Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
Die afgelope naweek het die uitvoere van graan uit Oekraïne ook tot ʼn stilstand gekom nadat Rusland uit ʼn ooreenkoms met Turkye, die Verenigde Nasies en Oekraïne onttrek het. Dié ooreenkoms wat vroeër vanjaar gesluit is, het dit moontlik gemaak dat miljoene ton graan uit Oekraïne na die res van die wêreld vervoer kon word. Die Russiese onttrekking uit die ooreenkoms beteken dat daar weer binnekort wêreldwye graantekorte kan ontstaan. Rusland se onttrekking uit die graanuitvoerooreenkoms volg op ʼn Oekraïense hommeltuigaanval op ʼn Russiese skip in die hawestad, Sevastopol, in die besette Krim-skiereiland. Dié aanval bevestig Oekraïne se vermoë om toenemend suksesvolle aanvalle op Russiese teikens in gebiede wat deur Rusland beset word, te loods, maar dit bevestig ook die huidige eskalasie in die konflik wat talle risiko’s vir die res van die wêreld inhou. Die oorlog in Oekraïne het vanjaar reeds bygedra tot wêreldwye voedseltekorte, stygende energiekoste en inflasie. Met ʼn verdieping in die konflik moet ons gereed wees vir nog meer krisisse en ekonomiese gevolge wat oor die volgende maande, selfs jare, die wêreld verder gaan destabiliseer.
The UN International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and partner organisations will provide $2bn in finance to boost food security in Egypt as part of the North African country’s drive to increase investment in food, water and energy. The contribution will be channelled to the Egyptian government through loans until 2030 and will be part of the Nexus of Water, Food and Energy (NWFE). It is a programme designed to accelerate the achievement of Egypt’s climate goals that will be announced at the COP27 international climate conference in November, the IFAD said in a response to queries. The funding will be targeted at small-scale, rural farmers.
Ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling begin- Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie- Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word .
Die makro-ekonomiese omgewing het wêreldwyd verander en die siening is dat die storm erger gaan word. Die wêreldekonomie, en Suid-Afrika in besonder, stoei met ’n paar belangrike veranderinge. Suid-Afrika het ’n baie oop ekonomie. In die geval van landbou word sowat 50% van landbou-inkomste deur uitvoer verdien. Die ontwrigting van skeepsvervoer, asook skerp hoër skeepsvragkoste, tesame met stakings en sloerdery by ons hawens is besig om baie groot skade aan te rig. Skepe vaar verby ons hawens omdat die wagtyd en laaityd te lank neem. Dit raak uit- en invoer. In die geval van die sitrusbedryf, wat twee jaar gelede sowat R30 miljard met uitvoer verdien het, het inkomste met sowat 40% gedaal op plaasvlak. Daar is ’n ernstige bestaanskrisis aan die ontwikkel. Die nuwe sagtevrugte-uitvoerseisoen is ook in die gedrang. Invoer se wagtyd is baie langer en duurder via ons hawens.
Transnet, which manages all eight SA commercial ports, is looking to develop formal partnerships with private shipping companies at the port of Cape Town as a means of speeding up the movement of goods. The state-owned ports and railway operator — which is still recovering from a strike that cost the economy billions of rand — has in recent times turned to the private sector as it battles to improve its operations which threaten to cripple key sectors of the economy, including large foreign exchange earners such as agriculture and mining. Transnet is seeking R100bn in private sector investment over the next 10 years for the expansion of some of its ports, while it has also undertaken to provide third-party access to its freight rail network which is expected to increase competition, boost efficiency and reliability, and reduce costs for customers.
Die regerings se voorsiening van basiese dienste aan die land is besig om in te plof. Jy moet regtig ’n “verdwaalde” wees om te dink dat die regering se beloftes van beter regering, minder korrupsie en beter basiese dienste in die volgende paar jaar gaan realiseer. Kragtekorte gaan erger word, watertekorte is ’n realiteit op plattelandse dorpe en nou ook in Gauteng. Die spoorstelsel werk net vir steenkool- en mineraaluitvoer en hawens se treurigheid en stakings kos die land miljarde. Al ons graan, veeprodukte en voedselprodukte word per pad vervoer. Boere is genoodsaak om self hul paaie reg te maak om produkte by die mark te kry en insette op die plaas te kry. Boere produseer kos vir stedelinge in lewensgevaarlike omstandighede waar korrupsie en misdaad hoogty vier. Daar is meer private veiligheidspersoneel as polisie, word berig. Die basiese dienste van die staat op alle vlakke aan die bevolking is ’n uitdaging, nie as gevolg van geldtekorte nie – doodgewoon van slegte luiheid by die meerderheid.
