AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News - 19th November 2022

AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News - 19th November 2022

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S&P Global Ratings has retained its positive outlook on SA’s credit rating, citing the country’s strong financial markets and an improved fiscal and debt position. The rationale for the decision also highlighted progress being made on economic reforms which could help “cushion against rising external financing risks”, S&P said in a report released late on Friday. Although power and logistical bottlenecks continue to weigh on the economy, we expect that government measures to increase private sector activity and reform some key government-related enterprises could support stronger growth outcomes over the next two to three years,” it said. S&P did however say SA was far from being out of the woods, with a number of threats remaining, including a slowing global economy.

Fourteen of the world’s leading agribusiness companies earlier this week at COP27 United Nations Climate Change Conference set out a shared roadmap outlining how they will work toward reducing emissions from land-use change. Following the commitments made at last year’s COP26, the Tropical Forest Alliance, hosted by the World Economic Forum, with support from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, has facilitated the process for the agricultural commodity companies to develop the Agriculture Sector Roadmap to 1.5°C.

Die nuwe landboufinansier AgMerchant Capital hoop om in die loop van die volgende twaalf maande sy mandjie finansieringsprodukte uit te brei om ook produksiekrediet aan boere te kan verleen. Mnr. Chris Venter, stigter en direkteur, sê in dié stadium bied AgMerchant spesifiek kommoditeits- en batefinansiering en buitelandse valutabeheer vir boere en ondernemings in die landbou, wat finansiering op kort termyn tot sowat sewe jaar kan wees. Kommoditeitsfinansiering behels “in-silo-finansiering” aan byvoorbeeld ’n handelaar of verwerker vir kommoditeite soos mielies en soja terwyl dit in silo’s opgeberg word. Batefinansiering is vir landboumasjinerie of byvoorbeeld ’n verpakkingsaanleg met die nodige toerusting. Buitelandse valutabeheer word gebied aan boere of ondernemings wat uitvoer, asook aan verskaffers in die bedryf wat produkte invoer om aan boere te verkoop. 

On the upside, higher demand in an already stretched market amid substitution to Brent crude would lift prices. There are two main reasons for the substitution of oil, both linked to the ongoing war in Ukraine. First, sanctions on Russian oil and oil products will result in European countries seeking out alternatives. Though some of this has already started taking place, sanctions will only fully come into effect at the end of 2022. From early December, the European (EU) will stop buying all Russian crude oil delivered by sea. This amounts to roughly two-thirds of all EU oil imports from Russia. In February 2023, the EU will further ban the purchase of all Russian refined oil products. Deliveries via pipeline have not been banned. However, Poland and Germany have stated their intention to stop importing via pipeline by the end of 2022. Germany is the biggest importer of Russian oil and their participation in the sanctions will result in the banning of 90% of total EU oil imports from Russia - READ MORE 

Urea prices dipped in all the major markets and the dips were substantial at around 5% in most cases. The Indian tender was targeting 500,000-600,000 tons for shipment by 22 December. The speculation was that the tender price could fall below $600/t CFR India, compared to the October tender that was settled at $650/t CFR India. As it turned out, there was a lot of interest in the tender and the price was fixed at around $575/t CFR India. The Indians have now received acceptances for 1.4 million tons, which means a much bigger purchase than they originally intended. READ MORE

FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023 offers expert advice and practical solutions for all -The event programme for the leading trade show for the global fresh produce business, being held in Berlin from 8 to 10 February 2023, provides information on every link in the value-added chain and helps trade visitors to make better business decisions. READ MORE 

Land reform: Despite its importance, corporate governance has been largely overlooked in the land reform programme. This is because compliance with good corporate governance principles is generally associated with listed companies. However, it plays a crucial role in attracting investors and enabling land reform beneficiaries to manage their land as profitable entities. READ MORE 

Daagliks sien mens hoe vinnig alles om ons verander en teen die pas wat dit geskied kan baie mense nie bybly nie. Daagliks hoor ons iets nuuts en is daar een of ander slim persoon of groep wat aanspraak maak op een of ander nuwe uitvindsel of ongelukkig is oor een of ander gewoonte wat al vir jare bestaan maar nou nie meer goed genoeg is nie. Namate voorsieningskettings uitbrei en wêreldwyd meer kompleks word, word dit belangriker, maar ook moeiliker, om voedselprodukte van plaas tot reputasie van verbruikers op te spoor. LEES MEER- 

Bill Gates’ philanthropic foundation is pledging more than $7 billion to improve health, gender equality and boost farming productivity in Africa.  The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will spend the funds over the next four years, according to a statement from the organisation. The grants are in addition to the financing the foundation has made to organisations fighting AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, it said.  Africa has been disproportionately hit by everything from conflicts to climate-change induced famines and floods. That’s left 278 million across the continent suffering from chronic hunger, the foundation said. It has also stymied sub-Saharan Africa’s progress at meeting its sustainable development goals including ending food scarcity and creating jobs, according to the United Nations.

