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South Africa Richard Hardiman first came up with the idea for a water-cleaning robot after seeing two men struggle to catch rubbish from their boat in his home city of Cape Town, South Africa. “They were cleaning a little bit of waste in one area and the wind was blowing everything out of the way. It looked, to me, extremely ineffective,” says Hardiman. The WasteShark is battery-powered and travels up to 5km on one battery. That amounts to around 8-10 hours of cleaning time. A daily feed for the WasteShark is around 500kg of debris or the equivalent of guzzling roughly 21 000 plastic bottles. Any rubbish collected in the robot’s belly is then brought back to shore, sorted and recycled or disposed of responsibly.
Ivan Meyer, LUR vir landbou in die Wes-Kaap, het die voorlegging gelei en gesê dat die landbou 11% van die provinsie se bruto binnelandse produk uitmaak. Onder die departement se fokuspunte is om die sektor se produksie te verhoog, marktoegang uit te brei, voedselsekerheid te bevorder en landelike veiligheid te verbeter. Die departement moet dit egter vermag met ’n begroting wat in die komende boekjaar afneem tot R960 miljoen, teenoor R992 miljoen in die huidige boekjaar (2022-’23).
SARS needs to re-institute the establishment of a digital tax stamp for Tobacco products -Our security markings on our current packs are by no means a security feature & illegal players continue to under-declare their volume production. This process needs to be established in a transparent manner, an open tender to establish the correct system from a reputable service provider, at a minimal cost to the OEM and the stamps themselves coming it at minimum to zero cost or a cost balance between excise & the stamps.
Eskom se kragvoorsiening het verbeter nadat Andre de Ruyter met die hele sak patats uitgekom het oor hoe sabotasie by Eskom plaasvind. Dit lyk of die sabotasie tans minder is en die eenhede nie meer so breek nie. Daar is ook ondersoeke na sabotasie en korrupsie aan die gang. Hoe lank die kader sgaan stop met hulle sabotasie weet ons nie. Die ANC is nog steeds onsteld. Wat die land se kragkrisis aanbetref, moet die private sektor so veel as moontlik doen en die staat so min as moontlik. Dit is nie ʼn ideologiese posisie nie, maar gegrond op die prestasie van die onderskeie rolspelers die afgelope dekade of twee. Tans word elektrisiteit sentraal opgewek en versprei. In die toekoms sal dit toenemend verspreid opgewek én verbruik word. Die huidige krisis is die gevolg van mense wat elkeen ʼn klein bietjie skade gedoen het, sonder inagneming van die skade waartoe dit sou opbou. Dit is dieselfde wyse waarop die krisis opgelos gaan word: Deur talle rolspelers wat elkeen bydra, sonder ʼn tussenganger wat die inkomstestroom na individuele sakke kan herlei.
The sustainable use of land resources is key to mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss, but we are already using almost 40% of the world’s land surface for agriculture. How can the world attempt to solve this equation? While advances in equipment and seed technology have historically been used to improve crop yields, we must look for new ways to improve efficiency and boost production. The answer may lie in space. Farmers now have a new tool at their disposal: satellites, unlocking an array of real-time data, can put farmers at the cutting edge of technology to help solve food insecurity. READ MORE
The Urea market saw prices still settling down after last week’s Indian tender, with different markets moving in different directions. Most of the market moves were by small amounts, so generally prices didn’t shift by much. The Middle East urea price average was unchanged overall but the spread between high and low widened as producers targeted different markets – some yielding slightly higher prices than last week and other destinations were lower. READ MORE
This year South Africa assumed the role of chair of the BRICS grouping of countries, taking over from China, which chaired in 2022.While South Africa previously chaired the grouping in 2018, each tenure is different and brings a new opportunity to influence the agenda within this economically influential grouping of countries. The BRICS grouping is not a formal economic or trade bloc; still the business communities from each country typically look for ways to deepen trade and investments with other BRICS partners. READ MORE
Lees meer oor ons opwindende kompetiese. Dit is reeds wyd ontvang en ons gaan dit nog groter maak.
Ons is deel van die internasionale Landbou media in die wereld sedert 3 jaar gelede.
Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer.
Dis lankal tyd om aan die werk te spring- Ons landbouers is nie praters nie- ons is doeners.
Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke.
