AGRI NEWS NET- Week 20th September 2020

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DOWNLOAD AGRI NEWS NET from the GOOGLE APP store- Get update with the news 7 days a week- 365 days per year- This AGRI NEWS NET -Some of the Articles this week-,

Across the country tomato growers were reporting one of the coldest winters in a while, which slowed down ripening and colouring and everywhere delayed the new crop by about two weeks.

Cheetah – Acinonyx jubatus- Fleet-of-foot yet slight and retiring, the cheetah is something of an odd one out. As the fastest land mammal in the world, it also boasts the highest hunting success rate of the big cats but is constantly harassed by other larger predators and regularly loses its hard-won meals.

Shipments of beef will be heading to the US for the first time in more than 20 years after three processing sites were this week given the go-head to export.The first containers of beef are now being prepared and are due to arrive in the US in the coming weeks, the AHDB said.

Agri Technovation has introduced new technology, the ITEST™ Carbohydrates analysis programme, to assist citrus farmers in establishing greater equilibrium between crops, resulting in increased harvest yields over time. This could give the local citrus industry a further boost to cement its position as South Africa’s largest and most important contributor to fruit export, based on value and volume.

South Africa’s sugar industry has weathered many storms in recent years, with the sugar tax, various droughts and plunging world sugar prices dealing fatal blows to an already unstable sector. Since the sugar value chain has been identified as an important agricultural sector in terms of employment, a sugar masterplan has been implemented.

South Africa: Prospect of a good season thanks to favorable winter-Last week's overview of the global pear market already made it clear that the Cape has had one of the best winters in years, and at the moment, it is still cold and wet. Apple orchards are now slowly awakening in the Western Cape.

Suid Afrika se landbou organisasies en maatskappye weet presies wat aangaan in elkeen van hulle se bedryf en daarmee saam kan statistieke verskaf word oor wat alles in die bedryf aangaan- dis waarom Landbou nog steeds suksesvol bedryf word. Netso is die wynbedry een van hulle en die regering het nou lank genoeg drankverbruik as verskoning gebruik vir hulle onbeholpe mediese dienste.

Dit is Suid Afrika in die jaar 2020- As jy opkyk teen al die witkruise wat geplant is teen hierdie koppie oor die jare,dan kan jy nie glo dat daar soveel boere en hulle gesinne al vermoor is nie.Vandag word nuwe kruise geplant vir nog boere wat die jaar vermoor is.Gesinne wat verewig vernietig is deur barbare in 'n land waar daar geen respek is vir die lewens van landbouers en hulle geliefdes nie.

Desertification is land degradation in drylands due to human activities and, of course, climate change.- Drylands cover about 46,2% of the globe’s total land area and are home to three billion people. More than 20% of global plant biodiversity centres are located within drylands.

Mercedes-Benz's parent company, Daimler, announced this week plans to enter the red-hot electric truck market with two new Mercedes semis that could theoretically compete with Nikola, Tesla, and a whole host of others.

Afgri en Senwes se gesamentlike besit van die kleinhandelsnetwerk Hinterland word opgeskort. Die mededingingstribunaal het die transaksie goedgekeur wat die gelyke vennootskap beëindig. Ingevolge die nuwe transaksie kry Afgri die bates en ondernemings terug wat hy aanvanklik tot die gesamentlike onderneming bygedra het.

Daagliks sien ons in die media hoe die edelagbare President die Ekonomie van Suid Afrika wil " Reset" maar nodeloos om te se - baie min van ons dink dat hy en sy regering en sy ekonome wat so graag saam met hom praat weer waar die "reset" knoppie sit. Daar is hope beloftes en uitsprake en die President staan altyd en praat met 'n sak vol geld wat hy iewers geleen of gebedel het.

As expected the South African economy has been badly impacted by the Corona Virus, with seasonally adjusted and annualized GDP falling by 51% in the second quarter of 2020. As (BFAP) highlights, agriculture was the only positive contributor to GDP with an increase of 15.1% from quarter one to quarter two of 2020 and a contribution of 0.3 percentage points to the overall GDP.

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