TLU SA finds firearm amendments absurd - South Africa

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TLU SA finds the suggested amendments to the Firearm Act absurd and contradictory to the South African constitution.

The Bill of Rights in the Constitution of South Africa states that every person has the right to a safe environment. Since the government miserably fails to guarantee the safety of South Africans, every person should have the right to take their protection onto themselves.

“South Africans are already like birds on a branch trying to miss the shots fired left, right and centre. Literally and figuratively,” says Mr Henry Geldenhuys, the president of TLU SA. “The suggested amendments to the Firearm Act will be ridiculous as long as crime in the country is out of control and the government cannot guarantee the safety of each citizen.”

“To expect that farmers, who are remote and isolated, must not protect themselves, is unthinkable.”

The latest crime statistics show an increase in attacks and murders with 103 farm attacks and 16 farm murders just this year. It is common knowledge that the police do not have enough vehicles, uniforms, or even equipment to do their jobs properly. The telephones at some police stations don’t work. Some police members are part of the corruption. The minister of police, Bheki Cele, is the main reason for the country’s backlog in processing DNA samples and applications for firearms.

“Why don’t the government rather spend time, money and resources to get the illegal firearms from gangsters and other criminals instead of targeting legal firearm owners?” asks Mr Geldenhuys. “Why don’t they spend time and money on visible policing, resource management and the protection of farmers?”

If the government approves the suggested amendments, TLU SA will demand that the government be held liable for any expenses incurred from crimes where the victim could not act in self-defence.

“These suggestions will not solve the crime problem in South Africa,” says Mr Geldenhuys. “It will only lead to gun owners lying about the purpose of their firearms of completely sidestepping the process by using firearms illegally.”

TLU SA already reached out to organisations with the same objectives about a meeting to discuss the various issues on the table. 

TLU SA vind wapenvoorstelle absurd

TLU SA vind die voorgestelde veranderinge aan die Wapenwet nie net absurd nie, maar ook teenstrydig met die Suid-Afrikaanse grondwet.

Die Grondwet van Suid-Afrika bepaal in die Handves van Menseregte dat elke persoon die reg tot ‘n veilige omgewing het. Aangesien die regering klaaglik daarin faal om Suid-Afrikaners se veiligheid te waarborg, moet elke persoon die reg hê om daardie beskerming self oor te neem.

“Suid-Afrikaners is soos dinge staan, reeds soos voëls op ‘n tak wat links en regs moet koes vir skote wat afgevuur word, letterlik en figuurlik,” sê mnr. Henry Geldenhuys, die president van TLU SA. “Solank as wat misdaad in die land hoogty vier en die regering nie die veiligheid van elke Suid-Afrikaner kan waarborg nie, is die voorstel dat vuurwapens nie vir selfverdediging gebruik mag word nie belaglik.

“Om te verwag dat boere, wat verafgeleë en afgesonderd is, hulleself nie mag beskerm nie, is ondenkbaar.”

Die nuutste misdaadstatistiek toon ‘n styging in aanvalle en moord met plaasaanvalle op 103 en plaasmoorde op 16 net vanjaar. Dit is algemene kennis dat die polisie nie genoeg werkende voertuie, uniforms of selfs toerusting het om hulle werk na behore uit te voer nie. Sommige polisiekantore se telefone word eenvoudig nie geantwoord nie. Sommige polisielede is deel van die korrupsie wat die diens verswak. Die minister van polisie, Bheki Cele is die hoofoorsaak dat die land sit met ‘n agterstand in die verwerking van DNS-monsters en vuurwapenaansoeke.

“Hoekom spandeer die regering nie eerder tyd, geld en hulpbronne daaraan om eers die onwettige wapens in die hande van bendelede en ander misdadigers te verwyder in plaas van om wettige vuurwapeneienaars te teiken nie?” vra mnr. Geldenhuys. “Hoekom word daar nie tyd en geld spandeer aan sigbare polisiëring, hulpbronbestuur en die beskerming van boere nie?”

TLU SA sal in die geval waar sulke voorstelle deurgevoer word, daarop aandring dat die regering finansieel aanspreeklik gehou word vir enige uitgawes wat spruit uit ‘n geweldsmisdaad indien die slagoffers of naasbestaandes nie in selfverdediging kon optree nie.

“Hierdie voorstelle sal geensins die misdaadprobleem in Suid-Afrika oplos nie,” sê mnr. Geldenhuys. “Dit sal net daartoe lei dat vuurwapeneienaars oor die gebruik van vuurwapens lieg of die proses heeltemal systap deur wapens onwettig te gebruik.”

TLU SA het intussen reeds na verteenwoordigende organisasies wat dieselfde uitkoms nastreef uitgereik om oor hierdie kwessies te vergader.