Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary  26 th April 2023

Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 26 th April 2023

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

Farmers today needs 40% more financing than they did two years ago to be able to produce the same amount. This is due to rising input costs and market price fluctuations, among other things. Roux Wildenboer, head of agriculture at Absa Corporate and Investment Bank (CIB), says that, due to the cyclical nature of agriculture and the great volatility to which the sector is exposed, agricultural financing can no longer be done in the more conventional way. Absa CIB is also doing ever more business in Africa and accounts for about R1 billion of the agricultural loan book of almost R45 billion. The bank recently granted financing of $30 million (R543 million) to a cashew plant in the Ivory Coast, and also finances coffee beans from Uganda and cotton from Tanzania.

President Ramaphosa volg nie soseer ʼn beleid van toegeeflikheid en onderhandeling versoening en paai nie. Inteendeel, dit is onduidelik watter tipe beleid mnr Ramaphosa enigsins voorstaan. Wat wel duidelik is, is dat mnr Ramaphosa homself al meer vervreem van sy ondersteuners sowel as diegene wat hom ʼn kans wou gee. In 2019, mnr Ramaphosa se glorietydperk net nadat hy president geword het, het meningspeilings op daardie stadium aangedui dat 8% wit kiesers vir die ANC sou stem. Hoe hoog die Ramaphoria op die stadium was is dat amper 23% van wit kiesers aangedui het dat hulle mnr Ramaphosa ondersteun. Die steun is nie onlangs getoets nie maar sal dit waarskynlik ʼn lae enkelsyfer wees. Oor enkele dae is dit Vryheidsdag. Dit het sy ontstaan in ʼn Nasionale Akkoord wat die gevolg was van onderhandelinge tussen voormalige vyande en die verkiesing van 27 April 1994, wat 29 jaar gelede plaasgevind het. 

The Bureau for Food and Agriculture Policy (BFAP) on Tuesday highlighted, in its latest 'Food Inflation Brief', that South African food and non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) inflation (hereafter, shortened to food inflation) last month increased by a full percentage point, in month-on-month (m-o-m) terms. In year-on-year (y-o-y) terms, it was up 14%. This figure of 14% was almost exactly twice March’s headline consumer price index (CPI) inflation figure of 7.1%. Food inflation contributed 2.4 percentage points to the y-o-y CPI headline inflation figure (and 0.2 percentage points to the m-o-m CPI headline inflation of 1%).

Industry body the Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz) has urged the South African government to finally take a firm stance against the injustices prevailing in the world, and align the country with its existing and potential trading partners. Chairperson Francois Strydom and CEO Theo Boshoff, during a recent council meeting, commented on the changing geopolitics globally and South Africa’s ambiguous foreign policy, which seems to support Russia. As such, South Africa risks strong commercial relationships it has with key regions of the world that have stood up against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Strydom believes government and other policy influencers should be careful not to risk trade and investment relations with Western countries, among others, that have taken many years to cultivate and have served the economy well.

The "evidence" that former Eskom CEO André de Ruyter used to implicate top ANC Cabinet members in the looting of Eskom are wild and untested allegations that came from a shadowy intelligence operative implicated in apartheid-era crimes. De Ruyter said there was evidence that Eskom had become a "feeding trough" for the ANC and that a "high-level politician" was part of the looting of Eskom. He wouldn't say who it was.

 Implementing Ramokgopa’s plan may undermine South Africa’s international climate change commitments set by its carbon emissions reduction targets, and jeopardise $8.5-billion of international finance pledged to support the country’s Just Energy Transition programme. READ MORE -

“There should be a major overhaul of the land management information and systems as well as timely support interventions at a point when the land is transferred to ensure its productive use. Furthermore, there is a pressing need to bring resolution to the nearly 7,000 land claims still outstanding, as noted by the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights; and the government needs to embark on an initiative aimed at identifying and distributing farms to young black individuals with aspirations of becoming commercial farmers.” READ MORE 

An aggregate of analyses of the nutritional content of UK and US fruit and vegetable crops between 1950 and 1999 revealed a consistent modest decline in micronutrient content of vegetables, along with a decline in both macronutrient and micronutrient quality in grains over an 80-year period. There are multiple causes behind this. The first is the ‘dilution’ effect, where increasing yields from chemical fertiliser result in a reduction of other nutrients. READ MORE 

In what is considered the ‘most comprehensive’ analysis yet of the benefits and risks of consuming animal source foods, the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) concludes that meat, eggs and milk offer ‘crucial’ sources of much-needed nutrients which cannot easily be obtained from plant-based foods.


