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Die Nasionale Wolkwekersvereniging van SA (NWKV) wil sy ernstige kommer uitspreek teenoor die voortslepende vlaag van geweld en moorde op Suid-Afrikaanse plase.

Landelike veiligheid is krities vir die behoud van voedselproduksie,
voedselsekerheid en werksgeleenthede. Die NWKV wens hiermee sy volle ondersteuning te gee aan die vele inisiatiewe van georganiseerde landbou en ander rolspelers wat saamwerk om dié bedreiging die hoof te bied.
‘n Ernstige beroep word op die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering gedoen om daadwerklike prioriteitaandag aan die saak te skenk sodat produsente, plaaswerkers en infrastruktuur beskerm sal word teen hierdie kriminele elemente in ons samelewing.
Dit is elke inwoner se konstitusionele reg om beskerm te word en in ‘n veilige omgewing te woon en werk – so ook elke landbouer en plaaswerker!

The National Woolgrowers’ Association would like to express its serious concern over the continuing wave of violence and murder on South African farms. Rural safety is critical for maintaining food production, food security and job opportunities. The NWGA hereby extends its full support towards the many initiatives of organized agriculture and other roleplayers who work together to address this threat.
A serious appeal is made to the South African Government to give real priority to the matter so that producers, farm workers and infrastructure will be protected against these criminal elements in our society. It is every residents’ constitutional right to be
protected and to live and work in a safe environment - including every farmer and farm worker!