AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News  22nd  January 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News 22nd January 2023

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The summer harvesting season has got off to a bad start for South Africa’s deciduous farmers — grape producers in particular. In fact, it’s been likened to a “war of survival for many producers and exporters”. Sati’s 300 members, who farm on about 20,000ha of land, have had to contend with rolling power outages during a critical part of their harvest season. Table grapes and other fruit for export need to be cooled to about 1°C before being loaded in cooled containers and shipped to markets in the northern hemisphere. “Our second crop estimate was published in late December,” says Griesel. “It places our expected grape export volumes for the season on 66-million cartons compared with last year’s 75-million.”  It’s no small deal. Upwards of 80% of the country’s grapes are destined for the export market, according to the economic research centre at the National Agricultural Marketing Council. And, the centre’s trade unit adds, South Africa is the fourth-largest exporter for table grapes after Chile, Peru and China.

Die wyndruifoes het vanjaar sowat twee tot drie weke later as gewoonlik begin, en ook baie lank aangehou. Die oes is meer as 3% groter as verledejaar. Klimaat en swamsiektes het daartoe gelei dat die wyndruifoes op hande na raming die vierde kleinste oes in 17 jaar sal wees. Mnr. Conrad Schutte, hoof van Vinpro se konsultasiedienste, sê buiten die Klein-Karoo-streek word die wyndruifoes in ál die wynstreke laer geskat as verlede jaar. Die Noord-Kaap en Swartland se afname beloop waarskynlik dubbelsyfers, het hy op Vinpro se inligtingsdag in Kaapstad gesê. “In die Noord-Kaapstreek is heelwat wingerde uitgehaal en weens beurtkrag gaan boere sukkel om die oorblywende wingerde te besproei. Die Swartland is ook hard geslaan deur droogtetoestande en sonbrand.”

Wines of South Africa's (WoSA) latest report has revealed that despite a decline of 5% in wine export volumes, the South African wine industry remains focused on its road to recovery following the pandemic. Export value saw a 2.4% decline, with Rand per litre on a whole, showing marginal growth as producers navigate rising costs, shipping challenges and shortages in the supply of packaging goods. A total volume of 368.8 million litres of wine left South Africa's shores in 2022, some 20 million litres less than in 2021. These exports totalled R9.9bn in value, down from R10.2bn in 2021. The decline can be attributed to shipping constraints at the port of Cape Town, in particular an extended period of adverse weather conditions, which prevented ships from docking during April 2022 as well as the two-week-long period of strikes by port workers in October.

Boere van regoor die Noord-Kaap het Vrydagoggend opgeruk in ʼn vreedsame protes teen die voortslepende beurtkragkrisis wat Suid-Afrikaners se lewensbestaan bedreig, en boonop nou dreig om die land se voedselsekerheid te knou. Ongeveer 300 boere en lede van gemeenskappe het met trekkers en ander plaastoerusting na Douglas gereis om die impak van beurtkrag te beklemtoon.
Besorgdes in ander gebiede soos Hopetown, Prieska en Vaalharts het ook in hul onderskeie dorpe opgeruk om bewusmaking oor die potensiële vernietigende impak van beurtkrag te skep.
“Die doel van vandag is nie om die land onregeerbaar te maak of ander dele van die ekonomie om ver te werp nie,” het Nicol Jansen van Agri Noord-Kaap gesê toe hy Vrydag die boere toegespreek het. “Die doel van vandag is om bewusmaking te skep oor ons probleem; dat ons nie kos kan produseer as ons nie krag het nie.”

Die ANC is dalk besig om 'n voedselkrises te skep-  Die regering is tot alles instaat behalwe om welvaart te bou - Mnr. Francois Baird, stigter van die FairPlay-beweging, sê daar moet maniere gevind word om klein boerderyondernemings, wat ’n belangrike komponent van Suid-Afrika se voedselsekerheid en werkskepping vorm, te steun. Braaihoenders of groente wat tydens die afgelope twee weke se kragonderbrekings gevrek het, gaan oor etlike weke nie beskikbaar wees nie. Aartappels, mielies en sekere vrugte sal oor ’n aantal maande afwesig wees, terwyl vrugteboorde eers volgende seisoen weer produksie kan lewer, of selfs oorgeplant moet word. Mnr. Noko Masipa, DA-LP en skaduminister van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling, sê die party het die departement van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling skriftelik versoek om ’n voorlegging te doen oor die maatreëls wat toegepas word om die landbousektor teen die impak van beurtkrag te beskerm.

 China, which historically has been reliant on soybean imports to meet demand, planted 10.26 million hectares of the crop, its largest area for the crop since 1958 and an increase of 1.82 million hectares year-over-year, Soybean output rose to 20.28 million tonnes, 3.89 million tonnes more than in 2021, said Zeng Yande, chief agronomist of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, at a news conference held by the State Council Information Office.

AfriForum is fed up with the “decay of the state” and is going to start its own electricity generation company.Kallie Kriel, CEO of the civil rights organisation, says they are already engaged in formal discussions with South Africa-born businessperson André Pienaar – the founder and CEO of C5 Capital, a specialist venture capital firm that invests in cybersecurity, space and nuclear energy. The long-term plan is to develop the first modular pebble-bed reactor in South Africa, using financing from foreign and local investors.

