Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse/Engelse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
Weekly summary of some News in the Agri and Farming media.
South Africa’s agriculture sector plays a pivotal role, contributing approximately 3% to the country’s GDP and employing an estimated 860 000 people. The country’s agricultural landscape encompasses an extensive array of commodities, including major grains, oilseeds, deciduous and subtropical fruits, sugar, citrus, wine and vegetables. In addition, the country’s livestock production spans cattle, dairy, hogs, sheep, poultry,and eggs. Despite its importance, the sector faces challenges that include climate change, water scarcity, and market volatility, which combine to impact its productivity. In line with global trends, organic agriculture has gained traction. According to the International Federation of Organic Agriculture (2019), South Africa’s organic agricultural land covers approximately 57 000ha and accounts for only 0,06% of total (global) agricultural land. There is thus potential to increase this land with potential organic produce consisting of fruit (notably citrus), vegetables (especially potatoes), herbs, spices, tea, coffee, wine, honey, nuts (with a focus on macadamia), dairy products (including cheese), eggs, meat (primarily beef), and wool (sheep).
Die kans op hittegolftoestande is goed in die komende weke, terwyl die risiko vir stormagtige toestande en hael op mediumtermyn groot is. Toestande vir reën en stormagtige weer in die laaste helfte van Januarie oor die oostelike dele van Suid-Afrika, waaronder die oostelike dele van Limpopo, die hele Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, die verre oostelike dele van die Vrystaat en die noordoostelike dele van die Oos-Kaap, lyk goed. Die versterking van tropiese laagdrukstelsels noord van Madagaskar gaan tropiese vog uit midde-Afrika meer ooswaarts kanaliseer met slegs klein hoeveelhede tropiese vog wat oor Namibië en Botswana suidwaarts beweeg. “Dit gaan veroorsaak dat baie min of geen reën oor die sentrale tot westelike dele van die land gaan voorkom tot minste einde Januarie, maar waarskynlik tot diep in Februarie,” sê Johan van den Berg, onafhanklike landbouweerkundige.
The success of this initiative is rooted in the Red Meat Strategy 2030, a collective vision established in 2019 by industry organisations, including RMIS. Envisaging a 20% export target for the red meat industry by 2030, the strategy outlines key cross-cutting factors such as industry restructuring, a unified voice, public-private partnerships, compartments, and veterinary services. The opening of the Saudi Arabian market aligns seamlessly with RMIS's 2030 Strategy, bringing the industry closer to reaching the ambitious export target. Furthermore, the Saudi Arabian market shows interest in four red meat products from the South African farming community, namely beef, lamb, mutton, and goat.
Die ontleders oor 2024 dui reeds vir ons aan dat hierdie jaar baie onsekerhede gaan meebring. Met ‘n verbrokkelende ANC wat alles in sy vermoë gaan doen om met die verkiesing te oorleef moet ons nie verras wees met ‘n verskeidenheid onrealistiese aankondigings of beplande wetgewing nie. Die spelreëls vir die politieke pad vorentoe in hierdie jaar kan maklik ontaard dat daar nie noodwendig enige etiese reël sal wees nie – die krane sal baie oop wees. Soos in die verlede word die sosiale toelae afkomstig vanuit belastinggeld reeds deur die ANC ingespan dat indien die mense nie vir die ANC stem nie hulle dit sal verloor. Daar is reeds op mnr Ramaphosa se lessenaar 6 stukke wetgewing wat net afgeteken moet word ten einde dit te kan implementeer wat insluit die Bela wetgewing, gesondheidsversekering sowel as die onteieningswet waarby ingesluit is onteiening sonder vergoeding. Dit, tesame met alles wat nog gaan kom in hierdie verkiesingsjaar sal die fokus telkens wees om die ANC te red wat ten koste van Suid-Afrika se vooruitgang sal wees. Te midde van hierdie potensiële chaos moet ons steeds ons legkaarte so verpak dat ons verwysingsraamwerk ons lei na etiese keuses waar ons ons geloofwaardigheid behou en seker maak dat ons altyd onthou wat is die basis van ons legkaart waarop ons bou.