OnsAgri X en CRA MEDIA - will with this competition give these women the platform they deserve to enter a competition for Women`s Insight with the finalé gala event on 24 Augustus, during Womens`month at a venue in Pretoria. The impact of policy matters on your individual farming operation and in your immediate rural community Do you have a voice? Would you like to be heard? Do you wish to share your insights in how decisions on agricultural policy matters are affecting your daily lives on the farm? Now is the time to be part of the discussion! The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition provides the perfect opportunity for women who live on farms or who are involved in a farming business or in the sector to become part of the discussion on how boardroom decisions on policy matters impact on your daily lives. The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition seeks to encourage well-thought and accurate deliberation of the topic with practical examples. This competition seeks to create a platform where women in agriculture can become part of the agricultural discussion platform and ultimately influence public and industry discussions


 Ons span is die week weer op die pad- Ons span is reeds in Botswana en sal in die week na Namibia vertrek. Sonneblomme en  Sojabone word nou gestroop met baie hoe opbrengste en goeie gehalte.  Die Wes Kaap en Swartland se boere is besig met die aanplant van koring as die weer dit toelaat en in die Vrystaat is boere ook aan die werk om koringlande voor te berei. Die winter is besig om vinnig nader te kruip. En daar is nog oeste op die land wat nie nou enigsins reg is vir ryp of koue nie. Kry maar jou krag voorsiening reg- Ons het geen beheer oor Eskom meer nie.  Hier gaan baie dinge gebeur op Farmingportal.

Week se nuus op AGRI NEWS NET 
Cilo Cybin Pharmaceutical may list on the JSE within months, while it is also planning to start clinical trials of cannabis-derived drugs before the end of 2023, in partnership with its new Malaysian shareholder. The treatments will target diseases such as Parkinson’s, Cilo Cybin CEO Gabriel Theron said.
A lower global oil price and a slightly stronger rand are serving to benefit local diesel prices, according the Bureau for Economic Research (BER). This means lower diesel prices are on the cards for May, where prices could come down between 26 cents and 51 cents per litre.
Despite the foot-and-mouth-related export bans, SA beef producers sent big volumes of beef products to markets that did not close import channels. This is evident in last year’s beef export figures, which amounted to 28,422 tonnes, according Trade Map data. Though 12% down on 2021, this is only a little below the 10-year average.
Om mededingend te bly en volhoubaar te boer gaan oor minstens die volgende drie jaar moeiliker word, maar daar is ook geleenthede vir boere.“Ons moet besef dat die speelveld in boerdery ongelyk is met verskeie risiko’s wat nie bestuur kan word nie.
Afgri CEO Norman Celliers says he’s confident that as the centenarian company, one of SA’s oldest agricultural services groups, nears completion of its two-year restructuring, the leaner and simplified group is well positioned to be sustainable in up and down cycles.
Hundreds of international and local delegates explored the latest trends and insights in ports, shipping and transport logistics at the 29th Intermodal Africa 2023 exhibition and conference at the Durban International Convention Centre last week.
Saai is proud to host the Annual General Assembly of the World Farmers' Organisation from 21 to 24 May 2023 at Sun City Resort in South Africa. This event is arguably the most influential gathering of farming leaders in the world and promises to be the agricultural event to move policy horizons – both globally and in the Southern African region.
The South African citrus industry has expanded significantly in recent years and with certain types of citrus, mainly mandarins and lemons with a young tree age, production is set to increase further in the next 10 years. But this is not the only worrying issue for growers.
Electricity minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa says Eskom will raise R30 billion to fund diesel sourced directly from wholesalers. However, this would mean a loss of revenue for PetroSA — a state-owned company reporting to energy minister Gwede Mantashe — and the deal could create a conflict of interest within the African National Congress’ ranks.
Dit is amper drie keer duurder vir boere om dieselkragopwekkers in te span tydens beurtkrag as wat dit sou kos om Eskom-krag vir die gegewe tydperk te gebruik.
Farms that used regenerative agriculture practices such as no-till farming, cover crops and diverse crop rotations produced crops with higher levels of certain vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals than farms using conventional practices, according to results in a study from the University of Washington.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse motor industrie ondervind ernstige probleme, en die een aspek wat deur al die fabrikante genoem word, is Eskom se onvoorspelbaarheid met beurtkrag. Die leiers in die bedryf is dit eens dat die regering die bedryf bedreig met moontlikhede wat die toekoms van die sektor in gevaar stel om te onttrek uit Suid-Afrika, het woordvoerders gesê.
Bancolombia published a report on the global perspectives of avocado, highlighting that “there's more avocado in the world than demand for this fruit.” The accelerated growth of new plantations has created an excess that has lowered the prices of the product.
The Bureau for Food and Agriculture Policy (BFAP) on Tuesday highlighted, in its latest 'Food Inflation Brief', that South African food and non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) inflation (hereafter, shortened to food inflation) last month increased by a full percentage point, in month-on-month (m-o-m) terms. In year-on-year (y-o-y) terms, it was up 14%.
Boere in die Zambezi-streek het nog altyd ‘n stryd gehad om olifante uit hul landerye en weivelde weg te hou. Die afgelope jaar voer hulle ‘n stryd teen veediewe, hoofsaaklik van Zambië. Verlede jaar het boere in die streek verliese van 2 miljoen Namibiese dollar gely as gevolg van gewapende Zambiërs wat steeds onwettig grense oorsteek om beeste in Namibië te steel.
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 Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-  
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op