The American Urea market is expected to show strong demand for the spring season with farm economics looking strong for the upcoming season. That being said, there is already a big line-up of urea cargoes destined for the US and any price increase will encourage even more product to head that way. Urea demand in South America remains very weak and prices in Brazil continue to edge downwards. Demand for urea in Europe remains muted as gas prices remain low enough for domestic nitrogen production to be viable. Urea looks set for continuing price reductions until the Northern Hemisphere refill programme and the next Indian tender begin. READ MORE 

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Ons stel eers daags ons nuwe Finansienings pakket bekend -   Hou ons mediums dop. Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n eksklusiewe kompetisie wat ons landbouers en hulle gesinne gaan betrek - veral ons vroue in die Landbou. Ons is deel van die internasionale Landbou media in wereld sedert 3 jaar gelede. Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor doe wereld gepubliseer. 

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Die klimaataktivis, Greta Thunberg, is tans in Davos, Switserland waar wêreldleiers van die Wêreld Ekonomiese Forum vergader. Sy het haar kritiek teenoor die byeenkoms uitgespreek en sê sy kan nie verstaan hoe die wêreld na die groep leiers toe kyk om hul probleme op te los nie – omdat hulle wins jaag, ten koste van mense en die planeet.

The American Urea market is expected to show strong demand for the spring season with farm economics looking strong for the upcoming season. That being said, there is already a big line-up of urea cargoes destined for the US and any price increase will encourage even more product to head that way.

A fake global warming crisis was invented by the UN to open the door the multi-trillion dollar energy market for globalists at the WEF. Earth's been warmer for most of the past 600m years & temps and carbon dioxide levels are at the lowest point for 300m years. It's about money.

This update – the 119 th of its kind and the first for 2023 – contains a consolidated overview of the South African supply chain and the current state of international trade. This week, port operations were characterised by adverse weather conditions, frequent equipment breakdowns and shortages, loadshedding causing system challenges, and congestion.

Stubborn food inflation decelerates but renewed loadshedding muddies the outlook for 2023 After spiralling and breaching the upper end of South African Reserve Bank’s target range of 3% to 6%, consumer price inflation (CPI) ended 2022 on a positive note as it slowed to 7.2% year-on-year (y/y) in December 2022 according to the January 2023 update from Statistics South Africa (StatsSA).

Consumer demand for onions was not as strong as was seen over the festive season. The large size onions sold between R100 to R105 per 10 kg. The medium/large size onions sold at an average of R110 per 10 kg, and the small/medium size onions sold between R105 and R110 per 10 kg. The small size onions sold between R95 and R100 per 10 kg.

Consumer demand for onions was not as strong as was seen over the festive season. The large size onions sold between R100 to R105 per 10 kg. The medium/large size onions sold at an average of R110 per 10 kg, and the small/medium size onions sold between R105 and R110 per 10 kg. The small size onions sold between R95 and R100 per 10 kg.

Dit wil voorkom of ‘n droë reënjaar in die komende seisoen op Namibië wag. Die jongste voorspellings van die Internasional Navorsingsinstituut vir Klimaat toon dat die El Nino-verskynsel, wat ondergemiddelde reënval vir die Suider-Afrikaanse streek bring, reeds teen Februarie, Maart en April vanjaar sal begin versterk terwyl die La Nina-verskynsel, wat goeie neerslae beteken, skerp verswak.

Soil Degradation causes the loss of soil micro- and macronutrients, resulting in severe and often invisible health problems for people & animals!

Ekonome sê beurtkrag het ‘n negatiewe impak op potensiële winste in die mynboubedryf. Dit volg op Statistieke Suid-Afrika se bekendmaking van die mynbouproduksiesyfers vir November wat toon dat produksie op ‘n jaargrondslag met nege persent afgeneem het.

Efficient Group chief economist Dawie Roodt said South Africa is in crisis and heading for a disaster with rising unemployment and poverty. Roodt told Radio 702 that South Africa’s economy could not grow faster than 1.5%, and the population is growing at 1.5% as well. “We have unemployment levels of nearly 50%. We have rising levels of poverty in South Africa,” he said.

Food and beverage giant Danone has committed to slashing methane emissions from its fresh milk supply chain by 30% by 2030. The food giant expects to remove 1.2 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent of methane emissions by 2030.

Negatiewe nuus oorheers die media in Suid Afrika - Waar jy lees, lees jy die selfde nuus- net op 'n ander media en met 'n ander stertjie aangelas. Afrikaanse televisie is oorlaai met allerhande nuusprogramme wat se Inhoud besmet is met negatiewiteit. Sekere Afrkaanse Radio stasies herhaal hierdie nuus byna elke uur op hulle nuusbulletins

Die wolmark het sy opwaartse tendens van verlede week voortgesit. Goeie vraag en marksentiment het wolpryse verder opwaarts gedryf. Senior wolbemarker by OVK, Heinrich Victor, sê die Cape Wools Merino-aanwyser het met 2,7% vir nie-RWS en 3,8% vir RWS wol gestyg teenoor die vorige veiling, en teen 'n skoonprys van R170,09/kg en R181,89/kg, onderskeidelik gesluit.

