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Met die vennootskap tussen Peritum Agri Instituut en Reitz Landbou Akademie dit nou ‘n realiteit.

Na byna twee jaar se inperkings en onsekerheid bied die Agri-Gapjaar (eerste vir Suid-Afrika) aan voornemende studente die plaas se vryheid en ‘n padkaart na sukses in die lewe daarna.

Die Agri-Gapjaar bied ‘n oplossing aan jongmense met ‘n belangstelling in landbou om holistiese voorbereiding tot die volwasse en werkslewe te kombineer met ‘n pretjaar, terwyl gestruktureerde leerprogramme in landbouproduksiebestuur voltooi word en omvattende boerderyblootstelling opgedoen word.

Dit is ‘n ideale geleentheid vir jongmense om terug te tree en perspektief te kry, te herlaai na ‘n veeleisende skoolloopbaan in unieke omstandighede, ‘n reis van selfontdekking en groei te onderneem en om daarmee saam omvattende landbou blootstelling op te doen. Dit bied ook aan voornemende studente ‘n avontuur ter voorbereiding van die volwasse lewe.

Die program se holistiese, toekomsgerigte benadering rus op die pilare van opvoed, ontwikkel, opbou, onthou en ophef.

Die landboublootstelling bestaan uit vier komponente: praktiese demonstrasies, kort leermodules, weeklikse boerderyrotasie en beste praktyk besoeke.

Die landboublootstelling sluit ook, onder andere, ‘n skeerkursus, jaarlikse inentingsprogramme, produksiemodelle, stoetkeuring, grondprofielontleding, grond en water ontledings, veilings, veldopname en karkasontleding in.

Studente sal weekliks roteer en daagliks omsien na die sewe verskillende afdelings van die Reitz Landbou Akademie se boerdery. ‘n Besoek aan Sernick is ook ingesluit om die totale vleiswaardeketting in aksie te sien.

Die program sal in Reitz, ‘n warm plattelandse gemeenskap in die pragtige Noord-Oos Vrystaat, plaasvind. Reitz het ‘n ryke landbougeskiedenis en is ‘n sterk landbou ekonomie wat met gesaaides, vee- en veselproduksie en pluimvee aan student omvattende blootstelling bied.

Die Hoërskool Reitz se Lentehof koshuis sal as basis dien en student sal in dubbelkamer geriewe gehuisves word. Drie voedsame maaltye sal daagliks bedien word.

Die Agri-Gapjaar word in samewerking met die Reitz Landbou Akademie aangebied.  Vennote van die Akademie sluit in Standard Bank, die Sernick groep, VKB, Graan SA en John Deere



With the partnership between Peritum Agri Institute and Reitz Landbou Akademie this has become a reality.

After two years of almost constant lockdown and uncertainty, the Agri gap year (first for South Africa) offers prospective students the freedom of an agricultural setting and the opportunity to build a solid foundation for the future.

The Agri gap year offers a solution to prospective students with an interest in agriculture to combine holistic preparation for adulthood and the world of work with a year of fun. While still following structured learning programs in agricultural management and gaining valuable exposure to various components of agriculture.

The program is an ideal opportunity for prospective students to take a step back and gain perspective after a challenging and demanding school career. It also offers prospective students the opportunity to undertake a journey of self-discovery and growth and to gain valuable experience in the agricultural sector. It also offers prospective students the adventure of a lifetime whilst equipping them for the future.

The exposure to agriculture is divided into four components: practical demonstrations, short learning modules, weekly farming rotations, and best practice farm visits.

It also includes a shearing course, yearly vaccination programs, production models, stud inspection, soil profile analysis, water analysis, auctions, and carcass analysis.

Students will rotate every week and look after the seven different departments of the Reitz Landbou Akademie farming operation. A visit to Sernick, where students will see the total meat value chain, is also included in the program.

The program will be based in Reitz, a warm rural community in the beautiful Northeastern Free State. Reitz has a rich farming heritage and a strong agricultural economy.

The Lentehof hostel at Reitz High School will provide lodging to the students during the year. Students will be in double rooms and three nutritious meals will be provided daily.

The Agri-Gap year is made possible by the partnership between Peritum Agri Institute and Reitz Landbou Akademie. Partners from the RLA includes Grain SA, Standard Bank, John Deere, Sernick Group and VKB.