The extent of farm attacks must be internationally recognized- AGRISA

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Agri SA is displeased with President Cyril Ramaphosa's statement that there is “no killings of farmers" in South Africa. He said this in an interview at the United Nations in New York in response to US President, Donald Trump's controversial tweet in August. 

"Farm attacks and murders on all farmers, farm workers and their families is a huge problem that needs to be recognized," said Dan Kriek, Agri SA President.

The Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, released the latest figures on these attacks earlier this month. The police's crime statistics show that 62 farm murders occurred during 2017/2018. Agri SA appeals to President Ramaphosa as the President of South Africa to give the necessary nuances and facts about the matter.

"The extent to which food producers and their workers are subjected to brutal attacks cannot be denied. According to the latest report from Agri SA, farmers lost approximately R7.7 billion in 2017 due to crime on farms," says Kriek.

Agri SA has been involved in various talks with, among others, President Ramaphosa, Minister Cele, Minister of Agriculture, Senzeni Zokwana and international role-players. Agri SA will emphasize the utmost urgency of farm safety on all possible forums, nationally and internationally.

Dan Kriek
Agri SA President
C: 082 944 0566

Omri van Zyl
Agri SA: Executive director
C: 082 417 5724

Kobus Visser
Agri SA Director: Rural Safety and Provincial Affairs
C: 082 388 0010

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