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Die swak voorsiening van elektrisiteit het soos ‘n stadige kanker Suid-Afrika al hoe meer lam gelê met die gevolg dat die seerkry in die ekonomie onaanvaarbare afmetings aangeneem het. Al hoe meer word besef dat die wyse hoe die misdaadsindikate binne Eskom op vele wyses voortgaan met hul plunderveldtogte en saam met onkundige kaderaanstellings die effektiwiteit van Eskom lam lê, daar na alternatiewe vir kragvoorsiening gekyk sal moet word. Konstante kragvoorsiening is sekerlik een van die belangrikste aspekte om te verseker dat besighede ekonomies aktief kan wees. Vele kleiner besighede moes noodgedwonge hulle deure reeds sluit, terwyl ander tans in ‘n worstelstryd is om enigsins winsgewend te wees. Landbou kan nie aanspraak maak dat dit belangriker is as ander besighede nie in die sin dat die hele waardeketting moet funksioneer. Indien die markte (koopkrag) in duie stort gaan beskikbare kos ook nie vir die boere ‘n inkomste kan bring nie. Wat wel besef moet word is dat kos op die tafel seker die grootste en belangrikste bydrae maak om anargie te verhoed en te help dat ‘n land gestabiliseer is.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is the fourth-largest investor in Africa globally, and the biggest among the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) states (which include Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman). About $1,2bn was invested into Sub-Saharan Africa between 2016 and 2021 by the UAE alone, making up 88% of the GCC’s total investment during the same period.The reality is that the UAE — which imports 80%-90% of its food — requires an effective, ongoing partnership with Africa to sustain its food security, particularly against the backdrop of the continued effects of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on commodity supplies and prices. Of course, a strategic relationship with the subregion would make sense given that Sub-Saharan Africa is home to 15% of the world’s Muslim population and 40% of the region identifies as Muslim
The governing ANC has given former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter until March 7 to produce evidence of the party’s alleged involvement in corruption at the power utility, failing which the ANC says it will lay charges. In a letter served to Eskom chair Mpho Makwana on Tuesday, the ANC demanded that De Ruyter give evidence of alleged political meddling at the power utility, which has a near monopoly on providing electricity to SA but has in recent times plunged the country into darkness for up to 10 hours a day. The ANC has demanded a retraction from De Ruyter, saying his comments during the interview are “false” and “defamatory” and imply that the party had received money from Eskom through unethical means.
Urea prices were unchanged in almost all regional markets as producers and traders are either participating in the current Indian tender or holding back on sales in anticipation of what prices emerge from the tender. The 1 million tons being sought by the Indians under the tender is expected to be supplied by a combination of Middle East and Russian players. READ MORE
Dumping the smoke-affected wine would have been financially devastating for her small startup. Instead, she turned it into an income stream. The vermouth project also allowed Kimmel to keep the embodied energy in the fruit. “There’s an entire growing season of inputs in the vineyard,” she points out. “To just let that fruit sit after all the labor and resources that went into farming it doesn’t feel like the best use of resources. I feel like there was a responsibility to honor that effort and make the wine.” READ MORE
A new report from the Wildlife Conservation Society analyzes just how easy it is to buy and sell trafficked jaguar parts online, revealing that most of the activity is happening in Latin America with little or no response from law enforcement. “The buyers are on the surface of the internet, on social media,” said Kurt Duchez, a report co-author and WCS Wildlife Trafficking Officer for Central America. “It’s all sitting in plain sight. You just have to look for it.” READ MORE -
ʼn Reeks gebeure die afgelope paar weke dui daarop dat die diplomatieke verhouding tussen Suid-Afrika en die Verenigde State van Amerika besig is om te verswak met ernstige waarskuwings vanuit die VSA dat, sou die Suid-Afrikaanse regering nie die regte stappe neem nie, dit tot negatiewe ekonomiese gevolge vir ons land kan lei. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering se buitelandse beleid word toenemend gedryf deur ideologie, historiese kommunistiese vriendskappe en ʼn valse romantisering van sosialistiese, outoritêre state. Sou Amerika meer vervreem word kan dit katastrofiese ekonomiese gevolge vir Suid-Afrika inhou. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat die burgerlike samelewing en privaat sektor druk op die regering plaas om sy verhouding met die VSA te versterk.
