South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary  29th March 2023

South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 29th March 2023

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

With the highest level of obesity in sub-Saharan Africa, the sugar tax was introduced in 2018 to try and reduce sugar intake. A 2021 study published in The Lancet suggested that South Africa has indeed seen large reductions in purchases of sugary beverage volumes​​ since plans for the levy were announced in 2016. But South Africa is a large sugar producer: with the R18bn ($1bn) industry ranking consistently in the top 15 of around 120 sugar producing countries worldwide (the October 2022 cane crush came in at around 17,963,900 tons).

André de Ruyter, voormalige uitvoerende hoof van Eskom, het telkemale die vinger gewys na die praktyk onder “sekere vorige bestuurders” wat in 2016 en 2017 geen beurtkrag toegepas het nie deur die kragstasies te hard te dryf. De Ruyter, asook Jan Oberholzer, bedryfshoof van Eskom tot en met einde April, het juis uitgewys dat dit hierdie praktyk in 2016 en 2017 was wat die steenkoolkragstasies in so ’n uiters swak toestand gelaat het in 2022 toe die kragkrisis begin uitkring het. Eskom druk dalk sy kragstasies harder om beurtkrag te verminder, maar dit gaan boemerang.

Western Cape Agriculture MEC Ivan Meyer says more than R60 million will go towards preventing and controlling animal diseases, as part of the agriculture department's 2023/24 budget of R960 million. The province battled severe avian flu outbreaks in 2021. The funding will also go towards expanding the "rabies resilient footprint" in the province, which includes vaccination and awareness campaigns. In addition, R23 million is being committed to revamp and refurbish the provincial veterinary laboratory. The renovated facility is expected to be inaugurated in November.

The SARB’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) will meet on 30 March to decide whether to increase interest rates further. In January, the MPC raised the repo rate by 25 basis points to 7.25%, which s lower than market expectations of a 50 basis point increase. Nearly all economists expect a 25 basis point rate this time when Reserve Bank governor Lesetja Kganyago makes the announcement.

The negative perception among South Africans remains strong that the government is miles behind schedule in reaching its threshold of redistributing at least 30% of land into black hands, almost 30 years into the democratic dispensation. Industry analysts blame a lack of common measuring instruments and research methods for the lack of data on how much land has been transferred to black South Africans. The view is that land reform's persistent negativity is largely attributed to this lack of common measuring instruments. READ MORE 

As for all pesticides in the European Union (EU), glyphosate is allowed to be used as long as its license is valid. In 2018, the license for glyphosate was renewed for an additional 5 years (instead of the 15 years requested by the industry) and will therefore expire end of 2022. READ MORE 

Ultimately, the ban – if it is passed in the House of Lords and is subsequently granted royal assent – will not have a huge impact on the African hunting industry since British hunters comprise a relatively small percentage of the market. The real money on this front comes from Texas.  READ MORE 

Transnet SOC Ltd. is probing the existence of illegal freight trains that are depriving South Africa’s state-owned rail operator of revenue. The logistics firms that’s struggling to ship coal and iron ore said the “ghost trains” aren’t scheduled formally by the company.  “Considering that these serious allegations have not yet been accompanied by supporting evidence, Transnet has referred the allegations for independent investigation,” it said in a statement on Monday. If the allegations “are proven correct, Transnet will act swiftly.”


Agri X en CRA MEDIA - will with this competition give these women the platform they deserve to enter a competition for Women`s Insight with the finalé gala event on 24 Augustus, during Womens`month at a venue in Pretoria. The impact of policy matters on your individual farming operation and in your immediate rural community Do you have a voice? Would you like to be heard? Do you wish to share your insights in how decisions on agricultural policy matters are affecting your daily lives on the farm? Now is the time to be part of the discussion! The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition provides the perfect opportunity for women who live on farms or who are involved in a farming business or in the sector to become part of the discussion on how boardroom decisions on policy matters impact on your daily lives. The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition seeks to encourage well-thought and accurate deliberation of the topic with practical examples. This competition seeks to create a platform where women in agriculture can become part of the agricultural discussion platform and ultimately influence public and industry discussions



Ons span is die week weer op die pad-  Ons was on die Noord Kaap- Wes Kaap en ook in dele van die Oos Kaap- Die weer is regtig aan die verander en die stelsels is onvoorspelbaar as mens na die geskiedenis kyk. Die winter is besig om vinnig nader te kruip. En daar is nog oeste op die land wat nie nou enigsins reg is vir ryp of koue nie. 

