AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 7th April 2024 2024

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 7th April 2024 2024

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This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-, ALWAYS ON TIME 

News Comments  - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational.  News platform of the commercial farmers of South Africa who produce food for the nation-

Piet Potgieter, the manager of agricultural development at VKB, believes South Africa has succeeded in its initiative of land transfer, adding that the country has managed to successfully transfer land as a means of achieving transformation in the agri sector. Nonetheless, he added, more effort is still needed and it is platforms such as the Mzansi Young Farmers Indaba that could connect farmers and institutions that could lead to a breakthrough. Today, black farmers are now able to deliver 100 million birds per cycle and nine out of ten of those farmers are newly founded farmers who have gone to suppress other farmers in their cycle. These are the stories we want to hear and it can only be possible if we all work together. “Not all black farmers should be emerging farmers and I am excited to see more young people and women move into the agri sector, because transformation will not happen on its own. It needs us to actualise it and be truthful about it,” he said.

The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has reiterated its intentions to review the country’s current inflation target range, with governor Lesetja Kganyago pointing to the need for a narrower, lower range. Introduced in 2000, the SARB’s target range is currently set at 3% to 6%. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) is looking for inflation to settle around the midpoint (i.e., 4.5%) to determine adjustments to interest rates. Kganyango has maintained for months that the central bank will not make any policy adjustments – especially rate cuts – until inflation has been tamed and brought under control, stabilised at this mid-point. However, the Bureau for Economic Research (BER) said in a note this week that the SARB is pushing for a significant shift for the range. In an interview, Kganyago told Reuters that he would prefer to establish a lower inflation target before 2025, the BER noted. High interest rates destroy WEALTH.

Die Italiaanse statistiekdiens ISTAT het verlede week bekend gemaak dat die getal geboortes in Italië verlede jaar vir die vyftiende agtereenvolgende jaar gedaal het. Slegs 379 000 babas is verlede jaar in Italië gebore – die minste sedert Italië se vereniging as land in 1861. Volgens ISTAT is ’n kwart van die Italiaanse bevolking ouer as 65 jaar en sal die Italiaanse bevolking, ten spyte van honderde duisende immigrante wat jaarliks uit Afrika en die Midde-Ooste aankom, oor die volgende 25 jaar met 10% daal. Die skerp afname in bevolkingsgetalle is nie net tot Europa beperk nie. In 2022 het die Chinese bevolking vir die eerste keer begin daal sedert die groot hongersnood wat van 1959 tot 1961 geduur het. Die Chinese bevolking het verlede jaar met meer as 2 miljoen afgeneem, en daar word verwag dat die huidige Chinese bevolking van 1,4 miljard mense tot net 525 miljoen teen die einde van die eeu gaan afneem. Teen die einde van die eeu sal die getal Chinese van werkende ouderdom slegs 20% wees van die hoogtepunt wat dit in 2014 was.

Following the latest hike to petrol prices in South Africa this week, the daily recoveries for fuel are once again off to a mixed start in the new month – with a worrying outlook for prices in May. Motorists have just been hit with a price hike this week, with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy hiking petrol prices by around 60-65 cents per litre on Wednesday (3 April). Diesel prices were flat with a marginal increase/decrease, depending on coastal or inland pricing. Closing up the first week in April and looking ahead to potential price changes in May, petrol prices are again showing an under-recovery in prices of around 45 cents per litre, kicking off the month on the back foot for motorists. Like early April, diesel prices are currently showing an over-recovery of close to 50 cents per litre, lining up another cut in May. The rand is trading around R18.65/$ on Friday (5 April), up from R18.94 at the start of the week. More specifically, the Brent crude oil price is trading above $90 a barrel on Friday, rising by 5.6% this week. “The OPEC (oil-producing countries) ministerial meeting confirmed the production cuts agreed in June 2023, and it is expected to maintain them when it is next convened on 1 June,” the bank said. According to Bloomberg analysis, global benchmark Brent pierced $91 a barrel, as geopolitical risks come into play in the market.

