AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News  18 December 2022

AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News 18 December 2022

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The 19th Conference of the Parties (CITES CoP19) drew to a close on 26 November 2022, after two weeks of intense policy debates. Some have lauded the results as an “overall win for wildlife”, while others decry the intrinsic “neo-colonialism” of CITES regulations. eSwatini’s proposal to remove all restrictions from the Appendix II listing to enable trade in rhino horn was resoundingly rejected, with 85 votes (126 total) against it. Japan, Botswana, Tanzania, Lesotho and Mozambique supported the proposal, while South Africa abstained from the vote. Namibia’s proposal to downlist its white rhinos to Appendix II was accepted, albeit with considerable modification from the original proposal. Opposition from the European Union (EU), Uganda and the Central African Republic saw the removal of all references to the trade in horn trophies from legal hunts. Namibia accepted the amendments, and the final result allows for the trade of live animals only for in-situ conservation purposes. Any movement is also limited to the species’ natural and historical range in Africa. The proposal was opposed by Senegal, Kenya, Benin, Niger and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) but supported by Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa and China.

La Niña weather conditions are forecast to return for a third straight year, bringing below-average water temperatures to the east-central Pacific Ocean, according to the UN’s World Meteorological Organization. Similar three-year periods occurred during the first world food crisis between 1973-76 and again between 1998-2001.Moreover, the Black Sea Grain Initiative that provides safe export shipping from Ukraine could cause another shock to cereal supplies if it is suspended again by Russia. This alone would reduce global wheat and corn supplies by 1.5 percentage points, relative to current expectations, and in turn raise cereal prices by 10 percent within a year.

African leaders face a dilemma over trade relations with the United States. Should they push for the extension of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) or for each country’s bilateral trade deal with the world’s biggest economy? AGOA was the signature economic policy of the Bill Clinton administration. It provides eligible sub-Saharan African countries with duty-free access to the US market for over 1,800 products. It is set to expire in 2025 but is up for discussion at the annual forum on AGOA taking place alongside the US-African Leaders Summit (13-15 December 2022). The Trump administration preferred to negotiate bilateral trade deals with African countries.

Prasa kon volgens sy jaarverslag vir 2021-’22 nie daarin slaag om 81% van sy prestasieteikens te bereik nie. In sy evaluering het die ouditeur-generaal gesê die grootste rede hiervoor was “mislukkings op die verkrygingsfront, met beplande kontrakte wat nie toegeken is nie, of in sekere gevalle toegeken maar weer gekanselleer is”. In sy korporatiewe plan sê Prasa: “Die regstreekse koste vir Prasa en die regering van diefstal en vandalisme word op R6,4 biljoen geraam, maar dit is die direkte en indirekte koste vir pendelaars wat die grootste deel van die algehele koste vir die ekonomie uitmaak. “Die direkte verlies aan inkomste weens hoër vervoerkoste en verlies aan werk-ure weens vertragings kos pendelaars tussen R4 biljoen en R5 biljoen per jaar.”

Besoek ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling - Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie-  Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word . 

The winners and runners-up of the 2022 Young Agri Writers Competition were announced in late November. The competition is aimed at inspiring young writers to focus on the South African agriculture industry. One of the best ways to improve people’s understanding of South Africa’s vast and complex agriculture industry is through great writing, which the Hollard-sponsored Young Agri Writers Competition stimulates. The competition is open to South Africans who are up to 28 years old. There were two categories in this year’s instalment: technical and nontechnical writing. READ MORE 

A leading global Lion conservationist has warned of the impending extinction of lions in Africa where the overall population has fallen below 10 000 from a peak estimate of over 20 000 eight years ago. In a presentation to the British parliamentary committee debating proposals to ban the importation of African wildlife trophies into the United Kingdom, African Lion specialist Pieter Kat said a recent field study by the organisation Lion Aid, revealed worrying prospects for the survival of African Lions: READ MORE 

André de Ruyter’s resignation as Eskom’s group CEO raised awkward questions about race, reminding us that the non-racial dream is still a long way offIt isn’t surprising that De Ruyter tendered his resignation earlier this week. Not only was he the subject of an outrageous attack by a jealous minister of mineral resources and energy, Gwede Mantashe, but he also did not get much support since he took the job nearly three years ago. One of the first things he said when he started the job on 15 January 2020 was that there was a shortfall of 5 000 MW or 6 000 MW in generation capacity that urgently needed filling. This couldn’t wait for the extended build times of new coal or nuclear capacity, and would have to come from renewable sources that could be rapidly built and brought online.