Die landbousektor speel ‘n kritieke rol in die skep van ‘n beter toekoms vir alle Suid Afrikaners. Die doel van hierdie kompetisie is dan ook om akkurate en oordrag van inligting en positiewe stories binne die landbou aan te moedig. Hierdie is ‘n platform waar studente en jongmense binne die landbou en joernalistieke omgewing hulle werk kan publiseer. So kry hulle ook ‘n voorsmakie van kommunikasie met die publiek en belanghebbers binne die sektor en staan die kans om lekker kontantpryse te wen!
Die kompetisie sluit aan die 5de November 2022 en die wenners sal aangekondig word aan die einde van November tydens ‘n geleentheid by die historiese Villa Arcadia in Parktown. Hierdie is ook die tuiste van Hollard en ons sien uit om die geleentheid daar aan te bied.
CRA Media is tans besig met die vervaardiging van 'n dokumentere reeks wat eersdaags in die Internasionale media beskikbaar gestel gaan word.
Ons kondig ook binne kort weer 'n kompetiese aan. Ons soek die beste em mooiste Windpomp - Kry jou fotos solank reg...
As jy enige kort bydrae wil lewer tot hierdie uiter gewilde artikel wat 2 weekliks geplaas woord, kontak die nuuskantoor by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Luister gerus na ons gewilde POTGOOI- daagliks op www.farmingportal.co.za
Mr Tshianeo Mathidi, one of the founding fathers of the African Farmers Association of South Africa (AFASA), was honoured for his valuable contributions in establishing the home of African farmers during AFASA’s annual general meeting and 10-year anniversary celebration. The conference took place at the International Conference Centre in Durban from 16 to 18 October.
Hewige donderstorms, wat met reën en hael gepaard kan gaan, word veral oor die noordoostelike dele van Suid-Afrika voorspel vandag. Meer as 50 mm is moontlik in distrikte soos Standerton, Pretoria, Groblersdal en Polokwane. Swaar reën kan plek-plek oorstromings veroorsaak, sê mnr. Johan van den Berg, onafhanklike landbouweerkundige.
Business owners and motorists will have to fork out even more for fuel when the latest price hikes take effect at midnight on Tuesday. Our Farmers are going to feel this high diesel prices when planting season as well as the harvesting of wheat and other grains started.
Die Land Bank het pas sy jongste jaarverslag vir die jaar geëindig Maart 2022 bekend gemaak. Die Land Bank het beslis nie ’n gesonde balansstaat nie. Die eiekapitaalposisie is byvoorbeeld aansienlik laer as wat die Reserwebank vereis van handelsbanke in die private sektor.
Biodiversity is the variety of all living things – from plants to animals to microorganisms. However, there are concerning trends regarding its preservation and scientists have said the Earth is being driven towards a “mass extinction event” – only the sixth in the last half-billion years.
Daar is niks so irriterend en versteurend as 'n Google/ U tube AD- wat oral op "POP" as jy na 'n vidoe kyk. Dis so irriterend dat jy glad nie eers met daardie maatskappy wil besigheid doen nie. Nog steeds is daar maatskappye wat van hierdie maniere gebruik maak om hulle maatskappye te bemark. Jy doen meer skade aan jou maatskappy as jy jy irriterende manier van bemarking gebruik.
SA Canegrowers will meet with the Business Rescue Practitioners appointed in the Tongaat Hulett Limited (THL) matter.
Klimaatsverandering is ‘n uitdaging vir verskeie gewasse en sommige kenners meen dat koring die swaarste sal kry omdat die gewas koue toestande nodig het, terwyl mielies redelik hittebestand is. Volgens Gilbert Mulonda, die bestuurder van akkerbou en tuinbou word koring ondersoek maar, die gebied om die Oranjerivier is nie geskik nie, al het die gewas baie water nodig.
Die Departement van Openbare Werke en Infrastruktuur het besonderhede bekendgemaak van planne wat die digitale diens en infrastruktuur in die land sal verbeter. Die planne sluit in hulle droom van op koppeling van alle burgerlikes aan 'n sogenaamde super-vinnige breëband internet en die bou van 'n doeltreffende stelsel vir die e-regering.
GWM Steed 5 2.2MPi double cab — R242,900 -The cheapest double cab in this segment is the GWM Steed 5, which comes with a 2.2-litre petrol engine, providing 73kW of power and 180Nm of torque.
South Africa is listed as the 5th largest producer of raisins worldwide. The industry has grown strongly over the recent past, and this growth trajectory is expected to continue over the short- to medium term. South Africa is by far the largest producer of raisins in the southern hemisphere; and, in terms of exports, South Africa is also listed as 5th largest raisin exporter worldwide.
The recent drug busts made in India on consignments of South African fruit has again underlined the extreme importance for growers to keep an eye on the value chain.
Russia announced this weekend that it is pulling out of the Black Sea Grains Initiative, casting doubt on Ukraine’s ability to export grain and oilseeds and heightening concerns about food security in many import-reliant countries.
