South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary  15th March 2023

South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 15th March 2023

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

A patchwork of fixes and increased maize plantings around the world to counter the effects of war in Ukraine on global grain supplies are not enough to ward off further risks of disruption. Extensive damage to Ukraine’s farm sector and uncertainty that the UN’s grain export corridor deal will be renewed later in March suggest food prices may remain elevated, increasing the potential of hunger if other problems arise, agriculture experts warn. Global wheat stocks are projected to thin to just more than a three-month supply by the end of the 2022/2023 season, the tightest in eight years, according to US department of agriculture data. Maize stocks were seen at an 81-day supply, down 22% from a recent supply peak six years ago.

Europe needs more fruit and vegetables. But, British supermarkets started to impose restrictions on fruit and vegetables, especially tomatoes. Is there an opportunity for Africa to step up production to fill the gap? READ MORE 

The economic decline experienced by Africa’s second-largest and the Southern African Development Community’s (Sadc’s) largest economy during the fourth quarter of 2022 could signal tough times ahead. It could also mean thinking differently and prioritising alternative options to help the economy recover and progress beyond forecasts of GDP growing at less than 1.5% per year over the next 3-4 years. Exporting regionally should also be prioritised in light of developed world net zero agendas, which may reduce the potential to export to these countries between 2030 and 2050. SA’s  growing agricultural sector over the past three years should be leveraged to increase export earnings over the next few years. As mentioned earlier, a growing middle class is expected to increase demand for food and beverages across the region over the longer term. Most sub-Saharan African countries have limited agro-processing capacity and rely on imports to meet demand, particularly for secondary and tertiary food and beverage products.

Greenpeace is an imperialist movement from rich countries wanting to tell poor countries what to do. In colonial days, when Britain wanted to teach the natives a lesson, she sent out a gunboat. Today, when rich nations want to overawe the natives, they send out Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior, an expensive, high-tech sailing ship with a powerful diesel engine. READ MORE 

Tomatoes are temporarily out of stock in some British supermarkets this week, with empty shelves where there should be a colourful vegetable section. It's been this way for several days now, as some major UK supermarkets haven't been able to buy enough fresh vegetables, particularly tomatoes - forcing several big chains to introduce limits. Asda, Britain’s third largest grocer, was quick to respond with a cap of three packs per customer on tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, and raspberries citing disrupted harvests in Spain and Morocco due to deteriorated weather conditions.

Harvesting coffee is a delicate process that occurs just once per year in the plant’s 20 year lifetime, and only after reaching around four years old. The perennial tree must take root in temperate conditions, and pass a series of milestones before it can blossom. But climate change is throwing the €458 billion global coffee market - of which Europe represents the largest consumer share - into flux.

Die wereld is deurmekaar en almal wil net oorlog maak.  Dit is egter die groeiende breuk tussen China en die Weste wat groot risiko vir globale stabiliteit, vrede en ekonomiese voorspoed inhou. Die Weste en China het mekaar nodig om vrede en globale ekonomiese groei te bevorder, maar alle aanduidings is dat die verhouding oor die volgende paar jaar net verder kan versleg en dat dit tot heelwat onstabiliteit kan lei. 


Agri X en CRA MEDIA - will with this competition give these women the platform they deserve to enter a competition for Women`s Insight with the finalé gala event on 24 Augustus, during Womens`month at a venue in Pretoria. The impact of policy matters on your individual farming operation and in your immediate rural community Do you have a voice? Would you like to be heard? Do you wish to share your insights in how decisions on agricultural policy matters are affecting your daily lives on the farm? Now is the time to be part of the discussion! The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition provides the perfect opportunity for women who live on farms or who are involved in a farming business or in the sector to become part of the discussion on how boardroom decisions on policy matters impact on your daily lives. The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition seeks to encourage well-thought and accurate deliberation of the topic with practical examples. This competition seeks to create a platform where women in agriculture can become part of the agricultural discussion platform and ultimately influence public and industry discussions



Ons span is die week weer op die pad-  Die oeste in Noord, Wes en Oos vrystaat lyk baie mooi- Die mielies in Hoopstad en Bothaville is vol in die saad en daar staan groot oeste op die lande.  Ons span was ook in die Vryburg distrik en die veld lyk baie goed vir die wintermaande.  Ons boere is oor die algemeen baie positief oor die oeste wat tans op die lande is. 

