The real Health living products that will heal you-  Living products - Ep 1

The real Health living products that will heal you- Living products - Ep 1

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Only living products can stimulate life.  Dead chemicals can temporarily change the chemical balance in the body, thereby masking the symptoms of disease, but it cannot bring about healing.  In the long run it only erodes life.

We know that living foods stimulate life.  If used correctly it can bring about profound long term healing. The best healers are good foods, herbs and spices. 

Far from obtaining ingredients from the “cheapest on the market,” we source our raw materials from trusted suppliers all over the world using our strict protocols to consistently ensure the best quality that is the foundation of all our products.  

Unfortunately some of the best foods, such as Natto, have acquired tastes, are seasonal or are hard to come by.  Therefore our products are  prepared using only naturally dried fresh foods, ground and wrapped in vegetable cellulose housing for easy


Supplements are pills that can be bought over the counter (without a prescription from a medical doctor).

The trillion-dollar supplement industry will tell you that Nutritional Supplementation is imperative to wellness.  That it is impossible to be healthy without supplementation. 

“Vitamins aren’t a luxury or an invention of the vitamin industry. Vitamins are substances the body must have to survive. Taking vitamins is not a choice for humans. The only question is, how many vitamins should we take?

The statement that the ‘Standard American Diet’ (SAD) fails to provide nutrition sufficient for humans to derive the maximum benefits to their health is true.  But it is because the Standard American Diet consists mostly of processed foods. Processing most often destroys nutrients. Because people prefer processed foods, they use vitamins to try to replace some of the nutrients lost.  

Please WAKE UP  its your health-  Stop treating your body with PHARMA- They control you. 

What is Ashwangandha?

The root and berry of the ashwagandha plant are a traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India. Ashwagandha is used as a tonic (it is sometimes referred to as the “Indian ginseng”) to improve physical and mental health and to treat a number of specific conditions.

Why do people take ashwagandha?

May affects the immune system and helps reduce swelling, from both arthritis and fluid retention.

Can relieve osteoarthritis symptoms.

Might help lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes and lower high cholesterol.

Since ashwagandha has sedative effects, it could help ease anxiety and stress.

There is some preliminary research that it may help with epilepsy and memory loss.

Some lab tests of cancer cells have found that ashwagandha might slow down their growth.

Animal studies have found that ashwagandha could boost the effects of radiation therapy

It can help with anemia. It is high in iron and has been shown to help increase hemoglobin levels.

  Getting Too Much of Vitamins And Minerals- Dink voor jy 'n pil sluk

What is Black Current?

Black currants are full of antioxidants, including anthocyanins. Anthocyanins give black currants their characteristic dark color and fight free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and cell damage.

Black currants have one of the highest antioxidant values for fruit, making them effective in treating or preventing a number of health issues.

Some of the health benefits of black currants include:

Immune Health

Black currants are high in antioxidants, including vitamin C. Along with the anthocyanins in black currants, these antioxidants can help to give your immune system a boost, allowing your body to fight infection and viruses more effectively.

Reduced Inflammation

Black currants are rich in an omega-6 fatty acid called gamma-linoleic acid. This compound can help to reduce inflammation, as well as improve symptoms of inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Some studies also showed that gamma-linoleic acid helped to lessen joint pain and stiffness for people with arthritis.

Eye Health

Anthocyanin-rich black currants may help treat glaucoma, one of the leading causes of blindness. The antioxidant increases blood flow in the eyes and may help to slow the progression of glaucoma. Gamma-linoleic acid, linoleic acid (found in vitamin C), and other antioxidants may also help to improve dry eye and symptoms of eye fatigue

What is Boswelia?

Research shows effective against osteoporosis

Boswellia is known in the Western world as frankincense. This substance has antiinflammatory, antiarthritic, and analgesic properties. It has been used for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis. Other uses include ulcerative colitis, painful menstruation, and abdominal pain.

It is proposed to inhibit leukotriene biosynthesis. It may reduce white blood cells (WBCs). The reduction in WBC and eukocyte esterase makes Boswellia useful in rheumatoid arthritis (Maroon et al., 2010).

Boswellia consumption resulted in significant improvement in knee arthritis pain after 8 weeks of treatment (Keplinger, Laus, Wurm, Dierich, & Teppner, 1999). Other studies have shown that when combined with curcumin, the combination was superior to diclofenac when treating osteoarthritis (Maroon et al., 2010).

The dosage of Boswellia is based on the percentage of boswellic acids. Standard dosages contain 30–40% boswellic acid. This is equivalent to a dose of 300–500 mg two to three times a day (Maroon et al., 2010). There is sufficient evidence to prove the clinical efficacy of Boswellia in patients with osteoarthritis. However, there is insufficient evidence to prove the clinically efficacy of Boswellia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Boswellia has been used in the treatment of degenerative and inflammatory joint disorders. It reportedly reduces the total white blood cell count in joint fluid and inhibits leukocyte elastase, which is released in rheumatoid arthritis. In another recent study, BA demonstrated to inhibit NFĸB pathways decreasing the production of key cytokines and demonstrating a role in the downregulation of the pro-inflammatory cascade.

What is Bupleurum?

Used for liver injury

An RUCAM based clinical study in Germany involving 21,470 patients suggested that RB is one of the most implicated TCM herbals in TCM-related liver injury (Melchart et al., 2017). RB is the dry root of Bupleurum chinense DC. (Apiaceae) and Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd.


Immunoregulative and anti-inflammatory

It is one of the most widely used TCM drugs in the treatment of cold, fever and hepatitis, based on its anti-inflammatory and immunoregulative activities. RB was categorized as the “top grade” in Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing and was considered for a very long time to be non-toxic (Li, Li, et al., 2018; Li et al., 2017). Several studies suggested that overdose is the primary risk for RB-induced liver toxicity. 

Strong anti-viral:  

Bupleurum inactivated enveloped viruses, including measles and herpes, but had no effect on nonenveloped viruses, such as polio. 16 Saikosaponins inhibit coxsackie B virus 17 and saikosaponin B inhibited the human coronavirus, which is responsible for severe acute respiratory syndrome. 

Quanlim Life only use living products-  

Never use any of these products if you did not speak to your REAL health practitioner . 

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