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Crop growers in the European Union are likely to face higher costs for some fertilizers. This is because of new EU legislation targeting the carbon dioxide emitted in the production of certain raw materials imported from outside the EU. These added costs could then be passed on to consumers, leading to higher food prices.
According to the Franchise Association of South Africa, the temporary extension of the diesel fuel levy refund to food manufacturers in a bid to limit the impact of the energy crisis on food prices "does not go far enough" as it excludes the rest of the food value chain.
Between 2010 and 2017, the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, commissioned a land audit to provide information on private land ownership by race, nationality, and gender. While the information produced was a good starting point, it raised more questions than answers since the data had to be gathered from multiple sources and processed and analysed in different ways.
Miljoene Suid-Afrikaners is glo vasgevang in ‘n spiraal van skuld, en maak staat op lenings om bestaande skuld af te betaal weens die ekonomiese druk. Volgens die jongste krediet-stres-verslag is daar ‘n toename in kredietkaart-, voertuigfinansiering- en huislening-wanbetalings, met meer as 800 000 nuwe verbruikers wat die kredietmark betree, die meeste sedert die pandemie.
Die Minister van Finansies, Enoch Godongwana, het gesê om Suid-Afrika se sekuriteit te verbeter is prioriteit om daarmee ook die land te bevry van die Gryslys waarin hy tans vasgevang is. Hy sê 'n bondel sekuriteite is verantwoordelik vir die rede van veelvuldige probleme met betrekking tot dit wat gelei het tot die op eindiging in die Gryslys.
Boere het druk op hul kontantvloei ervaar terwyl verbruikers vleis vir relatief goedkoper kan koop, sê James Faber van die Rooivleisprodusente-organisasie (RPO). Chris Derksen, wat weekliks veilingspryse vir lewendehawe verskaf, het ook gesê verbruikers verkeer steeds onder finansiële druk, wat daartoe lei dat hulle minder geld op vleisprodukte spandeer.
Blueberry growers are increasingly opting to take charge of their blueberries’ marketing to have more of a say in decisions than is possible within the strict export club structures which dominated during the early years of the South African blueberry industry.
Ahead of the handover of its upgraded container terminal to Terminal Investment Limited (TIL) in a few months’ time, the Port of Walvis Bay is working hard to improve on the last financial year’s bulk and break-bulk figures of 4.4 million tonnes.

The South African grape season is coming to an end. This year's campaign took place in two phases. “The northern regions and Orange River came into production first, with a significant volume deficit.

A new law, though, that empowered the state more freely to confiscate property would be most necessary. This is what the Expropriation Bill does. As the IRR has noted previously, a key concern is that the bill defines expropriation in a manner that requires the state actively to take over the property as an owner.

It sounds like it’s going to be a familiar story: health campaigners want a sugar tax, the beverage industry doesn’t. But in South Africa there’s an additional dynamic: a massive sugar-growing industry that’s already facing huge challenges. Acknowledging farmers' concerns, the government has told the industry it has two years to readjust, restructure, and come up with a way forward.

Afsnylaagdrukstelsels het die afgelope paar weke swaar reën oor dele van die Wes-Kaap en Karoo veroorsaak, en nog sulke stelsels kan voor die winter voorkom. Die swaar reën wat die afgelope paar weke oor die suidelike dele van die Noord-Kaap, die Wes-Kaap en oor die Langkloof op die grens van die Oos-Kaap voorgekom het, was nie deel van tipiese winterreënpatrone nie.

The shortage of snakebite antivenom in South Africa was a source of serious concern as this threatened the lives of animals and humans, according to Johan Marais, CEO of the African Snakebite Institute.

The global medical cannabis industry is estimated to generate $82.9-billion by 2027. Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, a new report expects Canada’s recreational marijuana industry to double revenues this year and grow more than 500% by 2025,” the report says. It says the size of the South African cannabis industry is estimated at R28-billion. Interpol rates South Africa as the fourth-largest producer in the world.

Capacity expansion across the board is believed to be continuing to add pressure on liner freight rates, with the average price for a forty-foot unit recorded at US$3 894 on Monday morning, March 27. This is less than half the spike to which rates soared at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, when rates climbed to an all-time high of $8 000 per FEU and more.

Namibië word as een van die veiligste lande in Afrika gelys. Volgens die Wêreld Ekonomiese Forum behels die kriteria vir veiligste lande die misdaadkoers, geweld en terrorisme, en hoe vinnig die polisie reageer. Die ander Afrikalande wat as veilig geag word, is Botswana, Rwanda, Mauritius, Seychelles, Ethiopië en Marokko. Suid Afrika is een van die onveiligste lande in Afrika.

Beesvleisuitvoere het net meer as 504 000 kilogram in Februarie beloop, ‘n afname van die amper 676 000 kilogram wat in dieselfde tydperk verlede jaar uitgevoer is. Meeste van die vleis is na Holland uitgevoer met 61,7 persent van die totaal. Net meer as 26 persent is na Suid-Afrika uitgevoer met 7,6 persent na Brittanje en 4,4 persent na China.

South Africa Beef- This continuous upward cost pressure requires innovative and new ways to improve capital allocation and utilisation to increase efficiencies in the business. The absence of such initiatives could weaken the sustainability of agri-business for the next generations. We have, for example, experienced commodity and other inputs to increase more than 30%. 

Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op

As honde nuuskierig is

Aardwolf - 

En so spring koei se kind oor die muur.