AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 22nd August 2021

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Powerful Technology of Modern and Agricultural Livestock and its Incredible Machines and Tools- The content of our videos is for entertainment and the information contained is so that you know what is happening on the screen and have some educational value.

While South Africa is traditionally a net exporter of agricultural products, wheat is the second most valuable imported food product after rice. In 2020, South Africa’s wheat imports were valued at US$493 million, which equates to 8% of the overall agricultural import value of US$5,9 billion that year.

The first mohair sale of the 2021 winter season took place in Port Elizabeth on 17 August 2021, with 88 723kg on offer, of which 99% was sold. The first sale of a season is always mixed and difficult to quote due to the big variation in the composition of the offering from one season to another.

Melkboere en verbruikers se gemoedere loop hoog ná foto’s op sosiale media van ingevoerde Poolse langlewemelk wat onder Dairy Group se handelsmerk Creamline bemark word. Melkboere besit self dié groep, wat die land se grootste verskaffer van langlewemelk is en tot stand gekom het ná die samesmelting van Dairy Farmers of South Africa en Coega Dairy laat in 2019.

Die Noord-Kaap betree nou die spitstyd van sy blommeseisoen. Die Namakwa Nasionale Park sê die blomme sal tussen nou en volgende maand hul beste kleure vertoon. Pheladi Chuene, sê die oorheersende spesie is tans die valskerm madeliefie, gevolg deur die Namakwa-madeliefie. Aanhoudende wind is egter vir die res van die week voorspel, wat ‘n negatiewe uitwerking op sommige van die blomme mag hê.

Saffraan is een van die mees waardevolle en duur speserye wêreldwyd bekend danksy sy kleur, geur en medisinale eienskappe. Wat medisinale eienskappe, kan jy vra? Die lys is omvangryk en gaan voort om te groei.

Die langtermyngevolge van die voorkomende gebruik van antibiotika onder vee, bedreig nie net die gesondheid van die kudde nie, maar benadeel ook die toekomstige winsgewendheid van die veebedryf.

Die toekoms vir Suid-Afrikaanse boere lyk warm en droog, volgens die klimatoloog prof. Francois Engelbrecht van die instituut vir globale verandering aan die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand. “Die aarde is besig om vinniger te verwarm as wat wetenskaplikes verwag het.

South Africa -Cable theft is resulting in 50% of rail moving from electric to diesel, which cost 4x more and substantially increases the carbon footprint of rail transport. Portia Derby of Transnet says rail is not transport solution for most agriculture commodities due to time sensitivity of most crops, and cable theft. Transnet is working on strategy to become more inclusive.

The need for accountability after last month’s insurrectionist violence and subsequent looting and destruction of supply chain concerns in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng has been reiterated by two of South Africa’s prominent thought leaders from the agricultural community.

A severe shortage of truck drivers in the US has led to more companies bringing in drivers from abroad. Craig Fuller, the founder and chief executive of the data and information firm Freightwave, said that companies are increasingly turning to drivers from South Africa and Canada as workers from those countries can often speak English, making it easier to get the necessary license.

The new crime statistics released by the South African Police Services (SAPS) today, revealed a disturbing increase of 72.4% in rape cases. A total of 10 006 rape cases were reported between April and June 2021. This is a shocking increase of 4 000 cases compared to the same period in the 2020/2021 financial year

Suid-Afrika se oorblywende 1 050 melkboere het oorleef deur hulle by omstandighede aan te pas. In die proses het hulle ontwikkel tot van die grootste en kostedoeltreffendste melkboerderye ter wêreld. Die getal melkboere het gedaal van 7 600 in 1998 tot 1 050 in 2021.

Northern Cape provincial water storage records a marginal rise -The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS)’s weekly status of reservoir points out that Northern Cape dam levels has increased slightly from 93.9% last week to 94.6% this week. The dams in the province look better than they were during the same period last year when they were sitting at 92.9%.

Groot optimisme heers oor internasionale katoenpryse soos wat al hoe meer lande dié gewas benodig om klere vir hul groeiende bevolkings te vervaardig. Die huidige seisoen plaaslik is in sy finale fase en oor die volgende een wat in Oktober met planttyd afskop, is daar groot verwagtinge, sê Hennie Bruwer, uitvoerende hoof van Katoen SA

Boerdery is vinnig besig om in ’n volgende era van vernuwende tegnologie te beweeg. Die tyd van die GPS gaan waarskynlik eerder vroeër as later deur kunsmatige intelligensie, elektroniese sensors, kameras en virtuele datastroming opgevolg word. Plase gaan in die toekoms dalk meer soos San Francisco se Silikoonvallei as die Oranjeriviervallei lyk.

The South African lemon estimate is 10% down from the original estimate made for the season; as it is now expected to be 27 million 15kg equivalent cartons, of which most have been packed and inspected for export, with 22 million cartons having already been shipped by the end of week 30.

Macadamia South Africa (SAMAC) has expressed concern that nut quality this season has declined compared to the previous season. The figures show that the crop ended on about 54 000 tons of (dry nut in shell) macadamia harvested. This was up from 48 900 tons harvested in 2020.

Over the past decade, the value of the global coffee industry has almost doubled to $90 billion. More than 2 billion cups of coffee are currently consumed worldwide each day and the market is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 5.32% between 2020 and 2024.

It’s hard to imagine a world without honey bees. After all, vast swaths of our agricultural system rely on this amazing pollinator. Food as we know it depends on bees. But bees face important challenges — among them, pests like the Varroa mite, exposure to pesticides inside and outside the hive, and poor nutrition due to a lack of forage.

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