe- effekte is baie erger. Kry die regte inligting oor gesondheid mense met kennis- met jare lange ondervinding en wat ook gesond is en gesond lyk. Sosiale media- is goed maar moenie verslaaf daaraan raak nie- en dit is dalk goed as jy maar liewer van tyd onder die sambreel is en nie sommer alles van jou lewe so deel nie.
Net wat jy plant oes jy- Droom jou drome en wees altyd Kreatief. Dis jou lewe- wees wakker- wees vriendelik en glo in jouself.

Low Testosterone levels are so familiar with most South Africa men- this is the main reason for all the health problems.  You can see these men on a mile away. This low Testosterone levels is taking quality life from our men. A lot of so called medicine is available but you need to get a full picture of the person and all the circumstances and influences on his life every day.  Make use of this article, but a full scan and the health products will give men with low testosterone a quality life.  READ MORE 

Never put vitamins in your mouth unless you know what your body needed and what your Methylations status are. Synthetic products is not healthy. You need to know what is really wrong in your body..before you use anything. Only a real professional health practitioner with the right equipment will be able to find the real coarse and not reacting on the symptoms.

Don't jump on the wagon and start drinking Methylation products- this will also be bad- You need to use the full combination to finally get all the Vitamines, Amino Acids and Minerals you needed.
Quanlim Life do a FULL SCAN - of your whole body. 

People sometimes forget where they come from- who supported them through good and bad. They forget the unconditional love commitment and support- but when they decide to leave you they try to take away everything you worked for- you care for and you live for. They want to see you suffer- But it will not last for long- What you plant you shall reap.- It will come back to you 7 times more.
Life is full of choices- make the correct choice and never regret anything you did. Look after your health - its yours- take control.

Saamgestel deur Johann Pretorius - Professionele Gesondheidspraktisyn Pretoria

Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life.

Here is 'n video from Dr Berg  - Methylation-  We do all these tests at Qanlim Life- 

We started testing and scanning our clients a few weeks ago with our new device for Methylation. We already see the results. Its amazing to see how we can fix these methylation and Gene problems.
Most of the people still believe that Pharma can fix them. Wake up. These prescribed drugs is bad for your health. Its just controlling your symptoms. Get you Methylation done and start enjoying a better life. Stop drinking all these health products,unless you know what is wrong you wasting your money and your body take the harm. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following

We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.

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