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“The latest statements about the National Development Plan (NDP) of the ANC government which is purely based on the destructive ideology of socialism and already implemented after 1994, is still very destructive and not outdated," says Fanie Brink, an independent agricultural economist.

A policy which is enforced by the doctrines of communism on the economy and the country through the total interference and control over the economy, as well as the equal distribution of the country's wealth, prosperity and potential economic growth among all the people in the country.

He referred to the article "NOP se visie vir SA verouderd (“NDP’s vision for SA outdated”) which appeared in the “Rapport” this past weekend in which dr Jakkie Cilliers, head of the Institute for Security Studies and professor Miriam Altman of the University of Johannesburg, who is also a commissioner of the Government's National Planning Committee (NPC), have made very controversial statements.

Brink says the “time has come to face the facts and realities of the ANC's policy failures!"


The NDP, just like the previous four "radical economic transformation plans", was based on the original policy of the ANC stemming from the organisation's "Freedom Charter", has repeatedly failed to achieve the political goals of the ANC government. The ANC has repeatedly insisted that the NDP must be implemented without the insight to realise that it was nothing more than a continuation of the irreversible economic destruction that actually began long before 1994 and even less understood that all the successive plans that were also based purely on the same ideology will have exactly the same destructive consequences as the previous plans.

The first four plans introduced before the NDP were the following: "Reconstruction and Development Program (RDP) in 1994; Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) in 1996; Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative - South Africa (ASGISA) in 2005; New Growth Path (NGP) in 2010;" while it was followed by the "National transformation, inclusive growth and competitiveness: A contribution towards a growth agenda for the South African economy" of the National Treasury in 2019 and the latest "Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (ERRP)" of the government and its "social partners” in 2020. Including "Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), Business Leadership SA (BLSA) and Business for South Africa (B4SA)" which fully supports the ANC Government's policies and in which the organised agriculture (Agri SA) and the organised agribusinesses (Agbiz) are also involved.

The ANC made the biggest policy mistake in its entire existence long before 1994 when it had to make a choice between "radical economic transformation" as the basis of its future policy or a policy "to grow the profits of companies" which was the only choice that would have been able to create economic growth how it is still being done in most countries in the world today. The latter choice would have made a dramatic economic difference for South Africa instead of the choice which led to the irreversible destruction of the economy that the country is experiencing today. The choice made by the ANC was also supported in a very moving way by the SA Communist Party.

The fact that the NPC has now proposed a "course correction" in its latest report is only very clear proof that the NDP could not solve the three biggest political goals of "less poverty, more jobs and greater equality" as it could not be achieved without economic growth. The recommendations of the report which pointed out the "development of people (education and training) and the strengthening of the country's institutions (state institutions and enterprises) as the two most important interventions to put South Africa back on a growth track" is exactly the same as sending two balloons up into the sky that will vanish into thin air. The NPC also proposed this "course correction " because it is only now slowly but surely beginning to realise that the NDP, like all previous plans, cannot meet the original political expectations of the ANC government, while updating them will make no difference to the further destruction of the economy.

The "target of full employment" for South Africa is unattainable and can only be achieved through economic growth, if at all. Precisely because "employment is cumulative and determined by what has been achieved in the previous years,” but which definitely does not apply to South Africa where several experts are now expecting that the unemployment rate will rise to above 50%. The NDP has "foreseen that the official unemployment rate by 2030 would be 6%, but it was already 24% in 2010 and 29% in 2019, while it rose to 30,8% in the third quarter of 2020.

Some economic commentators have suggested that specific indicators should be developed against which the implementation of the NDP can be measured, but there are already more than sufficient indicators for this purpose, such as the growing gap between the revenue and expenditure of the government which is irreversible due to its socialist ideology, ever-increasing budget deficits and government debt, a failed state and bankrupt government, greater poverty, higher unemployment and unstoppable corruption, whereby the ANC elite continues to enrich themselves rather than addressing the growing problems of poverty, famine and human suffering because their excesses expensive cars drive too nicely and their extraordinarily luxurious houses live too nicely.

The interference of the government in the economy will also not stop until the redistribution of the country's wealth, prosperity and progress is not finally distributed, stolen and digested after which we will all be equal at "ground zero" with only the total devastation around us! The economy has almost already taken its last step towards the abyss that it will reach within the next 2 to 3 years.

History has shown that it was precisely the political systems, as well as the economic illiteracy and incompetence of most political leaders in the world, that destroyed the economies of many countries in the past. Like Vladimir Lenin and his successor Joseph Stalin with their purely marxist policy that totally destroyed Russia's economy, Adolf Hitler of Germany with his policy of world domination that sparked World War II which destroyed the economies of most European countries, the Japanese leaders who made the worst political policy decision of their lives when they got involved in World War II by attacking the US Navy in Pearl Harbour for which they paid the most expensive price possible. As well as the many dictators in Africa like Idi Amin from Uganda, Samora Machel from Mozambique, Robert Mugabe from Zimbabwe, who did the same with their socialist, communist and corruption policies. While Hendrik Verwoerd with his policy of separate development and Jacob Zuma also with his socialism, communism, total corruption and state capture that forced the economy of South Africa onto its knees and which is now unfortunately also very clearly continued by Cyril Ramaphosa!

South Africa is in the process of losing its status as a developing country and will be downgraded in the near future to an underdeveloped country with much higher poverty, unemployment, unprecedented famine and human suffering as in many other African countries. It will ultimately be responsible for the fact that approximately 85% of the population will become totally dependent on the agricultural industry after all the other industries on the supply side and the private consumption expenditure, capital formation and exports on the demand side of the economy have completely collapsed.

"The only solution to all the very serious destructive problems with the economy can only be solved by a total return to a capitalist economic system that can create economic growth from the supply and demand side of the economy that is driven by the profit motive which is the sole creator of economic growth,” Brink said.

America has been the bastion of capitalism for many decades, but despite this, the International Monetary Fund, just like the credit rating agents, are only mentioning the various serious problems during each visit to South Africa that the country is facing with the ANC government, which is general knowledge, but do not recommend how it should be solved. While the IMF is also apparently quite comfortable with the fact that the economy of South Africa is being destroyed by the government's destructive ideology of socialism and communism.

China also adopted capitalism as its economic system a few years ago and has since grown by an average of 10% per year. However, the country had to cool its economy down by suspending all new infrastructure development. During the low economic growth cycles in the world, China has continued to grow by an average of 6% per year and it is expected to grow by 9,5% this year and will eventually become the biggest economic power in the world within the next few years. China has also not backed down from the recent trade war against the United States over import tariffs to protect the profitability of its local industries.

After World War II, Japan rebuilt its country from the ground up largely due to the adoption of a capitalist system. Russia has also began to take the first step on the road to a capitalist economic system after the arrival of Mikhail Gorbachev in the late eighties with his policy of "economic openness and freedom" and the country is, therefore, together with China the two biggest trading partners of the United States today.

 "The NDP is not outdated because its implementation is very clearly still in full swing and still on track to further destroy the economy within the next 2 to 3 years. The final countdown has already begun some years ago," says Brink.