AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 14th January 2024

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 14th January 2024

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Vir ons in Suid-Afrika kan die uitdagings van die Afrika-kontinent nie misgekyk word nie. Die Afrika-kontinent het gedurende die 1990’s en vroeë 2000’s sterk ekonomiese groei en ’n beweging na meer demokratiese, stabiele regerings ervaar. Die afgelope tyd het hierdie positiewe tendens tot ’n einde gekom. Terwyl die bevolking van talle Afrika-lande skerp groei, ervaar Afrika tans ’n ekonomiese verlangsaming, ’n toename in outoritêre regerings en meer konflik en oorlog. Dit gaan uiteindelik die hele kontinent raak en ook die risiko vir terreur en massa-emigrasie uit Afrika verhoog.  Vir die eerste keer ooit sal meer as die helfte van die wêreld se bevolking in een jaar verkiesings in hulle lande aanskou. In sommige lande soos Rusland, Belarus, Azerbaidjan en Tsjad vind verkiesings bloot as ’n rookskerm plaas om die persepsie van demokrasie te skep. In baie ander lande soos die Verenigde State van Amerika, Brittanje, België, Oostenryk, Taiwan, Mexiko, Uruguay, Indië en selfs Suid-Afrika, kan vanjaar se verkiesings wesenlike implikasies vir die onderskeie lande, maar ook in hulle streke en selfs globaal hê. Demokrasie was in 2023 op die agtervoet met grootskaalse agteruitgang in gesonde demokratiese instellings in verskeie wêrelddele.

In 2023, world leaders issued a declaration at the UN climate change conference COP28 acknowledging the role that more sustainable and resilient agri-food systems can and must play in responding to the climate crisis.  The wine industry is both one of the sectors of our agri-food system most affected by climate change and is also a small (if not insignificant) contributor to system-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The wine industry has faced criticism over its environmental, economic and social sustainability more generally. However, it is consumer purchase decisions (which wine do I buy?) which have the greatest potential to drive much needed systemic change to improve sustainability across the wine industry. Conventional wine production is not inherently sustainable, degrading land, water and air while reinforcing social injustices and inequity. Wine grape production is responsible for over 17 per cent of the sector’s GHG emissions, mainly through fossil fuel-powered machinery, while the application of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers can reduce biodiversity, cause soil infertility and pollute local rivers and lakes.

South Africa has to ramp up its conservation efforts, including in the protection of threatened and endangered species to meet its international commitments by 2030. This will be a signatory to the convention on biological diversity.  Acknowledging the urgency of taking action in this regard, the South African government recently rolled out a groundbreaking tax incentive for the conservation of threatened species. It is also in the process of amending the threatened or protected species (TOPS) regulations – which will make it much easier for veterinarians to treat wild animals and assist in the conservation of vulnerable species.  The decline in African elephant populations, for example, paints a grim picture. A hundred years ago, there were so many elephants roaming around. Now, there are only about 400 000 left and just 0,01% are big tusker bull elephants, with only about 30 to 40 remaining,”

Verskeie dieresiektes, insluitend bek-en-klouseer onder beeste, Afrika-varkpes en voëlgriep onder hoenders, het verlede jaar in Suid-Afrika voorgekom. Indien behoorlike biosekerheids-maatreëls in plek was, die nodige entstof beskikbaar was en die landsgrense minder deurlaatbaar was, sou die verspreiding van die siektes waarskynlik voorkom of minstens beperk kon word. Hierdie uitbrekings het ernstige nadelige gevolge vir landbou en gepaardgaande werksgeleenthede, voedselsekerheid en die ekonomie van die land omdat produksie afneem, die siek diere van kant gemaak moet word en uitvoere nie kan plaasvind om buitelandse valuta te verdien nie. Die regering het net nie die vermoee om Biosekuriteit toe te pas nie- 

Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal

In recent months, trophy hunters have killed two super tuskers – bulls with at least one 100-pound tusk – close to Tanzania’s border with Kenya. This greater Amboseli ecosystem is a famous haven for these giant elephants, where many have become habituated as a result of close interaction with humans. The trend of targeting these ecologically and economically important animals requires immediate critical attention. READ MORE 

The USA and Brazil saw potash prices easing down this week. The US price fell as some of the potash majors such as Nutrien announced prices for the upcoming spring fill programme. American prices are substantially higher than Brazil and elsewhere, so the small discount on prices is intended to stimulate American buying and hopefully taking the pressure off Canadian producers to keep focusing on lower-valued sales to South America and South East Asia.  READ MORE 

Reduced emissions road transport has been modelled based on stated 2030 and 2050 Australian and international decarbonisation targets. Accordingly, the percentage of reduced emissions trucks transporting vineyard and winery inputs and produce will increase over time. READ MORE 

South Africa has an avocado cultivation area of approximately 19,091 hectares, which is primarily concentrated in the provinces of Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal, accounting for 53%, 22% and 19% of the total planting area, respectively. Hass avocados dominate the production landscape, covering 51% of the total planting area. The Fuerte variety is the second most common, representing 20% of the total. Other significant cultivars include Pinkerton, Maluma Hass and Ryan.  READ MORE 

The term “climate neutral” was first coined by policy makers to refer to net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases. These gases were measured using a long-established scale that represents their warming effect over a 100-year period, expressed in CO₂ equivalents – this is the so-called “global warming potential” or GWP100 and it was used in the preparation of the Paris agreement. READ MORE 

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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


 Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 3rd January 2024

We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 38 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world.  We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world.  18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.

Ons grond

  • Slegs ongeveer 7,5% van die aarde se oppervlak bestaan uit landbougrond waarop kos verbou kan word. Hierdie fraksie kompeteer met die mensdom se ander behoeftes en begeertes wat wissel van behuising tot vermaak, industriële en militêre komplekse tot stortingsterreine.
  • 95% van ons kos kom uit die grond.
  • Landbouproduksie sal met 60% moet toeneem om aan die wêreldwye voedselaanvraag in 2050 te voldoen; volhoubare grondbestuur kan tot 58% meer kos lewer.
  • Grond verskaf 15 van die 18 chemiese elemente wat natuurlik voorkom en noodsaaklik vir plante is.
  • 25% van die planeet se biodiversiteit is in grond: een teelepel grond kan meer lewende organismes bevat as wat daar mense op aarde is.
  • Grond is die planeet se tweede grootste koolstofstoor.
  • 33% van die aarde se grond, en meer as die helfte van die landbougrond, is in ‘n slegte toestand.
  • Dit neem langer as 1 000 jaar om 1 cm grond te kweek.

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Die Wêreldbank se Globale Ekonomiese Vooruitsigte toon ‘n derde agtereenvolgende jaar van verlangsaming in globale groei, met 2,4 persent vanjaar teen die 2,6 persent van verlede jaar. Die verslag onderskryf die behoefte dat ontwikkelende lande ? aansienlike styging in beleggings moet bekom, jaarliks ongeveer 44 000 miljard Namibiese dollar, om aan die klimaatsdoelwitte van 2030 te voldoen.

In 2023 South Africa had 193 farm attacks and 50 farm murders.Gauteng 30 attacks, 11 murders NW 33-6 Limpopo 26-2 Mpumalanga 18-8 KZN 27-5 Freestate 17-6 NC 2-0WC 26-8 EC 14-4

The police is investigating the death of 25 white-backed vultures that were allegedly poisoned on a Kalahari farm during the first weekend of this year. This is according to Dr Gerhard Verdoorn, a toxicologist and director of the Griffon Poison Information Centre.  

Petrol prices take a turn for the worse in South Africa A steady climb in global oil prices has pushed a flat to marginal cut in petrol prices for February into a small hike.

