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Late in 2020, Hollard Insure joined forces with Farmingportal.co.za and Agri News Net to present the Young Agri Writers competition, to encourage fresh, young media voices in the agricultural space. And they made themselves heard. Their work had to be original, but could focus on any aspect of the agricultural sector.
“We were thrilled to receive a wide variety of entries from aspiring young agri writers,”says Andries Wiese, National Business Development Manager and Head of Agri for Hollard Insure.
“In judging each entry, we took into account various elements: whether the entry provided a fresh view on the agricultural sector; a different approach that reflected diversity of thought and view; new voices; demographics that represent diversity in agriculture; technical aspects, as well as thought about who and what constitute agriculture; solutions for both commercial and small-scale farmers; and Hollard’s own commitment to supporting youth, better futures for more people and the agri sector.
“We were impressed with the quality of work submitted, which – while it made the judging process more challenging – showed that there is a plethora of young journalism talent out there, just waiting to be discovered and nurtured,” says Wiese.
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Die ministerie van omgewingsake in Botswana ondersoek ‘n nuwe vlaag olifantvrektes. Miltsiekte en bakteriële infeksies as oorsaak is reeds uitgeskakel. Nog 28 olifante is die afgelope week dood, wat die aantal vrektes sedert Januarie op 39 te staan bring.
Ná dekades waarin staal en beton die gewildste boumateriale vir wolkekrabbers en ander groot geboue was, is hout weer besig om van sy vervloë gewildheid terug te wen. Dit is deels te danke aan die ontwikkeling van sogenaamde oorkruis-gelamineerde hout (cross-laminated timber of CLT), wat in blokke vervaardig word deur lae dun hout oorkruis op mekaar vas te gom.
Feedlot studies in the US demonstrated that a 10% improvement in average daily gain (ADG) as a result of a 7% increase in appetite improved profitability 18%, whereas a 10% improvement in feed efficiency returned a 43% increase in profits. By improving feed efficiency, farmers contribute to a more sustainable and profitable production system.
THE rising fuel prices are likely to add cost pressures on the South African farming sector. Lower oil prices had kept agricultural input costs at reasonably lower levels in 2020. “But this year will not be the same,” said Wandile Sihlobo, chief economist at the Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz).
South Africa’s Crop Estimates Committee mildly lifted its forecast for 2020/21 summer grain and oilseeds production from last month by 1% to 18,7 million tonnes (this compared with 17,6 million tonnes in 2019/20 production season).
Many of the benefits of soil organic matter to agriculture come from its decomposition and not necessarily its storage. As deadplant and animal residues enter the soil and are decomposed by microorganisms, some of the nutrients held in the residue aremade available to plants.
Europeërs eet in die algemeen gedurende die wintermaande sitrusvrugte. Net in die Europese Unie (EU) alleen, vind altesaam 70% van die jaarlikse sitrusverkope in die winter plaas – ’n tyd wanneer oestyd vir sitrus in die Noordelike Halfrond in volle gang is.
Vrese dat versuipskade die opbrengs van somergewasse nadelig sou beïnvloed het, blyk ongegrond te wees met ’n skatting wat nou selfs effens groter as verlede maand is. Die nasionale oesskattingskomitee het in sy tweede produksieskatting vir die 2020-’21-seisoen bekend gemaak dat die totale somergraan- en oliesade-oes nou op 18,7 miljoen ton staan, vergeleke met 17,6 miljoen ton vorige seisoen.
Die hoofdoel van die voorgestelde onteieningswetsontwerp of konsepwet om onteiening sonder vergoeding moontlik te maak is grondhervorming of om die onregte van die verlede reg te stel. Grondonteiening” en “grondonteiening sonder vergoeding” het egter vir baie bestaande grondeienaars woorde geword wat vrees inboesem.
The point of departure for the concept “More milk means more money” is the principle that a marginal increase in yield that covers average fixed cost plus R1,00 indicates a margin. Although the accounting principle is sound, average variable cost is only partially covered.
Live image of marine traffic as of 13h30 SAST. - The Suez blockage is taking so long to clear that thousands of vessels are now rounding the Southern tip of Africa instead, once again turning Cape Town into a key global transit city. Basically, it's 1700 here again.
In the next few years, the sector could enjoy a growth spurt, especially if the support by government policies, including the master plan on agriculture and agro-processing, come into play. To get a sense of how South Africa’s agricultural sector has expanded in the recent past decade, consider the sector’s production volume since 2010, which has grown by 19%.