According to Grand View Research, the global canned wine market will grow at a compound rate of 12.3% to 2028 — to a market size of $571.8m or more by 2028. The report says it’s being driven by the “rising demand for convenient, portable, and single-serve beverages.” It’s not just easy drinking wines that stand to benefit from this move to cans. READ MORE
The domestic prices of arabica coffee continue their upward trend. In November, they rose by 7% MOM. In December, they continued to appreciate, averaging BRL 954 per bag, a 7% MOM increase. In addition to concerns about the weather in Brazil (experiencing low rainfall and an intense heatwave in November), the low certified stocks in New York (despite the recent recovery, still close to the lowest levels in the last 24 years), and the logistical problems at the Santos port may be associated with the recent appreciation. READ MORE
At the start of the 2023/24 summer crop production season, farmers intended to plant 4,5 million hectares of land, which is up 2% from the previous season. Given the feedback from the Grain South Africa survey, we feel compelled to believe that farmers met their expected planting area in most provinces. If there are any reductions in area, they will likely be in the white maize regions of the North West. READ MORE
The emergence of domestic wine production has resulted in a significant increase in the number of Mexican estates. In 1996 there were only seven commercial wineries, but today the country boasts over 400, spread across 16 regions. Many wineries feature attractive tasting rooms and restaurants, and wine routes and vineyard tours have sprung up, attracting both domestic and international tourists; the development of this kind of tourism has also helped to expose Mexican drinkers to wine culture. READ MORE
CRA MEDIA is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 3 nuwe insetels vir ons mediums. Ons gaan binnekort ook toetree tot ander mediums wat Landbou op nog 'n beter vlak sal neem. Ons internasionale vennote wil baie graag betrokke raak by ons mediums. Ons span is baie kreatief en is altyd besig met nuwe idees en programme- Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n baie eksklusiewe program een sy soort. Ons sal eersdaags ons nuwe Ekonomiese afdeling in plek.
Awards function for Competition for Women in Agriculture – Friday March 1, 2024 at 11:00 – 15:00
Villa Arcadia, Hollard Head Office, Parktown.
Final days for entries – Deadline on Wednesday, 31 January 2024.
Link for entries …………………………
HURRY UP - its almost the end of 31th January 2024 - We awaiting your VIDEO
Thank you to our sponsors -
Agri X en CRA MEDIA - Farmingportal.co.za Agrinewsnet.co.za will with this competition give these women the platform they deserve to enter a competition for Women`s Insight with the finalé gala event on 24 Augustus, during Womens`month at a venue in Pretoria. The impact of policy matters on your individual farming operation and in your immediate rural community Do you have a voice? Would you like to be heard? Do you wish to share your insights in how decisions on agricultural policy matters are affecting your daily lives on the farm? Now is the time to be part of the discussion! The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition provides the perfect opportunity for women who live on farms or who are involved in a farming business or in the sector to become part of the discussion on how boardroom decisions on policy matters impact on your daily lives. The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition seeks to encourage well-thought and accurate deliberation of the topic with practical examples. This competition seeks to create a platform where women in agriculture can become part of the agricultural discussion platform and ultimately influence public and industry discussions
Redenaarskompetisie gefokus op vroue in landbou
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15 Best South Africa News Podcasts
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za
By 2025 nearly half of South Africa’s population will be food insecure, with 48.96% of the population potentially not having enough to eat. Provincially, Limpopo will suffer the worst food insecurity with 54% of the population not sure about where their next meal will come from.
In the wake of China’s burgeoning enthusiasm for healthy snacks, macadamia nuts and other nuts have emerged as key players, ushering in a “golden age” of macadamia consumption.
Climate change (18%) may be a non-mover year-on-year at 7 but is among the top three business risks in countries such as Brazil, Greece, Italy, Turkey, and Mexico. The report reveals that South Africa experienced a slight shift in risk perception, with Climate change dropping from the fourth to the seventh spot in 2023.
Een keer per jaar woon wêreldwye elites uit alle sektore ‘n vyf dae lange konferensie in die sneeubedekte dorp Davos, Switserland, by – wat aangevul word deur kaviaar, sjampanje en alle soorte losbandigheid nadat harde werk verby is.
South Africa’s agriculture sector plays a pivotal role, contributing approximately 3% to the country’s GDP and employing an estimated 860 000 people.
Die kans op hittegolftoestande is goed in die komende weke, terwyl die risiko vir stormagtige toestande en hael op mediumtermyn groot is.
