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South African Poultry Association general manager Izaak Breitenbach has argued that an increase in tariffs on chicken “has never led to an increase in consumer prices”. However, the researchers find that the retail price of frozen chicken products rose by more than 16% between 2012 and 2021 in response to the 40% increase in the import-weighted average applied tariffs. Anti-dumping duties raised the retail price of frozen chips by an estimated 18.6% and pasta by 4% over the same period. The impact of these higher food prices is not distributed equally. Because poor households spend more of their total expenditure on chicken relative to wealthier households, they are most affected.
Sedert landbou ongeveer 10 000 jaar gelede begin het, het graan, veral koring, mielies en rys, die stapelvoedsel van die mens geword. Koring is ’n belangrike bron van energie, proteïen, dieetvesel, vitamiene en ander mikrovoedingstowwe, maar ’n klein persentasie van mense kry ingewandskwale, soos seliakie, van die gluten (’n lektien) daarin. Sedert 1990 was daar ’n toename in die VSA in die voorkoms van seliakie en ander kwale soos Alzheimer se siekte, tipe-2 diabetes, depressie, hartsiekte, kanker en vele ander (Sarah Pope in The Healthy Home Economist). Hierdie toename is gou toegeskryf aan die eet van koringprodukte, met die gevolg dat baie mense dit begin vermy het. Herbert Wieser, e.a. (Front. Nutr., 2020) toon dat koring as sodanig nie die oorsaak is nie, ten spyte van die hoër gluten-inhoud in die moderne kultivars as gevolg van teling om die bakkers te behaag. Volgens Pope is die toename die gevolg van die onoordeelkundige spuit van Monsanto se Roundup-onkruiddoder, wat glifosaat bevat, op die grane.
China's efforts to diversify its import of African agricultural products will enhance bilateral trade and create fresh opportunities for its companies to invest in countries in Africa, said government officials and business owners. Eager to boost trade value, China and a number of African countries including Madagascar, Zimbabwe, the Central African Republic and Ethiopia, jointly proposed the establishment of a liaison mechanism for sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) cooperation in late June. The initiative aims to align inspection and quarantine standards and rules, facilitating the export of agricultural food products from Africa to China.
Met Finland en Swede se toetrede tot Navo verander die veiligheidsdinamika in die Baltiese See drasties. Gevestigde verdedigingsordes wat na die era direk na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog terug dateer, het die afgelope maande tot ʼn einde gekom. Die een-en-dertig Navo-lidlande, met Swede wat binnekort die twee-en-dertigste lidland sal word, saam met strategiese vennote soos Japan, Suid-Korea, Australië, Nieu-Seeland en tot ʼn mate selfs Indië is ʼn formidabele mag. Die vraag bestaan egter of die afgelope sestien maande se nuwe selfvertroue in Navo werklik langtermyn risiko’s in ag neem. Terwyl Navo ʼn verdedigingsalliansie is, kan sy aggressiewe uitbreiding in Oos-Europa en sy nuwe militarisering van strategiese liggings soos die Baltiese See die kanse op konfrontasie met Rusland verder vergroot.
"ONS BOERE- ONS LANDBOUERS van Suid Afrika is die prooi van lafhartige barbare wat geen reg het op bestaan nie- " Verdedig julleself en pas julle gesinne op.
Urea producers are claiming to be mostly sold out for the month ahead and prices keep moving upwards. The futures market is pointing to $400+ prices by Q4 (see section later in this report), which would appear to be higher than the fundamentals indicate but as always, urea prices are very responsive to sentiment! The Indian urea tender is at the centre of discussions, as these tenders usually are – the tender is now being delayed because of the rapid rise in prices over the past weeks. In a classic “chicken and egg” scenario, how much of a role has the tender played in supporting the price rise and if the tender is further delayed or even scrapped, where will that leave urea prices? The Chinese are expected to be the main participants in the tender and have reserved stock for it. READ MORE
The research, highlights how researchers need to carefully consider which domains are immediate and future priority to safeguard the welfare and longevity of animals for food, as domestic pets and those for conservation in nature reserves and zoos. Animals at risk from the impacts of climate change highlighted in the review include bats, zebrafish, stony creek frogs, koalas, African elephants, chickens and dairy cows. READ MORE
Statista data from 2019 suggest that the countries with the highest per capita consumption of alcohol include Czechia, Latvia, and the Republic of Moldova, but earlier data from the World Health Organization (2016) show that those in SA who drink, drink heavily. Tunisians are top of the pops, consuming the most alcohol per capita in the world, at 35 litres (drinkers only), with South Africa at a drinkers-only per capita consumption of 30 litres. READ MORE
Wheat is finally becoming a “sexy” crop after years of being the ugly duckling, says an analyst. Stephen Nicholson, global grains and oilseeds strategist for Rabobank, said a series of supply side threats is making things exciting. Canada’s crops are withering in the fields. MarketsFarm is forecasting 30.4 million tonnes of all wheat production, well below the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest prediction of 35 million tonnes. READ MORE -
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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.
ʼn Bekende aanhaling wat aan Albert Einstein toegeskryf word, lees soos volg: “Waansin is om dieselfde ding oor en oor te doen en ʼn ander uitkoms te verwag”. Daar word beweer dat hy hierdie aanhaling geuiter het in die konteks van diegene in die intellektuele gemeenskap wat gedurende sy era geglo het dat die werking van die heelal bloot aan toeval te wyte is. Alhoewel hierdie aanhaling binne die konteks van die ingewikkelde leer van kwantummeganika gemaak is, word dit vandag wyd in ander kontekste aangehaal. Dié aanhaling is ook van toepassing op die konteks van die politieke- en kulturele- landskap van Suid-Afrika.
AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 16th July 2023 (2)
The 2023 Junior Writers awards is open until the 30th September 2023 Proudly sponsored by Hollard-
Click on the banner to see the Entry Form.
2022 Winners of the Junior Agri writers awards at the Function at Hollard Head Office
Mielies is ’n tipe gras met sade wat mense en diere eet. Dit is die belangrikste gewas waarmee in Suid-Afrika geboer word. Dit groei die beste in die somerreënval-graslandgebiede, maar kan feitlik in enige grond groei, behalwe natuurlik uitsonderlike droë plekke. Die meeste mielieplase kom in die noordelike provinsies voor: Vrystaat, Noordwes, Mpumalanga en die besproeiingsgebiede in Limpopo en die Noord-Kaap. Mieliesaad word geplant vanaf Oktober tot November, ná die eerste somerreën. Die plante groei dan tydens die somer totdat die mieliekoppe ryp is vir oes teen April en Mei. Ná afloop van die oes, word die oorblywende stele, gras en blare van die plante vir veevoer gebruik of in die grond teruggeploeg. Die Vrystaat is al jare lank vir die grootste mielieaanplantings van Suid-Afrika se nege provinsies verantwoordelik – meer as 40% van die totale oppervlakte is vir mielieverbouing opsygesit.
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Here is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week.
The citrus from South Africa and Peru are selling well," begins Randolf Aaldijk of the Dutch company Origin Fruit Direct (OFD), summarizing the overseas citrus market in mid-June.
In sy nuwe rol as die Suid-Afrikaanse Varkvleisprodusente-organisasie se hoof uitvoerende beampte, beoog dr. Peter Evans om samewerking oor sleutelkwessies, soos die verbetering van biosekuriteit, te bevorder.
Readers who follow international relations will know that the United States’s Congress is due to review the countries included in the African Growth and Opportunity Act. AGOA, as it is commonly called, is not a trade agreement but a concession made to qualifying countries in sub-Saharan Africa to export duty free to the United States.
The ban on Inda's rice exports we noted on Monday was officially announced yesterday. It is mainly on the non-basmati white and broken rice. This affected category typically accounts for 45% of the 22 million tonnes of rice that India exports to the global market annually.
The global ginger market is currently facing challenges, with uncertainties and shortages affecting different regions. As the ginger season transitions, traders are faced with fluctuating prices and varying qualities, causing unpredictability in the Dutch market.
Wheat futures soared as Russia continued its nightly attacks of Ukrainian ports and threatened all ships heading for Ukrainian waters, Reuters reported.US wheat futures jumped an additional 1.5% in the early hours of July 20 after jumping 8.5% on July 19, the biggest single-day rise since the early days of Russia’s invasion in February 2022.
Suid-Afrika se huidige voldoeningsvlak van gesertifiseerde Merinowol is ’n deurbraak om die land se skeersel as ’n nisproduk te vestig, sê Deon Saayman, uitvoerende hoof van Cape Wools. “Suid-Afrikaanse wol is gesog omdat dit aan die kode van beste praktyk voldoen.
South Africa is currently harvesting its fourth consecutive bumper corn crop and its second largest ever, according to a Global Agricultural Information Network report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture.
BACKSBERG Family Wines, a winery with a rich heritage spanning over a century, remains steadfast in its philosophy of providing world class wines while prioritizing sustainable practices. As South Africa’s first certified carbon-neutral winery since 2006, Backsberg prides itself in constantly extending the utmost care for its employees, products, land, and the broader community.
We waited a while to get our hands on the Toyota GR Sport. It was worth the wait. Meet Hulk. Our medium term test GR Sport entrusted to us for the next few months. First and foremost however, let’s put Hulk to the test to see how he runs. What better an introduction?
Extracting information through the analysis of so-called "big data" will be one of the next and most important steps in the development of agriculture. It will reduce production costs while at the same time emphasizing productivity
Die Wes-Kaapse LUR vir finansies en ekonomiese geleenthede, Mireille Wenger, verwelkom die nuus dat Transnet ? vennoot uit die privaat sektor bevestig het om landingshoof 2 by die Durbanse vraghouer-terminaal in KwaZulu-Natal te ontwikkel en opgradeer.
The REST of the news you can read on - www.agrinewsnet.co.za - 350 stories were posted this past week.
Vir nog meer nuus - www.agrinewsnet.co.za
What a 12t ha wheat crop looks like Germany pic.twitter.com/9QKXPdt5XR
— Lachlan Dunn (@LtdFarming) July 22, 2023
This came up on my memories from 2 years ago. Flix our Kelpie has an extraordinary relationship with our sheep…it’s beautiful to watch
— Manx Loaghtan (@MLProduce) July 13, 2023
(Flix has a leg brace for a cruciate injury which has long healed) #manxloaghtan #rarebreed #sheepdog #specialfriends #farming #isleofman pic.twitter.com/ngbM5Vrmar
Factory farming is the largest source of animal cruelty on the planet. 💔 pic.twitter.com/MMBDfYKWIn
— Compassion in World Farming US (@CompassionUSA) July 20, 2023
Since it's cold and most South Africans are probably indoors and have some time, I should repost this presentation focusing on "Land Reform in South Africa". pic.twitter.com/vviygTR1tH
— Wandile Sihlobo (@WandileSihlobo) July 22, 2023
All countries in Africa have land yet they are dirt poor. South Africa’s land reform policies have failed.
— Phumlani M. Majozi (@PhumlaniMMajozi) July 21, 2023
My comments at the Property Rights for all South Africans conference in Johannesburg last week.
WEB: https://t.co/bfoPvBcX0G pic.twitter.com/9a22upHIVZ
Snooze the alarm with this hack😊
— Tansu YEĞEN (@TansuYegen) July 24, 2023