Agri News Net-Summary of the Week News - 2nd May 2021

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More than 80% of train stations in Gauteng have been left in ruins after they were stripped of anything of value, leaving hundreds of commuters stranded. The infrastructure was ravaged after President Cyril Ramaphosa placed the country under lockdown last year following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Suid Afrika -Die vierde industriële revolusie kan ingespan word, om die negatiewe uitwerking van Covid 19 te herstel. Die versterking van streeksontwikkeling, die heroplewing van globale samewerking, die ontwikkeling van volhoubare besigheidsmodelle, en die herstel van omgewingsgesondheid.

When South African winemakers earn a coveted place in the annual Standard Bank Chenin Blanc Top Ten Challenge line-up, there is certainly satisfaction for the achievement and the acclaim it brings. Knowing your wine has been so highly ranked is an important industry affirmation. It’s also undoubtedly good for wine sales.

Almost one million for a bakkie- Toyota Hilux 2.8 GD-6 double cab Legend RS auto, 150kW/500Nm — R868,100-Isuzu D-Max 3.0d 4x4 AT35, 130kW/380Nm — R889,100- Ford Ranger 3.2 TDCi double cab Hi-Rider Thunder, 147kW/470Nm — R751,000- Ford Ranger Raptor, 157Nm/500Nm — R910,200- And the Volkswagen Amarok - Price: R996,000 -Lease*: R21,256 per month

South Africa -Cabbage prices were at R70 to R80 a bag, with market stakeholders reporting poor quality, especially at the Tshwane market. The better-quality cabbage sold at R90 a bag. Carrots sold between R60 to R70 per 10kg. The potato volumes and pricing have remained steady, quality has been good and consumer demand has been positive.

Suid Afrika -Tamaties is nou byna dubbeld so duur as agt maande gelede. Goedkoop snitte beesvleis, kookolie, piesangs en wortels is ook onder die kossoorte wat besonder vinnig duurder word. Genoeg basiese, voedsame kos om sewe mense ’n maand lank te voed, kos nou R4 198,93, R159,37 of 3,9% duurder as in Maart.

Suid-Afrika het ’n groot probleem met uitheemse indringerbome soos rooikrans (Acacia cyclops), swartwattel (Acacia mearnsii) en die muskietboom (Prosopis, ook bekend as suidwesdoring). Hierdie bome gebruik baie water, verdring ons eie plante en diere, verhoog die risiko vir skadelike veldbrande en verminder weiding. Baie van hulle is gelukkig ook goeie vuurmaakhout.

LEES NOG MEER- Agri News Net-Summary of the Week News - 25th April 2021

Livestock provide valuable nutritional benefits as well as supporting livelihoods and the resilience of families and communities. Demand for animal products continues to grow in response to rising population and increasing wealth, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

South Africa -Despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on global markets last year, South Africa’s macadamia nut sales held their ground. And while this year’s harvest is also expected to fetch slightly depressed prices, the global crop should follow suit, bringing some stability into the markets, say experts

Suid Afrika Die Reserwebank se monetêre beleidskomitee het met sy vergadering in Maart te kenne gegee sy ekonomiese modelle toon daar kan in die derde en vierde kwartaal van die jaar rentekoersverhogings verwag word. Die president van die Reserwebank het gesê die bank gaan probeer om die rekordlae rentekoerse so lank moontlik laag te hou.

69% of consumers are not confident they know what GMOs are, and less than a third of Americans (32%) say they are comfortable with the use of GMOs in their food products. Roughly 3 in 5 Americans are interested in learning more about GMOs. 74% want to learn more about GMOs’ impact on their overall health. 67% are interested in learning more about the overall safety of GMOs.

South Africa -The department of agriculture, land reform and rural development vows to clamp down on farmers found guilty of trading their presidential employment stimulus initiative (PESI) vouchers for money. This is according to Reggie Ngcobo, spokesperson for minister Thoko Didiza.

Suid Afrika -Dié avocado bedryf bied minstens 11 500 werkgeleenthede op plase en in pakhuise. Hierdie seisoen word 'n styging in avokado-uitvoere van 66 000 ton, in vergeleke met 60 000 ton in die vorige seisoen, verwag. Nuwe aanplantings is ongeveer 900 hektaar per jaar en tans is 14,700 hektaar avokadopeer bome aangeplant en onder produksie.

People from all over the world spent millions on all kinds of Healthy tea's, Shakes, Drinks, plant products, organic food and drinks. Spending hours on social media, studying all kinds of junk advertising and posts. Its all Good- BUT-If you live healthy- Eat healthy- Drink healthy - Think Healthy and keep your body fit and flexible- then you must at least look HEALTHY-

One in 11 flowers carries disease-causing parasites known to contribute to bee declines, according to a new study that identifies how flowers act as hubs for transmitting diseases to bees and other pollinators.

Klimaatverandering regoor Suid-Afrika word al deur boere en navorsers van die middel 1600's af waargeneem en gedokumenteer. Die debat of Suid-Afrika verdor dateer so ver terug as 155 jaar gelede, toe ene Wilson in 1865 daaroor geskryf het.

Vir hoe lank nog gaan die ANC verskuldig voel aan 'n land soos Kuba wat tydens apartheid in solidariteit met die mense van Suid-Afrika gestaan het? Dít is die kwessie wat aan die hart lê van die regering se voortdurende obsessie om Kubaanse kundigheid in te span in ’n tyd wat werkloosheid en ekonomiese verval dié eilandstaat op sy knieë het.

Agriculture is changing all over the world and a new way of thinking will have to take place very quickly. It is more likely that agricultural technology and the agricultural economy will develop in such a way that land will not necessarily serve as collateral for production. The calculation of risk will be traded on perpetual production rather than on assets and land.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE at

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AGRI NEWS NET- in jou hand- maklik om te lees en altyd op tyd-  7dae per week- 365 van die jaar-  No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week. 

Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.


Hier is 'n paar "twitter videos van die week wat ons span raakgesien het.

Mens moet maar seker maak en jou oe oopmaak- 

As die Covid19 "angs" jou gevang het- 

Tegnologie maak dit net soveel makliker-

Dis hoe jy met die mense moet werk- jammer daar was nie vuurhoutjie nie.

John Deere Africa se gewilde TECH TERRAIN is binnekort terug

As jy kan- dan kan jy- 

Presiesie boerdery op sy beste

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