It has been 140 years since the Table of Satan aka Berlin Conference at which Colonialist Europeans decided the random, exploitative partition of Africa, breaking up African Families, Clans and Nations.
In a strategic move to strengthen its footprint and enhance its shipping solutions, SACO CFR is set to expand its export consolidation service in 2024.The neutral consolidator has just unveiled a service connecting Johannesburg and Heathrow, marking a significant milestone in its continuous efforts to streamline international trade.
“Optimism and hope are not the same thing. Optimism is the belief that the world is changing for the better; hope is the belief that, together, we can make the world better. Optimism is a passive virtue, hope an active one.
Suid-Afrika het die afgelope vier-jaar sowat R406 miljoen in hulpverlening deur die Afrika-Renaissance en Internasionale Samewerkingsfonds aan Afrikalande uitbetaal. Dít, volgens dr. Naledi Pandor, minister van internasionale betrekkinge en samewerking.
Meatco het die jaar afgeskop met ‘n plan om 25 000 bees aan te koop by boere in die Noordelike Kommunale Gebiede. Daar word berig dat die diere by Rundu en Katima Mulilo abattoirs verwerk sal word met aanvullende diere van die mobiele slageenheid.
According to the latest update released by South African Table Grape Industry, 20.92 million cartons (4.5 kilograms per carton) had been inspected for export as of week 52, representing an increase of 6% from the previous year. However, total exports amounted to just 9.87 million cartons, down 29% from the previous season.
South Africa’s finance minister warned that next month’s budget will be a “difficult one” as the nation’s ability to service its growing debt remains a challenge.Enoch Godongwana will table the annual budget in late February, when he will announce more details on the National Treasury’s plans to arrest ballooning debt,
Nine out of 10 South Africans are meat eaters, so there’s a good chance they enjoyed a braai from time to time. But there’s very little chance they ate zebra
South Africa has limited fertile land, crop farmers need to increase the fertility of their soils to achieve good yields. What’s more, more than five million hectares of cultivated land has already been seriously acidified in the country and an estimated 260,000ha of irrigated land is affected by salinisation.
According to global trend analysts and pundits from the food industry, 2024 is going to be another great year for mushrooms! Whole Foods in the US each year puts out its predictions on what we will be eating, and those in the know say they’re pretty accurate year in and year out! According to Forbes, top of the 2024 Whole Foods list is “putting the ‘plant’ back in ‘plant-based’”.
Die landbou is op die klimaatagenda van politici, maar vind nog nie juis baat by noodsaaklike nasionale optrede wat die versagting van en aanpassing by klimaatsverandering kan ondersteun nie.
Wol- en vleispryse was vanweë verskeie ekonomiese faktore onder druk, en daarmee saam ook die klein premie wat produsente van volhoubaar gesertifiseerde wol (RWS en SCWS) verdien het. Volgens die Australiese markontledingsmaatskappy Mecardo lyk dit asof die wolbedryf in 2023 nie bereid was om steeds die hoë pryse vir volhoubaar gesertifiseerde wol te betaal soos wat in 2021 en 2022 gegeld het nie.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse minister van Water en Sanitasie, Senzo Mchunu sal ‘n twee-daagse spitsberaad vir Waterdienste-owerhede lei na aanleiding van die Blou– en Geen-Druppel-verslae en die Groendruppel-vorderingbeoordelings-verslag. Donderdag en Vrydag se byeenkoms bring verteenwoordigers byeen van 144 waterdienste-owerhede, om afnemende watergehalte en toenemende nie-inkomstewater te bespreek.