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Gedagte vir die dag
Moenie dat die vrese wat dwase mense daagliks kwytraak jou onstel of laat twyfel nie. Ons staan al vir jare vas en niemand kan ons iets aan dien nie. Die swaas het nog nooit geslaag in enige iets wat hy/sy aanpak nie
Wanneer ons oor die krisis van die Suid-Afrikaanse bedeling en ook oor die krisis van die moderne wêreld praat, is dit belangrik om soms net weer te gaan vasstel hoe ons voorouers oor sekere dinge gedink het, en om te gaan kyk of hulle nie dalk al lankal antwoorde gehad het vir vandag se probleme nie. Tradisie is ’n stel oplossings is waarvan ons die probleme al vergeet het. Ons mag dalk net vind dat ons moderne probleme juis nou opduik, omdat die oplossings wat ons voorouers reeds vir daardie probleme ontwikkel het, juis vandag met die badwater uitgegooi word. Johann Pretorius.
Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.
Some of the stories on AGRI NEWS NET - We post 40 "good news stories" per day - No medium in farming and Agriculture bring you much news at one address.
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South African Reserve Bank deputy governor Rashad Cassim said they estimate that the country’s neutral rate is 7%. The neutral rate is the interest rate that neither speeds up nor slows down the economy. It is the level at which the policy rate will settle when inflation is at target, and output is at potential.
South Africa's agriculture sector is resilient, however, it will have to keep up with the times to help solve burning issues. 'It all comes down to efficiency and farmers who don’t adapt technologically will not exist in the future,' says Loffie Brandt, head of sales enablement at Absa Agribusiness.
South Africa -Season Update Highlights from SATI's bi-weekly Joint Grape Marketing Forum. National Volumes & Update •National inspection volumes for week 10 total 302 536 cartons (4,5 kg equivalent). This is 92% less than week 10 of the previous season, mainly due to rain in both the Berg River and Hex River regions during that week.
Eskom has recorded notable gradual improvements in its power generation fleet, the parastatal has announced. “Over the past week, six coal-fired power stations achieved energy availability factor (EAF) of 70%, a milestone last achieved on 08 May 2022,” Eskom said in a statement on Thursday.
Suid-Afrika se gryslys-status het nie net ‘n impak op landbou nie, maar op alle sektore wat goedere in- en uitvoer. Bongi Kunene van die Bankvereniging van Suid-Afrika sê egter dis nou te vroeg om definitief te wees van wat dit vir elke sektor gaan beteken.
Die Nasionale Energiereguleerder van Suid-Afrika het bevestig ‘n verhoging van 18,65 persent in Eskom se tariewe vir die volgende boekjaar word op 1 April ingestel. Nersa sê hy het Eskom se hersiene aansoek vroeër hierdie maand vir ‘n verhoging van slegs tien persent vir arm huishoudings goedgekeur.
Namibiese renoster-eienaars is moedeloos nadat nóg ‘n wrede geval van renosterstropery aangemeld is waartydens ‘n swartrenosterkoei gestroop is en haar kalf van net vier dae oud met ‘n byl doodgekap is. Twee verdagtes is met behulp van boeregemeenskappe in hegtenis geneem.
Wêreldwye én plaaslike kwessies het die landbousektor in 2022 onder druk geplaas, veral bedrywe wat spesifiek op uitvoer toegespits is. Tog het die sektor in die vierde kwartaal van 2022 vergeleke met die ooreenstemmende tydperk in 2021 kop opgetel en met 10,6% gegroei.
Across the continent, over half of Africa’s white and a third of its black rhino occurred on private land in 2021. An additional 5% of the continent’s black rhino were held on communal land in Namibia and South Africa.
Are our vocabulary, standards and perspectives of wine too Eurocentric for a modern, globalized world? Some say yes, and their arguments echo recent shifts in the way we view our past and present society.
The South African Tyre Manufacturers Conference (SATMC) says it is actively working to confront the challenge of the illicit trade of tyres in South Africa. This includes the rising incidents of misdeclaration of tyre consignments and rerouting of imports through neighbouring countries to avoid tyre duties, environment levies and permits.'
Occupying the southern tip of the vast African continent, South Africa is both a hub of vital biodiversity as well as a rich and diverse melting pot of culture. The country also has a thriving wine culture.
Suid Afrika -Ten spyte van die redelike hoë insetkoste wat die melkbedryf steeds kniehalter, lyk vooruitsigte in die melkbedryf beter danksy ‘n melkprysverhoging van 30 sent wat op 1 Februarie vanjaar ingestel is, gevolg deur ‘n verdere 30 sent prysverhoging op 1 Maart. Daar is ook ‘n winterpremieverhoging van 30 sent wat vanaf 1 April sal geld en produsente se moraal ‘n verdere hupstoot behoort te gee.
Dagga"would help formalise South Africa estimated 900,000 small-scale farmers growing the plant and allow the government to take corporate taxes and impose sin taxes like it does on tobacco and alcohol. All about money- and millions of people's healthy live's down the drain. Please take care before using Cannabis Oil- don't follow the crowd- stay alive and healthy.
