AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 12th March 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 12th March 2023

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Increasing attention is being focused on the need to secure a sustainable global green biosphere to  counter climate change and protect biodiversity. In this context the importance of forests has been acknowledged, especially as they sequester carbon, regulate temperatures and support freshwater flows, while harbouring about 80% of earth’s terrestrial biodiversity. They are a source of subsistence for some 350-million people. This relevance was acknowledged by actions such as the launch at COP27 of the Forest & Climate Leaders’ Partnership to unite action by governments, businesses and community leaders.

In die VSA het die Federale Buro van Ondersoek, die FBI, verlede week bekend gemaak dat daar volgens hulle genoeg rede bestaan om te glo dat die koronavirus wat Covid-19 veroorsaak het, uit ’n laboratorium in Wuhan in China ontsnap het. Verskeie Amerikaanse federale regeringsinstellings het dit die afgelope tyd gesuggereer. Meer as drie jaar ná die uitbreek van Covid-19 weet ons steeds ie met volle sekerheid hoe die virus mense bereik het nie, maar wat ons wel weet, is dat dit in China aan mense oorgedra is en vanuit China na die res van die wêreld versprei het. China is vandag steeds die spreekwoordelike broeikas vir die meeste van die wêreld se griepvirusse. Die rede hiervoor is die wyse van boerdery en veral die soort agterplaas-landbou en stedelike vleismarkte in China waardeur baie virusse die afgelope eeu versprei het.

The time had come for all role players in the South African grain production sector to re-evaluate their relevance and to co-operate in good faith. This was according to Derek Mathews, who was unanimously re-elected as chairperson of Grain SA (GSA) during the organisation’s 2023 congress.  Unity was needed to formulate the way forward, as the future success of the grain industry woulddepend “on how successful we can function as team players”, he said. “Fortunately, there is an increased drive in the grain industry to work together for future growth. To that effect, GSA succeeded in fostering excellent relationships down the agricultural value chain as well as with political functionaries. I am optimistic that role players in the grain industry will, through co-operation, find solutions to issues that pose threat to the industry,” Mathews said.

Suid-Afrikaners was die afgelope week geskok om te verneem dat Eskom en die Nasionale Energiereguleerder (Nersa) reeds daaraan werk om skedules vir hoër fases van kragonderbrekings te skep, tot so hoog as fase 16 indien nodig. Hoewel daar in dié stadium geen sprake is dat die situasie tot so ’n mate sal versleg nie, is ’n werkgroep bestaande uit Eskom, sy stelseloperateur en belanghebbendes in die bedryf glo reeds besig om die praktykkode te hersien wat Suid-Afrika se beurtkragstadiums beheer. Isabel Fick, hoofbestuurder van Eskom se stelseloperateur, het erken dat Eskom saam met Nersa aan voorbereiding van skedules ná fase 8 werk. Eskom se waarnemende opwekkingshoof, Thomas Conradie, het die afgelope week tydens ’n voorligtingsessies vir die media ook gereageer op ’n vraag of die kragvoorsiener sy beurtkragskedule tot fase 16 gaan uitbrei.

"The EFF's threats to sabotage the economy on 20 March are nothing but an act of terror and thus high treason," said Bennie van Zyl, general manager of TLU SA. "And should the government fail to take sufficient action to protect the safety of people, property and the economy during this action, it is simply a constitutional neglect of duty." READ MORE 

The $13 billion cocoa market has been expanding at a steady clip for decades. Asian consumers led by China and India are projected to soon overtake Western Europe in terms of cocoa consumption, according to Singapore-based food ingredients maker Olam Group.  But at the beginning of the supply chain, all is not well. More than two-thirds of the global supply comes from West Africa, and the prices paid to farmers are often rock bottom. Just 6% of the price of a chocolate bar ends up in their hands, according to the Fairtrade Foundation. Some 90% of farmers in Ivory Coast and 70% in Ghana fall below the International Labour Organisation’s poverty threshold of $2.14 per day.

The Indian Urea tender was settled with Indian delivered prices of $330/t CFR, which netbacks to $310/t fob Middle East. This dragged the Middle East benchmark price down almost 7% week on week. Despite the Indians being expected to lock in 1.3 million tons of product, instead of the indicated 1 million tons, the overall price sentiment remains gloomy. The market remains massively oversupplied, which is encouraging most buyers to keep buying their bare minimum requirements and leaving the opportunity open to take bigger positions if the price falls further. READ MORE 

Korrupsie by Eskom en ander staatsinstellings sal voortduur, maar dit lyk of die sabotasie by Eskom so bietjie afgeneem het nadat  Mnr Andre de Ruyter sekere onthullings gemaak het oor die groot sabotasie wat daagliks plaasvind by Eskom se kragstasies. Dis net 'n kwessie van tyd voor dit weer gaan begin. Dit is waarom ons waarskynlik laer fases van beurtkrag ondervind en omdat daar 'n nuwe minister aangestel is nie. Met die knoets van 'n Horlosie wat hy aan sy arm dra wat blykbaar R3 miljoen gekos het, sal alles sekerlik op tyd gebeur. 

