Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
South Africa’s official unemployment rate dropped for the second consecutive quarter to below 33% in the three months to September. This after the number of unemployed people dropped by 1 percentage point for the first time since the first quarter of 2021. This brings the overall number of those unemployed to 7.7 million, according to figures released by Stats SA on Tuesday. The biggest job gains were it the formal sector, with 235 000 jobs created there, while sectors that saw the largest increases in employment were in manufacturing, which witnessed a recovery following the KwaZulu-Natal floods in April this year. The trade, construction and transport sectors also noted positive growth rates in the third quarter. Manufacturing jobs rose by 123 000, 82 000 were added in the trade sector, while construction and transport saw increases of 46 000 and 33 000, respectively.
President Ramaphosa se besoek aan die Verenigde Koninkryk is in vele opsigte merkwaardig. Daar is tydens sy besoek geen tekort om hierdie waarneming te staaf nie. Ramaphosa is die eerste staatshoof wat die Verenigde Koninkryk ontvang sedert Koning Charles III tot die troon bestyg het; Ramaphosa is ontvang deur meer as 1 000 soldate en ʼn perdewag wat 230 sterk was. Hy is ook met staande toejuiging ontvang in die Glansgalery van die House of Lords, waar hy beide huise van die Britse parlement toegespreek het, en is in die finale deel van sy besoek bederf met ʼn luukse ete in die Buckingham-paleis waar daar lofprysing teenoor hom en Suid-Afrika sonder perke uitgedeel is. Op sy beurt stel Ramaphosa egter ʼn lys van eise aan die Britte – meer getrou aan die retoriek en ideologiese vertrekpunte van die Suid-Afrikaanse regering, en ook die Afrika-unie. Hy stel onder andere dat die Covid-19-pandemie die rykdom, mag, middele tot gesondheidsorg en tegnologie tussen nasies ontbloot het, en dat dit dringend aangespreek moet word. Verder, dat klimaatsverandering aangebring is deur ontwikkelde lande en daarvoor moet daar vergoeding oorbetaal word om die gevolge van klimaatsverandering aan te spreek.
Beurtkrag is ’n nuwe gevaar wat die Reserwebank nou voorsien onder die vernaamste risiko’s vir die finansiële stabiliteit van die land. Die Reserwebank reik elke ses maande ’n verslag uit oor die stabiliteit van die finansiële sektor en die risiko’s wat hy daarvoor waarneem. Die “gebrekkige en onbetroubare verskaffing van elektrisiteit” is nou die risiko met die hoogste waarskynlikheid en wat die grootste kwesbaarheid vir die finansiële sektor inhou. Dr. Nicola Brink, hoof van die Reserwebank se departement vir finansiële stabiliteit, sê dit is een van die twee nuwe gevare vir die sektor wat bygevoeg is. Die grootste risiko’s word geïdentifiseer op grond van wat tans aan die gebeur is, maar neem ook toekomstige verwikkelings in ag en hoe kwesbaar die finansiële stelsel daarvoor sal wees. ’n Stabiele finansiële stelsel kan sy funksies verrig sonder onderbreking ten spyte van ekonomiese verandering en skokke. Brink sê die risiko oor elektrisiteit is bygevoeg weens die baie erger beurtkrag wat vanjaar plaasgevind het en omdat daar nie ’n korttermynoplossing daarvoor is nie. Sy sê ’n “baie onwaarskynlike” maar absolute ineenstorting van die kragnetwerk sal ’n baie ernstige uitwerking hê as dit gebeur.
In 2021 the South African government set the country’s contribution at 350 million to 375 million tons of carbon equivalent by 2030, consistent with limiting climate change to 1,5 °C. Currently our emissions run at about 450 million tons, so this target requires a reduction in emissions of about 17%. South Africa is the 13th largest emitter in the world. Our 450 million tons compare to a global average of 172 million tons per country. Per capita we emit about 7,5 tons against a global average of 4,8 tons. Measured per capita, we are the 15 largest in the world. Whichever metric, we are a big emitter. READ MORE
South Africa does not have to follow the same path as the countries above and open various free trade agreements. South Africa is an industrializing economy with a unique set of challenges and with various domestic industries requiring some protection. South Africa could target low-ambition trade agreements with specific countries, primarily Preferential Trade Agreements, which focus on liberalizing a specific set of commodities and agro-processed products. There is very little chance of South Africa embarking on deep and extensive tariff cuts on goods and services, especially given that the costs of opening up markets cannot be determined with certainty. READ MORE
Only 17%-20% of the 77,58 million ha is suitable for field crop, irrigation and horticultural production. More than 55% of farmland is only ideal for extensive grazing (land that is poor and dry but animals can roam widely, the Karoo being an example), and another 20% for intensive pastures and animal production (land, the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands being an example, that receives good rains and has good pastures for grazing). READ MORE
Ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling begin- Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie- Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word .
