The Best Herbs and Supplements for Sugar Cravings

The Best Herbs and Supplements for Sugar Cravings

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Did you know that a sugar addiction is one of the causes of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes?

Or that the craving for this sweet substance could be due to emotional issues, and that when you suddenly deny yourself that decadent chocolate or sugary beverage, you could suffer some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms? Fortunately, a little know-how in using supplements for sugar cravings could help you not only withstand the temptation of reaching out for that sugary treat, but help you cope during withdrawal as well.

It is interesting to note that sugary drinks may result in the deaths of just under 200,000 people each year due to the various associated health issues. Sugar may also affect brain health as it may negatively affect memory, as well as eye and immune health. On the other hand, people who consume very little or no sugar are less likely to suffer from depression and tend to sleep better at night. Supplements for sugar cravings may thus help to restore a sense of balance somewhat without you going through the negative aspects of going cold turkey.

What few people know is that some of these supplements for sugar cravings may be hiding in your pantry! And that by upping your intake, you could help yourself cope with these cravings and withdrawal symptoms while at the same time giving your general health and wellbeing a boost.

Why Do People Have Sugar Cravings?
The average American diet sees each person consume approximately 130 pounds of a combination of refined sugar and high-fructose corn syrup annually. That is the weight of a woman of 5’5” with a medium-sized frame, and equates to consuming about 40 teaspoons of sugar daily. This makes sugar, and not fat consumption, the main cause of obesity in the United States.

Now you may think you are safe by substituting your sugar intake with artificial sweeteners or, when choosing a drink, opting for a low-calorie option. But this is not the case. Research strongly shows that despite this substitution, your body still has cravings that result in you eating more and thus consuming more calories, which can contribute to weight-loss issues.

But why do sugar and even artificial sweeteners cause these cravings?

Sugar increases the serotonin levels in your brain. Serotonin is a "feel-good" hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter and plays a role in mood, appetite, social behavior, and memory regulation. It is not so much that you crave sugar. Rather, you crave that "feel good" rush you experience every time you consume sugar and artificially boost your serotonin levels. The downside is that your sugar cravings could disrupt your body’s Bioenergetic circuit and result in several serious health issues.

However, you could boost serotonin levels instead through diet, getting enough sleep, and taking supplements for sugar cravings.

              New research shows South Africa’s levy on sugar-sweetened drinks is having an impact

Possible Bioenergetic Circuit Complications
Your Bioenergetic circuit is one of six circuits that make up your body’s NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response. Each of these circuits, working in synergy, keep your body balanced and healthy. In turn, your Bioenergetic circuit consists of three organ systems: the liver, pancreas, and thyroid. Together, their primary function is to supply every cell in your body with the energy it needs to carry out its function correctly.

When something disrupts these organs’ functions - like consuming too much sugar - your body goes into a state of stress that could cause dysfunctions affecting your entire body.

Issues Associated With A Disrupted Bioenergetics System
The various symptoms associated with a disrupted Bioenergetics system may seem totally unrelated.

People suffering from adrenal fatigue may see an increase in symptoms or current symptoms intensifying.
Hypoglycemia may manifest in those with adrenal fatigue due to a decrease in cortisol and an increase in insulin levels depending on their stage of the condition.
Sleep disorders may manifest.
Type-1 diabetes may result due to a lack of insulin and the immune system attacking the cells in the pancreas.
Obesity may result due to adipose tissue’s resistance to insulin.
You may develop metabolic disorders because of the interaction between insulin, insulin resistance, and compromised blood sugar levels. This condition is associated with heart disease, diabetes, and advanced aging.
Gut dysbiosis and leaky gut are linked to compromised liver function and an imbalance in gut flora.
You may see an increase in inflammation due to compromised adrenals in conjunction with compromised liver function. Liver function is primarily guided by your insulin levels.
Inflammation harms your pancreas function and makes it difficult for the organ to regulate blood sugar levels.
Compromised gut health and imbalanced blood sugar levels affect thyroid function. Your thyroid hormones play a role in neurotransmitter health and could thus affect serotonin.
Safe Supplements for Sugar Cravings
Fortunately, the many supplements for sugar cravings may provide the support needed by a compromised Bioenergetics system, as well as address the issues surrounding sugar cravings.

Herbal Supplements for Sugar Cravings
There are numerous herbs that make great supplements for sugar cravings. You may have some in your kitchen cupboard! Always keep in mind that even herbs can be strong for someone with adrenal fatigue. So if your body has a tendency to be sensitive, ask a healthcare provider before starting these supplements.

Sage, a powerful antioxidant, may help with lowering your blood sugar levels and keeping cholesterol levels in balance. The herb also supplies nervous system support while encouraging your body to relax during times of stress. This may help with adrenal support as well. Because most people have sage at home, it is one of the easiest supplements for sugar cravings to get your hands on.

Another culinary herb to consider using regularly is rosemary. Known as a natural headache remedy, the herb encourages blood flow to all parts of the body, making it a great tool in your arsenal of supplements for sugar cravings because headaches are one of your body’s detox symptoms.

Thyme is great at supporting digestive health because it promotes effective digestion and may relieve gas and cramps. The herb also has a relaxing effect on your body.

Turmeric is a great herb to use when going through a sugar detox because it supplies liver support. The herb may also help with blood sugar regulation, lower your cholesterol levels, and help reduce inflammation.