The earth is 71 percent water, but more than 96 percent of it is in the oceans. This means there’s actually not much freshwater – which is essential for agriculture. In fact, the majority of available water is used in agriculture. As a result, water optimization has been and will continue to be a priority.  Artificial intelligence has proven useful for irrigation innovations; for example, sensors can detect leaks and malfunctions instantly and automatically. As a result, irrigation systems can be repaired sooner, reducing the water lost through leakage.  However, water remains such an essential part of agriculture that there can never be a single solution. Solutions to reduce water usage will continue to develop and improve throughout the coming years. 

The rand had strengthened 1.7% to R18.2413/$ — after touchingan intraday best level of R18.17/$. It firmed 0.57% to R19.5127/€ and 0.16% to R22.0821/£. The euro was 1.09% firmer at $1.0697.  The JSE retreated 1.56% to 76,454 points, having fallen the most in two weeks, while the top 40 was down 1.6%. Food producers fell 2.23%, banks 2.2%, industrials 2.06%, retailers 1.82%, financials 1.77% and industrial metals 1.64%  - The Dow Jones industrial average had weakened 0.37%, while markets were also down in Europe. Gold rose 1.94% to $1,864.93/oz and platinum 2.64% to $970.5/oz. Brent crude was little changed at $81.51 a barrel.

Weekliks vind daar konferensies, seminare of geleenthede plaas in die landbou- Aanlyn geselsies is net so gewild- die mense wil graag praat en gesels- maar as mens gaan kyk na wie hierdie geselsies en byeenkomste bywoon waar daar so lekker gesels word oor die Landbou is dit meestal die korporatiewe amptenare en ander belangstellendes- Meeste Landbouers is doeners en besoek graag demonstrasies  naby hulle, hulle eie kongresse of lees meestal inligting aanlyn. Die vraag is- word al hierdie urelange gesels en duur byeenkomstes en inligting uitruil ooit uitgevoer in dade.??

Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n eksklusiewe kompetisie wat ons landbouers en hulle gesinne gaan betrek - veral ons vroue in die Landbou.

Ons is deel van die internasionale Landbou media in die wereld sedert 3 jaar gelede.

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

Dis lankal tyd om aan die werk te spring-  Ons landbouers is nie praters nie- ons is doeners.

Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke.

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 Gedagte vir die dag

Wanneer ons oor die krisis van die Suid-Afrikaanse bedeling en ook oor die krisis van die moderne wêreld praat, is dit belangrik om soms net weer te gaan vasstel hoe ons voorouers oor sekere dinge gedink het, en om te gaan kyk of hulle nie dalk al lankal antwoorde gehad het vir vandag se probleme nie. Tradisie is ’n stel oplossings is waarvan ons die probleme al vergeet het. Ons mag dalk net vind dat ons moderne probleme juis nou opduik, omdat die oplossings wat ons voorouers reeds vir daardie probleme ontwikkel het, juis vandag met die badwater uitgegooi word. Johann Pretorius.  

 Some of the stories on AGRI NEWS NET  - We post 40 "good news stories" per day - No medium in farming and Agriculture bring you much news at one address. 

Beurtkrag maak hom bekommerd oor die toekoms van die landbou, sê dr. Theo de Jager, direksievoorsitter van Saai. Suid-Afrika is by ’n kruispad waar beurtkrag tot voedseltekorte begin lei, het De Jager op die nuwe organisasie Son SA se eerste konferensie gesê.  “Ons hoor reeds van allerlei soorte tekorte.” Hy is bekommerd oor die aantal boere wie se boeke weens beurtkrag nie meer klop nie en wat uit die bedryf gedwing kan word. Saai, TLU SA, AgriX en Company Partners is die vennote in Son SA. Deur die organisasie word hul hulpbronne saamgevoeg om voedsel- en energiesekerheid te verseker.

Die getal Suid-Afrikaners wat die land verlaat op soek na groener weivelde, nader nou vinnig die eenmiljoenkerf. Die stroom landsverlaters wat besig is om die land duur aan broodnodige vaardighede te kos, is veral kommerwekkend omdat die kritieke vaardighede wat so verlore gaan, dieper strek as wat selfs hierdie syfer toon. Dit is toenemend jongmense wat weggaan, maar nie uitsluitlik jongmense nie.

Duisende mense in Mosambiekse kusgebiede is na skuilings verskuif terwyl die land voorberei om vandag vir ‘n tweede keer deur die tropiese storm Freddy getref te word. Minstens 27 mense is in Madagaskar en Mosambiek dood sedert die storm verlede maand vir die eerste keer in die gebied aangekom het – en honderde duisende mense is deur oorstromings en swaar reën geraak.

