Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary  16th August 2023

Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 16th August 2023

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

Daar word verwag dat Suid-Afrikaanse landbouproduksie in die volgende tien jaar met tot 30% kan styg, sê Wandile Sihlobo, hoofekonoom van die landbousakekamer Agbiz. Daarmee saam word verwag dat plaaslike verbruik slegs met 1% sal toeneem, sê Sihlobo. “Landbouproduksie kan met enigiets van 16% tot 30% in die volgende tien jaar toeneem omdat meer grond beskikbaar word en omdat ons studies wys dat produktiwiteit ook gaan styg. “Wanneer dit gebeur, moet ons ’n plek hê om dié produkte na uit te voer,” sê Sihlobo. Dit is hier waar die ontluikende markte in Brics-lande ’n reuse-geleentheid bied. Die Brics-beraad word van 22 tot 24 Augustus in Suid-Afrika gehou. Plaaslike boere voer tans $12,8 miljard se produkte uit – sowat 50% van dit wat geproduseer word. Slegs 8% hiervan word na Brics-lande uitgevoer. Nagenoeg 40% word na Afrikalande uitgevoer en sowat 20% word na lande in die Europese Unie uitgevoer. Sihlobo beklemtoon dat uitvoer na dié lande nie gestaak of verminder moet word nie, “maar ons moet ’n plek kry om na uit te voer wanneer die produksie groei”.

The South African fruit industry is looking ahead to the BRICS summit this month in South Africa with mixed feelings. BRICS is the trading bloc consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa and has been in existence for some time. However, the bloc has received greater worldwide attention because of Russia’s involvement in the war in Ukraine. Efforts to expand BRICS to form a greater trading and political group have also recently made the headlines.  “Russia has been an important destination for South African citrus for many years,” he outlined. ”Since South African citrus gained access to China in 2004, exports have increased dramatically. ”Unfortunately exports to India remain way below potential levels, as access conditions remain difficult and import duties remain high.” South Africa’s total citrus exports to China, Russia and India have grown from 25m (15 kg) cartons in 2018 to over 30m cartons in 2022.

After a year-long hiatus, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) gazetted new anti-dumping duties ranging between 0% and 265,1% against Denmark, Ireland, Poland, Spain and Brazil on 3 August 2023. The new tariffs will be enforced for the next four years until August 2027. Izaak Breitenbach, general manager of the broiler division of the South African Poultry Association (SAPA), welcomed the new tariffs. “The announcement comes at a critical time because the industry is in severe distress due to issues such as load shedding. If the tariffs had not been reinstated, it would have been devastating.” Currently, South Africa has anti-dumping duties instated against nine countries. The countries are the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany. “It is important that a country should implement anti-duty measures against all transgressing countries. If you do not do that, parties that dump poultry will simply import poultry from another country where anti-dumping measures are not in place.”

“Agoa is nie ’n eenrigtingstraat nie; handel is nie ’n eenrigtingstraat nie,” het Anil Sooklal, Suid-Afrikaanse ambassadeur by Brics,  in Johannesburg gesê. “Daar is 600 Amerikaanse maatskappye wat in Suid-Afrika sake doen. Gaan hulle hul rug daarop draai?” Suid-Afrika se insluiting by Agoa is in die weegskaal weens die regering se omstrede betrekkinge met Rusland, veral ná bewerings dat Suid-Afrika wapens aan Rusland verskaf het. Suid-Afrika het die VSA gevra vir ’n vroeër verlenging van dié tariefvrye handelsooreenkoms waardeur produkte van sowat R178 miljard (2022) jaarliks na die VSA uitgevoer word.Dit is om beleggings in Afrika te stimuleer, het Ebrahim Patel, minister van handel, nywerheid en mededinging, in Julie gesê. Sommige Amerikaanse politici druk egter die Biden-administrasie om Suid-Afrika se toegang tot Agoa te hersien te midde van frustrasie oor die land se onverbonde posisie jeens Rusland se inval van Oekraïne en omdat Suid-Afrika glo te ontwikkeld is om vir Agoa se voordele te kwalifiseer. Sooklal sê ondanks die sanksies wat teen Rusland ingestel is, gaan baie maatskappye voort om met dié land sake te doen.

