Foot-and-mouth disease: Saai to add traceability function to app -South Africa

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The agricultural network for family farmers, Saai, today announced that it would soon be augmenting its livestock theft app, STIC, to prioritise the traceability of the movement of livestock.

This follows the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ announcement that foot-and-mouth disease had broken out in the Molemole district in Limpopo. The Department subsequently announced a temporary ban in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng and the North-West on auctions of all stock that are subject to this disease.

“The STIC app was initially created to empower community structures by enabling them to combat livestock theft in a proactive manner. In light of the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease, we will be adding the traceability function as soon as possible to the app,” says Francois Rossouw, CEO of Saai.

The traceability technology comes from China and was used to fight African swine flu after an outbreak of the disease wiped out almost half of the country’s female swine. STIC, developed by the African Farmers Network, will implement the same protocols as the Chinese traceability system. Although STIC is being developed continuously, family farmers can already use the app by registering at

Send your name to the Saai WhatsApp group at 066 071 6094 to keep abreast of the app’s latest developments.

Bek-en-klouseer: Saai gaan toep met naspeurbaarheidsfunksie toerus

Die landbounetwerk vir familieboere, Saai, het vandag aangekondig dat hy sy veediefstaltoep, STIC, eersdaags sal uitbrei om naspeurbaarheid van vee se bewegings te prioritiseer. Dít kom na aanleiding van die departement van landbou, bosbou en visserye se aankondiging dat bek-en-klouseer in die Molemole-omgewing van Limpopo uitgebreek het. Weens die uitbreek van dié siekte het die departement ook aangekondig dat ’n tydelike verbod in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng en Noordwes geplaas word op veilings van alle vee wat daarvoor vatbaar is.

“Die STIC-toep is aanvanklik geskep om gemeenskapstrukture te bemagtig deur hulle in staat te stel om veediefstal op ’n proaktiewe wyse te bekamp. In die lig van die uitbreek van bek-en-klouseer sal ons naspeurbaarheid ook so gou moontlik tot dié platform voeg,” sê Francois Rossouw, uitvoerende hoof van Saai.

Dié naspeurbaarheidstegnologie is uit China afkomstig en is gebruik om Afrikavarkgriep te bekamp nadat die uitbreek daarvan in dié land ongeveer die helfte van die land se varksôe uitgewis het. STIC, wat deur die African Farmers Network ontwikkel is, sal ook dieselfde protokolle as die Chinese naspeurbaarheidstelsel toepas. Hoewel STIC deurlopend ontwikkel word, kan familieboere reeds van dié toep gebruik maak deur by te registreer.

Stuur jou naam na die Saai WhatsApp-groep by 066 071 6094 om op hoogte van die nuutste verwikkelinge rondom die toep te bly.