Registration for the fifth Global Dairy Congress Africa 2023, which will be held from 20 to 21 June in Nairobi, Kenya, is now open, and limited places are still available.

Die Finansiële Intelligensiesentrum sê hulle is besig met stappe om te verseker dat Suid-Afrika van die gryslys verwyder kan word. Dit volg nadat die internasionale beleggingswaghond, die Finansiële Aksietaakmag, Suid-Afrika op die lys geplaas het weens die afwesigheid van die nodige maatreëls om geldwassery en die finansiering van terrorisme te verhoed.

President Cyril Ramaphosa het geen geheim daarvan gemaak dat die voorgenome Wetsontwerp op Onteiening noodsaaklik is om die massas se “honger na grond” te stil nie. Die president het in antwoord op 'n parlementêre vraag van die VF Plus oor die grondwetlikheid daarvan gesê die wet is noodsaaklik om “historiese ongelykhede” aan te spreek.

52 million smallholder farmers reached around the world so far – that’s already more than half of our committed target, as we aim to support 100 million smallholder farmers with agricultural products, services, and partnerships by 2030. That’s great news – especially on InternationalWomensDay.

Transnet Port Terminals (TPT) East London announced on Tuesday 28 February that the Port of East London’s grain elevator had been relaunched and was once again open for business. The elevator – one of the largest silo’s in the country, with a total storage capacity of 66 000 tons – has been out of commission for the past two years due to a severe decline in volumes regionally.

In February, over 1 000MW of renewable energy projects were registered – almost two-thirds of the 1 664MW that registered in the whole of 2022. The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) last week published data on the renewable energy projects that it registered so far

The world has reportedly lost the last seven years of its agricultural productivity growth due to climate change. The report claims low-income countries don’t have sufficient contingency funds to deal with climate change effects, due to their high debt servicing costs. This is in the wake of less than 3% of public financing being allocated to climate altogether.

Domestic vegetable prices retain strength while fruit saw a 7% y/y lift in lemon export estimate for 2023- The latest development on the export front is that South Africa’s final 2022 packed citrus fruit for international markets was 160.88 million cartons with the addition of Zimbabwe and eSwatini bringing the total to 164.86 million cartons.

Global public debt, the highest seen in 60 years, is causing a spike in food insecurity, according to a new report. This is especially true for low-income countries where around 60% are facing a debt crisis and debt servicing costs have gone up due to the depreciation of their currencies against the dollar.

Africa is on the move. Six of the world’s fastest growing economies are African.-The continent is urbanising rapidly, and governments are working to provide the infrastructure, skills and policy to drive growth and development.

South Africa is ranked as the 75th most prosperous country in the world, hampered by poor health, living conditions, education levels and a low sense of safety and security.

Ratings firm S&P Global has downgraded its outlook for South Africa from positive to stable, as the country gets pummeled by a slew of bad news. In an unscheduled announcement on Wednesday (8 March), the rating agency cited the disastrous effects of load shedding on business across the country as one of the core reasons for the outlook change.

Agriculture has consistently outperformed other sectors of the SA economy with respect to employment, investment, growth and exports. It has been a pillar of support for SAs trade balance and thereby revenue for the fiscus and national development.

Themba Rikhotso has been appointed as the new CEO of Land Bank, effective from 1 April. He takes over from Khensani Mukhari, who in May last year was appointed as acting CEO, following the resignation of Ayanda Kanana, who served in the position for two years.

As farms of all sizes ring in the new year, these and other similar trends will dictate the priorities of the most successful ones. While many of these improvements are geared toward increasing the quality, yield, and profitability of farming businesses, a majority are also designed to help increase overall food security and minimize the impact on our environment.

This is South Africa - OR Tambo International Airport has been personally served the Notice Of The NationalShutdown … it includes all airlines, shops, banks, security & cleaning companies. Please let your people know not to fly into SA on the 20th March- Don't be submissive to this dictators.

Die Namibiese Hidrologiese Diens sê daar is verligting in die Benede Oranje nadat Blouputs se vlakke gedaal het tot 2,94 meter. Die watervlak was op 28 Februarie op 8,85 meter aangeteken. Meeste van die damme in die opvangsgebied in Suid-Afrika stel steeds water vry, maar vlakke het gedaal.

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En so reen dit Wurms.

Ons is hier om te bou  - dis tyd om dit finaal te stop

Meganisasie-  Op sy beste-  24 uur per dag 

Moderne Landbou tegnologie

Europa se landbouers is nog steeds aan die betoog

Wanneer gaan mense leer dat dit 'n WILDEDIER is-   hoe dom kan mense wees

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