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Jannie Strydom, CEO of Agri Western Cape, said the industry was thankful for the rain, as there were fears earlier this year that the province might be heading for a drought: “Many farmers are relieved and overjoyed about the rain, as it has helped to substantially increase dam levels in the province.” According to the Department of Water and Sanitation, major dams in the province were at 68,7% of their capacity on 12 of June, in comparison with 60% the week before and 51,1%, a year ago.While it was still too early to estimate the damages on a farm level, quite extensive infrastructural damages had been reported in various parts of the province.
Die regering wil met kommersiële boere saamwerk om ’n “balans” tussen grondhervorming en voedselsekerheid te bewerkstellig, sê adj.pres. Paul Mashatile.Hy het Woensdag in ’n vraag-en-antwoordsessie in die Nasionale Raad van Provinsies dit duidelik gemaak die regering wil grondhervorming bespoedig sonder om voedselsekerheid in die gedrang te bring. Adj.pres. Paul Mashatile “Daar moet ’n balans wees met die herverdeling van grond om meer mense by landbou betrokke te kry sonder om enigiemand weg te jaag,” sê Mashatile. Sommige kommersiële boere het volgens hom in die verlede hulp aangebied met transformasie. Mashatile sê die doel met die regering se voorgestelde waterkwotas is om die wanbalans van die verlede reg te stel deur meer mense van voorheen benadeelde groepe by die landbou en die ekonomie betrokke te kry.
According to the Australia’s Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s crop report for June, it was anticipated that in the 2023/24 production season, the country’s total winter crop production would decline by about 34% to 44,9 million tons compared with the 2022/23 season. This was about 3% below the 10-year average. This followed an announcement by Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology on 6 June that there was a 70% chance of an El Niño weather pattern developing in the Pacific Ocean this year.
A call was made at the Mzansi Young Farmers Indaba to set aside ideological differences and unite black farmers with the aim of creating a prosperous future for young farmers. A panel discussion focusing on exploring the future of farmer development organisations in the country highlighted the importance of how divisions weaken black farmers and the sector. On day two of the indaba at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, the president of the National African Farmers Union (Nafu) Motsepe Matlala called on organised agriculture leaders not to politicise the sector. “If you are a politician, be a politician, if you are a farmer be a farmer; let us not mix the two. Farming is business and it needs to be treated as such,” he said.
China and India are unable to feed their citizens with domestic production alone. The dynamics playing out as a result are far-reaching. China and India both have a rising middle class. For countries with emerging economies and greater purchasing power, she sees a heightened priority for better food quality and specialty fruit. Globalization, with sophisticated media and social media, has created a remarkably connected planet creating a food culture melting pot.
"ONS BOERE- ONS LANDBOUERS van Suid Afrika is die prooi van lafhartige barbare wat geen reg het op bestaan nie- " Verdedig julleself en pas julle gesinne op.
Ammonium sulphate has been heavily influenced by urea price movements over the past few weeks, with declines of 15-20%. Crystalline amsul is now approaching the $100/t threshold in China and many traders are expecting the Chinese to start baulking at these low prices. The nitrate sector has seen little activity in recent weeks. The Europeans are now complaining that hot, dry weather is hurting CAN demand and prices are drifting down. READ MORE
Wild animals dependent on delicate ecosystems which are already dry, so that food and water scarcity limits their ability to cope with increased heat, are at serious risk. Scientists studied the behavior of three different species of antelope with overlapping ranges in Namibia to try to understand how animals of different sizes and behaviors adapt to the heat. READ MORE
Agri SA is pleased to announce the appointment of Johann Kotzé as their new Chief Executive Officer. Jaco Minnaar, Agri SA President, congratulated Kotzé and expressed his excitement over the new phase ahead. “Kotzé’s appointment comes at a critical point in South Africa’s trajectory. We need leadership across so many spheres of both the larger South African society and the agricultural industry. In the coming years, agriculture will have to navigate the combined impact of challenges such as climate change, deteriorating infrastructure, decaying service delivery, rural safety, shifts in global markets and policy uncertainty.” READ MORE
“The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. … Without proper care for [the soil] we can have no community, because without proper care for it we can have no life.” READ MORE
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Dit het lekker gereen oor groot dele van die Wes Kaap en dis 'n koue naweek en nat in die Kaap. Die Wes Kaap het baie skade aan paaie en brue asook huis en wingerde wat onder water staan. Ons span is gister weg na die Wes Kaap. Mielies is besig om vinnig af te droog met die koue en ryp. Rentekoerse is besig om ons landbouers hard te slaan en daarmee saam vernietig dit mense se lewens en rykdom. Banke lag al die pad saam elke keer as die rentekoerse verhoog word. Die rand dollar gaan ons landbouers baie hard slaan en insetkoste gaan die hoogte in skiet. En so spring die regering baie gou om oor die waterwet en sy raswette. Dis tyd dat landbouers vereenig en saam kos produseer.
