AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 14th April 2024

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 14th April 2024

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This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-, ALWAYS ON TIME  -

News Comments  - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational.  News platform of the commercial farmers of South Africa who produce food for the nation-

The past two years presented major challenges for the SA livestock industry, especially the spread of foot-and-mouth disease and higher feed costs. As farmers, feedlots and government worked to control the spread of foot-and-mouth, the effect on the revenues of farming businesses was deepening as they had to limit the movement of animals. Some export markets were temporarily closed. In the case of the beef industry, in 2022 exports fell below the prior five-year average, totalling 26,881 tonnes, down 16% year on year, according to data from Trade Map. They recovered by 3% in 2023 to 27,675 tonnes

Russia is urging the BRICS, a trade alliance of nine emerging countries, to establish an inter-bloc grain exchange. The officially declared purpose of the alliance is to facilitate trade between member states, but analysts warn that the new structure will aim to become an analogue of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) for the global grain market, with the goal of influencing free pricing. The Russian Union of Grain Exporters (RUGE) first expressed the idea of establishing an inter-BRICS grain exchange in December 2023, in a run-up to the bloc’s historic expansion. On Jan. 1, 2024, the alliance initially formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa welcomed to its ranks Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia has been invited to join the alliance and is considering becoming a member.

Verkiesings jare word veral geken aan groot beloftes en die slinkse gesmous van kitsoplossings. 2024 is geen uitsondering nie. Politieke partye hou ewe skielik wonderbaarlike alheilmiddels vir elke denkbare politieke kwaal voor, wat hulle nou gretig aan ons probeer afsmeer. Politieke partye is egter nie die enigstes wat hulself skuldig maak aan die bemarking van oombliklike bevredigings retoriek nie. Net soos kitsrykwordskemas se aanloklikheid lê in hoe vinnig en goedkoop mens méér geld kan maak, verskaf politieke kitsoplossings soortgelyke verleidende aas wat op ons basiese drange afgestem is. Om al jou tyd en aandag in dié kitsoplossings te investeer is net so gevaarlik vir jou toekoms as wat beleggings in kitsrykwordskemas vir jou finansiële sekuriteit is.

Sweet-toothed consumers are facing double trouble with storms lashing the world’s top producer of vanilla – a beloved flavour for ice cream – even as surging cocoa prices bite into chocolate.  Madagascar’s key vanilla-growing region has recently been slammed by Cyclone Gamane, whose rain and high winds have flooded fields and stripped vanilla pods from their vines. Soaring cocoa and sugar costs to hit chocolate prices Georges Geeraerts, president of the Indian Ocean island’s union of vanilla exporters, said the deluge could halve the vanilla harvest. “On a bad year, production is about 1 500 tons compared with a range of 2 000 to 2 500 tons,” Geeraerts said via telephone. “A conservative estimate, ahead of more detailed analysis from the growing region, means that the output for the current harvest could be as low as 1 000 tons.” Adverse weather is hammering Africa, with drought conditions in the south withering crops and contributing to higher food inflation, while West Africa’s cocoa producers have seen yields collapse from heavy rain and disease, more than tripling prices to as much as $10 000 a ton.

Die verswakking van die El Niño-stelsel oor Suider-Afrika ry onegalig wipplank, en hoewel die teenwoordigheid van ’n verswakkende El Niño-stelsel gewoonlik nie goeie nuus vir die winterreënstreek is nie, word dié streek minder daardeur beïnvloed as die somerreën streek. Volgens Johan van den Berg, onafhanklike landbouweerkundige, het twee van die belangrikste El Niño-gebiede effens verwarm. “Dit is egter tydelik, maar dit kan wel die oorhoofse klimaats patrone met wisselende energie vlakke beïnvloed.” Hoewel dit volgens hom goeie nuus is dat die Suidelike Ossilasie-indeks na neutraal verander het, is dié verandering te laat om werklik goeie reëntoestande voor die winter oor die somerreëngebiede te stimuleer.

Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal 

The American market was the most volatile with prices dropping as low as $310/t - $140/t down on prices achieved there just 4 weeks ago ($450.t). The fact that traders and producers have sold almost 1 million tons of urea to the US for April during that price bonanza has exacerbated the situation now. There is a lot of urea available in the US market and sellers are discounting aggressively to generate sales. READ MORE 

The global food production industry exerts significant pressure on the planet, contributing to nearly a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. Around 60% of these emissions are linked to animal-related products. This impact is projected to worsen, with the OECD forecasting a 30% increase in global demand for animal-based proteins by 2050. READ MORE 

US senators from both parties have dropped plans for a legislative requirement that South Africa’s eligibility for the African Growth and Opportunity (Agoa) trade preference programme should immediately be reviewed. An immediate “out-of-cycle” review for SA would have been mandated in the “Agoa Renewal Act of 2023” which Democratic Party Senator Chris Coons proposed last November, mainly to extend Agoa for a further 16 years when it expires next year. READ MORE 

A team of scientists in the United States and Canada at UC Santa Barbara, University of British Columbia, and University of Colorado Boulder discovered that organic farming significantly affects the amount of pesticide used in neighbouring fields. READ MORE 

  Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect - Health 10th April 2023

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AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 7th April 2024 2024

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Motorists in South Africa should brace for more petrol price pain in May, with oil prices on the up, undercutting recent rand strength. The latest data from the Central Energy Fund at the end of the second week in April shows that petrol prices are still showing an under-recovery (hike) of around 30 cents per litre, putting a fourth consecutive hike on the cards for May.

Dit is geen skande om van tyd tot tyd ’n kontantvloeitekort te ervaar nie, maar dit ís onvanpas om sonder aksiestappe en afskaling in die knyp te beland. Die huidige El Niño-fase is soortgelyk aan dié van 2014-’15, met aansienlik ondernormale reënval, veral van Januarie 2024 af. Daarmee saam het gereelde hittegolwe voorgekom. Volgens die Suid-Afrikaanse Weerdiens het die hele land in Januarie net 0-25% van die normale reënval gekry en in Februarie was dit meestal 0%. Hierdie toestande het tot minstens einde Maart voortgeduur.

Daar is “nou bloed in die strate” vir verskeie melkboere in die Vrystaat, KwaZulu-Natal en die Oos-Kaap nadat ’n melkverspreider boere glo nie vir twee maande se melk betaal het wat gelewer is nie.


UK consumers have reduced their combined household consumption of beef, pork and sheep by almost 62% from 1980 to 2022, while chicken meat gained share. The UK poultry sector has benefitted from substantial reductions in red meat consumption over the past 40 years. Figures released by the Department of Environment.

Luidens AgriSeker se Cumulus-verslag word geïsoleerde tot verspreide donderbuie van die naweek af oor die sentrale tot oostelike dele van die land verwag wat teen die middel van volgende week stadig noordwaarts na die noordoostelike dele sal beweeg.

Hopes for interest rate relief in South Africa anytime soon are dimming as a perfect storm of adverse conditions, with risks on the upside, in play. This includes: Higher inflation than expected already recorded in the first months of the year-Higher fuel prices adding to inflationary pressures, with more hikes expected -

The demand for sweet potatoes has not waned in Europe as summer dawns. Some markets are switching to more local production with lower priced imports from Egypt dominating in many markets. The African country has seen increased demand from many markets, while it also has strong local demand. Local producers in France are complaining about the lower priced Egyptian sweet potatoes.

While Ukrainian farmers are expected to plant more oilseeds, with the exception of sunflowers, production volumes in 2024-25 could be dampened by lower yields. Soybean production area is estimated at 2.1 million hectares, an 18% increase, and rapeseed area is estimated at 1.5 million hectares, a 7% increase, according to a report from the Foreign Agricultural Service of the US Department of Agriculture.

South Africa's Aerobotics is leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to assist fruit and nut farmers in enhancing crop yields. Founded in Cape Town nine years ago, the company now operates across 18 countries, with the United States as its primary market, followed by South Africa, Australia, Spain, and Portugal.

Cyberattacks have more than doubled since the pandemic. While companies have historically suffered relatively modest direct losses from cyberattacks, some have experienced a much heavier toll. US credit reporting agency Equifax, for example, paid more than $1 billion in penalties after a major data breach in 2017 that affected about 150 million consumers.

Mounting challenges continue to disrupt the dynamic fresh fruit industry, which impacts its critical role as a key economic contributor to overall agricultural GDP. However, the industry continues to steadily grow its production volumes.

Angola has become a focal point in the race for critical minerals. In July and August 2023, WhyAfrica, with the support of its main sponsor Remote Exploration Services (RES), travelled through the Moxico and Lunda Sul provinces in Angola to find out just how strategic this country has become.

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