AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 29th August 2021

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Plant-based meat alternative brand Future Farm is now available on South African shelves. Originally started in Brazil, Future Farm has become a global player in the booming plant-based meat industry, and its products are now available in Checkers stores nationwide.

A new study has found a link between high dairy consumption and a higher risk of breast cancer. New US research has found that drinking even a moderate amount of dairy milk appears to be linked to an increased risk of breast cancer in women.

Earlier this year Agri SA published the results of a research study which considered the likely impact of a policy of land expropriation without compensation (EWC) via econometric modelling, based on capital formation and GDP ratios gleaned from relevant country case studies. The study found that South Africa will face an imminent socio-economic disaster if EWC is pursued.

Daar is geen statistieke oor hoeveel plase onproduktief geraak het in Suid Afrika nie,-In 1990's was daar 128000 plase in Suid Afrika wat aktief geboer was.-1997 het kommersiële boerdery gedaal na 58000.Vandag is daar net onder die 40,000 plase waarvan 25,000 nog geboer word. Op dié oomblik verloor ons 'n plaas elke 4de dag as gevolg van droogte, plaasaanvalle, plaasmoorde, diefstal en grondeise.

If the word “orange” were to pop up during a game of Catch Phrase, there’s a hard chance the first clue you’d scream to your teammates after “round fruit” is “vitamin C.” And while this definitive, good-for-you quality of all navels, cara caras, and valencias (all different varieties of oranges, btw) would definitely score you the winning point, it’s not the only health benefit of oranges.

While New Zealand is the world's leading exporter of the fruit, South Africa has a distinct advantage over that nation thanks to its relative proximity to the EU. As its government appreciates the potential of this sector, it has now partnered with the private sector in drafting an Agricultural & Agro-Processing Master Plan.

The global Covid-19 pandemic should not dampen investor appetite in Africa. The continent remains an investment destination of choice despite the challenges, panellists at an opening session of the 2021 Africa Singapore Business Forum heard this week.

Landbou oor die wêreld heen is aan die verander. Dit sluit ekonomiese veranderinge in. As daar op Afrika gefokus word, was daar ekonomiese groei sedert 2002 met lande op dié vasteland se Bruto Binnelandse Produk (BBP) wat 'n groeikoers van meer as 4% jaarliks getoon het.

Die jagbedryf is, net soos die meeste ander sektore in Suid-Afrika, ’n gevoelige hou toegedien sedert die Covid-19-inperkings in werking getree het. Die plaaslike jagbedryf dra jaarliks sowat R12 miljard by tot die ekonomie, waarvan die oorgrote meerderheid in landelike ekonomieë bestee word.

Veeartsenykundiges in die Wes-Kaap is besig met ‘n ondersoek om die oorsprong te bepaal van ‘n hondsdollheid uitbreking in Khayelitsha. Twee honde het positief vir die virus getoets. ‘n Woorvoerder vir die Departement van Landbou, Daniel Johnson vra dat troeteldier-eienaars in die omgewing waaksaam is. Johnson sê hule is besig om katte en honde in die gebied in te ent.

In week 31 van die 2021-uitvoerseisoen is daar reeds 24,66 miljoen kartonne appels uitgevoer. Afrika en Brittanje het elk 22% daarvan ontvang en 29% is na die Verre Ooste uitgevoer. Die vrugtebedryf verpak uitvoervrugte in kartonne van 18,25 kg vir appels en 12,5 kg vir pere.

Die Namibiese Landbou-unie het die dienste van ’n karteringskundige ingespan om ’n oorsig te verkry oor die landwye situasie van veldbrande vir die maande April tot Augustus vanjaar. Uitslae toon dat ’n totaal van 1 388 188 hektaar landbougrond, wat 503 plase en kleinhoewes insluit, hetsy gedeeltelik of in geheel deur veldbrande geraak is.

Dis 'n absolute skande dat Suid Afrika se grootste Internasionale lughawe in Johannesburg soos 'n militere basis lyk en bestuur word as om hulle passasiers met hartlikheid te ontvang. Ongeskikte en onopgeleide sogenaamde veiligheidswagte staan oral rond en probeer besig lyk. Die Suid Afrikaanse regering en sy slim meelopers en raadgewers is verantwoordelik vir hierdie totale ineenstorting.

About 20% of agricultural land and 40% of forests are degraded. Degradation reduces our capacity to feed a world population that will reach at least 9 billion people by 2050 and it destroys ecosystem services – like the supply of clean water. International Union for Conservation of Nature has identified 160 million hectares of land, in 26 countries, with restoration potential.

Dit is regtig jammer dat niemand meer veel van die staat verwag nie. Oor die jare is Suid-Afrika se boere al lelik deur die amptenary in die steek gelaat, veral waneer hulle die hulp die nodigste gehad het.

Expanding irrigation infrastructure, commercialising underutilised communal and reformed land (through the provision of tradable land rights), and targeted support to agricultural subsectors and regions with growth potential could all have transformed the rural economy of the Eastern Cape, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal.

SPEKBOME is deesdae die ster van die internasionale klimaatsverandering-show. Dis die Greta Thunberg van die plantwêreld en word voorgehou as die eenstop-antwoord op ons koolstofprobleme. Dié oulike inheemse vetplant (Portulacaria afra) en darling van die media, plaaslik en internasionaal, groei maklik en is droogtebestand. Die“wonderplant” se besonderse vermoë om koolstofdioksied uit die atmosfeer te verwyder.

The planting season for South Africa’s 2021/22 summer grains and oilseeds begins in October. While the weather outlook is favourable with prospects of a weak La Niña, which should bring above-normal rainfall, there are concerns about the rising input costs.

Livestock farming is not just about the business of keeping animals and selling them. Amongst the varied roles of producing a constant supply of safe sources of animal proteins, like meat, poultry, milk, eggs, cheese etc., they are also responsible for the nutritional content of their products and sustainable farming practices that reduce the impact of their sector on the environment.

Tuks Landbou se doel is om jong leiers te ontwikkel en aan hulle blootstelling te gee, asook om landbouen landbouverwante studente op die toekoms voor te berei en te verseker dat hulle ’n bydrae kan lewer tot die winsgewendheid, volhoubaarheid en mededingendheid van Suid-Afrikaanse landbou in ’n snelveranderende omgewing.

Hoeveel Afrikaners geniet dit nie om aan biltong te kou terwyl hulle tegelyk ’n drankie afsluk nie? Hetsy die drankie bier of brandewyn is, of selfs wyn. Maar weet ons hoe oud hierdie tradisie is?

South Africa: Prices for Fuerte almost twice those of Hass-Prices were good on the early European market before Peru’s avocados arrived, but thereafter the export market was a difficult one for South African exporters.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE -

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Dis koud- Baie koud in die Wes Kaap

En so was die wag die moeite werd- Vars Gras

So word jou koeie en kudde sommer gou 'n gedip.

Wereld Landbou op sy beste

Dis dalk goeie oefening vir 'n paar van ons jong boere

Die oudste Olifant.