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Ons span het die Africa Agri Tech konferensie  bygewoon wat tans in Pretoria gehou word. Interresante onderwerpe word bespreek en daar baie slim manne teenwoordig . Alhoewel ons nie deel is van die konferensie gangers, wat betaal het nie, is daar 'n hele paar interresante uitstallings van landbou maatskappye-  Dis baie netjies gedoen en indrukwekkend met al die tegnologie kameras en nuuspanne wat gretig is om met elke belangrike persoon 'n onderhoud te voer. Dis net jammer dat baie min kommersieele landbouers daar opgemerk het.-
Tractor unit sales softened in February after a record high in 2022, but those for combine harvesters more than doubled, according to the latest data from the SA Agricultural Machinery Association (SAAMA). Overall tractor sales fell 1.8% year on year to 781 units, taking year-to-date decline to about 7% when compared with same period a year earlier.
Pogings om geleidelik by klimaatsverandering aan te pas, kan die wêreld by ’n kantelpunt bring met bitter min keuses, naamlik om sake heeltemal anders te doen, of om bloot niks te doen nie.
Suid Afrika - “Wanneer 58% van jong volwassenes sê hulle dink daaraan om die land te verlaat weens beurtkrag, moet jy weet die probleem gaan net soveel oor ons vooruitsigte vir die volgende dekade as wat dit vir vandag gaan.” Lees die volledig verslag

South Africa- tractors sales data for February, amounting to 781 units, down 1,8% from the corresponding month a year ago. We generally think after a solid activity in 2022, South Africa's agricultural machinery sales will likely soften this year.

The oak forests in Serbia have been well-regarded for their high-quality wood for centuries, and as the wine industry evolved, so did the demand for premium oak wine barrels that could impart complex and unique flavours to the wine.

Die sikloon Freddy is nou amptelik die tropiese storm wat die langste geduur het. Die leeftyd van die sikloon Freddy is reeds langer as 35 dae, wat langer is as die 31 dae wat die orkaan/tifoon John in 1994 in die Noordelike Halfrond geduur het. (Tropiese storms in die Atlantiese Oseaan word orkane genoem, in Oos-Asië word dit tifone genoem en in die Indiese Oseaan word dit siklone genoem.)

Kovsies Agri is more than just a student organisation. It is creating practical experience for students and form part of a community that will support each other and make memories to last far beyond their university years" Nicola Wiid,Kovsies Agri chairperson

Zimbabwean citrus growers will ship exports destined for countries in the Middle East and the Far East through Mozambique’s port of Beira, although their exports to China will still go through Durban.

Die oliemaatskappy Saudi Aramco het verlede jaar 161 miljard Amerikaanse dollar in winste aangeteken, die hoogste ooit vir ‘n publiek genoteerde maatskappy. Aramco se wins het met 46,5 persent teenoor 2021 gestyg, as gevolg van die oorlog in Oos-Europa wat oliepryse deur die dak gestuur het.

Produsente in Noordwes maak suksesvol gebruik van dekgewasse in hul boerderye. Graan SA se Pietman Botha in Noord-Wes Vrystaat is daar ook produsente wat dit plant, maar met 'n ander doel. Botha sê egter wanneer dekgewasse geplant word, moet dit binne 'n stelsel geskied.

Seker vir die eerste keer ooit was meer as die helfte van die afgevaardigdes op Graan SA se kongres jonger as 45. Onder die verteenwoordigers by Graan SA se jaarkongres, wat verlede week in ’n baie optimistiese gees plaasgevind het, was 53% jonger as 45 en 5% was jonger as 25.

A recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) shows a 5% decrease year-on-year for tropical fruit exports in 2022 worldwide. Mango, pineapple and avocado are among the most affected commodities. However, in contrast, global exports of papaya are expected to have grown by a modest 1%to 370,000 tons.

Agricultural debt has grown exponentially in South Africa over the past few years with no end it sight due to the country’s weak economy, Willem Lombard, acting executive manager for strategy and communications at the Land Bank, said in an interview last week.

The global autonomous farm equipment market has reached a valuation of US$ 841.9 million in 2022 and is expected to progress at a CAGR of 15.3% to reach US$ 3,493.5 million by the end of 2032. Sales of autonomous tractor accounted for nearly 60% share of the global autonomous farm equipment market at the end of 2022.

No bank, and very few other financiers, will touch coal. Some may finance gas, but before South Africa builds gas power stations, a whole lot of decade-overdue upstream gas development needs to take place. (Go frack the Karoo already!) And nuclear power has an undeserved public image problem, and a somewhat deserved reputation for being both expensive and time-consuming to build.

Ahead of the Southern African 2023 citrus export season kicking off next month, citrus growing varietal focus groups presented their predicted export volumes for the upcoming season at the Citrus Marketing Forum held last week.

Suid-Afrika se staatskuld bly groei, maar die beleidsverandering by Eskom dui daarop dat die ANC begin besef die private sektor moet toegelaat word om die probleme van staatsinstellings op te los. Die jongste staatsbegroting van inkomste en uitgawes vir die fiskale jaar 2023-’24 toon die eerste keer in baie jare ’n poging om die groei in staatsbesteding laer as die inflasiekoers te hou.

The available soft insights suggest that near-term growth prospects of South Africa’s agricultural economy look weak after subdued growth of 0,3% y/y in 2022. The livestock and poultry industries, which account for roughly half of the agricultural sector’s value, are under pressure amid relatively muted cattle and beef prices while farmers also continue to face higher input costs for maize and soybeans.

Researchers have found that sugar content is the most important factor for people when making healthy food choices - overriding fat and salt. A team from the University of Nottingham's Division of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics carried out a choice-based survey with 858 participants using the traffic light labelling system (TLL) to select healthy foods.


Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op


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