Holy Basil (Tulsi)
Holy basil is an adaptogenic herb. This means it helps your body cope with emotional and physical stressors and, therefore, promotes mental balance. Holy basil also helps promote blood sugar balance and, due to its sweet flavor, may help make your sugar cravings easier to deal with. Holy basil is better to take when your adrenals are in the early stages of adrenal fatigue than in later stages.

Stinging Nettle
Many gardeners consider stinging nettle a weed. Yet this herb contains a variety of minerals and nutrients that may help ease sugar cravings.

Gymnema Sylvestre
Gymnema sylvestre is an herb long used in Ayurvedic medicine. You should consider adding this herb to your list of supplements for sugar cravings because it may help with blood sugar control while suppressing your cravings for sweets and sugary beverages. Practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine also use the herb in addressing heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes. These health issues are linked to high sugar consumption.

White Mulberry Leaf
Research shows this herb may lower your glucose levels and help to balance your blood sugar levels. It may also help prevent blood sugar spikes after eating a meal by slowing down the breakdown of sugar in the gut for easier absorption into your bloodstream.

Cinnamon may help control blood sugar levels. It may also help control sugar spikes that often lead to food cravings.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements for Sugar Cravings
People with an unbalanced diet often have shortages of various vitamins and minerals. Not only do these help to keep you healthy, but they may also be great choices as supplements for sugar cravings because of their positive action on psychological health.

B Vitamins
The various B vitamins play a major role in many aspects of our bodily functions. Yet these vitamins often become depleted due to diet imbalances, environmental factors out of our control, and even stress.

These vitamins, important for proper cell function, help with food metabolism, the creation of new blood cells, maintaining healthy skin cells, and promoting proper brain function.

Your body needs zinc so that your immune system functions correctly. It also plays a role in the breaking down of carbohydrates, cell division and growth, and wound healing. People with low zinc levels may find their ability to smell or taste becomes compromised. However, those in the later stages of adrenal fatigue cannot handle too much zinc because it can build up in their bodies.

As one of the supplements for sugar cravings, magnesium helps with insulin, glucose, and dopamine regulation. Dopamine is a hormone that acts as a neurotransmitter in your brain. A magnesium deficiency often results in chocolate cravings because chocolate has a high magnesium content. The side effect of too much magnesium is diarrhea, so if you start to get loose stools, back off on the dosing.

Chromium is another of the supplements for sugar cravings that plays a role in insulin regulation in your pancreas. This means it affects your body’s carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism. It may also help reduce sugar cravings.

Research shows this mineral may reduce your body’s insulin resistance, helping to reduce your risk of contracting type-2 diabetes or cardiovascular issues. Your chromium levels tend to decrease with age, so the elderly are particularly at risk of having a chromium deficiency. There are various forms of chromium with different efficacy. For blood sugar stabilization, chromium polynicotinate tends to work very well. Over-supplementation with chromium is not recommended.

Other Supplements for Sugar Cravings
Ubiquinone CoQ10
CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant found in a cell’s mitochondria. It helps your body fight against free radicals and is responsible for the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Your body needs ATP to effectively use carbohydrates and produce energy.  It also plays a role in brain and heart health and in addressing high blood pressure issues.

L-glutamine, an amino acid that helps with sugar cravings by regulating your blood sugar levels, is found in both plant and animal protein sources. In those with diabetes, L-glutamine may help to stabilize blood sugar levels while suppressing insulin levels.

A probiotic supplement may help stabilize gut bacteria balance resulting from dietary deficiencies. An imbalance of gut bacteria, or dysbiosis as it is referred to, could lead to sugar cravings. This is because certain gut flora tends to flourish in the presence of sugar and thus increase your number of sweet receptors. A vicious cycle may result, with more sugar resulting in more of the gut microbes resulting in even more sweet receptors resulting in increased sugar cravings. Restoring gut microbial balance may break this cycle.

Lipase, found in various supplements promoting digestive health, may help prevent sugar spikes and help in breaking down fat to use as fuel. It may also help with digestion and nutrient absorption.

Fish Oil /Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Fish oil is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Various studies show that omega-3 fatty acids may:

Help with blood pressure control
Reduce the triglycerides in your bloodstream
Slow down plaque development on the walls of your arteries
Help address or reduce your likelihood of developing arrhythmia, heart attack, or stroke
Improve insulin sensitivity
Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed, a power food packed with various vitamins and minerals, is a good source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. As a supplement, the oil may decrease insulin resistance and reduce your risk of diabetes.

You get two types of fiber: soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber can dissolve in water, while insoluble fiber is found in whole goods like beans, oats, nut, and many others. It may play a role in blood sugar control and reduce your risk of type-2 diabetes.

In Closing
The best way to stop sugar cravings is to steer away from sugary treats in the first place and to ensure you follow a balanced diet. However, if are you stuck in the situation, the various supplements for sugar cravings may help your break your dependency.

If you are suffering from sugar cravings, here are a few things you can do to help alleviate the situation.


Try using supplements for sugar cravings like various herbs, vitamins, and minerals.
Try adding some exercise to your daily routine.
Consider following a balanced diet that includes plenty of organic vegetables and lean protein.
Whatever course of action you decide to take, please remember that certain supplements may interfere with certain medications. It is important to not just take the supplements without first contacting an experienced healthcare practitioner. Your body could be in different stages of adrenal fatigue and dealing with the different NeuroEndoMetabolic Response circuits, so all details are important in regards to dosing, strength, and which supplement to take. If in doubt, please talk to your healthcare practitioner before embarking on a course of action.

Please don't start using all these supplements unless you visit your professional healthcare specialist.