These existing markets are essential; thus, South Africa exported a record US$12,8 billion in agricultural products in 2022. The African continent was the leading market, accounting for 37% of South Africa's agricultural exports in 2022.   Asia was the second largest agricultural market, accounting for 27% of exports, followed by the E.U., the third largest market, accounting for 19%. The Americas region was the fourth largest, accounting for 7%, and the remaining 10% went to the rest of the world.  READ MORE 

In 2022, the market value of plant-based meat worldwide was estimated at more than US$10 billion. This figure is estimated to reach almost US$40 billion by 2027. Leading the trend is Gen Z, or youngsters born between 1997 and 2012, and who are currently in their pre-teens to mid-to-late 20s.  READ MORE 

Currently, most of the major agricultural manufacturers, input suppliers, and numerous startups are developing algorithms, dashboards, and more to extract value from this data for producers, and possibly for themselves. They could be doing this to lock producers into their ecosystems or to keep their products at the forefront. Thus, there is potential for both good and bad outcomes from processing producer data. READ MORE 

In the greenhouse of the future, simple, repetitive tasks will be performed by robots. But it’s not that far yet: it’s going step by step. Contact with colleagues is becoming less because machines have taken over part of the logistics operations: the employees are also less mobile in their work. In addition, these activities are becoming increasingly short-cycled. And by applying data, employees are increasingly assessed on personal performance , which also means that there is less room for mutual contacts. READ MORE 

CRA MEDIA is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 3 nuwe insetels vir ons mediums.  Ons gaan binnekort ook toetree tot ander mediums wat Landbou op nog 'n beter vlak sal neem. Ons internasionale vennote wil baie graag betrokke raak by ons mediums.  Ons span is baie kreatief en is altyd besig met nuwe idees en programme-  Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n baie eksklusiewe program een sy soort.  3 lede van os span is tans in die buiteland op uitnodiging vir 'n nuwe stelsel wat in die media gebuik word. 


HURRY UP - its almost the end of 30th November  2023 - We awaiting your  VIDEO

Agri X en CRA MEDIA - will with this competition give these women the platform they deserve to enter a competition for Women`s Insight with the finalé gala event on 24 Augustus, during Womens`month at a venue in Pretoria. The impact of policy matters on your individual farming operation and in your immediate rural community Do you have a voice? Would you like to be heard? Do you wish to share your insights in how decisions on agricultural policy matters are affecting your daily lives on the farm? Now is the time to be part of the discussion! The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition provides the perfect opportunity for women who live on farms or who are involved in a farming business or in the sector to become part of the discussion on how boardroom decisions on policy matters impact on your daily lives. The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition seeks to encourage well-thought and accurate deliberation of the topic with practical examples. This competition seeks to create a platform where women in agriculture can become part of the agricultural discussion platform and ultimately influence public and industry discussions

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ONS BOERE-  ONS LANDBOUERS van Suid Afrika is die prooi van lafhartige barbare wat geen reg het op bestaan agv van hulle haat en vernietiging nie-  Mense wat geen respek het vir enige mens se lewe nie  Die mense word opgestook deur militante sogenaamde leiers wat nog nooit iets gebou of ontwikkel het nie. Hulle is net daarop uit om te buit en om te vernietig. Meeste van hulle is uitstekende buite band aanstekers. Inteendeel dis dalk al wat hulle suksesvol kan doen. Die barbare weet dat hulle nie die vermoe het om enigsins 'n bydrae te lewer tot Suid Afrika en sy mense nie- en daarom vernietig hulle liewers alles soos in die res van Afrika. Die oorgrote meerderheid van Suid Afrikaners wil werk, wil bou en in liefde en vrede lewe. Daar is plek vir elkeen onder die son.   "  Wees wakker - wees paraat - moenie terugstaan nie -Verdedig julleself en pas julle gesinne op. 




Hollard is proud to sponsor the Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards. Our 3rd year  READ MORE 

The 2023 Junior Writers awards is open until the 30th September 2023   Proudly sponsored  by Hollard-

Click on the banner to see the Entry Form. 

