TLU SA nooi landbourolspelers om minimumloon vir plaaswerkers dringend te bespreek- Suid Afrika

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In lig van die aankondiging dat die minimumloon vir plaaswerkers van 1 Maart 2021 ook tot R21,69 per uur verhoog, het TLU SA rolspelers in die landboubedryf genooi om dringend deel te neem aan ‘n gesprek om die situasie te bespreek.

“Ten spyte van baie goeie realistiese insette van verskeie rolspelers in die bedryf, is die verhoging deurgevoer,” sê mnr. Henry Geldenhuys, die president van TLU SA. “Daar heers op die oomblik ernstige kommer dat die kortsigtige optrede van die regering die landbousektor ontsettende skade gaan berokken.”

TLU SA het vandag na rolspelers soos AgriSA, SAAI, die LWO en megaboere uitgereik om koppe bymekaar te sit en die situasie Vrydag 12 Februarie om 12:00 te bespreek. Die doel sal wees om oplossings te vind waar landbouproduktiwiteit nie ingeboet word en werksgeleenthede nie onnodig verlore sal gaan nie.

“Dit is baie belangrik dat ons hierdie probleem gesamentlik in die belang van voortgesette landbou hanteer,” eindig mnr. Geldenhuys.

Enige ander belangstellende partye is welkom om die vergadering deur Zoom of fisies (met Covid-regulasies in ag genome) by te woon. Kontak gerus die hoofkantoor by 012 804 8031 of stuur ‘n e-pos aan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

TLU SA invites roleplayers in agriculture to urgently discuss the minimum wage for farmworkers

In light of the announcement that the minimum wage for farmworkers will increase to R21,69 from 1 March 2021, TLU SA invited roleplayers in agriculture to join a meeting to urgently discuss the situation.

“Despite the valuable and realistic inputs from various roleplayers in the agricultural sector, the increase was pushed through,” says Mr Henry Geldenhuys, the president of TLU SA. “We are sensing an overall serious concern that the shortsighted action from government will cause the agricultural sector a lot of damage.”

TLU SA today reached out to roleplayers including Agri SA, SAAI, the LWO and mega farmers to put their heads together and discuss the situation Friday 12 February at noon. The goal will be to find solutions without compromising the productivity of agriculture or losing any unnecessary employment opportunities.

“It is critical that we approach this problem collectively and in the interest of sustainable agriculture,” concludes Mr Geldenhuys.

Any other interested parties are welcome to join the meeting via Zoom or by physically attending (bearing in mind Covid regulations). Contact the head office on 012 804 8031 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..