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"The private sector must forget about joining hands with a bankrupt government that has failed economically and unable to restore the country's infrastructure," said Fanie Brink, an independent agricultural economist.

He referred to Professor Raymond Parsons of the North-West University who said during a discussion point at NAMPO outside Bothaville yesterday that "the fact that the government has opened the door to partnerships between the state and the private sector must be seized." He also said, "there is recognition on the part of the government that it will have to join hands with the private sector to repair the country's infrastructure," according to an article* posted on Netwerk24's website yesterday.

Why would the private sector want to immerse itself in a partnership with the purely socialist government just to help the state bear the losses of its destroyed state-owned enterprises and restore its dilapidated infrastructure? What's in it for the private sector? Exactly nothing but losses!

The private sector's main goal is to make a profit which is the only way to create economic growth and not to make investment in the government's destroyed infrastructure! It will also destroy the private sector because there is absolutely nothing the ANC government understands about how economic growth is created due to its total economic illiteracy and incompetence!

"Investment does not create growth - only acceptable returns on investment can create growth!"

The master plan for agriculture launched last week by the Department of Agriculture also considers to the restoration and upgrading of the country's infrastructure as a priority. Unfortunately, there has never been any plan by the government that has succeeded in its goal of recovering and expanding the economy.

 I have developed a very big problem with professors sitting in their academic comfort zones who fully support the socialist ideology of the ANC government and then want to prescribe to the private sector what to do," Brink says.

Fanie Brink, Independent Agricultural Economist

*Nampo: “Probleme by hawens groter kopsorg as oorlog”