The SA Canegrowers’ Association, representing sugar farmers, has welcomed the sale of Tongaat Hulett to Vision, but says it wants the new owner to pay it industry levies, a demand that is unlikely to be met.

Die rooivleisbedryf bly onder skoot — of dit druk van die veganiste is wat ’n volle 0,1% van die wêreldbevolking beslaan of omgewingsaktiviste wat die kweekhuisgaskat aan die stert beet het. Rede is egter besig om te seëvier. Die mensdom se eetlus is besig om die aarde oor sy planetêre grense te druk, terwyl dit terselfdertyd ook ’n gesondheidsrisiko skep

The banana price decreased towards the end of last year but increased again over the past two week to R11.54 per kilogram with the class 1 large hands variety now trading on R210 per 18kg box on Nile. The fact that volumes are still well below the past two years resulted in the price to trade 62% higher than a year ago. If volumes can pick up, we might see lower prices during January again.

Met die einde van die seisoen op hande verwag Namibië ’n tafeldruifoes van sowat 9,1 miljoen kartonhouers van 4,5 kg elk. Indien die verwagte oes realiseer, sal dit 500 000 kartonhouers meer wees as die vorige seisoen. Volgens die Namibiese vereniging vir tafeldruifprodusente (NGGA) lyk die gehalte van die druiwe uitstekend met goeie korrelgrootte.

In a ground-breaking development for the South African Red Meat industry, the Red Meat Industry Services (RMIS), working hand in hand with the Department of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) and the Red Meat Abattoir Association (RMAA), has successfully secured the official confirmation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) opening its doors to the export of South African Red Meat.

Three years ago, ginger farmers in northeastern South Africa and southern Mozambique simultaneously started noticing that the foliage in their ginger lands die off two months after planting, and by the time plants recover in April, three valuable growing months had been lost.

The Department of Employment and Labour’s National Minimum Wage Commission is recommending an above-inflation hike to the NMW for 2024, which could see the rate for domestic workers jump to as much as R27.71 an hour.

The global blueberry market is characterised by what exporters and imports call persistently high prices, high demand and with some seeing lower but improving quality arriving compared to other seasons. Overall there is less fruit available from the world’s major blueberry producer, Peru, or from their South American counterpart countries of Mexico and Chile.

Dit het die afgelope week baie lekker in groot dele van Noordwes gereën. Boere in dié provinsie kon eers baie laat begin plant. Hulle beskryf die sagte, deurdringende reën wat vandeesweek uitgesak het, as ’n uitkoms en groot seën.

The world’s cropland footprint has expanded by just over 1 million square kilometers in the past two decades, representing a 9% increase between 2000 and 2019, according to new research.

The world’s cropland footprint has expanded by just over 1 million square kilometers in the past two decades, representing a 9% increase between 2000 and 2019, according to new research.

Ons span vertek binnekort na die LAMMA skou in Birmingham in Engeland- die 17de en 18 de Januarie 2024. Die span sal ook in Duitsland en Nederland 'n draai maak.

South Africa exported 29 760 tonnes of maize last week. Of this volume, 52% was exported to Zimbabwe, and the balance to the neighbouring African countries.This placed SA's 2023/24 maize exports at 2,64 million tonnes out of the seasonal export forecast of 3,33 million.

Volgens kenners lê een sprinkaan sowat 380 eiers in haar lewe van 78 dae en dié eiers broei binne 14 dae uit. Twee tot drie generasies kan dus in een seisoen voorkom met katastrofiese gevolge omdat dié insekte weiding en aangeplante gewasse kan opvreet.

The first auctions of the year will take place this week, so we currently don’t have regional data. According to our internal survey, the average weaning calf price traded at R36 per kilogram over the first week of the year. There was good news with the A2/3 carcass price rising to R56.67, and the C-grade price also higher at R50.04. 

This is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week.  The only news MEDIUM that will give you so much news at one address.

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