US-China soybean brinkmanship has echoes of the past

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In the Hollywood melodrama Rebel Without A Cause, the film’s hero Jimmie – played by James Dean – is challenged to a game of "Chickie Run" to end a dispute with Buzz, the leader of a local gang.

A form of game theory, the challenge involves both angst-ridden teenagers driving cars at speed towards a cliff edge with one simple rule: the first one to bail out of his vehicle is a “chickie”.

The winner proves his masculinity and wins the prize – inevitably that's a girl.

The film has parallels with the ongoing trade dispute between China and the US, and not least of all because it involves chickens.


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The blueberry harvest is about to start in the southern hemisphere. In some countries, the pickers are already working, but the volumes are still limited. European importers are looking forward to the new overseas season. Due to the warm summer, the European campaign has finished early and there is a threat of a small gap in the supply. What are the overseas prospects? And what is the current situation in the world market?

Zimbabwe millers halt operations due to wheat shortage-

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Six milling companies in Zimbabwe were forced to suspend operations on Sept. 13 due to the government’s failure to pay for wheat that is held up in Mozambique, according to Tafadzwa Musarrara, chairperson of the Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ), who spoke with reporters on Thursday.

 Ukraine raises grain production, export forecast -

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With better-than-expected weather conditions and a growing demand in the global market, Ukraine’s agricultural ministry on Sept. 11 raised its grain export forecast for the 2018-19 marketing year.

The ministry released a statement in which it raised its projection for the grain harvest this market year, which runs from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019, from about 60 million tonnes to 63.1 million tonnes. 

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