Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary  3rd May 2023

Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 3rd May 2023

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

Suid-Afrika se sterk kommersiële bande met kernstreke in die wêreld word op die spel geplaas deur ’n twyfelagtige buitelandse beleid wat dui op steun vir Rusland. Suid-Afrika moet waak daarteen om nie sy handels- en beleggingsbande met Westerse lande, wat oor baie jare opgebou is, in gevaar te stel met sy standpunt oor Rusland nie, het Francois Strydom, voorsitter van die landbousakekamer Agbiz, gewaarsku.

The wholesale diesel price went down, but petrol is  more expensive. Petrol (both 93 and 95 unleaded) will be hiked by 37c a litre, while diesel will be cut by 47.5c (0.005% sulphur) and 73.5c (0.05% sulphur), the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy announced on Tuesday. Illuminating paraffin will drop by 33c a litre, while the maximum LP Gas Retail Price will be cut by R4.44 a kilogram. International petrol prices are on the rise because of the beginning of the so-called driving season in the US and faster economic growth in China, the department said. But the prices of middle distillates (which covers a range of refined products, including diesel and paraffin) were lower due to an oversupply in the markets.

Fase 6 is met ons. Dit lyk of dit ons winter gaan wees. Fase 6 is egter bloot die som van die regering se ideologie en regeeronvermoë. Indien ‘n ideologie van ras en sentralisme gemeng word met gulsigheid, korrupsie, aanspraak, onvermoë en arrogansie dan is die som fase 6. In kort, ons is in die donker as gevolg van die nutteloosheid van die regering.  Daar is net in Februarie 2023 1300MW se private opwekking geregistreer wat die totaal vir die jaar al op 2300MW los. Dit is groot privaat kommersiële opwekkers wat of reeds gereed is, of in die proses is om op te wek. Wat hierby itgesluit is, is sowat 4000MW wat reeds op dakke van Suid-Afrikaners is. Dit beteken dus dat daar bykans 6000MW se opwekkingsvermoë reeds in die hande van die privaatsektor luier.

Die Vryheidsfront Plus (VF Plus) sê boere in die Tokologo-omgewing in die Vrystaat betaal sedert verlede jaar tot vier keer meer grondbelasting. VF Plus-lid van die provinsiale wetgewer, Armand Cloete, het tydens die Vrystaatse landboubegrotingsdebat gesê die toename is onregverdig teenoor produsente wat reeds swaarkry. Hy sê daar was 'n 425%-toename in grondbelasting. "Speaker, dit is 'n misdaad. Boere word figuurlik gemelk omdat munisipaliteite in finansiële nood verkeer. "Onthou nou, boere kry baie min direkte dienste van munisipaliteite. En die Tokologo-munisipaliteit weier om selfs met die georganiseerde landbou te vergader om hierdie verhoging te bespreek.

Departement van Gesondheid is meer as 40% van babas wat verlede jaar in staatshospitale in Johannesburg gebore is, van ouers wat onwettig in Suid-Afrika is. Volgens Statistiek Suid-Afrika is tussen 12% en 15% van mense wat in Suid-Afrika woon, onwettige immigrante. Tussen vyf en agt miljoen onwettige immigrante woon in Suid-Afrika. Sommige organisasies en kenners beweer dat dit selfs meer kan wees omdat Suid-Afrika nie goeie data oor onwettige immigrasie het nie.

En so raak die jong giggelende sogenaamde jeug heeltemaal balasties oor 'n drankie met die naam van Prime- wat net soos 'n gewone drankie proe- 250 miljoen USA dollar is wat die vervaardigers tans gemaak het- en die wereld se kinders hardloop soos skape agterna-  Sosiale media is so magtig vir hierdie jong mense wat absoluut geen benul het van wie en wat hulle is nie- en alles najaag wat sogaand lekker of "cool" is... Teen R39.90 is dit glo 'n winskoop- Die newe effekte van die drankie is dieselfde as al die ander drankies. 

