State of the Nation merely a play for the audience, says TLU SA

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President Cyril Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation 2021 was merely a good show for the audience in an election year.

“The president made extremely dynamic announcements and focussed on what the government did and will do for citizens,” says Mr Henry Geldenhuys. “Exactly as expected from a president in the year of an election.

“But, does he live in the same South Africa and does he live our reality? The true test for any company’s success – and of course, a government – lie in the results. Are South Africans better off than a year, ten years, twenty years ago?”

The president admits that the country needs an economic boost and boasts about his economic recovery plan’s so-called successes. But, what the country needs is a policy which will attract financial investment to South Africa.

“His approach is very idealistic, but what people experience in reality is far removed from his view,” says Mr Geldenhuys. “Unemployment and poverty are at a record low, and the lockdown was only a drop in the ocean. Affirmative action and black economic preference are failures. Just look at our power plants, SAA, the Land Bank – any institution where race trumped skill. Small superficial success stories will not save the country.”

TLU SA is optimistic about the president’s approach to promoting local products and local buying. Unfortunately, the unfavourable labour policy and uncertain private ownership make it very difficult for entrepreneurs to do business in the country.

“In reality, entrepreneurs are forced to take their capital out of South Africa to make a sustainable living,” concludes Mr Geldenhys. “The State of the Nation – like the Budget Speech – is simply a play on words to soothe South Africans.”

Staatsrede slegs ‘n vertoning vir die paviljoen, sê TLU SA

President Cyril Ramaphosa se Staatsrede 2021 was bloot ‘n goeie vertoning vir die paviljoen, in ‘n verkiesingsjaar.

“Die president het uiters dinamiese aankondigings gemaak en baie gefokus op wat vir die mense gedoen is en nog gedoen sal word,” sê mnr. Henry Geldenhuys, die president van TLU SA. “Presies wat van ‘n president verwag word in die jaar van ‘n verkiesing.

“Maar, bly hy in dieselfde land en ervaar hy ons werklikheid? Die ware toets vir die sukses van enige besigheid – en dan die regering – lê in resultate. Is alle Suid-Afrikaners werklik beter daaraan toe as ‘n jaar, tien jaar, twintig jaar gelede?”

Die president erken dat die land ‘n ekonomiese inspuiting nodig het en roem dan op sy ekonomiese herstelplan se sogenaamde suksesse. Maar, wat die land werklik nodig het is ‘n beleid wat ekonomiese belegging na Suid-Afrika lok.

“Sy benadering is baie idealisties maar wat mense in praktyk ervaar is wyd van sy siening verwyder,” sê mnr. Geldenhuys. “Werkloosheid en armoede is op ‘n rekord-laagtepunt, en die inperking was maar ‘n klein druppel aan daardie emmer. Regstellende aksie en swart ekonomiese bevoordeling is ‘n mislukking. Kyk maar na ons kragsentrales, SAA, die Landbank – enige instansie waar ras bo kundigheid gestel is. Klein oppervlakkige suksesstories gaan nie die land red nie."

TLU SA is positief oor die president se aanslag om plaaslike produkte en plaaslik koop te bevorder, maar ongelukkig maak ‘n ongunstige arbeidsbeleid en onsekerheid oor privaatbesitreg dit baie moeilik vir entrepreneurs om hier besigheid te doen.

“In werklikheid word entrepreneurs gedwing om kapitaal die land uit te neem om ‘n volhoubare bestaan te maak,” sê mnr. Geldenhuys. “Nee wat, die Staatsrede – soos die Begrotingsrede – is ‘n gespeel met woorde om mense te paai.”



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