As radikale groepe in Suid-Afrika besluit om reg in eie hande te neem omdat hulle glo die regering gaan nou voor die voet grond sonder vergoeding onteien, kan ’n ondenkbare chaos ontstaan, waarsku dr. Roelof Botha, ekonoom van die Optimum-beleggingsgroep.
Erosion can result if proper field management practices are not followed and this is responsible for the loss of billions of tonnes of healthy soil each year. Ensuring the presence of nutrients and biodiversity within the topsoil helps safeguard the viability of life on our planet.
Meeste van die groot nuusmedia in Suid Afrika hardloop met 'n storie nog voor daar enige feite beskikbaar is- of sal ons liewer se hulle stel hulle eie storie saam en kyk wat se reaksie hulle kry- Die bespiegelings oor sogenaamde inperkings deur die regering en sy meelopers oor Paasnaweek, kos Suid Afrika se inwoners geld- want van die media het niks anders om oor te skryf as negetiewe nuus nie.
Accelerating demand for renewable biodiesel fuels is further squeezing tight soybean supplies and pushing soybean oil futures prices to their highest levels in nearly a decade. Energy companies have announced plans to increase their biofuel capacity twofold to fivefold by 2030, using soybean oil as a major feedstock.
The Land Claims Commission is battling it out with land claimants in more than 300 land reform cases before various courts across the country. This emerged from the document Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister Thoko Didiza made public when replying to parliamentary questions.
This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET- Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE at www.agrinewsnet.co.za
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No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week.
Agri News Net en Farmingportal.co.za se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering. Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep. Met 25 jaar praktiese boerdery ondervinding weet ons wat landbou en sy mense is.
CRA Group skep gereeld nuwe geleenthede in landbou media. Ons landbou mediums Farmingportal en Agri News Net benodig die deeltydse dienste van dinamiese Video and Audio nuus aanbieder. Kennis van landbou en sy mense asook die natuurlike aanleg vir nuus en media aanbieding is 'n vereiste. As jy beskik oor die vermoee om vinnig en op jou voete te dink op jou eie kan werk onder druk en die geskikte stem en aanbiedingsvermoee het, wil ons graag van jou hoor. Ons verwag ook dat jy gemaklik sal wees voor 'n Kamera en mikrofoon . Kennis van video en audio produksie met die jongste rekenaar tegnologie sal aanbeveelbaar wees. Ons gaan jou ook die nodige opleiding gee. Stuur vir ons 'n kort video "clip" waarin jy ons meer vertel van jouself. Nie langer as 3 minute nie. Ons verkies iemand wat voltyds in die landbou betrokke is en op 'n plaas bly of op universiteit is en wat plaaslewe ken. Vlot Engels en Afrikaans sprekend lees en skryf is vereiste.Stuur video na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -met kontak besonderhede.
Ons begin eersdaags met 'n nuwe kompetiesie- Laai vandag nog AGRI NEWS Net af op jou slimfoon-
Hier is so paar kort videos van die week wat on nuusspan op TWITTER raakgesien het. -
Windpomp op sy beste
‘n Afrikaanse boer is die enigste persoon wat met ‘n kollega kan praat oor pomp, pyp, Climax, ‘n nat gat en pype in die gat steek, sonder dat iemand sal snaaks dink.😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/5aWokXOe2N
— Paseka Pienaar (@PasekaPienaar) March 11, 2021
$APPH is the future of farming. #KYProud #KYKicksAss https://t.co/hYms9EbPih
— danielblack (@danielblack108) March 24, 2021
Bobbejaan se kind
Nature is Wise🌸 pic.twitter.com/1e2NdeJqqT
— Gislaine🇧🇷🌸 (@magioliveira) March 26, 2021
Kameelperd bly nog steeds 'n wildedier
Careful.. 🦒🐾💞 pic.twitter.com/TRLacqqnjY
— Oshikuru Lee 🍓 (@OshikuruMifune) March 26, 2021
Saamspeel in die dierewereld
Taxi ? 😘♥️ pic.twitter.com/pqTw740QuK
— Mimi (@Ours_sud) March 27, 2021
Maak altyd seker wat om jou gebeur
Whoops.. 😐 pic.twitter.com/RqSD1fXCvy
— Oshikuru Lee 🍓 (@OshikuruMifune) March 27, 2021