Marketing and Advertising Rates.Farmingportal/Agricultureportal /AGRI NEWS NET  2024

Marketing and Advertising Rates.Farmingportal/Agricultureportal /AGRI NEWS NET 2024

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UPDATED -  September  2024-  World of farming- Always on time- always online- 

Welcome to  Agricultureportal/Farmingportal  your gateway to Agri in  South Africa Africa  and the rest of the world

The Professional Farming lifestyle of Farmers in Africa.  

We created a friendly Farming environment for farmers and everybody that is interesting in Farming and Agriculture to get all the latest "Good News' and market your company in a Professional way. 

No irritating Pop Ups- Google ads and content that is not browsing friendly. No "likes" -"commentary" and all these distracting unwanted browsers.  "No U tube unwanted irritating ads"

Our Visitors and users are real Professional Commercial Farmers with the ability to create wealth coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience. These farmers have the ability to buy  the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. 



FARMINGPORTAL is no upgraded to a T1 Marketing Status by 2 prominent well known companies in South Africa- 

                                        FARMINGPORTAL- AGRICULTUREPORTAL- AGRINEWSNET- LANDBOU NUUSNET is not dependent on any social media - Independent for 20 years


Each and every article posted on our Network were hand picked according to our high standards of media and reporting-

Our team of Agri writers and Journalist are from all over the country and the world. 

New technology and future farming is our main content- Health food and new projects is part of our daily news.  Good news related to farming in South Africa , Africa and the rest of the world. We cover the whole spectrum of farming and Agriculture

We are farmers with more than 25 years of real practical farming experience.  

With 10 years of Television production and 20 years of Commercial radio experience we know what quality and media reporting is all about.

We share our content with well known international media houses all over the world.

Contact us- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We build relationships that last for ever, 20 years  and we lead by example. 

Farmers and companies become part of Agriculturportal because they need to keep in touch with new technology and require information immediately. 

Agricultureportal/ Farmingportal will redirect you to the real people in agriculture - the farmers of South Africa, Africa and the world. These Farmers are producing Food for the nation.

Farmers  today are no longer waiting for information to come to them, they use the Internet/Apps and mostly farmingportal such as  to get information immediately.

90% of all farmers are using the Internet to get information immediately. 18,850 articles are inside our popular portal. 


Social media is not a professional media for a professional product or professional Farmer. 


Farmingportal/ Agricultureportal recorded 4,973,029  Page impressions per month –93,010 (click through rate)

6,998 unique visitors and users  per day in August 2024 over all our sites and social media ( Google)  Bouncing rate - 24%

Unique Visitors per month 6,998

Average Visit Length 42.86

Page Views Per Visitor 4.36
Mobile Visits 3,933

With an average of over 97,156 impressions  per month and a average of 562 impressions per tweet.

5,283 Followers on all our Linkedin accounts-

33,123 followers on 5 Facebook accounts in different Categories -  Farming mentors  Junior Writers  Farmers Health Quanlim Health Famringportal 

( We don't have browsers  -we have real unique users from real commercial farmers from all over the world who visit our medium DIRECT


AGRICULTUREPORTAL/ FARMINGPORTAL/ AGRI NEWS NET is updated 24/7 from Sunday to Saturday every day including all the holiday's of the year. 

45 new stories a day been posted on AGRI NEWS NET every day. No medium in farming and Agriculture give you so much news at one address- our reaction time is less than a hour. 

AGRI NEWS NET- FARMINGPORTAL.CO. ZA - our worldwide medium will give you the world in your hand.

24 hours a day- you visible.


Professional and always on time- 

When visitors need to pay for a internet site to read articles they will go away and will not visit the site anymore- so if you are a advertiser on the site- you will loose exposure- News you can Trust - 

          ALL NEW  medium coming up soon.
We created - Junior young writers awards -Competition- and Womens Insight competition.  Since 2020 - Hollard 
E MEDIA is here-  Keep you eyes open for a brand new  Professional way of adding value to your company.
Grab the attention of readers 22 613
Reach (livestock and crop farming) 13 900 farmers
Read the advertisements 86%
Content adds value 87.7%
Spent 5 min to 10 min more than 5 times a day   78.6%

We will market you via our AUDIO CAST Media.
E MEDIA is almost ready with more Audiocast
Top Podcasters covering South Africa News.  
AGRI NEWS NET NEWS VIDEO-  is also part of your package - 

What about the mediums. 