Die rykste manne en vrou in Afrika 

En so word daar met beeste gewerk in die VSA

Sonneblomstroop is volle gang

Die edelagbare President se dat die ANC 'n gebreekte land gekry het in 1994. ??

En so plant ons aartappels
Dis hoe krag opgewek word
En so word daar geplant
Suid Afrika se President en sy ministers se salarisse - 

President Cyril Ramaphosa, sy adjunk, ministers en ander ampsdraers sal waarskynlik ‘n salarisverhoging van 3,8% kry. Dít terwyl ‘n gemiddelde salaris vir ‘n werkende Suid-Afrikaner net meer as R26 000 per maand is.

Die Onafhanklike Kommissie vir die Vergoeding van Openbare Ampsdraers het dié voorgestelde verhoging Vrydag in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer.

Dít ondanks die minister van finansies, Enoch Godongwana se kommentaar dat ‘n verhoging van 1,5% eerder toegeken moet word gegewe die feit dat talle mense in armoede leef. Gegewe dié verhoging beteken dit dat president Cyril Ramaphosa R3 196 563 per jaar of sowat R266 000 per maand.

Die adjunk-president, Paul Mashatile sal R3 020 823 per jaar of R251 690,25 per maand verdien.

Wat die ander jaarlikse voorgestelde salarisse betref:

  • Ministers – R2 567 682
  • Adjunk-ministers – R2 114 940
  • Die speaker, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula – R3 020 823
  • Die ANC se hoofsweep – R1 711 123
  • Die leier van die amptelike opposisieparty, John Steenhuisen – R1 711 123
  • Leiers van ander partye, soos die VF Plus se dr. Pieter Groenewald en die EFF se Julius Malema – R1 439 310
  • Voorsitters van parlementêre komitees – R1 599 172
  • Parlementslede – R1 216 610

Die nege provinsies se premiers verdien elk R2 416 693, terwyl lede van die uitvoerende raad net meer as R2,1-miljoen verdien.

  • Burgemeesters – R 1 462 624
  • Munisipale raadslede – R655 539
  • Hoofregter Raymond Zondo – R3 096 344
  • Regters in die Grondwethof of appèlhof – R2 477 111
  • Hooggeregshof regters – R2 012 641
  • Landdroste – R1 085 577
  • Voorsitter van die Onafhanklike Verkiesingskommissie, Glen Mashinini – R2 593 772
  • Voorsitter van die Menseregtekommissie, adv Bongani Majola – R1 536 918
 ( Pretoria FM )