CEO Business Club has invited Singaporean venture capitalist, Dr Jeh Shyan Wong, to share his success stories with entrepreneurs and investors in South Africa. Dr Wong, renowned for his unconventional methods in raising capital for businesses, will host a 3-day workshop in Pretoria from 8-10 May 2023. He will share his experience of building successful businesses with a selected group of CEOs from African and ASEAN countries. A few seats are still available. READ MORE

Soil is an important source of food and medicine, it filters and purifies our water, reduces flooding and plays a crucial role in the fight against climate change. Learn more about this miraculous substance. Soil is one of the most ubiquitous – and underappreciated – substances on Earth. Yet in several fascinating ways this miraculous substance holds the key to life.  READ MORE 

This research shows that future atmospheric CO₂ concentrations could help alleviate the effects of warming and drought, even for irrigated production. However, more research is needed to determine the effects of intermediate CO₂ concentrations between 400 and 800 ppm, which will be experienced between now and the end of the century. Data on the effects of other variables, such a soil type and severity of climate, are also needed to calibrate realistic models to forecast future maize production. READ MORE

Slegs ligte reën word die naweek oor dele van Suid-Afrika verwag, terwyl die winterreënstreek wag vir die reënseisoen om aan te breek. Reën van 10 mm tot 25 mm het in die laaste week van April oor onder meer dele van die Vrystaat en KwaZulu-Natal geval, terwyl dele rondom die Paarl tot 70 mm gemeet het. “Tradisioneel is die laaste deel van April en Mei die einde van die somerreënseisoen, terwyl die winterreënseisoen dan nog nie werklik begin het nie,” sê Johan van den Berg, onafhanklike landbouweerkundige. Wat die volgende twee weke betref, word ligte neerslae van sowat 10 mm die komende naweek oor dele van die Wes-Kaap verwag. Sowat 10 mm kan die naweek ook oor die Vrystaat, Noordwes, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal en die noordelike dele van die Oos-Kaap voorkom.

CRA MEDIA is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 3 nuwe insetels vir ons mediums


Agri X en CRA MEDIA - will with this competition give these women the platform they deserve to enter a competition for Women`s Insight with the finalé gala event on 24 Augustus, during Womens`month at a venue in Pretoria. The impact of policy matters on your individual farming operation and in your immediate rural community Do you have a voice? Would you like to be heard? Do you wish to share your insights in how decisions on agricultural policy matters are affecting your daily lives on the farm? Now is the time to be part of the discussion! The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition provides the perfect opportunity for women who live on farms or who are involved in a farming business or in the sector to become part of the discussion on how boardroom decisions on policy matters impact on your daily lives. The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition seeks to encourage well-thought and accurate deliberation of the topic with practical examples. This competition seeks to create a platform where women in agriculture can become part of the agricultural discussion platform and ultimately influence public and industry discussions




 Ons span is die week weer op die pad-  Die trekkers dreun en ons boere is besig met die aanplant van koring in die Wes Kaap en dele van die Vrystaat-  die winter wil net nie deurkom nie- die dae is nog baie warm. Ons platteland gaan daagliks agteruit en die regering was en sal nooit instaat wees om hierdie gemeeskappe weer op die been te kry nie.  Sonneblom word gestroop en Sojabone word net so vinnig droog.  Dankie aan al ons boere wat ons span altyd met soveel vriendelikhied ontvang. 

Week se nuus op AGRI NEWS NET 

The situation in South Africa is worsened by the volatile rand, which has been affected by global economic conditions and local political uncertainty. Additionally, the power crisis has severely affected food security as it has disrupted farming operations and reduced the quality of produce, several reports say. While rising inflation is a global issue, the impact is felt more acutely in emerging markets, particularly in Africa, due to factors unique to their economic and political situations.

Traceability in South Africa’s food system holds a range of benefits for not only food producers but consumers as well. Justin Platt, founder and CEO of Zylem and RegenZ, highlights the importance of implementing end-to-end traceability in agriculture.

Vars beesvleis het 54% van die totale uitvoer uitgemaak terwyl die res bevrore beesvleis was. Binne hierdie totale syfer is 'n beduidende afname in bevrore beesvleisuitvoer aangeteken, wat in 2022 op 12 945 ton was, 24% laer op 'n jaargrondslag. Intussen het vars beesvleisuitvoer met 2% op 'n jaargrondslag toegeneem tot 15 477 ton." Die sleutelmarkte vir Suid-Afrika se vars beesvleis was Koeweit (met 'n markaandeel van 22%), Jordanië (16%), Mosambiek (13%), Verenigde Arabiese Emirate (12%), Katar (9%), Nederland (4%). ), Lesotho (3%), Kanada (3%), Zimbabwe (3%), Mauritius (3%) en Eswatini (2%). Hierdie markte het in 2022 90% van Suid-Afrika se vars beesvleisuitvoer uitgemaak,  In die geval van bevrore beesvleisuitvoer was die top-uitvoermarkte Lesotho (16%), China (14%), Nigerië (14%), Verenigde Arabiese Emirate (9%), Mosambiek (7%), Koeweit (6%) , Egipte (5%), Katar (4%), Verenigde Koninkryk (3%), Nederland (3%) en Jordanië (2%). Hierdie markte het in 2022 82% van Suid-Afrika se bevrore beesvleisuitvoer uitgemaak.