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
White maize |
R 3 790,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-01-12 |
-2.32 % |
R 3 880,00 |
Yellow maize |
R 3 653,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-01-12 |
-1.75 % |
R 3 718,00 |
Soybeans |
R 8 410,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-01-12 |
-1.52 % |
R 8 540,00 |
Sunflower seed |
R 8 420,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-01-12 |
-4.75 % |
R 8 840,00 |
Wheat |
R 6 085,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-01-12 |
-3.03 % |
R 6 275,00 |
Sorghum (IPP) |
R 6 534,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-01-05 |
1.66 % |
R 6 427,00 |
Groundnuts (IPP) |
R 36 497,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-01-05 |
-0.53 % |
R 36 690,00 |
Cotton |
R 11 958,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-01-12 |
1.32 % |
R 11 802,00 |
Soy Meal |
R 7 490,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-01-12 |
-3.45 % |
R 7 758,00 |
Lusern (Grade 1) |
R 3 000,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2023-12-15 |
0.00 % |
R 3 000,00 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Bananas |
R 11,53 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-0.09 % |
R 11,54 |
Apples |
R 9,16 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-19.01 % |
R 11,31 |
Oranges |
R 16,52 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-12.73 % |
R 18,93 |
Avocados |
R 27,87 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
10.33 % |
R 25,26 |
Grapes |
R 21,09 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-10.71 % |
R 23,62 |
Mangos |
R 9,47 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-8.85 % |
R 10,39 |
Pears |
R 11,50 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-25.57 % |
R 15,45 |
Pineapples |
R 8,65 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-19.61 % |
R 10,76 |
Peaches |
R 19,09 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
9.15 % |
R 17,49 |
Lemons |
R 11,49 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
8.50 % |
R 10,59 |
Nectarines |
R 20,13 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-11.24 % |
R 22,68 |
Naartjies |
R 6,58 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-24.28 % |
R 8,69 |
Blueberries |
R 92,61 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
39.16 % |
R 66,55 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Potatoes |
R 74,04 |
per 10Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-13.05 % |
R 85,15 |
Tomatoes |
R 10,04 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-8.06 % |
R 10,92 |
Carrots |
R 5,26 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-5.73 % |
R 5,58 |
Onions |
R 4,05 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-1.46 % |
R 4,11 |
Cabbage |
R 2,50 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-0.79 % |
R 2,52 |
Garlic |
R 61,37 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
2.95 % |
R 59,61 |
Spinach |
R 4,21 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
14.09 % |
R 3,69 |
Sweet Potatoes |
R 12,39 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
31.67 % |
R 9,41 |
Peppers |
R 8,66 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-37.79 % |
R 13,92 |
Chillies |
R 7,73 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-28.82 % |
R 10,86 |
Pumpkins |
R 3,68 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-8.91 % |
R 4,04 |
Mushrooms |
R 87,16 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-2.71 % |
R 89,59 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Sheep A2/3 |
R 85,23 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-2.85 % |
R 87,73 |
Feeder Lamb (Dual Purpose) |
R 37,10 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-6.38 % |
R 39,63 |
Sheep AB2/3 |
R 73,32 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-6.25 % |
R 78,21 |
Sheep B2/3 |
R 64,25 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-0.28 % |
R 64,43 |
Sheep C2/3 |
R 61,15 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-0.03 % |
R 61,17 |
Ave Wool - Non RWS |
R 154,15 |
per Kg |
2023-12-01 |
0.00 % |
R 154,15 |
Ave Wool - RWS |
R 174,31 |
per Kg |
2023-12-01 |
0.00 % |
R 174,31 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Beef A2/3 |
R 57,50 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
0.44 % |
R 57,25 |
Weaners (200-250kg) |
R 35,91 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-0.25 % |
R 36,00 |
Beef AB2/3 |
R 55,89 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-0.68 % |
R 56,27 |
Beef B2/3 |
R 49,72 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-2.83 % |
R 51,17 |
Beef C2/3 |
R 48,03 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-5.23 % |
R 50,68 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Kids (under 30kg) |
R 51,14 |
per kg |
2024-01-12 |
-0.37 % |
R 51,33 |
Medium (30-40kg) |
R 40,95 |
per kg |
2024-01-12 |
62.56 % |
R 25,19 |
Large (above 40kg) |
R 55,86 |
per kg |
2024-01-12 |
13.63 % |
R 49,16 |
Ewes (Goats) |
R 38,80 |
per kg |
2024-01-12 |
12.79 % |
R 34,40 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Poultry Frozen |
R 37,19 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-3.80 % |
R 38,66 |
Poultry fresh |
R 38,01 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-2.26 % |
R 38,89 |
Poultry IQF |
R 34,16 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-0.61 % |
R 34,37 |
Poultry Average |
R 36,46 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-2.28 % |
R 37,31 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Pork Porkers |
R 33,01 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-4.32 % |
R 34,50 |
Pork Baconers |
R 32,76 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-3.11 % |
R 33,81 |
Pork Sausage |
R 24,71 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-0.40 % |
R 24,81 |
Pork Average |
R 32,89 |
per Kg |
2024-01-12 |
-4.14 % |
R 34,31 |