TLU SA nie verras deur Cele se minagting van konstitusionele hof

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TLU SA vind min. Bheki Cele se minagting van die hoogste hof in die land tekenend van die magsmisbruik wat in die regering heers. Die minister van polisie én nasionale polisiekommissaris Kehla Sithole, meen hulle kan aan die konstitusionele hof voorsê of hulle skuldiges in hegtenis gaan neem of nie.

Die twee het die hof skriftelik in kennis gestel dat hulle oudpres. Jacob Zuma nie in hegtenis sal neem totdat al sy hofaansoeke aangehoor is nie.

“Cele se optrede is net nóg ‘n voorbeeld van hoe hy versuim om sy plig uit te voer,” sê mnr. Henry Geldenhuys, die president van TLU SA. “As hy nie besig is om die vuurwapen- of DNS-stelsels van die land inmekaar te laat tuimel, of by die een of ander berugte korrupsie betrokke is nie, laat hy misdadigers toe om hofbevele te verontagsaam.

“Ons vra weer, wat gaan dit vat vir pres. Ramaphosa om die Cele uit sy pos te ontslaan?”

TLU SA het in Maart reeds ‘n veldtog van stapel gestuur om Cele se kop te laat rol. Dit is veral boere en mense op die platteland wat direk geraak word deur Cele se wanbestuur van die polisie omdat hulle kwesbare teikens is.

“Cele is natuurlik nog nie die meester van korrupsie, wanbestuur en selfvoldaanheid nie. Dié titel behoort aan Jacob Zuma,” sê mnr. Geldenhuys. “Eintlik wil ons hom nie blootstelling gee deur oor hom te praat nie. Al wat ons wil sê is dat ons hoop mense weet hy speel weereens vir tyd, maar dat ons hoop hy word vir eens vir sy laakbare gedrag gestraf.”

TLU SA doen ‘n beroep op Suid-Afrikaners om die veldtog teen Cele te steun en so te wys dat hulle genoeg gehad het van korrupte en onbevoegde leiers. Die veldtog kan by die volgende skakel gesteun word:

TLU SA not surprised by Cele’s undermining of constitutional court 

TLU SA finds Min Bheki Cele's disdainful conduct against the country's highest court typical of the abuse of power rife in the government. The minister of police and national police commission Kehla Sithole are under the impression that they can tell the constitutional court if they will arrest criminals or not.

The duo told the court in writing that they wouldn't arrest ex-president Jacob Zuma until the court has dealt with all his court proceedings.

"Cele's reaction is just one more example of his failure to do his job," says Mr Henry Geldenhuys, the president of TLU SA. "If he's not busy letting the firearm and DNA systems of the country fall to pieces or involved with a corrupt scam, he allows criminals to undermine court orders.

"We will ask again. What will it take for President Ramaphosa to relieve Cele from his post?"

In March, TLU SA launched a campaign to have Cele fired. Farmers and people living in rural areas are directly affected by Cele's mismanagement of the police because they are vulnerable targets.

"Of course, Cele is not the master of corruption, mismanagement and smugness yet. That title belongs to Jacob Zuma," says Mr Geldenhuys. "We don't want to give him any exposure by talking about him. All we want to say is that we hope people realise he is playing for time, but hope that for once he will be punished for his reprehensible conduct."

TLU SA urges South Africans to support the campaign against Cele to show they've had enough of corrupt and incompetent leaders. The campaign is available at the following link:


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