India’s thriving farm sector, the only bright spot in its slowing economy, has become a hostage to warnings of a heat wave, muddling the outlook for policymakers already grappling with sticky inflation. Economic growth slowed unexpectedly to a three-quarter low of 4.4% in the December quarter, it emerged on Tuesday. The weather office’s prediction of a hotter summer compounded the concern, throwing a fresh challenge before the central bank that’s already struggling to keep a lid on prices.
Ons Finansierings pakkette is beskikbaar- Ons het reeds 'n hele klomp aansoeke ontvang. Ons het weer kopers wat belangstel in grond.
Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n eksklusiewe kompetisie wat ons landbouers en hulle gesinne gaan betrek - veral ons vroue in die Landbou.
Ons is deel van die internasionale Landbou media in die wereld sedert 3 jaar gelede.
Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer.
Dis lankal tyd om aan die werk te spring- Ons landbouers is nie praters nie- ons is doeners.
Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke.
Dankie dat jy elke dag deel is van ons - NUUS NETWERK- Ons maak dit nog groter.
7 dae per week is ons span aand ie werk- Onafhanklik en gefokus op ons werk-
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Gedagte vir die dag
Suid Afrika se inwoners moet ophou om teater gangers te wees- en heeldag te sit en kyk wat in die media gebeur- Suid Afrika is al lankal besig om agteruit te gaan en julle hou dit dop. Sekere Politieke leiers en allerhande linkse en regse elemente is die spelers in die sogenaamde "movie" Julle word eintlik vermaak deur 'n siek media en klomp korrupte politieke leiers en aanhangsels. Suid Afrika sit en kyk op Televisie- hulle slimfone en in die media hoe die media daarop uit is om sensasie te skep en te wys hoe barbarre ons land vernietig, en strukture afbreek tot groot vermaak van die kamara man en sy span is. Dit is wat verkoop- en die media weet dat ons daarna kyk en met afguns begroet en niks daaraan doen nie - Hou op om Televisie nuus te kyk, en draai weg van radio stasies wat daarop uit is om jou te voer met negatiewe sensasie nuus. Jou tyd wat jy spandeer op jou slimfoon is nie die moeite werd nie. Alles wat wat ons hier sien is die simptome van 'n siek land- die oorsaak word nie net nooit aangespreek nie. Daar word net daarop gepraat. Johann Pretorius.
Some of the stories on AGRI NEWS NET - We post 40 "good news stories" per day - No medium in farming and Agriculture bring you much news at one address.
Landbouers in Suid Afrika het genoeg gehad van die urelange besprekingsprogramme wat daagliks op een of ander landbou program gevoer word deur mense wat nie so intensief by Landbou betrokke is nie. Landhouers is doeners en baie min werklike hardwerkende boere het tyd om na die besprekingsprogramme te kyk op Televisie of sosiale media.
Die feit dat die landbou poste verloor, is ’n kommerwekkende teken van die druk op boere. “Hoewel die verlies aan poste in dié stadium marginaal is, dui dit op ’n toenemend uitdagende omgewing waarin boere bedrywig is,” sê Christo van der Rheede, uitvoerende hoof van Agri SA.
An old liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier will be converted into Greece's first floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), destined for the eastern Mediterranean to supply the region. The project is expected to be commercially operational by the end of 2023.
Agricultural markets saw widespread change for myriad reasons in the three years since the US Department of Agriculture was last able to invite representatives from across the agricultural supply chains to the nation’s capital.
Die kragkrisis is besig om die hoenderbedryf om elke hoek en draai te pootjie. Voortslepende beurtkrag kos die bedryf nou 75c vir elke kilogram hoender wat hy produseer.
Harvesting a field full of fragile blackberries is no easy task. Each of those juicy berries sold in the grocery store produce aisle has to be collected by hand because the fruit can be easily bruised or ruined altogether. Here in the South, the harvesting window happens right in the midst of the hot summer months.
There is sufficient soil moisture to support agricultural activity in South Africa. The Western Cape is a winter rainfall area, hence the soil moisture is fairly low there at the moment compared with the rest of the country.