Die jong mielieplante kort sonskyn na al die baie bewolkte renerige dae. Die jong mielieplante het begin vergeel en dit is agv te min sonskyn en stikstof loging. 

 Daar is baie impak studies aan die gang oor die gebruik van Solar panele in Suid Afrika - Die  Chemiese middel waarmee die solarpanele skoongemaak word is nie omgewingsvriendelik nie en niemand spreek dit aan op die oomblik nie. Dit is ook nog nie duidelik wat gaan gebeur as die reenwater of water wat op die panele gaan val en afloop gaan doen as dit beland in ons drinkwater nie. 

Dit gaan nie meer lank wees voor hierdie kookpot gaan oorkook by ons landbouers wat daagliks besteel en vermoor word nie- Die regering doen absoluut niks hieraan nie. Wees verseker dat ons landbouers en elke opgevoede Suid Afrikaner eerlik genoeg gehad het van hierdie wetteloosheid en anargie wat nie einde kry nie. Reg gaan in eie hande geneem word en dit gaan nie mooi wees nie

Besoek ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling - Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie-  Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word . 

Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards - 

Hollard is proud to sponsor the Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards.

We closed the entries for this very popular yearly competition sponsored by HOLLARD We received excellent articles and the judges will have the task to pick the winners.  We will announce the winner and we will have a function at Hollard head office on the 23rd of November 2022.

We wish our writers the best for this competition.

Keep on browsing much more coming up. 

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Sukkelende verbruikers in wolverbruikende lande lei daartoe dat Suid-Afrikaanse wolpryse steeds onder druk bly, met China wat tans sy aankope beperk. Luidens die jongste Cape Wools-verslag het die nie-RWS-aanwyser met 1,1% toegeneem tot R159,48/kg, terwyl die RWS-aanwyser met 1,4% gedaal het tot R164,49/kg op die 12de veiling van die huidige seisoen.

Bill Gates’ philanthropic foundation is pledging more than $7 billion to improve health, gender equality and boost farming productivity in Africa.

US grain farm incomes have trended above average the last three years but are expected to decrease in 2023 due to higher costs and projected lower grain prices, according to a report from the University of Illinois.

Die DA sê statistiek wat deur Statistiek Suid-Afrika vrygestel is, bevestig dat burgers onder erge druk verkeer weens die lewenskoste-krisis wat die regering teweeg gebring het. Volgens Statistiek SA het kleinhandelverkope tot in September hierdie jaar gedaal. Die kos, drank en tabak in gespesialiseerde winkels het ‘n verbysterende afname van agt-punt-een-persent in verkope op ‘n jaargrondslag getoon.

Fase een van ‘n multimiljoen randse belegging om ‘n akwakultuur-ontwikkelingsone te skep in die Coega Spesiale Ekonomiese Sone in die Oos-Kaap is op dreef. Die projek teen ‘n aanvanklike bedrag van 206 miljoen rand is in 2020 van stapel gestuur – en sal na verwagting meer as 900 werksgeleenthede in die provinsie skep. Akwakultuur behels die teling en oes van plante en diere in sout of vars water.

Mense wêreldwyd word herinner aan om die belangrike rolwat bye speel in die volhouding van die voedselvoorraad en hulle bydrae tot bioverskeidenheid. Die belangrikheid van bye en ander bestuiwers in die ekostelsel. Sonder bye sal voedsel skaars wees en ‘n groot deel van die bevolking sal sterf aan hongersnood. Dit is omdat bye landbouproduksie in die wêreld laat toeneem deur bestuiwing.

There appears to be a slight oversupply of ginger on the global market at the moment, a situation that is pushing down prices despite a reasonably stable demand across the board. The health benefits of ginger have been advantageous to the popularity of the product in the wake of the pandemic, a trend that has been noted on the North American market.

Over the period 1996 to 2020, the cumulative permanent reduction in fuel use has been about 39,147 million kg of carbon dioxide, arising from reduced fuel use of 14,662 million litres. In terms of car equivalents, this is equal to taking 25.9 million cars off the road for a year.