Social Media-  June  2024 

The MIE reported a 700% increase in social media requests, with much of the focus on negative comments on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. The report shows that 46% of negative content is found on Facebook;

49% of negative content is found on Twitter;

19% of negative content is found through a web search/Google.

An analysis of the ‘negative content’ that is being screened highlights issues such as discriminatory comments and potential drug abuse. However, the report also highlighted that issues such as Covid-19 misinformation is being checked for on these platforms.

47% of all negative content was found to be of a discriminatory nature – this includes issues such as racism; sexism, homophobia, religious discrimination; potential hate speech;

32% of all negative content was found to contain unprofessional content/sexual images (high amounts of profanity, potential defamation, aggressive content);

19% of all negative content was found to demonstrate drug use and/or distribution (this takes into account the decriminalisation of marijuana);

10% of all negative content is found to be a potentially illegal nature (drinking and driving, prostitution, potential fraud, assault);

You don't want to be part of this medium- 

With our medium you will STAND OUT because you are not part of the FOLLOWERS and you don't FALL IN.

It not good for your Company to be part of a NEGATIVE GROUP of people who spent hours of their time on Social time browsing and commenting on every single post with a so called "like" that maybe count a "good traffic". 

Facebook-The same people, not a targeted audience. Most of them are browsers and not buyers. Most of them looking for bargains. Measured easily but not the right profile. Mostly personal stuff and very unprofessional. People are no longer interested in Facebook. Unprofessional way of marketing in a Professional company. People are moving away form this media.

Twitter-  The same as Facebook- not a sustainable way of marketing yourself. Good way of posting short news clips- but its not always a professional market. Lots of negative and political posts on Twitter.

Instagram-  Overrated with lots of FREE marketing with no personal contact and too much material in a unprofessional way of marketing - 

Google ads. Adwords- Money spinner.. with millions of people in the same category and words.  Video clips are Irritating for most of the viewers and they move away and remember your marketing video as the culprit. 90% of U tube and google ads use the "skip option" to get rid of this irritating ads-  people remember all the clips and banners and in most of the times they will ignore the company as well.

Browsers can almost empty your deposit in a few hours. Its all over the internet and it is becoming irritated. Lots of agencies around to collect commission. Its like shooting in the dark and your name could be part of a site you did not even want to visit. Most of of the site are not user friendly anymore.

All the ads are irritating and when a ad irritates you, then the changes are good that you will not even look at the product. 

WE will never post any article on any Social media - We only post the Headlines and we do not communicate on Social media.  Social media is not a Professional way of marketing your product.

We have a Farming mentor group that are almost 17,000 on a well known social media platform- it all part of the Marketing and Advertising packet.


Follow us on TWITTER-

Our News team work 7 days a week- 

Commercial Web portals.

24 hours available through out the world. Target market- Measured and stats almost on demand. Updated every day-

Breaking news- In your hand on the smartphone. Direct to contact details and website. Video and sound on demand. Affordable advertising rates. No expensive creatives. All mediums in one.

All our News on AGRI NEWS NET been used by 6 Radio stations in South Africa, 1 in Zambia and 1 in Namibia. Being part of our own Media plan.


South Africa- 62%- Rest Africa and the world.

48% Afrikaans  52% English

19,830 Articles posted on Farmingportal and -  People always come back to look in the archives for articles.

No medium in Farming and Agriculture will give you so much news at one address-  7 days a week and 365 days per year. 

We ranking under the Top 5 Farming and Agriculture websites in South Africa and Africa.

Testimonials-  Leaders in Farming and Agriculture

We finished  successful Junior writers competition with Hollard Insure in January 2021/2022 and in 2023- All the winner were rewarded- Our Next Competition start in July 2021

A significant article published in Farming Portal featured Hollard’s support of the Young Agri Writers competition. Andries Wiese from Hollard Insure emphasised Hollard’s commitment to supporting the agricultural industry in the following statement: “The agricultural sector is a vibrant and critical part of our economy. Young people need to have a voice and platform to also share their take on agriculture. As supporting better futures for all South Africans underpins all we do at Hollard, this is a perfect opportunity for us to partner with and AGRI NEWS NET and allow new voices to be aired ”. Hollard Dec monthly report.

"Zinchem is sold out for agricultural products in 2018. There is an application to increase the capacity of zinc sulphate at Zinchem. I would like to believe that and AGR NEWS NET played a role in Zinchem selling out the production for2017 & 2018.  Marketing Manager Zinchem".

