AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 3rd October 2021

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Eutrophication of river systems, resulting from nutrient enrichment, is globally considered to be one of the most serious threats to freshwater ecosystem services such as water quality and biodiversity. Alarmingly, statistically significant (P < 0.05) upward trends in dissolved PO43– levels are found in almost 60% of the rivers evaluated.

Beefmaster Group welcomes the news that the Foot-and-Mouth (FMD) disease affected zone in KwaZulu Natal has been reduced, recently announced by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. “This is a step in the direction to getting the disease under control,” says Roelie van Reenen, supply chain executive at Beefmaster Group.

Dit lyk of dit veral sakeondernemings is wat bekommerd moet raak oor die nuwe bedreiging wat die selfoon gebruikers kan raak as die bandwydte ingekort word vir die wat verbind is aan selfoon netwerke.

Agriculture has seen dramatic changes from technology in recent decades, and the industry continues to see new innovations on the way to increased efficiency. Lance Albin, president of UMB Bank’s agribusiness division, says farmers and ranchers have shown a willingness to change and adopt new technology to continue to improve their operations.

Volgens ‘n artikel deur die Rooivleis Produsente-organisasie, oftewel RPO, is hierdie navorsingsprojek die eerste grootskaalse analise in sy soort wat spesifieke kossoorte met kognitiewe skerpheid verbind.

South African plum growers are on the doorstep of a make-or-break season that will determine its future and sustainability. According to Hortgro’s Markets and Trade Manager, Jacques du Preez, plum growers faced many challenges over the past five years.

African countries south of the Sahara have a lot to learn from South Africa's successes in Genetically Modified (GM) plant agriculture. The latter country appears set for significant triumphs in its quest for greater food security, thanks to its embrace of agricultural biotechnology.

’n Paar Agaricus-spesies, veral Agaricus bisporus, word wêreldwyd as lekkernye gekweek . Die kweking word bewerkstellig deur kompos uit perdemis en strooi te maak, dit te steriliseer en die sampioen of sampioenspore daarin te saai. Daarna is dit belangrik dat die temperatuur op ongeveer 23,9 ?C en die lugvog sowat 90 % gehou word

Die aanbeveling van die Verenigde Nasies dat minder diereprodukte deel van mense se dieet moet vorm, bied 'n gulde geleentheid aan sojaboonprodusente om hul produkte by verbruikers te bevorder. Die sojaboon word in sommige geledere na verwys as die proteïenbron van hoop vir die toekoms vanweë die hoë proteïeninhoud en die groot verskeidenheid van gebruike van sojabone.

Die grootste bedreigings wat die wêreld in die volgende paar jaar sal moet hanteer is- Uiterste weerstoestande -Die onvermoë om by klimaatsverandering aan te pas-Natuur rampe -Beskikbaarheid van water en die herstel van produksie gronde. Finansiering aan die landbou gaan ook 'n probleem word omdat die Insetkoste waarskynlik die bates as kolateraal kan inhaal.

The worldwide container crunch is continuing to weigh heavily on the bottom line of shippers as the unavailability of boxes and related costs mount up while freight forwarders increasingly find themselves unable to cope with rising costs and crippling delays.

Die jongste produksieskattings vir somer- en wintergewasse bly van die hoogste in meer as ’n dekade. Die jongste produksieskattings vir somer- en wintergewasse bly van die hoogste in meer as ’n dekade. Die kommersiële mielie-oes word nou ietwat laer geskat op 16,2 miljoen ton, terwyl die koringoes opwaarts aangepas is na 2,1 miljoen ton.

New research from ForwardKeys, the travel data provider, shows that international flights to European destinations have reached 39.9% of pre-pandemic levels.While this is significantly better than 2020 when the comparative figure was 26.6%, the picture is very mixed, with some destinations doing much better than others.

Jeep has finally shared details on their new plug-in hybrid, the 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4xe. With a styling similar to the Jeep Grand Cherokee L, this new version differentiates itself with a broader lineup that includes an off-road Trailhawk model and a 4xe plug-in-hybrid variant.

Nuwe navorsing van die Davis Universiteit onderstreep die deurslaggewende rol wat diereproteïene in die voeding van families in ontwikkellende lande speel.Bykans 50 miljoen kinders in die wêreld ly aan vertraagde groei, ‘n toestand wat met chroniese wanvoeding verbind word en verhoed dat mense hul fisiese, geestelike en sosiale potensiaal bereik.

Vegetable pickers are in short supply, some of the larger English growers have been chartering planes to fly labour in from Eastern Europe. It’s a challenge mirrored across the world’s developed countries. To address this shortage a number of firms have developed crop specific robotic pickers.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE , when you download the APP.

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Dr Theo de Jager

Wanneer jy met skape boer

En as skaap se kind kwaad is vir 'n voerbak - dan maak jy so.

So werk 'n boer - dag en nag. 

Jy kan sien van die jong manne was nie in die weermag nie

En daar doen sy dit weer

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