Soos wat ons die einde van 2022 nader, het beduidende teenwinde steeds ’n impak op die Suid-Afrikaanse landbousektor. Uitdagings – infrastruktuur, elektrisiteit, belegging, logistiek, siektebeheer en dienslewering – al vir ’n geruime tyd met ons, terwyl ander faktore, soos klimaatsverandering en marktoegang, ’n voortdurende impak op bedrywighede en groei het. Ten spyte van hierdie uitdagings, is die sektor steeds in ’n positiewe spasie, te danke aan die La Niña-fenomeen, bogemiddelde oeste en soliede kommersiële prestasie. Om dié positiewe aspekte te verstewig, is dit belangrik om die bestaande impak van hierdie teenwinde te verstaan, daaruit te leer, en op langtermynoplossings te fokus om dit te oorkom.
To ensure socioeconomic development of the Zulu nation, the Zulu kingdom is partnering with AfriForum to utilise underused Ingonyama Trust land. This emerged during the inaugural Zulu Kingdom Investment Conference in Durban on Tuesday. The conference discussed ways in which citizens of the Zulu kingdom can participate in the economy of their territory under the control of the Ingonyama Trust. AfriForum CEO Kallie Kriel said the organisation will solely play an advisory role to the communities and would not be involved as shareholders. “We are not going to come in and try to run it because we know the strength lies in the communities. “Our role will be more of facilitating and giving advice. We must remember in all communities there are shining stars so we need to advise people in communities who take responsibility and ownership has to be by the community,” Kriel said. He said they had learned from their mistakes as the Afrikaner community and were ready to share their lessons with those willing to learn from them.
Food system changes will need to find a balance between several different priorities, all of which are equally important in securing a sustainable future. The food system of the future must deliver healthy food for all people, healing and protection for the environment, respect and protection for animals, safe and equitable employment for food system workers, and vibrant economies. Most importantly, it must do all this without intensifying the crisis of global climate change. This is no small task! READ MORE
Om totaal en al groen te boer, gaan nie 10 biljoen mense kos gee nie- ons kan nie eers 7 biljoen mense kos gee met normale kosproduksie nie. Daar is net te veel mens op aarde en dit word elke dag meer- daar is ook te veel mense wat net eet en drink en glad nie produktief is nie. Lande sal moet begin om beperkings te plaas op hoeveel kinders 'n gesin mag he.. maar ongelukkig is daar miljoene kinders wat nie weet wie hulle Pa is nie.
Ons kondig ook binnekort weer 'n kompetiese aan..
Ons deel gereeld nuwe kreatiewe metodes van kommunikering en bemarking in die landbou. Ons het so paar weke terug 'n nuwe gedagte gedeel met 'n baie prominente aanbieder in Suid Afrika en 'n paar gedagte gedeel. Hy het baie aandagtig geluister en dit dadelik gaan implimenteer sonder om ons te raadpleeg
As jy enige kort bydrae wil lewer tot hierdie uiters gewilde artikel wat 2 weekliks geplaas woord, kontak die nuuskantoor by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nuusredakteur This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Luister gerus na ons gewilde POTGOOI- daagliks op www.farmingportal.co.za
Britons may struggle to get hold of a free-range turkey or goose for the Christmas table this year after an industry head said about half of them have either died or been culled due to the country’s largest-ever outbreak of avian flu. Richard Griffiths, CEO of the British Poultry Council, told MPs British farmers usually up to 1.3-million free-range birds for the festive period.
Elethu Wines, ’n unieke swart-bemagtigingsonderneming in die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf, het met sy eerste wyn, ’n Cabernet Sauvignon, ’n dubbelgoud-onderskeiding in ’n internasionale wynkompetisie losgeslaan.