SASOL South Africa-  2019-Marketing and Advertising Manager-  "We get excellent results on Farmingportal  on our Advertorials and new clients"

OU MUTUAL South Africa- 2020 Marketing- "Excellent Feedback on our marketing and advertising" 

Brand Republic- - Excellent results and traffic. Tech Terrain.

Royal international London  Excellent Service and stats and Feedback 

AGRI SHOW  " Professional and informative.

We constantly add value to the site and visitors are truly interested in agriculture.

Our NEWS is Good NEWS, Non Political and not part of any organization. Privately owned with no RED tape.

Africa’s Internet advertising market is growing at twice the global rate, 22.7% in the next 5 years . 32% of Farmers like to attend a Farmers day to obtain information about Agri and something new while 41% prefer the commercial Agri Web portals on the Internet. 

Likewise the creative formats and tech innovations available to advertisers are improving exponentially, offering a myriad of ways for brand to connect with and impress  consumers. 82% would notice or click on an ad if it’s relevant to them and is something they need or want. 62% would notice or click on an ad if it demonstrated how to do something and, most importantly in the premium publishing and content environment, 73% would notice advertising effectiveness if the ad appeared on a website they trust and believe is safe. The ability for brands to be useful and relevant in consumer’s lives creates an opportunity to increase brand loyalty.

Before considering making use of ONLINE Marketing make sure the relevant medium is updated everyday of the week Monday to Sunday.

It's no use putting your banner on a Website that do not have content that is Fresh and updated everyday. Most of these sites will be updated once a day and your banner ad is not part of the marketing of the medium. All of them in the corporate market, and only updating in the week, and if they do it over weekend, its old news. 

Don't Buy a Bill Board. -Buy a media that nobody is buying.  Or it's not considered media yet.

The best are not the ones we remember.

The best are the ones that we:

- Talk about
- Repost on Social media
- Share with friends and family
- Make it viral

And instead of investing in media to spread the message. 
It's "Bizarre" enough for us to spread it.

We always strive to get inline with the following that users want and our rating is over 76% 

Trust ; Content, Owners of the site. 

Relevance; Information that the visitor want to know

Promotion; Something to win or to take part off

Creative;  Something new, Something different

Useful. The articles and information for Agri. 

No use in telling how many visitors, but what kind of visitors. 

Our Visitors are MEGA FARMERS PROFESSIONAL in the Farming practices and SMALL SCALE FARMERS from all over South Africa and Africa.

The average turnover of our farmers per year is between R15 end R100 million per year for the Mega Farmers and between R1 and R10 million for Small SCALE FARMERS.

Most of then can be classified as LMS 10 to LMS12.

Our Unique visitors are Mega farmers , Commercial farmers and small scale farmers,  from South Africa and all over Africa. 

Agriculture companies, Organizations and people interested in Agriculture are also part of our Unique visitors per month.

CRA MEDIA is committed to presenting content that is scientifically sound, allowing farmers to farm more profitably and professionally. Our content offer advertisers unbeatable value for money and a variety of platforms for maximum exposure.

That’s why we call AGRI AFRICA your Agriculture E-Environment.

No medium gives you as much cover of the world.

Our NEWS is positive and future orientated.

Our visitors are young and vibrant farmers, farming with technology producing Food for their Country.

We focus on farming and not on politics.

This is our strategy

We make you part of our Content and use you Advertorial to connect to you Logo and assist you with the synergy between Video Audio and Script. 

Success with social media and content marketing requires more listening and less talking.  We read our target audience’s online content and join discussions to learn what’s important to them. Only then can we create content and spark conversations that add value rather than clutter to their lives.

It’s better to specialize than to be a jack-of-all-trades. A highly-focused social media and content marketing strategy intended to build a strong brand has a better chance for success than a broad strategy that attempts to be all things to all people.

Quality trumps quantity. It’s better to have 1,000 online connections who read, share and talk about your content with their own audiences than 10,000 connections who disappear after connecting with you the first time. We have the audience 

Social media and content marketing success doesn’t happen overnight. While it’s possible to catch lightning in a bottle, it’s far more likely that you’ll need to commit to the long haul to achieve results. 15 years of online and social media brought us here.

We are available to our audience. That means we need to consistently publish content and participate in conversations. Followers online can be fickle and they won’t hesitate to replace you if you disappear for weeks or months.

Our content is updated 7 days a week.  Our team work 365 days of the year.

