Kom ons dink aan ons dokters, verpleegsters en ander gesondheidswerkers!

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Ons land is midde een van die ernstige gesondheidskrisisse.

Mense sterf teen ‘n ongekende tempo. Baie gesinne ervaar erge trauma vanweë geliefdes wat hulle aan die dood afstaan. Andere het meer as een geliefde verloor. Hierdie pandemie raak almal, jonk en oud en niemand is seker hoe dit hulle sal beïnvloed nie. Sommige is gelukkig dat hulle slegs ligte simptome ervaar. Andere word ernstig siek en ander sterf weens longontsteking en ander onderliggende siektes. Hierdie pandemie is ‘n werklikheid en daar rus 'n groot verantwoordelikheid op alle Suid-Afrikaners om alles in hul vermoë te doen om die verdere verspreiding en trauma wat deur die virus veroorsaak word, te stop. Kom ons dink aan die duisende dokters, verpleegsters en ander gesondheidswerkers wat hulself toewy om na almal wat tans deur die virus geraak word, te sorg.

Die skielike toename in COVID-19-gevalle plaas baie druk op die gesondheidsorgstelsel, ongeag hoe goed hulle voorberei is. Die situasie word verder vererger deur die groot aantal dokters, verpleegsters en gesondheidswerkers wat ook self die virus opdoen. Ons is dus dankbaar vir elke gesondheidswerker en werker wat duisende siek pasiënte dag en dag aanhou bedien, ondanks die risiko's wat hulle self in die gesig staar. Dit is beslis geen maklike werk nie. Dit is lewensgevaarlik en hulle het ons ondersteuning nodig! Agri SA doen dus 'n beroep op die breër publiek en veral ons boere, plaaswerkers en die breër landbousektor om te alle tye waaksaam te wees en om alle moontlike voorsorgmaatreëls te tref om te voorkom dat hulle die virus opdoen en verder versprei. Ons doen ook 'n beroep op diegene wat steeds nie die erns van die pandemie besef nie en meedoen aan die verspreiding van valse nuus oor sogenaamde samesweringsteorieë óf sogenaamde genesingseffekte van diere-inentings, om hulle daarvan te weerhou.

Dit is nie net ‘n verleentheid vir die sektor nie, maar ook lewensgevaarlik. Laat dit aan die wêreld se voorste virologiese wetenskaplikes om die beste moontlike, veilige en doeltreffendste behandeling te ontwikkel om die COVID19-pandemie te beveg. Agri SA spreek egter sy verdere kommer uit oor die gebrek aan dringendheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse regering om genoeg entstowwe vir ons mense te bekom en te beveilig. Meer hulpbronne moet beskikbaar gestel word om ons wetenskaplikes te help en hul vermoë te versterk om mediese oplossings te vind wat gebaseer is op noukeurige en bewese wetenskaplike navorsing om hierdie pandemie te oorkom. 'n Groot bekommernis bly egter die ekonomie en die impak wat die aangepaste vlak drie beperkings op klein ondernemings het, veral vir wynplase, toerisme-, vermaaken alkohol- en dranksektore. Die betrokke ministeries moet die nodige hulp en leiding aan hierdie sektore verleen om hulle te help om besighede in bedryf en mense in diens te hou. Dit lyk of die pandemie nog 'n geruime tyd by ons sal wees. Kom ons ondersteun ons gesondheidswerkers en ondersteunende dienste, belê in wetenskaplike navorsing, verseker groot hoeveelhede effektiewe entstowwe betyds en help klein ondernemings en ekonomiese sektore wat as gevolg van die vlak drie-beperkings groot probleme ondervind. Hierdie pandemie is nie onoorkomelik nie. Ons moet egter prioritiseer en ten alle tye rasioneel bly!

Let us spare a thought to our doctors, nurses and other health workers! South Africa

Our country is in the midst of a serious health crisis. People are dying at an unprecedented rate. Many families have experienced the trauma of losing a loved one. Others have lost more than one. This pandemic is now affecting the young and the old and no one is sure about how it will impact them. Some are lucky that they will only experience mild symptoms. Others become gravely ill and others succumb due to pneumonia and other underlying illnesses. This pandemic is real and there rests a massive responsibility on all South Africans to do everything in their power to stop the further spread and trauma caused by the virus. Let us spare a thought to the thousands of doctors, nurses and other health workers who are sacrificing themselves to take care of everyone who is currently affected by the virus.

The sudden surge in COVID-19 cases is putting a lot of pressure on the health care system no matter how well prepared they are. The situation is further worsened by the high number of doctors, nurses and health workers who are also contracting the virus. We are therefore thankful for every health care professional and worker who continue to serve thousands of sick patients’ day and day out, despite the risks they themselves face. This is certainly no easy job. It is life-threatening and they need our support! Agri SA, therefore, appeals to the broader public and especially our farmers, farm workers and the broader agricultural sector to be vigilant at all times and to take every precaution possible to avoid contracting and spreading the virus. We all also appeal to those who continue to dismiss the seriousness of the pandemic and spreading false news about so-called conspiracy theories or so-called healing effects of quick fix animal ‘vaccines’ to refrain from it. This is not only embarrassing for the sector but also dangerous. Leave it to the world’s leading virology scientists to determine the best possible, safe and most effective treatment to fight the COVID-19 19 pandemic.

Agri SA however expresses its concerns with the lack of urgency by the South African government to access and secure enough vaccines for our people. More resources must be made available to assist our scientists and bolster their capacity to come up with medical solutions based on rigorous and proven scientific research to overcome this pandemic. A big concern, however, remains the economy and the impact the adjusted level three restrictions have on small businesses, especially the wine farming, tourism, entertainment and alcoholic and beverage sector. The relevant ministries must provide the necessary assistance and guidance to these sectors to help them to remain in business and keep people employed. The pandemic, it seems will be with us for some time. Let us support our health care professionals and workers, invest in scientific research, secure large amounts of effective vaccines timeously and assist small businesses and economic sectors that are facing real hardship as a result of the level three restrictions. This pandemic is not insurmountable. However, we must prioritise and be rational at all times.

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