Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life - Health  7th February 2024

Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life - Health 7th February 2024

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Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families- 

For many people, a healthy lifestyle means more than eating a good diet and getting enough exercise — vitamins, supplements, and complementary nutritional products are also part of the plan. But though there is much publicity about their potential benefits, there is less awareness of their possible harmful effects.
Just a few to tell. Straight Talk 

Weight-loss products accounted for one quarter of all single-product ED visits and disproportionately affected women, while men were more likely to experience adverse effects from products advertised for sexual enhancement and body building. Energy-boosting products made up another 10% of these visits. Young adults weren't the only ones affected. Many children under 4 years of age suffered allergic reactions or digestive symptoms (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain) from unsupervised, accidental ingestion of vitamins. Patients older than 65 were more likely to have trouble swallowing after taking vitamins or micronutrients of large pill size.

"Vitamins can be synthetic because, by definition, a vitamin doesn't have to come from nature.  They just have to perform the biological activity of vitamins, he added, whereas a "botanical" means that it was alive at some point. In other words, botanicals and their extracts must come from actual living plants, not a test tube.

Omega-3 pills and antioxidants are widely thought to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, respectively, and millions of women take calcium to protect their bones. But recent evidence casts doubt on whether those supplements are as safe or effective as assumed.

Calcium. The latest blow against calcium supplements was a report by German and Swiss researchers who followed almost 24,000 adults for an average of 11 years. They found that regular users of calcium supplements had an 86 percent increased heart-attack risk compared with those who didn't use supplements, as reported in the June 2012 issue of the journal Heart. On the other hand, there was a statistically significant 30 percent reduction of heart-attack risk among adults with a moderately high intake of calcium from food itself.

Why the disparity? The researchers theorized that the supplements may cause quick spikes in blood calcium levels that have been linked to risky lipid levels, whereas calcium in food is likely to be absorbed more slowly. Get calcium from dairy products, green leafy vegetables, and fish with edible bones, such as sardines.

Omega-3 fish oil. The widely held view that fish-oil pills help prevent cardiovascular disease hit a snag when a study of 12,500 people with diabetes or prediabetes and a high risk of heart attack or stroke found no difference in the death rate from cardiovascular disease or other outcomes between those given a 1-gram fish-oil pill every day and those given a placebo, according to a June 11, 2012, New England Journal of Medicine online report. But the results may be clouded by the fact that participants were already taking other heart medication.

Most people can get enough omega-3s by eating fatty fish at least twice a week. The American Heart Association says that people who have coronary artery disease may want to talk to their doctor about omega-3 supplementation.

Antioxidants. Far from reducing cancer risk, as a lot of people believe, high doses of some antioxidant supplements may actually increase it, evidence suggests. JUST A FEW to tell

Lots more to tell-  You wasting your money if you keep on buying all these products without knowing what is really wrong inside your body- You play with your Health

If you do not know what is wrong inside your body- stop drinking all these supplements, drops, shakes and more that is available with lots of promises-  You can listen and view all the information online- but visit a real professional health practitioner  with years of practical experience- one who understand and live Healthy. You need to know what your body need- what is wrong inside-  You allow people to assist you with your problem.  Take care of your body and health.  www.quanlim.com

