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News Comments - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational. News platform of the commercial farmers of South Africa who produce food for the nation-
The damaging effects of persistent dryness and heatwaves in SA’s summer crop growing regions have raised concern about a possible rise in consumer food inflation in the coming months. With food price inflation averaging 11% in 2023 (from 9.5% in 2022, 6.5% in 2021 and 4.8% in 2020), which was relatively high compared with recent periods, talk of further upside pressure in inflation comes as an unwelcome development. However, the underlying drivers of the increase in food inflation in the past two years were international agricultural commodity prices and, to a far smaller extent, idiosyncratic domestic factors. The drought in South America, China’s strong demand for grains and oilseed, rising shipping costs, higher energy prices and the Russia-Ukraine war were some of the factors behind the higher global agricultural producer prices, which boosted domestic prices and led to relatively elevated consumer food price inflation in 2022 and 2023.
There will be less competition from one of the main players in the global grain market in the new crop year. The Ukrainian Grain Association (UGA) is forecasting an 18 percent drop in the country’s grains and oilseeds exports in 2024-25. Ukraine’s grain export success tested by Red Sea crisis -Ukraine is expected to ship out 43.7 million tonnes of its key crops, down from an estimated 53.1 million tonnes this year. And that is assuming that the Ukrainian sea corridor and the Danube River route operate smoothly. MarketsFarm analyst Bruce Burnett said it remains to be seen how big an impact Ukraine’s woes will have on global grain markets. He noted that there is expected to be a big rebound in corn and soybean production in the United States.
South Africa is facing deteriorating logistics competitiveness. The country’s mineral exports suffered losses of approximately R50 billion in 2021 and 2022 due to inadequate infrastructure capacity, resources and capabilities. The suboptimal performance of rail and port operations has driven low-quality service, high logistics costs and lengthy port waiting times. The lack of infrastructure hinders the growth of existing and new industries. Transnet’s budget constraints coupled with significant debt and wage bills, exacerbate this challenge. More than ten million tons of edible surplus food is lost or wasted every year while millions of vulnerable people are food insecure. In total the loss costs the South African economy R64 billion annually, said Andy du Plessis, managing director of FoodForward SA. The loss and waste occur at all levels in the value chain: at farms/primary producers (8%), post-harvest handling and storage (19%), processing/manufacturing (49%) retail/wholesale (6%) and households/consumption (18%).
Four more emerging farmers got a helping hand from the Stellenbosch Municipality on Tuesday 12 March when a second round of contracts were signed. The initial success unfolded in 2019, when the municipality entered into agreements with the first five farmers. Building on this foundation, Executive Mayor Gesie van Deventer, joined by Western Cape Minister of Agriculture Ivan Meyer, handed contracts to four additional emerging farmers this week. According to the municipality its effort to lease municipal agricultural land to local farmers underscores its dedication to creating lasting opportunities and fostering inclusivity within the community. This multi-pronged approach ensures the ongoing empowerment of emerging farmers and the fruitful use of previously underutilised land.
Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal
The next Indian urea tender is expected to be announced in the coming week. The Indians have not held a urea tender since mid-January but Indian domestic urea stocks remain high. The Indians are therefore in a comfortable position and this tender can be viewed as them testing prices. There is an Indian general election later this year and with the agricultural voter segment being especially important in India, the Indian government is keen to ensure ample availability of product. READ MORE
Notably, the signs of possible underperformance in the sector in 2023 were visible in various vital indicators. For example, the Agbiz/IDC Agribusiness Confidence Index (ACI), which we view as a lead indicator of the sector’s performance, deteriorated by 10 points to 40 in the last quarter of 2023. READ MORE
So, South African farmers who planted summer grain crops late last year knew it was a risk – farming is by nature a risky business – but they forged ahead and devoted slightly more land to planting this season. But moisture levels were generally good at planting time and the full wrath of El Niño – which is forecast to fade soon – was only unleashed in February. READ MORE
We have a longer track that helps with heat dissipation. And the big thing there is long-term durability of not only the tractor, but the operator. We have a 40 percent reduction in vibration at the operator’s seat in transport. We’re taking those big jolts and jostles out of the whole tractor. We’re sucking it up in that suspension system of the tracks.” READ MORE
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AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 10th March 2024
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Die DA pleit vir rampondersteuning vir die landboubedryf in die Vrystaat, gegewe die erge hittegolf en droogte wat die bedryf in dié provinsie getref het. Daar is boonop ʼn dreigende gevaar van nog ʼn brandseisoen wat moontlik ʼn herhaling kan beteken van die verwoesting in 2023 as behoorlike voorsorg nie getref word nie. “Die DA glo dat die regering moet ingryp en ons landboubedryf moet ondersteun,” sê Roy Jankielsohn, die DA se premierskandidaat in die Vrystaat. “Dié bedryf verseker ons voedselsekerheid en lewer ʼn beduidende bydrae tot ons provinsiale BBP en indiensnemingskoers.” Jankielsohn sê dit is kommerwekkend dat die departement van landbou en landelike ontwikkeling in sy aangepaste begroting ʼn bedrag van R44 miljoen weggeskuif het van rampbestuur, iets wat tans dringend benodig word.
Wildbedryf SA sê Barbara Creecy, minister van bosbou, visserye en omgewingsake, se aankondiging van ’n openbare deelnameproses oor die nie-nadelige bevindinge in die Staatskoerant van 5 Maart is moontlik strydig met die Nasionale Omgewingsbestuurswet vir Biodiversiteit, Nemba (Wet 10 van 2004).
Dit is tot nadeel van die lewendehawebedryf, waardeketting en verbruikers wanneer BTW-bedrog geld van die Taksman en medeprodusente steel.Slimmighede en planne om so min as moontlik belasting te betaal, of selfs glad nie, is al so oud soos die berge.
Ocean carriers sailing around South Africa to avoid attacks on vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden have been added to the crosshairs of Yemen’s Houthi rebels as they threaten to extend their missile reach into the southern Indian Ocean.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at addressing transformation in the ports sector has been entered into between the Ports Regulator of South Africa (PRSA) and the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Commission.
South Africa’s load-shedding crisis, efficiency challenges at the ports and political uncertainty weighed heavily on manufacturer confidence during the first few months of 2024. This is according to the Absa Manufacturing Survey Quarter 1, 2024, which showed that business confidence dipped five points to 21 during the period, significantly lower than the long-term average of 37 points.
Our Young Farmers are the leaders in South Africa's future agricultural environment, and the theme of this year's TLU SA Young Farmer Conference was one that creates hope and shows our young farmers the way forward in farming for the future.
Russia’s agriculture minister said late last month that Moscow had completed its initiative of shipping 200,000 tonnes of free grain to six African countries as promised by president Vladimir Putin in July.
According to the Interprofessional Association of Lemon and Grapefruit, Ailimpo, Purchasing operations of Spanish lemons at origin have ground almost to a halt, without great prospects for their reactivation. Meanwhile, however, there's still stability in the fresh lemon export market, with volumes practically identical to those of previous years, according to the organization.
Global wheat production in 2024 is forecast to increase by 1% over the previous year but will fall short of the record output reached in 2022, according to a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.
Over the past week, we’ve seen a decrease in weaner calf prices by about 4%, currently standing at R33.39 per kilogram. Prices in Mpumalanga have dropped to R30.50, with the central Free State price currently at R33. There’s still downward potential over the next month, with calf prices likely to remain at a lower level until the end of June.
South African motorists can expect a lighter blow in April when it comes to petrol prices, with the latest data showing a much smaller hike on the cards than at the start of the month. Diesel users, meanwhile, can breathe a sigh of relief with current trends pointing to a price cut at the pumps.
In the fruit market we saw the banana price increasing by 10% to R8.24 per kilogram or R148 per 18kg box. I think we are close to a peak for banana prices which can start to decrease as we move into the winter months. The latest apple price decreased to R8.57 with the pear price 5% lower on R7.81 per kilogram.
This is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. The only news MEDIUM that will give you so much news at one address.
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