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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.
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Here is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week.
As mens kyk hoe die regering en sy meelopers onderdanig is aan die Chinese en Russiese leiers en mens lees dat daar nie meer genoeg voedsel geproduseer word in die lande vir hulle eie inwoners nie asook lande soos India nie- dan kan mens nie anders as om te dink dat Putin en sy mense hulle oe op Afrika het nie. En mens wonder wat het die lande die ANC en sy kaders belowe. Suid Afrika het van die beste kommersieele landbouers en beginnerboere in die wereld. Van ons span lede is in Europa en daar is groot probleme. Amerika se landbouers is net so produktief en hulle buig ook maar onder die insetkoste- maar hulle regering is hulle nie so vyandig gesind soos Suid Afrika se regering nie.
A Johannesburg-based biotechnology company, which specialises in the use of micro-organisms, hopes to soon have a new product on the market, which could considerably reduce maize farmers’ use of nitrogen fertiliser. It could also save the farmers a lot of money, while helping them produce the same or bigger yields.
The Indian urea tender was finalized this week, with awards being made at $280-285/t delivered to India. This netted back to a Middle East price of $260-265/t which is the lowest price seen since July 2020.
Afrika Suid van die Sahara het tussen 2015 en 2020 ‘n toename van 12 persent in die wetlike erkenning van kommunale grondregte vervaar. Volgens die Rights and Resources Initiative is dit die hoogste van enige streek ter wêreld.
In the Western Cape, dam levels are at a decade high as a cold front brings cold and more rain to the Cape. In between rain citrus farms are harvesting at a rapid clip to minimize time lost to rain.
Roumelk-produksie in Namibië het van 23,9 miljoen liter in 2018 tot 15 miljoen liter in 2021 gedaal. Nogtans het die sektor in 2022 gestabiliseer met ’n volume toename van sowat 3,8 persent teenoor die 2021-
Volvo Trucks South Africa introduced its electric truck range to the market this month when its first electric FM 4X2 Tractor was presented to one of its most valued customers whose fleet consists of 175 Volvo vehicles
Verlede week se ontmoeting met Ramaphosa is ’n eerste vanweë die waarskuwing wat Suid-Afrika se magtigste sakeleiers gerig het: Daar is nie meer tyd oor nie; die krisis het reeds aangebreek.
The international trade in cut flowers has become an increasingly important global export business for many African countries.
Here is the expected petrol price for July-Motorists in South Africa are in for a mixed result in July, with a flat global oil price and a slightly stronger rand keeping fuel prices steady.
Key African states stressed the need for grain imports to tackle food insecurity as Russian President Vladimir Putin prepares to discuss with the continent's leaders the fate of a deal allowing the safe Black Sea export of food and fertiliser from Ukraine.
China, Brazil, Canada, the United States, and Russia are the five largest producers of hydropower. The world's largest hydroelectric plant in terms of installed capacity is Three Gorges (Sanxia) on China's Yangtze River, which is 1.4 miles (2.3 kilometers) wide and 607 feet (185 meters) high.
South Africa -Beef: The latest trends on the US import market showed a downtrend in prices largely due to a pedestrian trading and weaker domestic demand.
’n Hoër vraag na water en die beperkte hoeveelheid noodsaak dat meer gedoen word om die impak van klimaatsverandering en gepaardgaande waterstres en -risiko’s in Afrika te versag, sê die Wêreld- Meteorologiese Organisasie (WMO).
Ongeveer een uit vier bruin werknemers in die land sal hulle werk kwyt wees indien die Wysigingswetsontwerp op Gelyke Indiensneming aanvaar word.
Die swartlandboukommoditeitefederasie sê die oplossing van beduidende ongelykhede met Suid-Afrika se grondbesit en watertoewysings sal verreikende gunstige gevolge hê vir die herstel van ekonomiese geregtigheid vir Suid-Afrika se histories benadeelde burgers.
South African farmers and agriculture community are hard at work, harvesting in areas that planted maize early in the season. Last week, about 1,2 million tonnes of maize were delivered to commercial silos. If we combine the first six weeks of the 2023/24 marketing year, about 3,3 million tonnes of maize were delivered to commercial silos out of the expected harvest of 16,1 million tonnes (up 5% y/y). This is the third-largest maize harvest on record. The maize crop improvement this season is primarily on the back of expected large yields, as the area planted is slightly down from last season. Notably, a crop of 16,1 million tonnes implies South Africa will have sufficient supplies to meet domestic needs of roughly 11,4 million tonnes and have over 3,0 million tonnes for export markets in the 2023/24 marketing year.
The REST of the news you can read on - www.agrinewsnet.co.za - 350 stories were posted this past week.
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