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What are the facts and realities of the country we live in today?” according to Fanie Brink, an independent agricultural economist.
The well-known historian, Alexander Tytler, said many years ago:

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to lose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. Invariably, the majority (having become complacent and pathetic), choose those who promise to take from one group and share the spoils amongst those who are less productive. An apathetic population is not one that will suddenly decide to roll up its sleeves and get the country, once again, on a productive footing, but will rather jump on the wagon of empty promises and rides it downhill until it reaches the economic bottom.”
The great statesman of the previous century, Winston Churchill, has said the following about socialism: "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
The former British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, said: "The problem with socialism is the fact that it eventually runs out of other people's money." Isn't that exactly what has been happening in South Africa in recent years and it is very clear that this trend will not be stopped?

History has shown that political systems in the past and even today have been the greatest destroyers of economic growth in most countries in the world. A few centuries ago, Russian arch-communists, dictators and atheists, Vladimir Lenin, and his successor, Joseph Stalin, clearly demonstrated how the ideology of communism and socialism completely destroyed the Russian economy. Until Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev later came and rescued the economy with his policy of "economic openness and freedom" to where Russia today, together with China, became the two largest trading partners of the US. China has also renounced its socialist and communist economic system and adopted a capitalist economic system that allowed the country's economy to grow by more than 10% a year that even special measures had to be taken to cool it down again. Most economic commentators in the world today agree that China will become the largest economic power in the world within the next few years.

Adolf Hitler's political ideology of world domination that unleashed the World War II destroyed the economies of most European countries. In Africa, the corrupt socialist and communist political systems of Idi Amin, Samora Machel, Robert Mugabe and more recently of Jacob Zuma further confirmed the destruction of the economic systems in their countries.

The very famous scientist of the last century, Albert Einstein said: "We will never be able to solve problems on the same level of thinking as when we created it."

This has become the ANC government's biggest problem of its political ideology today because it will never have the insight and competence to understand that it is destroying the economy and the country. This ideology has already provided sufficient evidence that it has placed South Africa on the path to the complete destruction of its economy with the concomitant effects of no further economic growth and development, much greater poverty, as well as unprecedented famine and human suffering,” says Brink.

Fanie Brink, Onafhanklike Landbou-ekonoom

19 September 2019
Inquiries: 082 573 5661

“Wat is die feite en die realiteite van die land waarin ons vandag woon?”, vra Fanie Brink, ’n onafhanklike landbou-ekonoom.

Die bekende historikus, Alexander Tytler, het baie jare gelede al die volgende gesê: “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to lose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. Invariably, the majority (having become complacent and pathetic), choose those who promise to take from one group and share the spoils amongst those who are less productive. An apathetic population is not one that will suddenly decide to roll up its sleeves and get the country, once again, on a productive footing, but will rather jump on the wagon of empty promises and rides it downhill until it reaches the economic bottom.”

Die groot staatsman van die vorige eeu, Winston Churchill, het by geleentheid die volgende oor sosialisme gesê: "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

Die voormalige eerste minister van Brittanje, Margaret Thatcher, gesê dat: "The problem with socialism is the fact that it eventually runs out of other people's money." Is dit nie presies wat die afgelope jare besig is om in Suid-Afrika te gebeur nie en dat dit baie duidelik is dat hierdie tendens nie gestuit gaan word nie?

Die geskiedenis het bewys dat politieke stelsels in die verlede en ook nogsteeds vandag die grootste vernietigers van ekonomiese groei in die meeste lande in die wêreld was. ‘n Paar eeue gelede het die Russiese aartskommuniste, diktators en ateïste, Vladimir Lenin, en sy opvolger, Joseph Stalin, dit duidelik bewys hoe die ideologie van kommunisme en sosialisme die Russiese ekonomie totaal vernietig het. Totdat die Russiese leier, Mikhail Gorbachev, later die ekonomie met sy beleid van “ekonomiese openheid en vryheid” gered het tot waar Rusland vandag, saam met China, die twee grootste handelsvennote van die VSA geword het. China het sy sosialistiese en kommunistiese ekonomiese stelsel ook uiteindelik verwerp en ‘n kapitalistiese ekonomiese stelsel aanvaar wat die land se ekonomie met meer as 10% per jaar laat groei het sodat spesiale maatreëls selfs getref moes om dit weer af te koel.

Adolf Hitler se politieke ideologie van wêreldoorheersing wat die tweede wêreldoorlog ontketen het, het die ekonomieë van die meeste Europese lande vernietig. In Afrika het die korrupte sosialistiese en kommunistiese politieke stelsels van Idi Amin, Samora Machel, Robert Mogabe en meer onlangs van Jacob Zuma die vernietiging van die ekonomiese stelsels in hulle lande verder bevestig.

Die baie beroemde wetenskaplike van die vorige eeu, Albert Einstein het gesê: “We will never be able to solve problems on the same level of thinking as when we created them”.

Dit het die ANC-regering se grootste probleem van sy politieke ideologie vandag geword wat hy dit nooit sal verander nie. Hierdie ideologie het reeds voldoende bewyse gelewer dat dit Suid-Afrika op die pad na die totale vernietiging van sy ekonomie geplaas het met die gepaardgaande gevolge van geen verdere ekonomiese groei en ontwikkeling, baie groter armoede, asook ongekende hongersnood en menselyding,” sê Brink.