Building relationships is one of the most important parts of social media marketing success, so we always acknowledge every person who reaches out to us. Research from Australia indicates that 42% of the workforce in 2020 will be made up of the Generation Y’s (born in the 80s to 90s) and only 16% of them will choose to live in non-urban areas where we practice agriculture.

Some of our advertisers over the years.

John Deere, New Holland, Northmech, Case,Sidi Pirani, Standard Bank, ABSA, Nedbank, Senter360, Mutual Federal, Tshwane Fresh Produce Market, Du Pont, Dicla Farming, Kongskilde, Zinchem, Vodacom, Kanhym, Afrivet,  Sakata Mayford, Landbank, Massey Ferguson, Claas, Stark Ayres, , FNB, Wesbank, Monsanto, Mahindra,Checkers Shoprite, Firestone,Advance Seeds,Eskom, Arysta, Santam Agri, Lindsay Africa, Kynoch, BHP,Arysta Lifescience, Santam Agri. Case ,Fresh Market,SA Bonsmara, OBP. Mahindra powertools, Hollard.Donaldson Sasol, Yara, Villa Crop, RMB, TOMRA international, Corteva, BASF, Old Mutual. Tech Terrain John Deere Workforce,Philargo,Laeveld Agrochem,Workforce.Panner and Agrimarket and OVK  FLEXBOX,

Independent with 30 years of real farming experience we know what farming is all about.

Our team is farmers- with real practical Farming experience. 

No medium in Farming and Agriculture give you so much value for your money.  

Your ad on Farmingportal is visible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and can be linked to your own website or advertorial.

Become part of the NEW giant Agriculture media in Africa. We will introduce you to the world of Agriculture.

Browse through our site and see for yourself.

Feel free to contact us should you wish to have a meeting setup in order to present our marketing offering to you directly. 

We will accommodate you with rates that are suitable to your individual needs.

If you deal with us , your deal directly with the people who make the decisions the manager and the owners. NO RED TAPE 

We know what farming is all about because we are part of it. 

We will sent you a Price -list once you contact us.

Contact us at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and leave you contact details and we will call you back.  


The FUTURE-   Our Team is already in Silicon Valley- 

Digital marketing technology platforms are evolving with great pace and it needs some specific set of skills. If you want to opt for smart marketing technology you should start using AI-powered tools from a small scale and increase the limits as you grow. A roadmap is required to stay ahead from the crowd, few tips to prepare for that:

  1. Analyze the actual impact of AI on your digital marketing operations – not all the AI tools are helpful for you. You should increase your basic AI knowledge to understand how the tools could make an impact on your current campaigns and reporting areas. You can go for Udemy courses, or YouTube tutorials or Free online courses available.

  2. Evaluate different AI software to employ for your digital marketing campaigns – There is a wide range of tools available in the market today for each and every marketing activity. You should evaluate the potential platforms to boost your campaign performance. Go for the demos, product documentation and webinars to know about the tools.

  3. Follow the leading company’s case studies – Read the case studies form the organization who already implemented the AI-tools in their digital marketing campaigns and showed significant results.

  4. Be creative, be experimental – See how you can incorporate the AI tools and your current campaigns, how you can try something new to run experiments to enhance the campaign performance. Being creative is a human-thing, Leverage the power of it!

  5. Go for industry-specific use-cases -  To understand the effectiveness of these AI tools, you should explore the industry-specific use-cases. Learn how they implemented the strategy and what was the outcome, how they executed the strategy.

  6. Try new tools every day – Take free demos, trials of the tools and explore their potential, leverage your small marketing activities with the help of these tools, once you understand the logic behind it, and outcome rate, you can implement a right digital marketing strategy.

  7. Required some technical skills too – AI-based tools require some technical knowledge to integrate with your digital marketing operations. So, be ready or consult with the technical team to provide the necessary support. In-house competency is much needed.

  8. Connect with agencies who already built a strategy with AI – Some creative agencies already employed the advanced tools to run the successful digital marketing campaigns. Connect with them, partner with them to gain access to the insights.

  9. We awaiting our first Outside broadcast unit and we will soon start our own AGRI NEWS NET Video channel. 

AI has a remarkable impact on all the areas of digital marketing and will keep growing in the future. The future of digital marketing is here, the faster you learn the faster you grow. The days are gone when digital marketers run the data and find the insight and other team works on the campaign based on the insights. Things are moving with great pace in digital marketing space.

The early adopters will win the game!

Contact us today- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ( leave you contact details and we will call you) 

PROUDLY CRA GROUP - Pretoria South Africa/  EWT Media- Los Angeles California USA.