Daagliks moet elkeen van ons die lewe aanpak met soveel uitdagings. Die wereld en sy mense leef in ander tye en elkeen wil sy deel uit die lewe om te bestaan. Die lewensomstandighede het 'n groot invloed op mense se gesondheid en verhoudings. Die wereld is vol inligting wat wyd gesien en gedeel word op die media.
Miljoene mense is onbewus daarvan dat hulle liggame siek is en wag tot alles ingee voordat hulle verval in die hande van Pharma en dan al die pad beheer en deel word van hierdie stadige vernietigende sisteem wat bloot jou simptome behandel en jy maandeliks getrou jou pakkie "drugs" laat afhaal wat so getrou betaal word deur jou mediese fonds tot jou geld op is.Dan is daar geen genade en is jy op jou eie.."Sorry" ...Daarmee saam kom enorme newe effekte. Jy betaal maandeliks nog jou premie.
Wanneer gaan besef dat verantwoordelik is vir jou gesondheid. En dat miljoene daagliks gemaak word uit mense se gesondheid en jy is deel daarvan as jy nie vernatwoordelikheid neem daarvoor nie. 
Jy kan nie lewe en werk in 'n siek liggaam nie.
Jy gaan ook nie jouself gesond kry met al die duisende beloftes van alternatiewe gesondheid as jy aanhou dit gebruik voordat jy nie weet wat in jou liggaam verkeerd is nie
As jy in 'n gesonde liggaam wil werk, begin by die regte behandeling. Die oorsaak.
Moenie enige iets in jou mond sit as jy nie weet wat en waarvoor dit is NIE.
"Stop drinking all these supplements unless you know what is wrong inside your body." All kinds of Amino Tests- Blood tests-- all good- but what is the real problem?
Besoek n professionele gesondheid praktisyn met jare ondervinding wat gesond lewe en lyk.
Jy will nie in die hande van Pharma beland NIE. Jou liggaam is jou voertuig op aarde. Hou dit instand. Pas dit op. Pas jou op.
Jy sal jou gewoontes moet verander- Jou drink en eet gewoontes asook die omgewing as dit toksies geraak het.
Millions of people live in a unhealthy body trying to eat and drink their body healthy with all kinds of supplements super foods, healthy drinks, organic food, gluten free, all kinds of shakes and expensive gym and weight loss programs and much more. It all good. Social media and the media is full of information. As I said before. Unless you know what the real coarse and reason are why you overweight and unhealthy or whatever the reason is you wasting your money and time.
You not a robot.. you not programmed and therefore you are unique.
Pharma will treat you symptoms with drugs with huge side effects. You got a DNA. You got Gene's. They all need to work in perfect harmony. This is the point to start. See whwat is wrong and let somebody with real Alternative knowledge assist you.

Once a person lacks folate, the resulting damage is irreversible. The researchers therefore encourage people to be more aware of the level of folate in the blood. Folate is a type of vitamin B found in, for example, broccoli, spinach, peas, mushrooms, shellfish, and fruit such as bananas and melon. The problem with folate deficiency is that it affects chromosome maintenance, and once a cell has lost a chromosome or part of it, it can never be fixed. That is, once cell division has gone wrong, you cannot fix it subsequently by consuming a lot of folic acid. Once the damage is done, it is irreversible. 

Kanker en die biljoene wat die Mediese wereld uit jou liggaam maak

Die betaling van eise wat die grootste mediese fonds in die land, Discovery Health Mediese Skema, vir kanker ontvang het, het verlede jaar in die eerste tien maande van die jaar met meer as 18% gestyg. Die skerp styging tot R3,2 miljard vir behandeling van Januarie tot einde Oktober word onder meer toegeskryf aan baie meer lede wat groter eise ingedien het. In 2022 is R2,7 miljard se eise vir die behandeling van kanker en opvolgbehandeling bestee. Van die lede wat vir onkologievoordele geëis het, het 58 mense eise van meer as R1 miljoen gehad wat uitbetaal is. Daarteenoor was dit 25 lede in die vorige jaar in die ooreenstemmende tydperk. Die hoogste kankerverwante eis wat verlede jaar uitbetaal is, was R1,8 miljoen vir ’n pasiënt met veelvuldige miëloom, luidens ’n verklaring van die mediese fonds se administrateur, Discovery Health.

Net iemand wat kanker het weet wat dit is - niemand anders nie- dis iets wat jou van binne wegvreet en jy is net nog 'n nommer in die mediese wereld. Solank jy 'n mediese fonds agter jou het sal jy behandel word- TEN DUURSTE  en as die geld klaar is- is jy op eie- dis die prys wat jy betaal om te lewe.  Die wereld is vrot van mense wat kanker het en dit word daagliks meer. Die mediese wereld sal nooit 'n middel bekend stel wat kanker genees nie- daar is te veel geld te maak uit jou liggaam.

Dit wil voorkom of van die kanker dokters te veel Chemo to gou wil gee- en dit vernietig die Immunne stelsel baie vinnig-  Ons hoor so tussen die lyne dat R60,000 betaal word om 'n Kankerprogram te skryf vir 'n pasient - as dit waar is - is dit baie goeie geld vir min werk- 

Wanneer gaan jy wakker skrik en die regte pad loop-?    Wil jy in die hande van PHARMA en die mediese wereld wees- ???  Wil jy in 'n tou sit en wag om Chemo te kry-? of wil jy in 'n Hospitaal in Suid Afrika le? - Jy het 'n plig teenoor jou geliefdes om na jou liggaam om te sien-  Tree voorkomend op- en gee net die beste vir jou liggaam - Daar is alternatiewe behandeling maar jy moet gereeld onderhoud op jou liggaam doen -  jy moet jou lewe verander-  jou gewoontes, jou denke, - ALLES