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The Rand staged a modest recovery this week strengthening 1.2% to R18.71 against the Dollar – helping the import parity cost of urea to below the R7,300/t. Barring a blow-out of the Rand, local urea prices look set to head into the R6,000s in the coming weeks. READ MORE 

In its latest monthly Seasonal Climate Watch, which looks five months ahead, the South African Weather Service is forecasting a warm autumn and winter and a dry one, including in regions such as the southwest that typically get the lion’s share of their rainfall during the coldest months. READ MORE 

Supplementation of Micronutrients and Specialty Nutrients: Foliar fertilizers play a critical role in supplementing micronutrients and specialty nutrients that may be deficient or unavailable in the soil. Micronutrients such as iron, zinc, manganese, and boron are essential for various metabolic processes and physiological functions in plants, influencing growth, photosynthesis, and disease resistance READ MORE 

Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid is a key signaling molecule involved in SAR induction. Exogenous application of salicylic acid or its analogs can enhance plant immunity and protect against a wide range of pathogens. Jasmonic Acid: Jasmonic acid is another important signaling molecule that regulates defense responses against herbivores and necrotrophic pathogens.  READ MORE

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Johan van den Berg, onafhanklike landbouweerkundige, sê die voorspelde swaar neerslae sal veroorsaak word deur ’n sterk trog van laagdruk wat vanaf Saterdag vanuit die noorde van Namibië en Botswana suidwaarts oor die westelike binneland van Suid-Afrika gaan ontwikkel. Dit gaan rondom Sondag en Maandag versterk, en ’n afsnylaagdrukstelsel gaan oor die westelike dele van die Oos-Kaap en die aangrensende dele van die Noord-Kaap ontwikkel. Dit gaan ook vanaf Sondagnag tot Dinsdagoggend verder suidweswaarts met swaar reën oor die Wes-Kaap uitbrei.

South African Reserve Bank has reiterated its intentions to review the country’s current inflation target range, with governor Lesetja Kganyago pointing to the need for a narrower, lower range.Introduced in 2000, the SARB’s target range is currently set at 3% to 6%. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) is looking for inflation to settle around the midpoint (i.e., 4.5%) to determine adjustments to interest rates.

In Suid-Afrika is die totale grondgebruik van kommersiële landbou ongeveer 46,4 miljoen hektaar, wat 37,9% van die totale grondoppervlakte van ons land beslaan. ’n Oppervlakte van 136 214 hektaar (27 plase) van die 46,4 miljoen hektaar is spesifiek geïdentifiseer om die evaluering en toetsing van predasiemetodes te verteenwoordig.

Wetenskaplikes by die Chicago Universiteit het ontdek ‘n verbinding in rooivleis, suiwel en ander produkte mag die liggaam se immuunselle help om gewasse te beveg. Die verbinding bekend as trans-vaccenic-suur of TVA aktiveer skynbaar die T-selle in die liggaam, wat die immuunstelsel help om kieme te beveg en jou teen siektes beskerm.

Die jongste skip van Al Mawashi wat tans in die Oos-Londense hawe met lewende hawe gelaai word, bring ’n groot finansiële inspuiting van bykans R205 miljoen vir veeboere en die plaaslike ekonomie in die Oos-Kaap.

South Africa's avocado season is off to a very good start with Europe seeing the first arrivals of Maluma and the regular Hass varieties. Sporadic rain and some heatwaves in the build-up to the 2024 season turned out to be good, overall, for the avocado production.

Suid-Afrika, Zambië en Zimbabwe het onlangs verslae gepubliseer wat toon dat ‘n potensiële afname in graanoeste verwag kan word weens ‘n intense droogte wat deur El Niño veroorsaak word, volgens AgBiz se landbou-oorsig.

Mzansi Young Farmers Indaba, currently taking place at Lavender Kontrei Market in Pretoria-Minister Thoko Didiza kick-started the Mzansi Young Farmers Indaba with a call to action, urging farmers to seize opportunities and collaborate for success. "Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of the country and we need young people to lead," she said

Human pressure on land, soils and freshwater have intensified, pushing these resources to their production limits. Climate change has increased pressure on rain-fed and irrigation production over and above the environmental consequences of decades of unsustainable use, said the report,

The Cape honeybee might have global celebrity status in the insect world, but there are many challenges to secure the future of this “famous bee variety” and sustain its contribution as an apex pollinator in the Western Cape.

In the grain market, we see that the White Maize spot price rose to R5295 on Monday while the Jul’24 price rose to R5270 per ton. The Yellow Maize spot price rose to R4280 while the Jul price rose to R4230 per ton. Soybean spot price rose to R8655 with the May’24 price higher at R8730 per ton. The Sunflower spot price also rose to R9250 while the May’24 price rose to R9400 per ton.

The latest weaner calf price dropped by almost 3% last week and is now trading at R30.62 per kilogram, which is about 12% lower than a year ago. Several regional prices are already below the R30 mark, with Limpopo at R29 and the North West at R29.48. Slaughter prices are also declining, with the A2/3 carcass price now at R54.56 and the C-grade price 3% lower at R42.74, which is 11% lower year on year.

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