GEORGANISEERDE misdaad is ’n eksistensiële bedreiging vir Suid-Afrika se demokratiese instellings, ekonomie en mense. En wat op die oog af na onafhanklike en uiteenlopende misdadige gebeure kan lyk, is in baie gevalle met mekaar verbind. Dít is die ontnugterende eerste stelling van ’n verslag oor die mees omvattende ondersoek tot nog toe oor georganiseerde misdaad in Suid-Afrika. Die Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (GI-TOC) se risiko-ontleding identifiseer drie strome in wat hulle Suid-Afrika se “self-sustaining, self-protecting and self-expanding criminal economy” noem. Eerstens die groei van georganiseerde misdaad, tweedens die opkoms van korrupsie onder die elites en derdens die uitholling van staatsinstellings. READ MORE 

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Hommeltuie is een van die tegnologiese ‘wonders’ wat al hoe meer byval op veeplase vind. Veeboere het baie roetinetake, sommige daagliks en sommige weekliks, maar die kern van die saak is dat dit gedoen moet word.

It is expected that high commodity prices, partly due to the Russia-Ukraine war, will result in net farming income in the US reaching a record US$160,5 billion (about R2,7 trillion) this year.

Mnr. Heath Cutrell, ’n boer van Chesapeake in die suide van die Amerikaanse deelstaat Virginia, het vanjaar die hoogste opbrengs in die nasionale mielie-opbrengskompetisie daar behaal met ’n opbrengs van 394,0485 skepel/akker of 26,5 t/ha.

The ground beneath our feet has helped humanity grow and thrive for millions of years. Soil is the foundation for successful harvests. That’s why we’re constantly trying to understand and learn from it.

No south african embodies the country’s modern history like Cyril Ramaphosa. As a trade-union boss in the 1980s he helped lead the struggle against apartheid. In the 1990s, as an aide to Nelson Mandela, he negotiated the shift to multiracial democracy.

Vietnam earned $34.645 billion from textile and garment exports in the first eleven months of 2022, an increase of 18.9% over the same period last year, according to preliminary data from Vietnam’s ministry of finance. The exports growth was 7% month on month in November 2022.

Consumers face an expensive braai season as they enter the December festive with meat inflation at the highest level for this period since November 2017 when it reached 14.9% year-on-year. What underpins the current strength in meat prices?

Chicken, South Africa’s favourite meat, is becoming too expensive for the nation’s low-income earners, leaving them with dangerously few options for sources of protein. Bloomberg’s Shisa Nyama Index shows that 10 kilograms of frozen chicken portions – sufficient to feed an average low-income family of seven for a month – is the costliest item on their grocery list.

Sorghum beer is the beverage obtained by microbial souring and mashing of sorghum malt, followed by a process that removes coarse material. This produces a wort which then goes through alcoholic fermentation. The final product is transparent, pink-brown in colour, with an acidic taste.

Die jaarlikse inflasiekoers vir vervoer wat 14,3 persent van die Namibiese verbruikersmandjie uitmaak, is steeds die hoof-aandrywer van die algehele inflasie, volgens die Namibiese Statistieke-agentskap se verbruikersprys-indeks van November. Vervoer het in November 2022 met 18,3 persent gestyg, vergeleke met 11,9 persent gedurende November 2021.

Die Bank van Engeland het vandag sy rentekoers met ‘n halwe persentasiepunt tot 3,5 persent verhoog, die hoogste vlak in 14 jaar, in ‘n poging om die ontsettende hoë inflasie te bekamp. Dit was die bank se negende verhoging in ‘n ry. Die styging was minder as in November toe die uitleenkoers met 0,75 persentasiepunte verhoog is.

Die regering verstaan blykbaar nog nie die omvang van Suid-Afrika se kragkrisis nie en die kragvoorsiener het nie ’n greep op sy eie bedrywighede nie. Dit is die gevolgtrekking waartoe elektrisiteitskenners gekom het nadat Eskom die land die afgelope week begin voorberei het op ’n koue donker winter.

Pogings om sprinkane in die Noord-Kaap te bestry, duur voort. Dit is volgens die nasionale departement se woordvoerder, Reggie Ncgobo, in reaksie op die DA se versoek aan die provinsiale landboudepartement om betrokkenheid van belanghebbendes te verbreed om verdere sprinkaan-uitbrekings in die provinsie beter te kan beheer.