Click on the banner to see the previous winners 


Hoewel die ewenaar Afrika feitlik reëlreg in die helfte sny – dit is nou van noord na suid gesien – lê sowat twee derdes van die landmassa in die Noordelike Halfrond. Verreweg die grootste deel van Afrika – meer as twee derdes – lê tussen die Kreefskeerkring en die Steenbokskeerkring, en maak van Afrika die mees tropiese vasteland. Kenmerkend van Afrika is die algemene plat voorkoms van die landskap. Die grootste deel van die vasteland bestaan uit valleie en hoë plato’s, met enkele heuwels en berge wat bokant die landskap uittroon. Dié byna plat voorkoms van die landoppervlakte is die gevolg van die hoë ouderdom van ʼn groot deel van die kontinent. Afrika bestaan uit ʼn groot deel oeroue gesteentes wat in die verre verlede die diepste dele van die berge gevorm het. Met verloop van tyd het die berge deur verwering weggeslyt, behalwe waar daar baie harde gesteentes naby die oppervlak was, wat meer weerstand teen erosie kon bied. 

Week se nuus op AGRI NEWS NET  - 50 nuus artikels per dag-  VOLG die AGRI NEWS NET hooftrekke op

Dis interessant om te sien hoe arrogant die ANC regering raak wanneer hulle aangevat word oor beloftes en lippediens wat nooit tot enige aksie lei nie. Dis 'n duidelike teken van 'n lae selfesteem omdat hulle weet, dat hulle nie werklik die kapasiteit, kennis en wysheid het om enige iets tot sukses te dryf nie. Vir amper 30 jaar het hulle byna elke Regerings instansie tot in die grond bestuur- die platteland vernietig, Infrastrukture vernietig, enorme skuld aangegaan en daarmee saam enorme korrupsie gepleeg . Die rand is amper niks werd nie en ons sit met onbevoegde ANC amptenare wat groot salarisse verdien en absoluut in weelde lewe- terwyl die mense wat vir hulle stem, krippeer van ellende. Ons mooi land is vernietig deur hierdie kaders.


Business Day  quoted President Cyril Ramaphosa as saying one of the greatest obstacles to infrastructure investment is a lack of technical and project management skills. Public works & infrastructure minister Sihle Zikalala said the problem is poor project preparation and capability and lack of capacity in the public service (“State needs R1.6-trillion more in infrastructure funding, says Zikalala”, August 14).  Yet 30 years ago this country built its own helicopter gunships, artillery pieces, dams, garden route bridges and huge railway projects such as the Richards Bay and Kumba railway line, plus a magnificent road system. The people who led these programmes were professional engineers, project managers and accountants. The other common factor, sadly, is that they were almost exclusively white.  The ANC government discriminates against this race group due to its policy of retribution and resentment. It claims to do so under the banner of employment equity, but really it’s about majority race politics. These skilled people could do the job but are not allowed to. After 30 years of such hard-core schizophrenic policies, state-owned entities and the government are essentially dysfunctional.  The Business for SA Initiative is simply trying to plaster over a gaping wound, much like the business initiative with PW Botha’s economic advisory council run by Warren Clewlow in the 1980s made zero progress in helping to reform apartheid. Martin Kingston and his team are naive to think they can change anything. It is the ANC attitude that needs to change. A modern economy can only exist in an open, free society that is nondiscriminatory and uses the talents of all of its productive, entrepreneurial people who operate with integrity and social cohesion.  The ANC government is clearly schizophrenic, a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally, incorporating hallucinations, delusions and extremely disordered thinking. 

Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza, has welcomed the signing of the Joint Declaration of the 13th Meeting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) Ministers of Agriculture.


UAE-based agribusiness Al Dahra and the Abu Dhabi Exports Office (ADEX) have signed a $500m deal to supply Egypt with wheat, a statement said on Monday.


The South African fruit sector will be closely watching this month’s BRICS summit in Johannesburg The South African fruit industry is looking ahead to the BRICS summit this month in South Africa with mixed feelings.


Die Harrismith Distriksboere-unie, in samewerking met Vrystaat Landbou, het ’n vergadering met hooggeplaastes in die Vrystaatse Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) en Departement van Justisie gereël om die probleme wat produsente in die distrik met wet en orde, en kriminaliteit ondervind, aan te pak.


Companies from South Africa and China concluded trade deals worth $2.2 billion during a visit to the country last week by Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, Bloomberg reported.


