Open the economy – lift all lockdown regulations, says TLU SA

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It is unacceptable to TLU SA that the national control room – dominated by the ANC – put lockdown regulations in place which does not make sense, is based on double standards and have left millions of South Africans without income or food.

“The government’s lockdown regulations drove the country’s economy into the ground,” says Mr Louis Meintjes, the president of TLU SA. “That while the people responsible for these decisions still claim their full salaries – paid by the taxpayer. To make things worse, some of the persons, supposedly meant to ensure help gets to those in need, enriched themselves from the emergency funds.”

The policy environment created by the government over time damaged trust in the country so much, it led to the private sector undertaking fewer investments and economic activities. It pushed the economy to junk status even before COVID-19 hit. The logical question is how the economy will pick its head up with the ANC continuing on its course, creating insecurity.

Knowledgeable economists call for the economy to be opened daily. It remains to be seen if we have passed the point where restoration is possible. Each day that passes without lifting the lockdown regulations worsens the economic failure and brings us closer to the point of no recovery.  

The government’s lockdown regulations brought South Africa to a place where more people may lose their lives because of the lockdown than COVID-19. The extreme increase in unemployed and desperate people can lead to extensive trauma, and the disrupted vision of the future holds unforeseen outcomes.

“Open the country’s economy completely,” says Mr Meintjes. “Give South Africans the responsibility to apply their hygiene measures according to their circumstances.

“Taxis who can transport 100% of their capacity for some routes, make all the other regulations a farce. A responsible government will realise that each decision taken under the circumstances, must be tested by its impact on economic growth.”

The government has no plan or capacity to feed hungry people. It leads to an environment of anarchy, of which we are already starting to see the first signs.

“It is staggering that a government can be so far removed from the reality of its residents,” says Mr Meintjes. “Rome is burning while Nero plays the harp.”   

Stel die ekonomie oop – hef alle inperkings op, vra TLU SA

Dit is vir TLU SA onaanvaarbaar dat ‘n nasionale beheerkamer wat deur die ANC oorheers word, inperkingsmaatreëls daarstel wat glad nie sin maak nie, op dubbele standaarde geskoei is en veroorsaak dat miljoene Suid-Afrikaners sonder inkomste of voedsel sit.

“Die land se ekonomie is tot op die grond vernietig as gevolg van die regering se inperkingmaatreëls,” sê mnr. Louis Meintjes, die president van TLU SA. “Dit, terwyl die persone wat hierdie besluite neem, steeds hul volle salarisse – wat deur die belastingbetalers betaal word – ontvang. Om dit te vererger het sommige van die persone wat kwansuis moet toesien dat hulp by persone in nood uitkom, hulself onregmatig verryk uit die noodfondse”.  

Die beleidsomgewing wat oor ‘n tydperk deur die regering geskep is, het die vertroue in die land so geskaad, dat dit veroorsaak het dat daar al hoe minder beleggings en ekonomiese aktiwiteite deur die privaatsektor onderneem is. Dit het die ekonomie tot in rommelstatus gedruk nog voordat COVID-19 die land getref het. Die rasionele vraag is hoe die ekonomie weer die kop kan optel, as die ANC se beleidsrigting steeds voortstu en deurentyd onsekerheid skep.

Kundige ekonome beklemtoon daagliks dat die ekonomie onmiddellik oopgestel moet word. Of dit reeds te laat is vir die moontlike herstel, sal net in die praktyk vasgestel kan word. Elke dag wat daar langer gesloer word om alle inperkings op te hef, vererger die ekonomiese mislukking en bring dit nader aan die punt van geen herstel.

Die regering se inperkingmaatreëls het Suid-Afrika reeds by die punt gebring waar die lewensverlies as gevolg van die inperkings uiteindelik veel erger gaan wees as dit wat deur COVID-19 veroorsaak word. Die geweldige toename in werklose en desperate mense kan tot grootskaalse trauma lei, en die versteurde toekomsvisie hou onvoorsiene uitkomste in.

“Maak die land se ekonomie volledig oop,” sê mnr. Meintjes. “Gee inwoners die verantwoordelikheid om self higiëne maatreëls volgens hulle eie omstandighede toe te pas.

“Taxi’s wat toegelaat word om vir sekere ritte 100% van die kapasiteit passasiers te vervoer, maak eintlik van al die ander regulasies ‘n klug. ‘n Verantwoordelike regering sal besef dat elke besluit wat onder die omstandighede geneem word, getoets moet word aan die invloed wat dit op ekonomiese groei kan hê.”

Die regering het geen plan of vermoë om honger mense kos te kan gee nie. Dit lei tot ‘n klimaat van anargie waarvan ons reeds die eerste tekens begin opmerk.

“Dit is verstommend dat 'n regering homself so ver van die bevolking se werklikheid  kan bevind,” sê mnr. Meintjes. “Nero speel inderdaad op die harp, terwyl Rome brand.”


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