There was once a time when men used to be real men. When they dressed with style, when they had a certain honor code they followed that involved treating not only their elders and each other with respect, but women alike. Unfortunately, those days are far- gone — a thing of the past. What we have now is… to be quite honest, I’m not sure.

 South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 25th Oktober 2022

Tydens die ekonomiese slagting van die covid-19-grendeltyd het die Reserwebank sy uitleenkoers aan banke drasties verlaag. Dit het tot gevolg gehad dat die prima uitleenkoers waarteen banke aan hul kliënte uitleen, ook verlaag het – op sy laagste 7% in Julie 2020. Sedertdien het die prentjie egter drasties verander.

The heavy rain in the Western Cape over the past few days has both a positive and negative impact on vineyards. Precipitation over the winegrowing areas in the Western Cape ranged from 79 mm in the Paarl to 28 mm outside Darling (see graph for rain distribution over various areas in the Western Cape). The good rainfall comes after a very dry winter and spring which led to lower groundwater levels than normal.

Food and beverage giant PepsiCo sub-Saharan Africa is boosting production capacity at its Weet-Bix plant in Atlantis, Western Cape with the launch of a new production line. The new line was funded by a R300m cash injection as part of the public interest commitments made at the time of the acquisition of Pioneer Foods.

The global production of food is responsible for a third of all planet-heating gases emitted by human activity, with the use of animals for meat causing twice the pollution of producing plant-based foods, a major new study has found.

By the year 2050, U.S. growers will need to reach an impressive level of food production to help feed a growing world population. Fewer in number, they will operate multifaceted businesses with stunning new technology to increase efficiency on farms. These predictions come from experts who study food and farming trends. Here’s a look at what they think life on the farm will look like in 33 years.

The resignation of André de Ruyter as the Eskom group CEO has shocked business, investment and energy experts, who say it is a blow to efforts at reforming the power utility’s operations and ending rolling blackouts that in 2022 have reached their worst levels yet. De Ruyter, who has been in the Eskom top job for three years, is the 10th CEO to leave Eskom in 10 years.

’n Hoër vraag na water en die beperkte hoeveelheid noodsaak dat meer gedoen word om die impak van klimaatsverandering en gepaardgaande waterstres en -risiko’s in Afrika te versag, sê die Wêreld- Meteorologiese Organisasie (WMO).

Ons het die week gesien dat daar 'n nuwe oplewing besig is om te gebeur onder ons mense wat in liefde en vrede wil lewe en wil bou aan ons land Suid Afrika.  Ons land se hardwerkende inwoners het genoeg gehad van die regerende party se korrupsie asook die negatiewe nuus en sensasie van Suid Afrika se media. Alles in ingestel op sensasie en negatiewe nuus. Die nuus word oorheers deur die ANC en sy meelopers asook alles wat negatief kan gebeur. Die media is besig om elke mens in Suid Afrika te voer moet 'n vuilgees van alles wat vuil en negatief is. Die media gee erkenning en blootstelling aan mense wat se gees van vernietiging en haat op hulle gesigte gelees kan word.  Sosiale media is oorsaak waarom miljoene mense aan depressie lei omdat hulle verslaaf is aan van die gemors wat hulle lees op sosiale media.  Alles wat reg was en wat gewerk het en wat ons gebring het waar ons nou is- nou eweskielik verkeerd.  Staan vas moenie dat hierdie barbare jou skoon gees bevuil nie. Ons moet ons geloof behou en glo in dit wat ons hier gebring het. Hou jou woord , behou jou inttegriteit- Ons sien so dikwels dat sekere maatskappye se verteenwoordigers ooreenkomstes aangaan wat hulle sommer net so verbreek omdat hulle woord niks werd is nie. 

Dankie dat jy elke dag deel is van ons - 

7 dae per week is ons span aand ie werk-  Onafhanklik en gefokus op ons werk-  Ons is nie moeg nie- ons kan werk en rus -  Jy sal elke dag nuwe vars nuus op ons mediums kan lees - Kersdag en Nuwe Jaar.

Our visitors to our mediums increased with 21% in the past week - We have hundreds of new upcoming farmers visiting our mediums .

No medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address. - 300 "good news " stories per week- 

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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Ons het die week gesien dat daar 'n nuwe oplewing besig is om te gebeur onder ons mense wat in liefde en vrede wil lewe en wil bou aan ons land Suid Afrika. 

Lees gerus wat ons mediums is- READ MORE 

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