The data released today by Statistics South Africa paints an encouraging picture of agricultural employment. In the second quarter of 2023, about 894 000 people were employed in primary agriculture, up 1% q/q and 2% y/y. This is the highest farm employment level since the last quarter of 2016 and is well above the long-term agricultural employment of 780 000.


South Africa could produce a record rapeseed crop of 220 000 tonnes in the marketing year 2023/24. Rapeseed production in South Africa grew by 7-fold during the past 20 years after it was first introduced in the late 1990s. Constant yield growth from new cultivars combined with firm crush demand because of escalating vegetable oil prices supported the expansion in rapeseed production.


This past week the CGA staff reflected on the logistics projects relative to Vision260. The long-term crop projection model has been broken down to create sub-sets of data for us to analyze regional growth in demand as the industry edges towards a potential 206 million cartons by the 2027 season; or close thereafter.


Small-scale farmers have long faced challenges accessing agricultural insurance and, in turn, accessing financing. The 'perfect solution' still eludes us despite the vast literature on the topic.


Daar word verwag dat Suid-Afrikaanse landbouproduksie in die volgende tien jaar met tot 30% kan styg, sê Wandile Sihlobo, hoofekonoom van die landbousakekamer Agbiz. Daarmee saam word verwag dat plaaslike verbruik slegs met 1% sal toeneem, sê Sihlobo.



Ons lewe in ander tye- Die tyd toe jy nog met die bankbestuurder kon praat is verby- vandag is jy net 'n nommer by die bank en die bestuurder is iewers waar jy nie kan kom nie- Alles word aanlyn gedoen en die rekenaar wat geprogrammeer is deur iemand is ook nerens te vinde nie. Dis eintlik baie klinies en koud- Banke is nie meer lus om bates terug te neem nie.


Amid the euphoria that accompanied last week’s news of the imposition of anti-dumping duties on chicken, for local producers there’s a caveat. Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition Ebrahim Patel will be requesting the Competition Commission to monitor the prices of frozen bone-in portions closely.


Die kwik kan veral in die laaste tien dae van Augustus skerp daal, terwyl koue fronte die volgende twee weke nog sneeu kan veroorsaak. Te midde van lae minimum temperature en ryp wat steeds plek-plek oor die sentrale en suidelike binneland voorkom, het temperature oor die algemeen die afgelope paar weke begin styg.


Women, many dedicated women, are working hard to save birds and their habitats which are crucial for maintaining the health of our planet and ensuring a sustainable future for all living beings.


The final production number for the closing season of 2022/2023 is 24.68 million tonnes of cotton lint, about 2% below the 2021/22 season. Global demand for cotton (consumption) remains below production and will close the season at 23.88 million tonnes — 7.55% below the 2021/22 season, which is a significant drop. Trade numbers are also lower than in the previous season.


Renowned economist Dawie Roodt warned that South Africa is running out of money and facing a difficult time for the next five years. Speaking to Nuuspod, Roodt said local governments are falling apart, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are collapsing, and the state’s deteriorating finances.

Die Minister van Landbou het die ondertekening van die gesamentlike verklaring van die 13de vergadering van BRICS-landbouministers verwelkom. Woordvoerder, Reggie Ngcobo, sê die verklaring lê areas van samewerking en ooreenkomste uiteen oor verskeie ingrypings tussen BRICS-lidlande oor landbou. Lidlande sluit in Brasilië, Rusland, Indië, China en Suid-Afrika.

Advokaat Ronald King van PSG waarsku op Agri Limpopo se kongres dat kapitaalwinsbelasting heel moontlik verhoog gaan word voor die verkiesing volgende jaar, want inkomstebelasting en BTW kan nie juis aan gekarring word nie.

"Dis 'n groot fout om die Landboumeesterplan te verpolitiseer. Ons het radikale voorstelle uit die plan kon haal - soos onteiening sonder vergoeding. Die werkersunies het uiteindelik toe ook nie die plan geteken nie! Christo van der Rheede, Agri SA

Om te vra dat die proses vir die opstel van die meesterplan vir die landbou- en landbouverwerking weer geopen word, is “bitter gevaarlike terrein”, sê Deidré Carter, uitvoerende hoof van Agri Limpopo.

