Strategic renewal- AGRI SA

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We need to acknowledge that demands on the industry are increasing.

A change in conditions requires a change in the way we service the value chain. For that reason, Agri SA is again embarking on our strategic reassessment, which is done every three years in order to stay relevant to our members. Due to a poor government and COE’s, our economy is really feeling the pinch and our sector as well. Our strategy is a value chain strategy where we try and get unity about agriculture, as well as exploring the synergies between commodities, farmers and the corporations in the value chain. The challenges we have are so big that one element of the value chain cannot overcome these on their own. Although requirements differ in the different groupings, we have one thing in common: the sustainable profitability of the South African farmer.

We will embark on a strategic renewal process this year where we intend to formulate our strategy, taking into consideration all these factors. We will have to consider a variety of items in our strategy, including: - The role of Agri SA in the sphere of policy influencing; - Core business to our members – different servicing models for different chambers; - The extrapolation of value in different ways for the sector; - Affordability of structures of organised agriculture in general; - Future generation farmers’ requirements; - Disaster management. We are currently conducting research to inform our strategy background context coupled with hard data – we will follow a qualitative and quantitative process. We will be consulting with our members in the strategy and delivery structure for Agri SA. We intend to finalise this process before our congress. When looking back at where we were, I think we have executed on our current strategy to a tee. In fact, we have done much better than I expected.

The purpose of our next strategic evolution will be geared in two different segments – I call them the wolf and the lamb strategy. The wolf: We have to keep the wolf away from the door – this implies the land issues, water issues, droughts, safety, foot and mouth disease, listeriosis. We can keep going all day, unfortunately. The lamb: We will look at the expansion of our markets, access to new agriculture opportunities, new generation agriculture, biotechnology and nanotechnology. Here also, there are so many opportunities that it is difficult to decide which one to focus on. The ultimate aim of strategy is not more strategy, not more PowerPoint slides and talk shops – it is to improve the future of the farmer. It is to ensure that the sector grows in a sustainable way. With the tangible successes already in hand from our current strategy, Agri SA is excited to embark on further refinement.