The specialized plant metabolites can strongly shape plant microbiota assembly. In some cases, specialized metabolites are produced by plant roots are a lineage-specific manner but others are convergently synthesized by distant plant species:

Almal in Namibië weet van beesboere, mielieboere en groenteboere… maar bye? Het jy geweet dat dyeboerdery in Namibië bestaan al meer as 100 jaar met beide tradisionele en moderne byeboerdery-metodes. Die Byeboerdery-vereniging van Namibië is twee jaar gelede gestig tydens ‘n vergadering van die Namibiese omgewingsministerie en het ook nou by die Namibiese Landbou-unie aangesluit.

Toe die Russe op die slagveld teen die Oekraïnse magte begin vasval, was pres. Wladimir Poetin vinnig om die oorlog te eskaleer. Die moderne wapentuig waarmee die Weste die Oekraïnse magte uitgerus het en die patriotiese ywer van die verdedigers, was in die meeste gevalle net te veel vir die swak opgeleide en toegeruste, en ongemotiveerde, Russiese magte.

Farmers in the Northern Cape, where a devastating drought has prevailed since 2011, are still in dire straits, despite the rainfall that occurred recently in some parts of the region.

Gegewe die impak van beurtkrag op landbou-aktiwiteite, word daar tans geraam dat tot en met ? kwart van Suid-Afrika se stapelvoedsel-oes, mielies, besig is om op besproeiingslande te verlep.

Die Suid Afrikaanse regering en Eskom is besig om ons land se besproeingboere se oeste te vernietig. Daagliks verloor ons boere miljoene rande deur die regering en meelopers se onvermoee om enige iets suksesvol te voltooi of te bestuur. Ons boere word "randsom" gehou deur 'n korrupte regering en ons moet hieruit kom.

Suid Arikaners moet ophou om die ware feite van die situasie waarin ons nou is te"sugarcoat" Behou jou integriteit en waardes, maar moenie meer vir hierdie ANC regering en sy meelopers met handskoene hanteer nie-Dis belangrik dat ons saamstaan en ons eie strukture wat hulle vernietig oorneem en herstel. Hierdie mense wil nie luister nie- Hulle het nie die vermoee om te regeer nie. .

Die meeste gewasse en kultivars in Suid-Afrika se subtropiese produksiegebiede is nie te erg deur Oktober se hittegolf geraak nie. Die hittegolf waaronder Suid-Afrika die afgelope twee weke deurgeloop het, het wel ’n beduidende impak op avokado’s gehad, sê mnr. Bram Snijder, ’n landboukonsultant van Tzaneen.

Cape Winemakers Guild has three new members, namely Richard Kershaw, Erika Obermeyer and Alex Starey bringing total membership to 43 – Kershaw is the only Master of Wine who is active as a winemaker in South Africa operating mainly out of Elgin; Obermeyer is based in Stellenbosch making wines under her own label; and Starey is viticulturist and winemaker at Keermont, also in Stellenbosch.

The lemon market in Europe is currently experiencing stable demand, with some variation in prices. According to a Dutch importer, the market is seeing good demand for lemons, with prices for extra class I lemons reaching up to 16-17 euros. However, there is more competition from importers in the Dutch market.

Biofertilizer is a substance that consists of living microorganisms, which help in the growth of plants by increasing the supply of nutrients to it. When applied to seed, soil, or plants, it increases soil nutrients or make them biologically available for plants. As biofertilizers are required in natural cultivation, the market is encounters a solid development across the world.

Ons jongmense, die millenniërs, is veral so maklik “offended” of “triggered”. Dié dat talle dink ons moet eerder in watte of borrelplastiek toegedraai word, want ons is nie reg vir die nare, groot wêreld daar buite nie. Maar basta! Ons het tog nie onsself grootgemaak nie, so laat ons toe om ons pond vleis te eis. Dit sal slegs geskied indien ons aanhou met gesprekvoering.

The US Department of Agriculture served up several surprises in its “data dump” on Jan. 12, with the release of monthly and annual Crop Production, quarterly Grain Stocks, monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates and annual Winter Wheat and Canola Seedings reports.

AGRI NEWS NET- in jou hand- maklik om te lees en altyd op tyd-  7dae per week- 365 van die jaar-  No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week. 

Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Ons het die week gesien dat daar 'n nuwe oplewing besig is om te gebeur onder ons mense wat in liefde en vrede wil lewe en wil bou aan ons land Suid Afrika. 

Wanneer gaan julle leer dat dit 'n WILDE DIER is - Kry dan vir jou .........

Die ou Kalaharie - en die nuwe Suid Afrika

Tegnologie op sy beste

Dit is Suid Afrika onder die ANC regering-  Geen order

So beskerm jy jou geliefdes

Dit moes al lankal gebeur het-  Maar die plek is verkeerd-  Die huis van die Edelagbare

Die dae toe toe alles nog reg en ordentlik gedoen is


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