Former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter has warned that there is big trouble ahead and advised Western Cape Premier Alan Winde to “do what you can”. Winde announced that the Western Cape aims to add 750 megawatts of supply by 2025 and to reach 5,700 megawatts by 2035.
Vinnige klimaatsverandering kan die fisiologie, optrede en voortplantingsukses van diere negatief raak. Volgens Nicholas Pattinson van die Percy Fitzpatrick-instituut vir Afrika-voëlkunde aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad kan hoë temperature, wat hittegolwe insluit, negatief inwerk op broeiprestasie. Pattinson sê dit kan lei tot verminderde kanse vir jong voëls om te oorleef tot volwassenheid.
‘n Navorsingstudie het getoon dat vars bees- en lamsvleis bydra tot die inname van belangrike voedingstowwe, wat deel vorm van die bestaande bewyse wat die rol van rooivleis as deel van ‘n gesonde dieet ondersteun.
Efficient Group chief economist Dawie Roodt said South Africans should be worried about the country’s deteriorating institutions and governmental service levels. Roodt said the country is busy falling back in many fields, including economic activity and safety.
Die hersiene oppervlakteskatting vir sonneblomsaad is sowat 555 000 hektaar, wat 17,2% minder is as die vorige seisoen. Die Nasionale Oesskattingskomitee sê die produksieskatting vir sonneblomsaad is meer as 775 000 ton, wat 8,3% minder is as die vorige seisoen se skatting. Die verwagte opbrengs is 1,4 ton per hektaar.
Die Sitruskwekers-vereniging van Suid-Afrika sê hoewel hawens vrygestel is van beurtkrag, word verkoelings-pakhuise buite hawens steeds deur kragonderbrekings geraak. Die vereniging sê boere sukkel om sitrus-produkte te berg teen temperature soos die Europese Unie se nuwe regulasies vereis.
Urea prices were unchanged in almost all regional markets as producers and traders are either participating in the current Indian tender or holding back on sales in anticipation of what prices emerge from the tender. The 1 million tons being sought by the Indians under the tender is expected to be supplied by a combination of Middle East and Russian players.
South Africans are paying nearly R5,000 for a basic food basket — R570 more than a year ago. The latest household affordability index, compiled by the Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice & Dignity Group (PMBEJD), shows the average cost of a basket has increased by R572.64 (13.1%) — from R4,335.70 in February 2022 to R4,928.34 in February 2023.
Inenting is sonder enige twyfel die beste voorsorgmaatreël om bloutong te voorkom, maar wat kan boere doen om die impak van die siekte te verminder as daar nie entstof beskikbaar is nie?
Transnet Port Terminals (TPT) has hit a few records in its operations across sectors over the last financial year despite struggling after facing flooding, looting, inclement weather and electricity constraints.
A new report from the Wildlife Conservation Society analyzes just how easy it is to buy and sell trafficked jaguar parts online, revealing that most of the activity is happening in Latin America with little or no response from law enforcement.
The national crop estimate has been adjusted downwards, mainly due to a decrease in the estimate for the Hex River region. This can be ascribed to a lower yield on cultivars packed, and an expected lower yield for the remaining cultivars still to be packed in this region. The revised crop estimate anticipates that approximately 63.6 million cartons (4.5 kg equivalent) will be inspected for export.
Vir nog meer nuus - www.agrinewsnet.co.za
As jy wil braai- dan braai jy
Ek is n vleis produsent, en n vleisvreter. Hier’s my gunsteling braaiplek op my plaas.
— Boer (@twatterbaas) March 4, 2023
@adamtasmusiek @Fern514 @AgentLeonV3 @KwaggaBoucher @AntonFoooker50 @KoosdlRey #AdamSeVleisvreterChallenge pic.twitter.com/ghB7c3iaDJ
🇧🇪 Belgium - Brussels [Mar 4, 2023]
— 𝚁𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙰𝙶𝙰𝙸𝙽𝚂𝚃 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚅𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙸𝙽𝙴 (@72powpow) March 4, 2023
Massive protest today of the Belgian farmers at the EU parliament in Brussels, which wants to destroy European agriculture under the false excuse of nitrogen pollution. March 11th the 🇳🇱 Dutch farmers will stand up as well! #NoFarmersNoFood pic.twitter.com/2g7G3uNQQA