In South Africa agriculture is central to fostering economic growth, reducing poverty, and improving food security in the whole of the Southern African region. Estimates suggest that more than 70 percent of the rural population depends on agriculture for their livelihoods and the Mordor Intelligence report: Agriculture in South Africa -
Over the past few years, there has been a paradigm shift in consumer preferences. Indian buyers are becoming increasingly health-conscious and watchful of the food they consume. In light of this trend, two modes of farming — residue-free and organic, have become increasingly popular.
‘n Opname toon Suid-Afrikaners se teenkanting teen trofeejag het toegeneem van 64 persent in 2020 tot 68 persent vanjaar. Die studie, wat Ipsos vir die Humane Society International gedoen het, dui ook op teenkanting teen die geblikte jag van leeus, wat in dieselfde tydperk van 64 tot 65 persent gestyg het.
Kommoditeitspryse het sedert die vorige sessie gemeng verhandel. Sojaboon aanplanting in Brasilië is 87% voltooi, alhoewel dit effens stadiger is as verlede jaar se tempo word daar steeds ‘n rekord-oes verwag. Droogte in Brasilië en Argentinië ondersteun wel steeds die mark. Bekostigbare koring uit die Swartsee streek, insluitend uit Rusland plaas druk op die Amerikaanse koring prys.
In November 2021 a basic food basket cost R4,272.44. This year it cost R4,835.96.South Africans are forking out more than R500 more each month for basic food items compared with a year ago.
Chocolate is one of life’s greatest pleasures, providing hope in the darkness of an otherwise drab culinary experience. Makes sense then that it's a world celebration of all things chocolatey everywhere today - Enjoy
According to the latest information from the Central Energy Fund, petrol prices may be hiked by 38c to 48c a litre on Wednesday 30 November. But diesel may be cut from record-high levels and currently looks set for a decrease of between R1.29 and R1.35 a litre.
Soos wat ons die einde van 2022 nader, het beduidende teenwinde steeds ’n impak op die Suid-Afrikaanse landbousektor. Volgens John Hudson, Nedbank se Nasionale Hoof van Landbou, is sommige uitdagings – infrastruktuur, elektrisiteit, belegging, logistiek, siektebeheer en dienslewering – al vir ’n geruime tyd met ons, terwyl ander faktore, .....
Africa is a unique continent and probably ‘the last frontier’ globally. If Africa as a whole can get its act together it can become a powerhouse in terms of world economies. If and when this will happen is probably a whole other debate.
Suid Afrika het reeds 'n tekort aan Veeartse- veral in die platteland waar groot diere behandeling moet kry. Die meeste veeartse praktiseer in die stad waar honde en katte hulle grootse bron van inkomste is. Dis duidelik dat hier 'n groot krises aan die kom is en dat boere duidelik moet kennis neem van hierdie probleem.
Despite the fact that the South African government had spent more than R7 billion between 1998 and 2020 to try to contain the spread of invasive alien species, the struggle to control these plants was continuing, according to a report by Stellenbosch University.
Suid-Afrika het die laaste tyd baie reën ontvang en sommige produsente het reeds versuipskade opgedoen. Landbouers in die Oos-Vrystaat het gerapporteer dat van hulle nie klaar kon plant nie, en ander kon ook nie in hulle landerye inkom nie, of in sommige gevalle, kon hulle nie hulle plase verlaat nie.
Issues of finance as well as accountability and responsibility have all been placed in the spotlight. Some progress has been made to ensure the right holistic steps are taken with a clear understanding that the time for talking is over. The stakes are especially high in Africa, where too little action will lead to even more poverty and economic stagnation.
Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za
This is the future of health monitoring wearable technology pic.twitter.com/spJTYiBfk6
— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) November 29, 2022
It’s #BBQ time!#farming #FAIL pic.twitter.com/8wCUuuoQJz
— T (@Krommsan) November 30, 2022
Kry so bietjie boere raat
Do you want to succeed in #catfish #farming? Listen here👇🏽 #Agribusiness #60sTips by @frankdonga_ ft @fisherwomanhub pic.twitter.com/HJOFiPLIIk
— Agribusiness Weekly (@AgribizWeekly) November 22, 2022
Live exports from Ireland to North Africa, the Middle East & Turkey must be stopped immediately. 🚨#BanLiveExports pic.twitter.com/HRvnhSdov7
— Compassion in World Farming International (@CIWF_Global) November 27, 2022