There are numerous reasons why it is so important for the world of agriculture to keep ahead of the times – from increased global food consumption to the climate crisis. But what are the most prominent agricultural trends to look out for in 2023? Join us in exploring our ultimate top 10!
Most Kenyans do not realise that one fifth of the food on their table is imported. It could be that apple they munch just after finishing the main course – it may be from South Africa; or that Spanish omelet they gobble the following morning – it could be from Uganda.
Lions, rhinos and cheetahs are among the wild species at risk of irreversible “genetic pollution” from breeding experiments, scientists have warned.South African game farmers have increasingly been breeding novel trophy animals, including some freakishly-coloured varieties such as the black impala, golden wildebeest or pure-white springboks.
It seems as if Namibia has a bit of a spring in its step, some swagger if you will. This could be because winter is behind us, however, I believe there’s another reason, and as an economist first and foremost, this reason pleases me. It is the ‘buzz’ surrounding the oil exploration and discoveries that have recently been made in and off the coast of Namibia.
Sojabone: Amerikaanse sojaboon-uitvoervooruitsigte het verswak. Markaandeel sal ten gunste van Suid-Amerika verlore gaan. Reeds in die eerste 3 maande van hierdie seisoen het Amerikaanse sojaboonuitvoere waarskynlik met 1,5 miljoen ton afneem vanaf 'n jaar vroeër
Mnr. Dawie Maree, hoof van inligting en bemarking by FNB Landbou, sê die styging in oliepryse kom op die rug van die organisasie vir petroleumuitvoerlande (Opul) se aankondiging dat produksie ingekort sal word ten einde munt te slaan uit die hoër olieprys. As gevolg daarvan het die olieprys R95/vat bereik.
Global warming is a severe problem affecting the environment worldwide, primarily due to the excessive consumption of fossil fuels for transportation, which accounts for a fifth of global carbon emissions.
The South African blueberry industry is making up for precious time lost during the recent port labour strike action. This weekend 3,500 tonnes of blueberries left Cape Town for the United Kingdom and Europe.
Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za
VIDEO: @JohnDeere has reentered the strip-till market. Today they are launching the ST-Series. #agnews @brownfield #OnTheGround #Innovations pic.twitter.com/4YDfUGNDHV
— Brent Barnett (@BRNAgNews_Brent) October 31, 2022
Glimpses of Demonstration of various Agriculture machine during the Distribution Cum- Demonstration Program of Farm Machineries & Implements under #SMAM.
— Th.Biswajit Singh (@BiswajitThongam) October 31, 2022
This Machineries will further enhance the productivity of Crop yields.@PMOIndia @AgriGoI pic.twitter.com/bMpwirgZCY
Apple picker #robot#innovation #AgriTech #agriculture#Innovationnews #Robotics pic.twitter.com/hbf5WCeS40
— Raeda Awawdeh (@raedaawawdeh) October 25, 2022
Ons is net soos diere
✨ In Denmark, it's a legal requirement to have an #automatic brushing machine installed in #dairy farms.
— Leony Merks ⬆🍀🧢🌞 (@LeonyMerks) October 29, 2022
Every cow should be grazing on a field and only brought inside barns during periods when it is too cold. 🌎#animals #technology #agriculture #environment #nature 🐄 pic.twitter.com/nrfakzN0Aq
GlenDronach 18 yo Allardice Single Malt Whisky Review and Tasting Notes
REGION: Highland
ABV: 46%
COLOUR: Burnished mahogany
NOSE: A big and rich sherry bomb. So delicious with notes of Christmas cake and fresh red berries drizzled with sugar. Chocolate covered cherries and fudge with bits of cinnamon and vanilla. Something tropical in the background mixed with raisins and lemon peel.
PALATE: Brandy soaked Christmas cake sweetness, chocolate-coated nuts, stewed fruits and allspice mixed with rich sherry. Overripe figs with bits of dried orange peel, vanilla, fresh cream and pepper. Perfectly balanced. Chewy and delicious. I finished my first glass without water. It was just perfect! Adding water releases a bit more complexity in the dram.
FINISH: Red berries and cinnamon sugar. Complex and long.
Just sublime! I have no other words. It leaves me speechless with wonder; the GlenDronach 18 yo whisky is everything I could dream of in a whisky. Rich, delicious and perfectly balanced. Sherry sweetness, spices and fruity notes all work together to make something bold and smooth.
For me, with my sweet palate, it ticks all the boxes. I looked up at John to see his thoughts, and I could see he feels the same. Even though he prefers a peated whisky, this sherry bomb just bowled him over.
I loved the GlenDronach 12 yo release. I think the GlenDonrach 21 yo whisky should also make an appearance on my tasting lists quite soon. In South Africa the GlenDronach 18 yo whisky retails for around R1 600.