Oor die jare het TLU SA ongelooflik waardevolle werk gedoen om statistieke van plaasaanvalle met groot moeite by te hou. Data wat dan darem ook met die gebrekkige pogings van die polisie vergelyk kan word. Maar waar ons nog regtig sukkel, is om die beskikbare data te kry om vir ons ’n duidelike prentjie te skets.

The question that I have constantly been asking myself for the past year is: “Why do precision agriculturalists and soil scientists use populated maps”. The answer I came up with always used to stay the same.

Ons kry dit deesdae nie meer so dikwels reg om genoeg elektrisiteit op te wek om die land se ekonomie net aan die gang te hou nie, laat staan nog genoeg om dit te laat groei sodat ons kan werk skep vir ’n massa mense wat ál verder in hopeloosheid wegsink.

'n Tekort aan entstowwe teen Slenkdalkoors, Bloutong en Perdesiekte kan lei tot 'n krisis in die lewendehawe-produksiebedryf. Vrystaat Landbou president, Francois Wilken, sê die landbousektor sukkel toenemend om betyds toegang tot genoegsame entstowwe te verkry.

Die Suikerrietkwekersvereniging van Suid-Afrika het die week weer ‘n dringende beroep op President Cyril Ramaphosa gedoen om so gou moontlik weg te doen met die Gesondheids-bevorderingsheffing. Die heffing, ook bekend as die suiker-belasting, hef ‘n fooi vir die hoeveelheid suiker in sekere drankies.

Kenners in die tabakbedryf in die buurland bevraagteken waarom ‘n wetsontwerp soortgelyk aan die Tabakwetsontwerp nie vir alkohol voorgestel word nie. Die Wetsontwerp op die Beheer van Tabakprodukte en Elektroniese Afleweringstelsels gaan aan die parlement voorgelê word. Baie belanghebbendes in die bedryf stem saam dat alkohol meer skade aanrig as tabak.

There are 17 most important nutrients for plants, all different pieces of the very same puzzle. Plants must obtain these nutrients from their environment and different sources to grow optimally. The three primary nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), followed by three secondary nutrients Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S) and other eleven micronutrients.


 AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News - 13th November 2022

Die ToyotaSA Agrisa New Harvest of the Year wenner is mnr. Vumile Mzinzi wat naby Ugie in die Oos-Kaap boer.

Die enkel grootste aandrywer vir groei in Suid-Afrika se landbou en -verwerkingsektor is nou dieregesondheid en biosekerheid, sê die buro vir voedsel- en landboubeleid (BFAP) in sy jongste vooruitskouing vir die sektor.

Produsente in die Vrystaat is bekommerd dat die optimale planttydperk besig is om uit te loop, nadat die provinsie die afgelope tyd bo-normale reën ontvang het. Hugo van Doornick, ’n boer in die Bethlehem-omgewing, sê dat ryp ’n groot kommer vir soja-aanplantings vroeg in April word indien boere later as November plant.

Pork prices increase by double digits over the past month -Beef: Class A carcass prices have moved in a band of R60.00 per kg and R61.00 per kg since mid-September. We attribute this lack of notable price movement to soft demand and constrained supply. As we noted earlier, high feed costs combined with disease risk have negatively affected slaughter numbers.

Die minister van Minerale Hulpbronne en Energie, Gwede Mantashe, sê die land sal die meeste van sy strategiese oliereserwes moet verkoop omdat die land se vermoë om olie te raffineer op ‘n baie lae vlak is. Mantashe het gereageer op ‘n vraag in die parlement oor die land se kommerwekkende lae vlakke van strategiese ruolie-reserwes.

The Institute for Market Agents in South Africa (IMASA) recently requested that Agri SA brings the appalling conditions at the Joburg Fresh Produce Market to the attention of the Ministry and Department of Agriculture for their urgent intervention.

There are convincing signals pointing to another favourable agricultural season for SA in 2022/2023. In its Seasonal Climate Watch report last week the SA Weather Service highlighted that “the El Niño-Southern Oscillation is in a La Niña state, and forecasts indicate that it will likely remain in this state during the remainder of 2022 and early 2023.


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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.

Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Audio Cast of the WEEK                                                        More Audio Cast 



Dis nou 'n planter 

Die pers en grys Massey

Te veel mense op aarde- en veral Afrika en Suid Afrika 

Water en nogmaals water

Dis strooptyd in die Wes Kaap.+

So vervoer jy druiwe uit die wingerd


Corne Liebenberg is die Bemarkings direkteur van  Laeveld Agrochem.

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