Namibië voer varkvleis uit die Europese Unie in om sy plaaslike aanbod aan te vul, aangesien plaaslike varkvleis-produksie nie daarin slaag om aan die verbruikersvraag te voldoen nie. Gedurende die eerste kwartaal van 2023 het plaaslike produksie slegs 31,5 persent van die land se varkvleisverbruiks-vereistes uitgemaak, volgens die Vleisraad van Namibië.

The record onion prices for the previous six months is a just recompense for South African farmers after a couple of difficult years.Eighteen months ago, onion prices were in the doldrums, jeopardizing the sector in the face of surging input costs plus power cuts.

Verskeie faktore van reg oor die wêreld beïnvloed op die oomblik die landbou industrie se insetkostes drasties. Ons as Suid-Afrika, is 'n piepklein rolspeler in die groter wêreld, wat grootdeels maak dat ons nie 'n invloed het op prysbepalings van ingevoerde goedere nie. Ons is letterlik 'n druppel in die emmer - en daarom verduidelik die engelse woord dit so mooi, ons is "price takers".

Suid-Afrika se sterk kommersiële bande met kernstreke in die wêreld word op die spel geplaas deur ’n twyfelagtige buitelandse beleid wat dui op steun vir Rusland.

Extreme weather in China is threatening to disrupt more commodities, even niche ones like rubber and peanut crops, which may push the world’s biggest consumer to import more. Rubber-tree tapping in Yunnan province, the country’s top grower, has been delayed by severe drought and powdery mildew disease, which can halve production in the worst cases.

The fate of 2,000 white rhinos — about 8% of the world’s rhino population — hangs in the balance after mega-breeder John Hume was unable to attract any bidders for his conservation project. But there are offers outside the bidding process that are being considered, and an announcement is now expected on Friday.

The increase in inclement weather conditions has forced farmers to adapt their farming practices in order to thrive in the face of extreme weather conditions. Kaitlynn Kauerauf of Bramleigh Farm said that they have also been affected by the harsh weather and they have had to find ways to prevent losses.

Die anker van die landbou lê in die veebedryf en die primêre deel van die waardeketting sal ‘n belangrike rol moet speel. Van die besluite wat geneem word, is egter soms nie tot voordeel van die primêre lede nie. Daarom sal al die belanghebbendes bymekaar moet kom, en saam besluit wat die oogmerk van die pad vorentoe moet wees.

A new study presented at the 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference proposes that genetically modified rice could potentially serve as a source of food for the first Mars colonists. This discovery could be a game-changer in the quest to establish a human settlement on Mars.

Suid-Afrika mag dalk reeds in 'n fase is van laer voorraad van voedsel op die winkelrakke terwyl daar reeds gevalle aangemeld is van algehele skaarste van sekere kommoditeite. Indien daar nie spoedige ingrypings kom om die landbouers te beskerm nie, gaan die voedsel voorraad sodanig verlaag dat dit 'n krisis word, sê meningsvormers in die landbou sektor.

The amount of chicken the United States (US) is allowed to dump in South Africa has increased once again. The allowance comes in the form of a substantial annual quota free from the anti-dumping duties that would otherwise have applied.

Die departement van landbou is gedurig in verbinding met die graanbedryf om kostekorte te verhoed weens Rusland se oorlog in Oekraïne, sê Thoko Didiza, minister van landbou.

According to the Seychelles News Agency, construction of the 5.8MW photovoltaic solar energy system will start in the fourth quarter of 2023, following a power purchase agreement (PPA) signed between French renewable company, Qair, with the Republic of Seychelles' Public Utilities Corporation.

