AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 20th October 2024

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 20th October 2024

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This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-, SUNDAY EDITIONALWAYS ON TIME  -

News Comments  - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational.  News platform of the real commercial farmers of South Africa .

Just that " ONE" step ahead- 

Die huidige tempo waarteen mense water misbruik, dit mors en ekostelsels (soos die opvangsgebiede van riviere) vernietig, sal daartoe lei dat die vraag na dié natuurlike hulpbron die aanbod teen 2030 met 40% oorskry.Byna 4 miljard mense ervaar reeds waterskaarste. Die hele wêreld ervaar egter ’n waterkrisis.  “Die wêreldwye vraag na water en die verbruik daarvan is besig om die planeet se grense te oorskry. Dit lei tot fisieke veranderinge in die watersiklus. Hierdie veranderinge het nie net ’n invloed op grondwater nie, maar ook op reënvalpatrone en varswaterbronne. Dit sal ’n massiewe ontwrigting vir die wêreldekonomie meebring.

Food security: do we ever stop to think what that really means? When we are loading our trolleys or baskets at a supermarket or ordering from a restaurant or buying a quick hunger gap filler from a vendor, every time we engage in an activity that provides us with this basic requirement for life, we become part of a very intricate system.   Food, like water, is essential to the very existence and dignity of human beings. Without sufficient food and water in the body, the body begins to break down its own tissues, resulting in organ failure. Therefore, access to sufficient food is not a luxury, but a basic right. Without access to this basic right, human beings are physically incapable of claiming and enforcing all other rights.  

Terwyl baie kwessies wat landbou raak buite die departement se direkte beheer val, is John Steenhuisen Minister van Landbou daartoe verbind om te pleit vir hervormings wat die sektor sal help groei. “Die doel is om hindernisse vir landbouproduktiwiteit te verwyder en om ’n omgewing te skep wat groei bevorder.” Hy sê die departement moet ’n leidende rol speel om hongersnood en voedselonsekerheid te verminder. Luidens die nasionale verslag oor voedsel- en voedingsekerheid, wat Steenhuisen vroeër vandeesmaand bekend gestel het, ervaar byna twee derdes van huishoudings in Suid-Afrika voedselonsekerheid en 17,5% van dié huishoudings erge voedselonsekerheid. Hy glo vas die toekoms van Suid-Afrika se landbousektor is helder, met enorme potensiaal vir groei en ontwikkeling. “Die pad vorentoe is gevul met sowel uitdagings as geleenthede, maar met die samewerkende gees wat ek teëgekom het, is ek vol vertroue dat ons hindernisse sal oorkom en nuwe hoogtes sal bereik.”

Indications are that the winter crop is in reasonably good condition in some regions of South Africa, although the start of the season was challenging. On September 26, the Crop Estimates Committee (CEC) lifted South Africa’s 2024-25 winter crop by 2% from August to 2,72 million tonnes. This placed the projected harvest only negligibly (i.e., 0.04%) less than the previous season. This winter crop encompasses wheat, barley, canola, oats and sweet lupines. The upward revisions in the CEC’s latest projections were mainly on wheat, canola and sweet lupines.

Sakeliga het die afgelope week in ’n brief aan Minister John Steenhuisen opnuut beswaar gemaak teen die regulasies oor die tariefvrye uitvoer van landbouprodukte na die EU en Brittanje. Hy wys daarop dat die departement reeds ’n afdwingplan vir swart ekonomiese bemagtiging (SEB) opgestel het, hoewel die plan “gelukkig” nog nie in werking gestel is nie. “Dit is duidelik dat die departement nie Sakeliga se waarskuwings, versoeke en vereistes ernstig opneem nie, en eerder besluit het om die regulasies waarteen ons kapsie gemaak het te hernu,” skryf Piet le Roux, uitvoerende hoof van Sakeliga, aan Steenhuisen. “Dit beteken dat ons ons toetrede sal moet verskerp, wat dalk litigasie sal insluit, asook die betrekking van partye wat plaaslik en internasionaal geraak word.”

Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal 

About 60% of the world’s irrigated crops (by weight) are currently grown in areas facing high or extremely high levels of water stress. Rainfed crops, which make up the other 66% of the world’s total production, are vulnerable to erratic weather patterns. Globally, 8% of the rainfed crops the world produces are grown in areas facing high to extremely high variations in annual water supply, places where rainfall patterns may swing wildly between drought and deluge. READ MORE 

What they proposed became known as a “flexitarian” diet, a mainly plant-based way of eating that would “optimise human health”, said the scientists, while reducing the environmental impact of food production — especially that of cattle farming and meat production — which is responsible for 70% of freshwater use and 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions, of which the production of animal-based food makes up 15%. READ MORE 

The urea market remains buoyant and seemingly in the middle of a strong upswing in prices. The Indians closed out the latest tender by fixing only 560,000t, which was the total volume that suppliers were prepared to sell at the tender price of $389/t delivered. The Indians ideally wanted more than 1 million tons, so the market is rife with talk of the next Indian tender being issued as early as next week.  READ MORE 

 Ever since the land reform programme was initiated in 1994, the hopes of communities forcibly removed from their ancestral land have been dampened by the slow progress of land restitution and redistribution. Despite government efforts, it is clear that state resources alone are insufficient to address the complex issue of land reform in South Africa. READ MORE 

EXCLUSIVE to Farmingportal - Farm FOR SALE -

Type- Wine Farm -Area – Stellenbosch – Western Cape Hectares – 157,27ha + 70ha

One of the biggest Family Farms in Stellenbosch. For sale because the owners have no kids and would like to plan for his retirement. The farm has 3 Title deeds (30.69ha; 66,42ha; 60,16ha) in total 157,27ha. There are 110ha planted with winegrapes (Chenin Blanc/Sauvignon Blanc/Chardonnay/Pinotage/Shiraz/Merlot/Cabernet). 30ha are vlei land and can be used for cattle. There is an abundance of water on the farm. Two big dams and two fully equipped boreholes with 39ha Municipality water rights.

Weekly Health News Quanlim Life LifeIselect - 16th October 2024


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WOMENS VOICE is AGRICULTURE is open for 2025

 Lees gerus wat ons mediums is- READ MORE  

Michelle Marais- Winner of the FIRST Voice of women in Agriculture.

CRA MEDIA - Actions speak louder than words. So, focus on winning through your actions rather than trying to win an argument. Actions speak louder than words. So, focus on winning through your actions rather than trying to win an argument. You need to think long-term if you want to maintain power. Consider all the possible outcomes of your actions and plan accordingly. Don’t accept things that people give to you for free. People will think they have power over you if you do. You won’t be able to exert your authority as easily. 

Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year. Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 12th October 2024

We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 41 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world.  We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world.  18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.

IT'S NEW - take a look - FARMERS-  you can have your own workout station on your Farm. The whole Family- in the comfort of your own home. Our revolutionary Flexbox home workout device is designed for busy men & women who crave convenience and modern style.Flexbox is a multi-purpose training platform to maximize your health and fitness potential. It has a stylish and compact design that blends seamlessly with a modern home aesthetic. Flexbox gives you the ability to do resistance training, pilates and yoga exercises without the need for bulky unappealing gym equipment.

Here it is, the ULTIMATE HOME WORKOUT that will revolutionise your life. Imagine a gym that fits YOUR schedule, in the comfort of YOUR home.
Our sleek, compact, aesthetically perfect Flexbox is here to redefine your workout experience.