Ru-oliepryse se winste is sedert die Russiese inval in die Oekraïne uitgewis. Vir die grootste deel van verlede jaar het vrese vir ‘n groot olie-voorraadskok deur Rusland marksentiment en die posisionering van handelaars gedikteer. Maar oliepryse het nie gestyg nie, selfs nadat die EU-verbod en die G7-prysperke op Russiese ruolie en petroleumprodukte in werking getree het.
Die mark het weer eens die afgelope week die afwaartse neiging in die Australiese mark gevolg en bykomende afwaartse druk ervaar van die sterker rand teenoor die Amerikaanse dollar
Terwyl beurtkrag nog nie ’n impak op die beskikbaarheid van voedsel het nie, skep dit beslis ander monsters in die vorm van onder meer hoë voedselpryse, meen die landbou-ekonoom prof. Frikkie Maré.
With growing demand from the feed, food and fuel industries for vegetable oil and meal, oilseed processors are powering ahead with production expansion and improved efficiency.
Doemprofete is Suid Afrika se ondergang- Waar is ons manne en dames wat vas staan en glo in hulleself. Ons is al deur baie dinge en ons het alles oorwin- Elke dag het sy uitdagings, maar met sosiale media deel Jan Rap en sy maat hulle vrese en emosies met die hele wereld- Staan op voete en vat dit wat na jou toe kom- jy het alleen die wereld ingekom- en jy gaan dit alleen uit.
Die eerste sterk koue front van die jaar, wat temperature van die naweek af skerp kan laat daal, sal Saterdag oor die Wes-Kaap begin inbeweeg. Voorspellings toon dat die koue front Saterdagaand en vroeg Sondag vanuit die suidweste oor die land gaan inbeweeg.
The youth have an opportunity that exceeds merely filling the shoes of the generation that came before us. As early and natural adopters of technology we have an advantage when it comes to advancing the agricultural sector. The agri sector is perceived as being a male-dominated sector however times are changing. More and more women are entering the fore in agriculture.
According to the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, the southern African region is facing a significant challenge due to the circulation of illegal firearms. It is estimated that around 3.8 million unregistered firearms are in circulation in South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. This poses a threat to the region’s stability and security.
Februarie se inflasie is met 0,2 persent op na 7,2 persent, vergeleke met Januarie se syfers. Voedsel het weer die meeste bygedra en alles is duurder. Vrugte het die duurste geword met ‘n prysstyging van 26,8 persent, gevolg deur brood en grane wat 22 persent duurder is. Olies en vette is op met 17,9 persent terwyl suiker sy en sy produkte 12,5 persent duurder is.
Tanzania's pro-business stance, perpetrated by the president of the country, Samia Suluhu Hassan, is sending a positive message to investors, who are increasingly choosing Tanzania as their preferred investment destination, with the number of registered projects increasing by 128%, according to the most recent data.
Global onion prices are at record-high levels due to a global shortage of onions. In the Netherlands, the onion market has stabilised around 90 cents for the 60/80 grade, while in Germany, Spanish and Dutch onions are well above previous years' price levels, and demand for import onions is relatively high.
Boere in die Vrystaat sê beurtkrag maak hulle meer kwesbaar vir veediefstal en die diefstal van toerusting. Talle boere het kameras en elektriese heinings geïnstalleer om veiligheid op hul plase te verbeter. Vrystaat Landbou sê die sektor het die afgelope drie maande verliese van bykans 400 miljoen rand gely.
En so staan ons almal vas teen die aanvalle.
The alligator seemed to think the crane would be easy prey. But the pair quickly entered into a tense stand-off.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) March 17, 2023
For more:https://t.co/QpoldYUUXq pic.twitter.com/nCuNIaapBz
🍎 🍏 🇮🇹 From the grader to short-term V storage before packing. pic.twitter.com/B06ZQaZOgR
— Chris White (@chrisfruitnet) March 17, 2023
Lekker speel op sy beste
Physics says energy would be lost due to inefficiency of the wheel, and it wouldn't make a complete loop with the bird on it. This cockatoo actually learned to move in a way that adds energy to the system
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) March 17, 2023
[full video: https://t.co/u7nrU3IWi9]pic.twitter.com/isQaBXS6vZ
Dit is Kreatiwiteit
These are nearly seedless delicious mangoes from Thailand 🥭 pic.twitter.com/gJo6jLmJDj
— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) March 18, 2023
The ingenuity and hard work of people around the world is inspiring pic.twitter.com/cBNyVALweM
— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) March 18, 2023