South Africa is maybe even worse-  "BOEPPENSE: is all around- and the its not only so called old people- its young men and women and children -  It is a "TIME BOMB " No matter what you read on social media, or hear from Doctors orr Health practitioners-  YES- you need to do act now- and please don't run to the GYM- or a so called Weight loss program - or any other quick fixes or expensive pre-made meals. Yes you need to control your meals, but you don't know what they put in the emails to taste better- and they tell you a different story.  You carry a "timebomb" in your stomach-  YES - that's true-  Every day EATING  "Braaivleis, bier, brandy, coke- wine and  braaibroodtjies -  or a "lekker" Fried chicken fully pump with sugar fat sauce- huge fat and a full Wheat bun. For a real take away- a nice Fully packed PIZZA - with all the creamy sugar sauces. Very nice- but not always healthy- This is creating BIOFILM- - and only one way to get rid of it. 

It taste good- but you- with your "BELLY"  it does not look good - it will eventually "CATCH" you   READ MORE 


The liver is our body’s most important organ after the heart, performing many important functions. It also filters, regulates, and stores blood. Stress, poor diet, and over-medication are common problems in our "civilized" lifestyle. These may lead to stress and functional damage to the liver. As a result, "sluggish" liver has become a common ailment. It may affect memory, sleep, thyroid, body weight, and other body functions.

Weighing in at just over one kilogram, the liver is a complex chemical factory that works 24 hours a day. It processes virtually everything you eat, drink, breathe in or rub on your skin and that's just some of its over 500 different functions vital to life.

Every day, your liver helps your body by providing it with energy, fighting off infections and toxins, helping clot the blood, regulating hormones and much, much more. To give you an idea of the liver's critical roles, here are some of its functions:

 Cleanses the blood:

- metabolizing alcohol and other drugs and chemicals,

- neutralizing and destroying poisonous substances.

 Assists with Circulation: 

The liver filters, stores and regulates the blood and is responsible for nourishing every cell in our body. Every part of the body depends on blood from the liver for nourishment and sustenance.

Regulates the supply of body fuel:

- producing, storing and supplying quick energy (glucose) to keep the mind alert and the body active,

- producing, storing and exporting fat.

Manufactures many essential body proteins involved in:

- transporting substances in the blood,

- clotting of blood,

- providing resistance to infection.

Regulates the balance of many hormones:

- sex hormones,

- thyroid hormones,

- cortisone and other adrenal hormones.

- Eliminates hormones through the bile or urine. Since estrogen and androgen are both growth hormones which stimulate cell division, elevation of their levels in the blood due to the liver’s failure to remove them efficiently can cause their accumulation in tissue. This in turn may lead to abnormal growths such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, breast cysts and breast cancer, prostate enlargement or prostate cancer. Excessive estrogen is also the most common cause of painful menstruations.

 Regulates body cholesterol:

- produces cholesterol, excretes and converts it to other essential substances.

 Aids metabolism: 

Carbohydrate, protein, lipid (fat), mineral and vitamin metabolism; manufacturing and storage of many nutrients such as glucose and vitamins; production of heat through metabolism.

 Regulates the supply of essential vitamins and minerals such as iron and copper.

Produces bile which eliminates toxic substances from the body and aids digestion.

You can get the correct assistance and with a real health program you can have a better life-  But- the choice is yours- Prescribed  Drugs or finding the real solution


Never put supplements in your mouth unless you know what your body needed and what your Methylations status are. Synthetic products is not healthy, and not part of your body. You need to know what is really wrong in your body,before you use anything. Only a real professional health practitioner with the right equipment will be able to find the real coarse and not reacting on the symptoms.

Don't jump on the wagon and start drinking Methylation products- this will also be bad- You need to use the full combination to finally get all the Vitamines, Amino Acids and Minerals you needed.

Quanlim Life do a FULL SCAN - of your whole body.  BOOK your session today - 

25 years of real Health - Quanlim.com
Let us assist you in getting your real Health back.
Saamgestel deur Johann Pretorius - Professionele Gesondheidspraktisyn Pretoria

Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life.

Here is 'n video from Dr Berg  - Methylation-  We do all these tests at Qanlim Life- 

We started testing and scanning our clients a few weeks ago with our new device for Methylation. We already see the results. Its amazing to see how we can fix these methylation and Gene problems.
Most of the people still believe that Pharma can fix them. Wake up. These prescribed drugs is bad for your health. Its just controlling your symptoms. Get you Methylation done and start enjoying a better life. Stop drinking all these health products,unless you know what is wrong you wasting your money and your body take the harm. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following

We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.

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