Q&A with Flexbox Co-Founders and Owners, Van Aarde and Rachel Pretorius READ MORE 


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 WATCH OUT- NEW program on the way - exclusive to CRA MEDIA and the FARMERS of South Africa - 2025   

Welcome to the real world of Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year.  Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.  Quality articles and information ---Visit AGRI NEWS NET for more daily news  - A2B

NEWS  on AGRI NEWS NET - For more news visit  - This is just a  a summary of a few stories- much more on

A new submission is being prepared to be presented to National Treasury in mid-November for the removal of the 15% VAT from chicken imports.The benefits to poor people will be the focus of the submission, according to Charles de Wet, tax executive at law firm ENS Africa, who is preparing it on behalf of the SA Poultry Association and the Association of Meat Importers and Exporters.

The urea market remains buoyant and seemingly in the middle of a strong upswing in prices. The Indians closed out the latest tender by fixing only 560,000t, which was the total volume that suppliers were prepared to sell at the tender price of $389/t delivered.

Forty nine percent of the South African population will go to bed hungry by 2025. This is according to the Shoprite Food Index compiled by the World Data Lab launched on Monday to mark World Food Day. However, despite the bleak forecast, the index shows that the incidence of people escaping food insecurity is improving. In August, food inflation in the country slowed to 8.2 % from 10 % the previous month.

Table grapes -The 2023/24 table grape export season showed notable improvements in terms of exported volumes and export prices,compared to the previous season. From a production perspective, this was underpinned by more favourable climatic conditions, which supported better quality and lower disease risk.

Suid-Afrika móét ’n ontwikkelingsbank – mét ontwikkelingsfinansiering – vir die transformasie van die landbou hê. Kortom: • Die Land Bank moet ’n ontwikkelingsbank wees • Kommersiële banke kyk anders na risiko • Die waardeketting bied geleenthede om risiko’s te verlaag

With the 7 rejections due to black spot (Phyllosticta citricarpa or CBS) recorded in European ports last September, the year's total number of detections of the presence of this dangerous fungus (whose control is regulated as a "priority" by the EU) in citrus fruit coming from South Africa is now 26.

According to Drewry, around three million TEUs of new tonnage expected next year will likely be more than compensated for by further market disruptions, offering no relief to struggling shippers. With uncertainty surrounding the possibility of more strikes at US east coast ports, the maritime consultancy considered scenarios both with and without a strike in January, The Loadstar reports.

With the changing weather most regions see a slight decrease in demand for strawberries, which are mostly eaten during the summer period. In the Netherlands there is enough product available on the market to supply customers, but supply is nicely balanced with demand. Belgians still see decent pricing for strawberries even though volumes have increased a bit.

Namibia and Botswana have sparked debate within the agricultural sector by imposing a prolonged ban on imported citrus and vegetables from South Africa – a move that critics argue goes against numerous principles of regional trade agreements.

Nampo Alfa is die plek waar die veebedryf jaarliks bymekaar kom om hul beste diere te vertoon. Dit maak net sin dat die gewilde Lamb Champs ook daar gehou word en die eerste wenner is tydens die gala-aand aangewys

The South African Reserve Bank (Sarb) has revised its inflation forecasts downwards due to faster-than-expected deflation driven by food and fuel.This was announced in the Sarb’s biannual monetary policy review released this week, the Bureau for Economic Research (BER) noted.

A new submission is being prepared to be presented to National Treasury in mid-November for the removal of the 15% VAT from chicken imports.The benefits to poor people will be the focus of the submission, according to Charles de Wet, tax executive at law firm ENS Africa, who is preparing it on behalf of the SA Poultry Association and the Association of Meat Importers and Exporters

Table grapes -The 2023/24 table grape export season showed notable improvements in terms of exported volumes and export prices,compared to the previous season. From a production perspective, this was underpinned by more favourable climatic conditions, which supported better quality and lower disease risk.

The South African wine industry celebrates a historic moment as Yvette van der Merwe, Executive Manager of South Africa Wine Industry Information and Systems (SAWIS), is appointed President of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV). She is the first female from Africa to hold this prestigious position since the organisation's inception in 1924.

(This weekly update and Summary of the Farming and Agriculture news is very popular- Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want to get your brand on this page.