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 Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-  
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op

Wandile Sihlobo

Al die slim manne met hulle idees

En so is dit amptelik planttyd in die VSA 


Food Prices - South Africa

Of the eight most popular grocery retailers in South Africa, Makro offers the cheapest basket of essential items as of 26 April 2023.

This is according to The Outlier’s monthly grocery basket comparison, which collects the prices of nine staple foods and products near the end of each month from six major retailers – Shoprite, Checkers, Pick n Pay, Spar, Food Lover’s Market and Woolworths.

However, they have added new additions to their comparison – Boxer and Makro – which brings the total number of retailers compared to eight.

The grocery basket comparison includes the nine necessities:

  • 700g loaf of Albany Superior Sliced White Bread, or store brand;
  • 2-litre store brand sunflower oil;
  • 2.5kg Iwisa maize meal;
  • 2.5kg Selati white sugar;
  • 2-litre store brand milk;
  • 2kg Tastic rice;
  • 2.5kg Snowflake cake flour;
  • 175g bar of Dettol Herbal Soap; and
  • 9-pack of two-ply Baby Soft toilet paper (or store brand).

The Outlier noted that, in some cases, store brand alternatives are used because some stores only keep the store brand versions of those items. Additionally, when some items aren’t available in-store, the online price is considered. The comparison covers the various retailers in several areas within Gauteng.

According to the data, the new addition Makro offers the cheapest basket in April 2023, totalling R393.60. This is R11.27 less than the second cheapest retailer – Food Lover’s Market.

Spar has the most expensive basket at R433.41, which is R39.81 more than Makro. It must be noted that Spar is franchised, meaning prices and items can vary from store to store.

The table below and the infographic gives the breakdown of prices for each item from the eight grocery retailers and who comes out as the cheapest.

Item Checkers Pick n Pay Woolworths Spar Shoprite Food Lover’s Boxer Makro
Bread R19.99 R19.99 R18.99 R20.99 R18.99 R19.45 R19.99 R17.95
Oil R89.99 R94.99 R89.99 R89.99 R84.99 R79.99 R79.99 R69.95
Maize meal R38.99 R43.49 R38.99 R36.99 R38.99 R34.99 R33.49 R32.95
White Sugar R57.99 R55.99 R53.99 R57.99 R57.99 R56.99 R56.99 R46.95
Milk R34.99 R32.99 R36.99 R37.99 R34.49 R37.49 R33.49 R34
Rice R37.99 R37.99 R37.99 R36.99 R37.99 R37.99 R37.99 R35.95
Flour R41.99 R44.99 R41.99 R49.99 R39.99 R41.99 R41.99 R44.95
Soap R16.99 R16.99 R15.99 R16.99 R16.99 R16.99 R16.99 R15.45
Toilet paper R82.99 R80.59 R78.99 R85.49 R80.65 R78.99 R89.99 R95.45
Total  R421.91 R428.01 R413.91 R433.41 R411.07 R404.87 R410.91 R393.60

Food inflation has remained stubbornly high in South Africa due to heightened fuel prices, relentless load shedding, and a weaker rand.

In April, the latest Household Affordability Index by the Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice & Dignity Group (PMBEJD) shows

the average cost of the Household Food Basket hit over R5,000 for the first time, at R5,023.95.

Month-on-month, the average cost of the basket increased by R57.75 (1.2%) from R4,966.20 in March 2023.

However, year-on-year, the average cost of the basket increased by R481.02 (10.6%).

Inflation for food & non-alcoholic beverages (NAB) continued to accelerate in March, with prices increasing by 14.0%. This represents the largest annual increase since the 14.7% rise in March 2009 (14 years ago).

The PMBEJD basket comprises 44 core food items most frequently purchased by lower-income households, who make up most households in the country.

37 items in the basket all saw a price jump – 22 of which were 10% or more. However, there were 10 items which saw significant price increases of over 20%:

  • Onions: +82%
  • Green pepper: +43%
  • Potatoes: +33%
  • Carrots: 27%
  • Maize meal: +25%
  • Samp: +23%
  • Tomatoes: +23%
  • Cabbage: +21%
  • Cake flour: +20%
  • Stock cubes: +20%

The PMBEJD noted that the pressure at the tills will linger for longer due to stubborn inflation, which moved counter to market expectations at the end of March 2023 to 7.1% from 7.0% in February 2023.