 To read this and more real and updated Farming and Agriculture NEWS  7 days a week and 365 days of the year-

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 Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-  

 Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op

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Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

White maize

R 3 597,00

per Metric Ton


-0.64 %

R 3 620,00

Yellow maize

R 3 611,00

per Metric Ton


-0.39 %

R 3 625,00


R 9 100,00

per Metric Ton


0.22 %

R 9 080,00

Sunflower seed

R 9 220,00

per Metric Ton


0.44 %

R 9 180,00


R 6 666,00

per Metric Ton


-0.95 %

R 6 730,00


R 5 622,00

per Metric Ton


-5.39 %

R 5 942,00


R 34 107,00

per Metric Ton


5.56 %

R 32 310,00


R 13 180,00

per Metric Ton


13.24 %

R 11 639,00


R 25 000,00

per Metric Ton


0.00 %

R 25 000,00

Lusern (Grade 1)

R 4 750,00

per Metric Ton


0.00 %

R 4 750,00

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 8,67

per Kg


14.23 %

R 7,59


R 9,59

per Kg


2.46 %

R 9,36


R 3,44

per Kg


4.88 %

R 3,28


R 17,95

per Kg


5.09 %

R 17,08


R 71,37

per Kg


-13.16 %

R 82,19


R 37,60

per Kg


-31.64 %

R 55,00


R 9,55

per Kg


-1.95 %

R 9,74


R 6,54

per Kg


-7.10 %

R 7,04


R 39,00

per Kg


-29.04 %

R 54,96


R 3,59

per Kg


6.85 %

R 3,36


R 45,78

per Kg


-45.60 %

R 84,16


R 6,54

per Kg


7.21 %

R 6,10


R 70,20

per Kg


51.13 %

R 46,45


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 76,62

per 10Kg


-1.74 %

R 77,98


R 6,97

per Kg


-10.87 %

R 7,82


R 5,10

per Kg


11.35 %

R 4,58


R 8,43

per Kg


6.44 %

R 7,92


R 2,57

per Kg


2.39 %

R 2,51


R 69,43

per Kg


6.11 %

R 65,43


R 4,56

per Kg


-19.43 %

R 5,66

Sweet Potatoes

R 5,86

per Kg


17.91 %

R 4,97


R 28,20

per Kg


15.62 %

R 24,39


R 11,52

per Kg


-2.12 %

R 11,77


R 6,54

per Kg


15.75 %

R 5,65


R 99,64

per Kg


16.35 %

R 85,64

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Sheep A2/3

R 88,11

per Kg


-0.10 %

R 88,20

Feeder Lamb

R 42,03

per Kg


-2.14 %

R 42,95

Sheep AB2/3

R 72,94

per Kg


-0.16 %

R 73,06

Sheep B2/3

R 66,17

per Kg


-1.61 %

R 67,25

Sheep C2/3

R 69,34

per Kg


4.43 %

R 66,40

Ave Wool - Non RWS

R 165,58

per Kg


0.00 %

R 165,58

Ave Wool - RWS

R 178,98

per Kg


0.00 %

R 178,98


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Beef A3

R 52,67

per Kg


1.64 %

R 51,82

Beef Weaners

R 34,23

per Kg


-1.04 %

R 34,59

Beef AB2/3

R 53,14

per Kg


5.79 %

R 50,23

Beef B2/3

R 48,80

per Kg


0.66 %

R 48,48

Beef C2/3

R 47,07

per Kg


2.44 %

R 45,95

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Kids (under 30kg)

R 58,55

per kg


3.70 %

R 56,46

Medium (30-40kg)

R 50,69

per kg


-0.28 %

R 50,83

Large (above 40kg)

R 47,21

per kg


23.30 %

R 38,29

Ewes (Goats)

R 40,80

per kg


-4.67 %

R 42,80


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Poultry Frozen

R 35,03

per Kg


1.89 %

R 34,38

Poultry fresh

R 34,62

per Kg


1.14 %

R 34,23

Poultry IQF

R 32,56

per Kg


0.37 %

R 32,44

Poultry Average

R 34,07

per Kg


1.16 %

R 33,68

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Pork Porkers

R 30,04

per Kg


-3.50 %

R 31,13

Pork Baconers

R 31,07

per Kg


2.85 %

R 30,21

Pork Sausage

R 25,25

per Kg


4.43 %

R 24,18

Pork Average

R 30,13

per Kg


2.34 %

R 29,44