AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News  30th April 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 30th April 2023

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South Africans are not fooled by politicians’ hot air. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s target-beating investment conference is the latest example. In reality, South Africa has been mired in a low-investment crisis for more than a decade and is spending less on infrastructure and fixed investment in real terms than it did five years ago. . Over the five years of Ramaphosa’s investment conferences, gross fixed capital formation — which includes contributions from the public and private sectors — fell in real terms, from about R755bn in 2018 to R662bn in 2022.

Volgens Statistiek Suid-Afrika is tussen 12% en 15% van mense wat in Suid-Afrika woon, onwettige immigrante. Tussen vyf en agt miljoen onwettige immigrante woon in Suid-Afrika. Sommige organisasies en kenners beweer dat dit selfs meer kan wees omdat Suid-Afrika nie goeie data oor onwettige immigrasie het nie. Terwyl die ANC-regering vir jare niks gedoen het om onwettige immigrasie te bekamp nie, het die regerende party by sy onlangse konferensie ʼn Migrasiebeleidsraamwerk goedgekeur waarvolgens die probleem van onwettige immigrasie hanteer moet word. Die meeste opposisiepartye het die afgelope tyd ook ʼn ernstige pleidooi vir beter grensbeheer en optrede teen onwettige immigrante gevra.

World-wide decreases in food prices were recorded over the last year, such as decreased prices of cereals, vegetable oils and dairy. In South Africa, however, food prices continued to increase. The benchmark index of international food commodity prices fell for the 12th consecutive month in March. The problem is that huge Food stores are still paying huge salaries and the the Directors will not lower their life style. The FAO Food Price Index, which records the monthly changes in the international prices of common food commodities, achieved an average of 126,9 points in March. That is 2,1% less than the previous month and 20,5% less than the peak level in March 2022. According to experts, the decrease in international food prices can be attributed to sufficient supplies, subdued import demand and the extension of the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

The American Urea market continues to dominate price discussions as product changes hands between traders as the rush to deliver cargoes to New Orleans (US Gulf) before the river closure takes effect – in essence only urea cargoes already on the ocean have a chance of being delivered in time. US plantings are well ahead of normal for this time of year, which explains the strong consumption of urea but an increasingly gloomy crop price outlook will be cooling fertilizer price ideas for farmers. READ MORE -

South Africa now exports roughly half of its agricultural produce in value terms. Citrus, table grapes, wine and a range of deciduous fruits dominate the export list. Increasingly, we are seeing the encouraging uptick in beef exports. These robust exports have enabled South Africa to retain its position as a net exporter of agricultural products over time. In 2022, South Africa’s agricultural exports reached US$12.8 billion, up 4% from the previous year. READ MORE 

Die mense van Suid-Afrika róér. En wat almal gemeen het, is die motivering: Ons is beter as dit, as Suid-Afrikaners verdien ons beter. Wat aan die gang is, is nie wie ons is nie. Ons kan weer van People Power begin praat. As ons in die volgende jaar of so ons elektrisiteitsvoorsiening aansienlik kan verbeter, en dit lyk waarskynlik, gaan ons met gans ander oë na ons land kyk. Al klaar is daar aansienlike vordering om ons hawens beter te laat funksioneer. Spoorvervoer verbeter ook met die hulp van die privaat sektor en Prasa maak weer van sy passasiersroetes oop. Die energieke, innoverende sakesektor was tot nou een van die steunpilare van ons stabiliteit. Daar is nog verskriklik baie geld in privaat hande in die land, maar die geesdrif om te belê en te woeker is aan die taan.

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

Dis lankal tyd om aan die werk te spring-  Ons landbouers is nie praters nie- ons is doeners.

Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke.

Dankie dat jy elke dag deel is van ons - NUUS NETWERK- Ons maak dit nog groter.

7 dae per week is ons span aand ie werk-  Onafhanklik en gefokus op ons werk-  

Our visitors to our mediums increased with 52 % in the past week - We have hundreds of new upcoming farmers visiting our mediums .

No medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address. - 300 "good news " stories per week- 

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Lede van ons span is tans in die Midde Ooste en vertrek later na Japan en Singapore vir samesprekings en samewerking ooreenkoms. Hulle sal ook verskeie skou bywoon en ook 'n draai maak in Los Angeles .

Gedagte vir die dag

Dit was lankal tyd om jou los te maak van die negatiewe media in Suid Afrika en die wereld.  Jy is nie 'n skaap om ander te volg nie. 

Wanneer ons oor die krisis van die Suid-Afrikaanse bedeling en ook oor die krisis van die moderne wêreld praat, is dit belangrik om soms net weer te gaan vasstel hoe ons voorouers oor sekere dinge gedink het, en om te gaan kyk of hulle nie dalk al lankal antwoorde gehad het vir vandag se probleme nie. Tradisie is ’n stel oplossings is waarvan ons die probleme al vergeet het. Ons mag dalk net vind dat ons moderne probleme juis nou opduik, omdat die oplossings wat ons voorouers reeds vir daardie probleme ontwikkel het, juis vandag met die badwater uitgegooi word. Johann Pretorius.  

Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.

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Die rykste boere ter wêreld bestee egter nie die hele dag in die veld nie, maar eerder in kantore waar hulle hul besighede koördineer vanuit die uitgangspunt dat, in die landskap van die moderne landbou, nuwe tegnologie die ontwikkeling van suksesvolle boerderye in besigheid bevorder.

South Africa has already seen food prices soar due to rising input costs caused by a weaker rand and after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. With food inflation now at a reported 14%, the addition of the cost of load shedding can only put more pressure on consumers and producers alike.

Corn prices have been firm in recent weeks due in large part to demand from China, but the prospect of larger supplies next year has limited the increase. More generally, coarse grains have been affected by the continued uncertainty surrounding supplies of grains and oilseeds via the Black Sea.

The global orange trade currently faces various challenges across the different markets. In the Netherlands, importers believe the cold weather in Northern Europe may be beneficial for citrus sales.

South Africans may have already started noticing lower stock of certain food items on store shelves, and unless significant interventions are put in place to protect food producers, the problem will only get worse, warns AgriSA chief executive Christo van der Rheede.

Dié status van die dollar is tegelyk gerieflik en ’n bron van groot frustrasie vir almal wat dink hulle sou beter gevaar het as hulle nie so oorgelewer was aan die wel en wee van die Amerikaanse ekonomie nie.

Former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter said Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan’s involvement in the utility’s operations made his life as the responsible accounting officer difficult. This formed part of a discussion during his appearance before Parliament’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa).Scopa invited De Ruyter to brief the committee following his tell-all interview with eNCA in which he made serious allegations against ANC politicians and top government officials

In 2022 het net minder as 10 000 Suid-Afrikaners op plase in die VSA gewerk. Dit is ’n viervoudige toename oor die afgelope ses jaar. Hoewel aansienlik minder Suid-Afrikaners as seisoenswerkers in die VSA gaan werk as in Mexiko (amper 10 000 in vergelyking met rondom 300 000), is Suid-Afrika tans die naasgrootste “uitvoerder” van seisoenswerk na Amerikaanse boere.

Biofuels — ethanol, biodiesel and others — have become important in both ag and energy. In the April Agweek Special Report, we look at where biofuels started and where they’re going, including discussions about carbon sequestration, higher volumes of ethanol in gasoline, new processing plants, state and federal policies and more.

The 2022/23 wool selling season continued today, with a total of 6 837 bales on offer on catalogue 29. Nearly 51% of the merino wools on offer was certified as sustainable and 60% of the offering tested 20 micron and finer. It was the fine wools that performed well today and lifted the overall sales clearance to 91,8%

Hawens in Suid-Afrika waardeur graan ingevoer en uitgevoer word, kan gesien word as die klep wat die binnelandse druk van opgehoopte graanvoorraad moet verlig. Ongelukkig word hierdie druk egter nie heeltemal verlig nie, maar eerder verskuif – met die druk dan op die uitvoerhawens en hul vermoë en tempo om graan uit te voer.

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